200 research outputs found

    Mercado de formaci?n y disponibilidad de profesionales de ciencias de la salud en el Per?

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    Objectives. To describe the availability and demand of professional training programs for eight health science professions in Peru. Study the profiles of the physicians, nurses and midwives that these programs train and their competencies to work at the primary health care level. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional study using data on the volume of applicants, students and graduates of these eight professional training programs during the period 2007 - 2011. In addition, the curricula of professional training programs for physicians, nurses and midwives from public and private universities were analyzed, along with competency profiles developed by Professional Colleges and the Ministry of Health. Results. Admission rates in public and private universities vary by program: 4% and 28% respectively for medical schools, and 18% and 90% for nursing. Graduation rates were estimated at approximately 43% and 53% of students entering medicine and nursing training programs respectively. Contrasting the profiles of recently graduated professionals in medicine, nursing and midwifery, with the skills required by the Ministry of Health for professionals working in primary care the first level of care, indicate that these recently graduated professionals are not necessarily or specifically trained to work in primary care. Conclusions. Demand for professional training in health sciences exists and its supply is met predominantly by private universities. Competency profiles developed by the MOH for the basic professional health team in primary care shows a clear disconnect regarding the current supply of trained professionals.Objetivos. Describir el mercado de formaci?n y la disponibilidad de profesionales de ocho carreras de ciencias de la salud en Per?. Adem?s, examinar los perfiles de los m?dicos, enfermeros y obstetras que se forman y sus competencias para trabajar en el primer nivel de atenci?n. Materiales y m?todos. Estudio transversal utilizando datos de volumen de postulantes, ingresantes y graduados de ocho profesiones durante el periodo de 2007?2011. Tambi?n se analizaron los planes de estudio de programas de formaci?n de m?dicos, enfermeros y obstetras de universidades p?blicas y privadas, y los perfiles de competencias elaborados por los colegios profesionales y el Ministerio de Salud (MINSA). Resultados. Las tasas de ingreso en universidades p?blicas y privadas var?an seg?n la carrera: 4 y 28% respectivamente para Medicina Humana, y 18 y 90% para Enfermer?a. Adem?s, se estima que se grad?an aproximadamente 43 y 53% de los estudiantes que ingresan a Medicina y Enfermer?a, respectivamente. El an?lisis del perfil de los profesionales recientemente graduados en Medicina, Enfermer?a y Obstetricia, al ser contrastados con el perfil de competencias priorizadas para los profesionales que laboran en el primer nivel de atenci?n elaborado por el MINSA, indican que no est?n necesariamente ni espec?ficamente formados para trabajar en este nivel de atenci?n. Conclusiones. Existe demanda de formaci?n para profesionales de ciencias de la salud y predomina la oferta por parte de universidades privadas. Los perfiles de competencias desarrollados por el MINSA muestran un claro divorcio con respecto a la oferta actual de profesionales formados

    Plan de negocio para el acopio y la comercializaci?n de palta variedad Hass (Persea americana Mil), por la empresa San Miguel Fruits Per? S.A. en el valle de Jequetepeque, Chep?n, La Libertad, Per?

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    El presente documento presenta una propuesta concreta de una l?nea marginal de negocio para la empresa San Miguel Fruits S.A. a nivel de una econom?a de escala, pero sin la adquisici?n de nuevas tierras, la cual consiste en el soporte t?cnico, acompa?amiento, acopio y la comercializaci?n de palta variedad Hass en el valle de Jequetepeque, Chep?n, La Libertad, Per?

    Anti-tumour necrosis factor discontinuation in inflammatory bowel disease patients in remission: study protocol of a prospective, multicentre, randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease who achieve remission with anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) drugs may have treatment withdrawn due to safety concerns and cost considerations, but there is a lack of prospective, controlled data investigating this strategy. The primary study aim is to compare the rates of clinical remission at 1?year in patients who discontinue anti-TNF treatment versus those who continue treatment. Methods: This is an ongoing, prospective, double-blind, multicentre, randomized, placebo-controlled study in patients with Crohn?s disease or ulcerative colitis who have achieved clinical remission for ?6?months with an anti-TNF treatment and an immunosuppressant. Patients are being randomized 1:1 to discontinue anti-TNF therapy or continue therapy. Randomization stratifies patients by the type of inflammatory bowel disease and drug (infliximab versus adalimumab) at study inclusion. The primary endpoint of the study is sustained clinical remission at 1?year. Other endpoints include endoscopic and radiological activity, patient-reported outcomes (quality of life, work productivity), safety and predictive factors for relapse. The required sample size is 194 patients. In addition to the main analysis (discontinuation versus continuation), subanalyses will include stratification by type of inflammatory bowel disease, phenotype and previous treatment. Biological samples will be obtained to identify factors predictive of relapse after treatment withdrawal. Results: Enrolment began in 2016, and the study is expected to end in 2020. Conclusions: This study will contribute prospective, controlled data on outcomes and predictors of relapse in patients with inflammatory bowel disease after withdrawal of anti-TNF agents following achievement of clinical remission. Clinical trial reference number: EudraCT 2015-001410-1

    Wage inequality, segregation by skill and the price of capital in an assignment model

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    Some pieces of empirical evidence suggest that in the U.S., over the last few decades, (i) wage inequality between-plants has risen much more than wage inequality within-plants and (ii) there has been an increase in the segregation of workers by skill into separate plants. This paper presents a frictionless assignment model in which these two features can be explained simultaneously as the result of the decline in the relative price of capital. Additional implications of the model regarding the skill premium and the dispersion in labor productivity across plants are also consistent with the empirical evidence. [resumen de autor

    Is There a Signalling Role for Public Wages? Evidence for the Euro Area Based on Macro Data

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    White Noise Speech Illusions: A Trait-Dependent Risk Marker for Psychotic Disorder?

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    Introduction: White noise speech illusions index liability for psychotic disorder in case-control comparisons. In the current study, we examined i) the rate of white noise speech illusions in siblings of patients with psychotic disorder and ii) to what degree this rate would be contingent on exposure to known environmental risk factors (childhood adversity and recent life events) and level of known endophenotypic dimensions of psychotic disorder [psychotic experiences assessed with the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE) scale and cognitive ability]. Methods: The white noise task was used as an experimental paradigm to elicit and measure speech illusions in 1,014 patients with psychotic disorders, 1,157 siblings, and 1,507 healthy participants. We examined associations between speech illusions and increasing familial risk (control -> sibling -> patient), modeled as both a linear and a categorical effect, and associations between speech illusions and level of childhood adversities and life events as well as with CAPE scores and cognitive ability scores. Results: While a positive association was found between white noise speech illusions across hypothesized increasing levels of familial risk (controls -> siblings -> patients) [odds ratio (OR) linear 1.11, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-1.21, p = 0.019], there was no evidence for a categorical association with sibling status (OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.79-1.09, p = 0.360). The association between speech illusions and linear familial risk was greater if scores on the CAPE positive scale were higher (p interaction = 0.003; ORlow CAPE positive scale 0.96, 95% CI 0.85-1.07; ORhigh CAPE positive scale 1.26, 95% CI 1.09-1.46); cognitive ability was lower (p interaction < 0.001; ORhigh cognitive ability 0.94, 95% CI 0.84-1.05; ORlow cognitive ability 1.43, 95% CI 1.23-1.68); and exposure to childhood adversity was higher (p interaction < 0.001; ORlow adversity 0.92, 95% CI 0.82-1.04; ORhigh adversity 1.31, 95% CI 1.13-1.52). A similar, although less marked, pattern was seen for categorical patient-control and sibling-control comparisons. Exposure to recent life events did not modify the association between white noise and familial risk (p interaction = 0.232). Conclusion: The association between white noise speech illusions and familial risk is contingent on additional evidence of endophenotypic expression and of exposure to childhood adversity. Therefore, speech illusions may represent a trait-dependent risk marker

    Estimating Exposome Score for Schizophrenia Using Predictive Modeling Approach in Two Independent Samples: The Results From the EUGEI Study

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    Exposures constitute a dense network of the environment: exposome. Here, we argue for embracing the exposome paradigm to investigate the sum of nongenetic "risk" and show how predictive modeling approaches can be used to construct an exposome score (ES; an aggregated score of exposures) for schizophrenia. The training dataset consisted of patients with schizophrenia and controls, whereas the independent validation dataset consisted of patients, their unaffected siblings, and controls. Binary exposures were cannabis use, hearing impairment, winter birth, bullying, and emotional, physical, and sexual abuse along with physical and emotional neglect. We applied logistic regression (LR), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), and Ridge penalized classification models to the training dataset. ESs, the sum of weighted exposures based on coefficients from each model, were calculated in the validation dataset. In addition, we estimated ES based on meta-analyses and a simple sum score of exposures. Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, area under the receiver operating characteristic, and Nagelkerke's R2 were compared. The ESMeta-analyses performed the worst, whereas the sum score and the ESGNB were worse than the ESLR that performed similar to the ESLASSO and ESRIDGE. The ESLR distinguished patients from controls (odds ratio [OR] = 1.94, P < .001), patients from siblings (OR = 1.58, P < .001), and siblings from controls (OR = 1.21, P = .001). An increase in ESLR was associated with a gradient increase of schizophrenia risk. In reference to the remaining fractions, the ESLR at top 30%, 20%, and 10% of the control distribution yielded ORs of 3.72, 3.74, and 4.77, respectively. Our findings demonstrate that predictive modeling approaches can be harnessed to evaluate the exposome

    Credit Supply: Identifying Balance-Sheet Channels with Loan Applications and Granted Loans

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