16 research outputs found

    Graph-context Attention Networks for Size-varied Deep Graph Matching

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    Deep learning for graph matching has received growing interest and developed rapidly in the past decade. Although recent deep graph matching methods have shown excellent performance on matching between graphs of equal size in the computer vision area, the size-varied graph matching problem, where the number of keypoints in the images of the same category may vary due to occlusion, is still an open and challenging problem. To tackle this, we firstly propose to formulate the combinatorial problem of graph matching as an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem, which is more flexible and efficient to facilitate comparing graphs of varied sizes. A novel Graph-context Attention Network (GCAN), which jointly capture intrinsic graph structure and cross-graph information for improving the discrimination of node features, is then proposed and trained to resolve this ILP problem with node correspondence supervision. We further show that the proposed GCAN model is efficient to resolve the graph-level matching problem and is able to automatically learn node-to-node similarity via graph-level matching. The proposed approach is evaluated on three public keypoint-matching datasets and one graph-matching dataset for blood vessel patterns, with experimental results showing its superior performance over existing state-of-the-art algorithms on the keypoint and graph-level matching tasks

    A Multipopulation-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm

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    Multipopulation is an effective optimization component often embedded into evolutionary algorithms to solve optimization problems. In this paper, a new multipopulation-based multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is proposed, which uses a unique cross-subpopulation migration process inspired by biological processes to share information between subpopulations. Then, a Markov model of the proposed multipopulation MOGA is derived, the first of its kind, which provides an exact mathematical model for each possible population occurring simultaneously with multiple objectives. Simulation results of two multiobjective test problems with multiple subpopulations justify the derived Markov model, and show that the proposed multipopulation method can improve the optimization ability of the MOGA. Also, the proposed multipopulation method is applied to other multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) for evaluating its performance against the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation multiobjective benchmarks. The experimental results show that a single-population MOEA can be extended to a multipopulation version, while obtaining better optimization performance

    Hand-Based Person Identification using Global and Part-Aware Deep Feature Representation Learning

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    In cases of serious crime, including sexual abuse, often the only available information with demonstrated potential for identification is images of the hands. Since this evidence is captured in uncontrolled situations, it is difficult to analyse. As global approaches to feature comparison are limited in this case, it is important to extend to consider local information. In this work, we propose hand-based person identification by learning both global and local deep feature representation. Our proposed method, Global and Part-Aware Network (GPA-Net), creates global and local branches on the conv-layer for learning robust discriminative global and part-level features. For learning the local (part-level) features, we perform uniform partitioning on the conv-layer in both horizontal and vertical directions. We retrieve the parts by conducting a soft partition without explicitly partitioning the images or requiring external cues such as pose estimation. We make extensive evaluations on two large multi-ethnic and publicly available hand datasets, demonstrating that our proposed method significantly outperforms competing approaches

    Context-aware Mouse Behaviour Recognition using Hidden Markov Models

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    Automated recognition of mouse behaviors is crucial in studying psychiatric and neurologic diseases. To achieve this objective, it is very important to analyze the temporal dynamics of mouse behaviors. In particular, the change between mouse neighboring actions is swift in a short period. In this paper, we develop and implement a novel hidden Markov model (HMM) algorithm to describe the temporal characteristics of mouse behaviors. In particular, we here propose a hybrid deep learning architecture, where the first unsupervised layer relies on an advanced spatial-temporal segment Fisher vector encoding both visual and contextual features. Subsequent supervised layers based on our segment aggregate network are trained to estimate the state-dependent observation probabilities of the HMM. The proposed architecture shows the ability to discriminate between visually similar behaviors and results in high recognition rates with the strength of processing imbalanced mouse behavior datasets. Finally, we evaluate our approach using JHuang's and our own datasets, and the results show that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches

    Automated visual tracking and social behaviour analysis with multiple mice

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    Neurodegenerative diseases are characterised by motor deficiencies. For many of them, there is no successful neuroprotective or neuroregenerative therapy clinically available. In order to address this problem, the development of valid animal models for motor disorders has become an active field in preclinical research. Behaviour analysis of laboratory animals is a useful tool to assess therapeutic efficacy. The entire process consists of animal trackingand behaviour categorisation. Despite efforts made within the research community, there is no system which can perform automated recognition of complex animal behaviours and interactions. In this thesis, we propose to develop a fully automated and trainable computer vision system to track and analyse complex mouse behaviours and interactions using video data recorded by calibrated cameras. To achieve this goal, we firstly propose a novel method based on Baysian-inference Inter Linear Program to continuously track several mice and individual parts without requiring any specific tagging. For automated recognition of singleview mouse behaviours, we present a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based framework, where the emission probabilities of the HMM are learned by an efficient hybrid architecture including a combination of Segment Fisher Vector and Segment Aggregate Network. Finallywe further extend the system of single-view mouse behaviour recognition for multi-view mouse behaviour recognition based on a deep probabilistic graphical model which jointly describes the unique dynamics from each view, extracts the common pattern across views and represents the correlations between the action labels of the neighbourhoods. We have evaluated the proposed methods by conducting extensive experiments on public and ourdatasets. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our methods for tracking, behaviour recognition and social behaviour analysis. </div