828 research outputs found

    Effective Surface and Boundary Condition for Heterogeneous Salt Media with Insoluble Material

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    Effective Surface and Boundary Condition for Heterogeneous Salt Media with Insoluble Materia

    Breakdown of Conventional Factorization for Isolated Photon Cross Sections

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    Using e+e−→γ+Xe^+e^-\rightarrow\gamma + X as an example, we show that the conventional factorization theorem in perturbative quantum chromodynamics breaks down for isolated photon cross sections in a well defined part of phase space. Implications and physical consequences are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex, 1 figure in postscrip

    Dispersion in Porous Media with Heterogeneous Nonlinear Reactions

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    The upscaling of mass transport in porous media with a heterogeneous reaction at the fluid–solid interface, typical of dissolution problems, is carried out with the method of volume averaging, starting from a pore-scale transport problem involving thermodynamic equilibrium or nonlinear reactive boundary conditions. A general expression to describe the macro-scalemass transport is obtained involving several effective parameterswhich are given by specific closure problems. For representative unit cell with a simple stratified geometry, the effective parameters are obtained analytically and numerically, while for those with complicated geometries, the effective parameters are only obtained numerically by solving the corresponding closure problems. The impact on the effective parameters of the fluid properties, in terms of pore-scale Péclet number Pe, and the process chemical properties, in terms of pore-scale Damköhler number Da and reaction order (n), is studied for periodic stratified and 3D unit cells. It is found that the tortuosity effects play an important role on the longitudinal dispersion coefficient in the 3D case, while it is negligible for the stratified geometry. When Da is very small, the effective reaction rate coefficient is nearly identical to the pore-scale one, while when Da is very large, the reactive condition turns out to be equivalent to pore-scale thermodynamic equilibrium, and the macro-scale mass exchange term is consequently given in a different form from the reactive case. An example of the application of the macro-scale model is presented with the emphasis on the potential impact of additional, non-traditional effective parameters appearing in the theoretical development on the improvement of the accuracy of the macro-scale model

    A Large-Scale Model for Dissolution in Heterogeneous Porous Media

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    Dissolution of pore-scale soluble substances occurs in applications from environmental hydrogeology to CO2 storage. Development of Darcy-scale models has been widely discussed. This paper proposes an upscaling algorithm to develop large-scale models taking into account Darcy-scale heterogeneities. The theory is based on a comparison between the characteristic length-scale of the Darcy-scale heterogeneities and the length-scale of the dissolution front controlled by a Darcy-scale Damkhler number. The obtained large-scale model is shown to confront favorably to Darcy-scale direct numerical simulations

    Modélisation numérique de la dissolution des cavités karstiques

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    La dissolution de cavités karstiques appelle à une description multi-échelle. A partir d'une discussion des hypothèses les plus fréquemment utilisées, un modèle à l'échelle du pore (ou micro-échelle) est développé pour des schémas réactifs géochimiques simples. L'impact du choix de conditions aux limites réactives ou équilibre thermodynamique est discuté. Ce modèle à l'échelle du pore est ensuite utilisé pour le développement de modèles aux échelles supérieures. Le premier problème traité considère le transport sur une surface chimiquement hétérogène et rugueuse, caractérisée par une condition mixte pour le transfert de masse. Le modèle résultant est un modèle de surface effective (ESCM). Le concept de surface effective est développé à l'aide d'une méthode de décomposition de domaine. Dans ce contexte, vitesse, pression et concentration à la petite échelle près de la surface sont estimées par une méthode de développement asymptotique par rapport aux champs loin de la surface. Des problèmes de fermeture sont alors obtenus qui sont utilisés pour définir la position de la surface effective et les conditions aux limites effectives associées. L'effet sur les propriétés effectives de la position de la surface, des nombres sans dimension est étudié. Une comparaison entre des résultats numériques à petite échelle avec ceux obtenus par le modèle effectif montre un bon accord. Dans le cas du transport dans un milieu poreux, le deuxième problème de changement d'échelle étudié, une méthode de changement d'échelle basée sur la prise de moyenne spatiale est proposée (PMM) à partir du problème à l'échelle du pore avec des conditions aux limites d'équilibre thermodynamique ou réactives non-linéaires. Une expression générale du modèle macroscopique est obtenue impliquant plusieurs propriétés effectives qui sont données par la résolution de problèmes de fermeture à l'échelle du pore. Pour une cellule unitaire représentative stratifiée, les paramètres effectifs sont obtenus analytiquement ou numériquement, alors que les propriétés pour des cellules plus complexes 2D/3D sont obtenus numériquement. L'impact sur les paramètres effectifs des propriétés physiques à l'échelle du pore (en terme de nombre de Péclet, Damköhler et ordre de la réaction) est étudié pour des cellules unitaires 1D, 2D ou 3D. Un exemple d'application du modèle macroscopique est présentée en mettant l'accent sur l'apport potentiel des termes additionnels non-classiques sur la précision des prédictions. Le modèle macroscopique de dissolution de milieu poreux est aussi utilisé comme un modèle à interface diffuse (DIM) pour décrire la dissolution d'une cavité à grande échelle, une cavité de gypse dans l'illustration traitée dans la thèse. Le modèle est basé sur l'approximation de pseudo-constituant, avec une condition d'équilibre à l'échelle du pore sur l'interface fluide-solide. Une méthodologie numérique est proposée pour choisir correctement les paramètres effectifs du DIM de façon à reproduire avec suffisamment de précision les flux et la vitesse de récession de l'interface. Une étude spécifique est effectuée sur l'impact du choix du modèle de bilan de quantité de mouvement macroscopique. De manière intéressante, les résultats numériques ne suggèrent pas un impact très important de ce choix dans le cas des problèmes aux limites traités. Des calculs ont aussi été effectués, dans le cadre d'une approximation de Boussinesq, pour évaluer l'impact éventuel de mouvements de convection naturelle. Le potentiel de la méthode est illustré dans deux cas: un correspondant à une lentille de gypse dans un aquifère, l'autre au cas d'un pilier isolé dans une carrière souterraine. Les conséquences de la dissolution sur la stabilité mécanique sont étudiées à l'aide d'un modèle géomécanique simplifié. Enfin, un cas test est étudié montrant la possibilité d'utiliser le modèle dans le cas de dissolution d'une cavité saline, matériau plus soluble que le gypse. ABSTRATC : The karstic cavity dissolution problems are often studied from a hierarchical point of view. Based on a discussion of the frequently adopted assumptions, a pore-scale model is first developed for a simple geochemistry scheme. The impact of implementing reactive or thermodynamic equilibrium boundary condition at the dissolving surface is discussed. Such a pore-scale model is subsequently used as a basis for developing models at higher scale levels. The first problem deals with transport from a heterogeneous and rough surface characterized by a mixed boundary condition. The resulting macro-scale model takes the form of an effective surface theory. In the homogenized model developed with the effective surface concept (denote ESCM), the original rough surface is replaced locally by a homogeneous and smooth surface, where effective boundary conditions are prescribed. To develop the concept of effective surface, a multi-domain decomposition approach is applied. In this framework the velocity, pressure and concentration are estimated at the micro-scale with an asymptotic expansion of deviation terms with respect to macro-scale velocity and concentration fields. Closure problems for the deviations are obtained and used to define the effective surface position and the corresponding boundary conditions. The evolution of some effective properties and the impact of surface geometry and some dimensionless numbers are investigated. A comparison between the numerical results obtained with this effective model and those from direct numerical simulations with the original rough surface shows good agreements. In the case corresponding to mass transport in porous media, upscaling is carried out with the method of volume averaging to develop a macro-scale porous medium model (denote PMM), starting from a pore-scale transport problem involving thermodynamic equilibrium or nonlinear reactive boundary conditions. A general expression to describe the macro-scale mass transport is obtained involving several effective parameters which are given by specific closure problems. The impact on the effective parameters of the fluid properties, in terms of pore-scale Péclet number (Pe), and the process chemical properties, in terms of pore-scale Damköhler number (Da) and reaction order (n), is studied for periodic stratified, 2D and 3D unit cells. An example of the application of the macro-scale model is presented with the emphasis on the potential impact of additional, non-traditional effective parameters appearing in the theoretical development on the improvement of the accuracy of the macro-scale model. The above developed PMM is also used as a Diffuse Interface Model (DIM) to describe the evolution of a gypsum cavity formation induced by dissolution. The method is based upon the assumption of a pseudo-component dissolving with a thermodynamic equilibrium boundary condition. A methodology is proposed in order to choose suitable parameters for the DIM model and hence predict the correct dissolution fluxes and surface recession velocity. Additional simulations are performed to check which type of momentum balance equation should be used. Calculations with a variable density and Boussinesq approximation were also performed to evaluate the potential for natural convection. The results showed that the impact of density driven flows were negligible in the cases under investigation. The potential of the methodology is illustrated on two large-scale configurations: one corresponding to a gypsum lens contained within a porous rock layer and the other to an isolated pillar in a flooded gypsum quarry. Geomechanical consequences of the dissolution in terms of mechanical stability is evaluated with the help of a simplified geomechanical model. A final case is also studied in which gypsum is replaced by salt to show the applicability of the proposed methodology to a rapidly dissolving materia

    Effective surface and boundary conditions for heterogeneous surfaces with mixed boundary conditions.

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    To deal with multi-scale problems involving transport from a heterogeneous and rough surface characterized by a mixed boundary condition, an effective surface theory is developed, which replaces the original surface by a homogeneous and smooth surface with specific boundary conditions. A typical example corresponds to a laminar flow over a soluble salt medium which contains insoluble material. To develop the concept of effective surface, a multi-domain decomposition approach is applied. In this framework, velocity and concentration at micro-scale are estimated with an asymptotic expansion of deviation terms with respect to macro-scale velocity and concentration fields. Closure problems for the deviations are obtained and used to define the effective surface position and the related boundary conditions. The evolution of some effective properties and the impact of surface geometry, Péclet, Schmidt and Damköhler numbers are investigated. Finally, comparisons are made between the numerical results obtained with the effective models and those from direct numerical simulations with the original rough surface, for two kinds of configurations

    Numerical modeling of the dissolution of karstic cavities

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    The karstic cavity dissolution problems are often studied from a hierarchical point of view. Based on a discussion of the frequently adopted assumptions, a pore-scale model is first developed for a simple geochemistry scheme. The impact of implementing reactive or thermodynamic equilibrium boundary condition at the dissolving surface is discussed. Such a pore-scale model is subsequently used as a basis for developing models at higher scale levels. The first problem deals with transport from a heterogeneous and rough surface characterized by a mixed boundary condition. The resulting macro-scale model takes the form of an effective surface theory. In the homogenized model developed with the effective surface concept (denote ESCM), the original rough surface is replaced locally by a homogeneous and smooth surface, where effective boundary conditions are prescribed. To develop the concept of effective surface, a multi-domain decomposition approach is applied. In this framework the velocity, pressure and concentration are estimated at the micro-scale with an asymptotic expansion of deviation terms with respect to macro-scale velocity and concentration fields. Closure problems for the deviations are obtained and used to define the effective surface position and the corresponding boundary conditions. The evolution of some effective properties and the impact of surface geometry and some dimensionless numbers are investigated. A comparison between the numerical results obtained with this effective model and those from direct numerical simulations with the original rough surface shows good agreements. In the case corresponding to mass transport in porous media, upscaling is carried out with the method of volume averaging to develop a macro-scale porous medium model (denote PMM), starting from a pore-scale transport problem involving thermodynamic equilibrium or nonlinear reactive boundary conditions. A general expression to describe the macro-scale mass transport is obtained involving several effective parameters which are given by specific closure problems. The impact on the effective parameters of the fluid properties, in terms of pore-scale Péclet number (Pe), and the process chemical properties, in terms of pore-scale Damköhler number (Da) and reaction order (n), is studied for periodic stratified, 2D and 3D unit cells. An example of the application of the macro-scale model is presented with the emphasis on the potential impact of additional, non-traditional effective parameters appearing in the theoretical development on the improvement of the accuracy of the macro-scale model. The above developed PMM is also used as a Diffuse Interface Model (DIM) to describe the evolution of a gypsum cavity formation induced by dissolution. The method is based upon the assumption of a pseudo-component dissolving with a thermodynamic equilibrium boundary condition. A methodology is proposed in order to choose suitable parameters for the DIM model and hence predict the correct dissolution fluxes and surface recession velocity. Additional simulations are performed to check which type of momentum balance equation should be used. Calculations with a variable density and Boussinesq approximation were also performed to evaluate the potential for natural convection. The results showed that the impact of density driven flows were negligible in the cases under investigation. The potential of the methodology is illustrated on two large-scale configurations: one corresponding to a gypsum lens contained within a porous rock layer and the other to an isolated pillar in a flooded gypsum quarry. Geomechanical consequences of the dissolution in terms of mechanical stability is evaluated with the help of a simplified geomechanical model. A final case is also studied in which gypsum is replaced by salt to show the applicability of the proposed methodology to a rapidly dissolving materia

    Isolated Prompt Photon Production

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    We show that the conventionally defined partonic cross section for the production of isolated prompt photons is not an infrared safe quantity. We work out the case of e+e−→γ+Xe^+e^- \to \gamma + X in detail, and we discuss implications for hadron reactions such as ppˉ→γ+Xp \bar{p} \to \gamma + X.Comment: 8 pages, latex2e, 2 figures, uses Moriond.sty; Invited paper presented by E. L. Berger at the XXXIInd Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, March 22 - 29, 199

    Upscaling and large-scale modeling of the dissolution of gypsum cavities

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    The dissolution of geological formations containing gypsum can rapidly create various karstic features, and may potentially generate great risks such as subsidence and collapse [1]. To understand the gypsum dissolution mechanism is very important to develop safety measures. It is not feasible to take into account all the pore-scale details at a large-scale by direct numerical modeling, and some sort of macro-scale models are essential. Such a macro-scale porous medium model can also serve as a diffuse interface model to describe the dissolution at a fluid/solid interface, as done in [2]. The objective of this study is to develop a macro-scale model, starting from the pore-scale transport problem with boundary condition corresponding to non-linear reaction or thermodynamic equilibrium, making use of the method of volume averaging [3], and then implement it for a large-scale cavity dissolution modeling
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