44 research outputs found

    Footbridge in Nova Karolina in Ostrava

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je návrh a posouzení ocelové konstrukce lávky pro pěší. Lávka překlenuje pozemní komunikace a železniční trať. Jedná se o návrh nové konstrukce v Nové Karolině v Ostravě. Lávka má rozpětí 200 m. Nosnou konstrukci tvoří dvě dvojice k sobě skloněných oblouků vetknutých do základů. Na oblouky je zavěšena mostovka tvořená komorovým nosníkem. Táhla jsou uspořádána tak, aby v podélném pohledu tvořila tvar písmene “V”. Mostovka je mezilehlá ocelová ortotropní. Oblouky jsou spojeny v horní části zavětrováním. Větrové ztužidlo má tvar příhradové soustavy.The topic of the master’s thesis is a design of steel structure of footbridge. Footbridge goes across the roadways and railway. It is a design of a new structure in Nová Karolina in Ostrava. Span of footbridge is 200m. The footbridge’s superstructure is two steel arches angled toward each other and fixed to the foundation blocks. The supporting beam of the bridge deck is connected to the arch by tie-rods. The deck beam is a welded box section. The tie-rods are arranged to the V-shaped system. Deck of footpath is semi through type and orthotropic. The arches are connected at the top by lateral bracing. Lateral bracing is Saint Andrew's Cross type system.

    Design of the robotized workplace for hanging the wheels on the hinges of the lacquering conveyer

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    Import 19/10/2006Prezenční354 - Katedra robototechnik

    Augusta Rozsypalová a Františka Jakubcová v zápase o zastřešující organizaci katolických žen (devadesátá léta 19. století — první světová válka) / Augusta Rozsypalová and Františka Jakubcová in the struggle for an umbrella organisation of catholic women (the 1890s — WWI)

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    The article focuses on the way in which social and modernization changes affected the thinking of two remarkable Catholic women. It is about negotiation strategies (for the Union of Catholic Women’s Foundation) pursued by these women towards Catholic men. Despite a certain pluralism, the author shows that the thinking of Catholic women shifted — but this was not just a question of adopting liberal positions, but their transformation into a specific religious ideology. The image of femininity was still present in the concept of “motherhood“, but not in terms of biological sciences, but in cultural and social terms. It was Catholic feminism, which was not accepted by the mainstream in the Catholic milieu

    Development priorities township Dolni Cerekev the eyes of citizens

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    Cílem diplomové práce je zjistit, které nedostatky v obci vnímají místní občané, a navrhnout vhodná ekonomicky přijatelné opatření zlepšující kvalitu života v kontextu s trvale udržitelným rozvojem obce. V teoretické části práce budou vysvětlovány základní pojmy, s nimiž budu následně pracovat v části praktické. V teoretické části se budu věnovat problematice trvale udržitelného rozvoje, rozvoje obce, charakteristice obce, dotazníkovému šetření a z části problematice sociologie města. V praktické části popíši obec, dotazníkové šetření, které budu provádět, v závěru navrhnu opatření, která by měla přispět k trvale udržitelnému rozvoji v obci.The aim of this thesis is to find out which shortages in a municipality the local people feel, and to offer suitable, economically acceptable measures that will improve the quality of life in context with sustainable development of the municipality. The theoretical part is going to explain the basic terms with which I am going to work later in the practical part. In the theoretical part I am going to concentrate on the issue of sustainable developmnet, municipality development, a questionnaire survey, and, partially, on the issue of town sociology. In the practical part, I am going to describe a municipality, the questionnaire survey that I am going to make, in the summary I am going to offer measures that should contribute to the sustainable development in a municipality

    Augusta Rozsypalová and Františka Jakubcová in the struggle for an umbrella organisation of catholic women (1890 - WWI)

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    The article focuses on the way in which social and modernization changes affected the thinking of two remarkable Catholic women. It is about negotiation strategies (for the Union of Catholic Women’s Foundation) pursued by these women towards Catholic men. Despite a certain pluralism, the author shows that the thinking of Catholic women shifted — but this was not just a question of adopting liberal positions, but their transformation into a specific religious ideology. The image of femininity was still present in the concept of “motherhood“, but not in terms of biological sciences, but in cultural and social terms. It was Catholic feminism, which was not accepted by the mainstream in the Catholic milieu.597

    Freezing Fresh Fruit

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    My doctoral thesis is actually divided into three parts. In the first one called The Theatre Context I am trying to prove the exclusivity of this living art form among other artistic forms. I am looking for new essential reasons to vindicate validity of theatre work in the age of electronic medias and virtual reality. On the base of a playfulness I examine the border between the real reality and the theatre one. I focus on the audience?s point of view, on their ability for active imagination ? the basic element creating the theatre performance

    The examination of the introduction of the exclusion of the transit service in the night time in the railway stations on the track 250 between Havlíčkuv Brod - Žďár nad Sázavou

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    Katedra technologie a řízení dopravyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Women's Agency in the Czech Political Catholicism (1896-1939)

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    This dissertation is based on a socio-cultural and social-anthropological approach to religion which (among other things) says that religion is dependent on the society in which it occurs. The ambition of the dissertation is not to capture "official positions" of the Catholic Church about the role of women in modern society. The dissertation is focusing on the perspective of Catholic women themselves. My main aim is to observe the opinion Catholic women have about themselves, and whether they reflect social or modernization changes. I will also observe, how they negotiated their role within the Czech political Catholicism. Time specification includes the end of the nineteenth century when women got more opportunities in the public sphere. As well as the period of independent Czechoslovakia and its constitution which declared the equal status of men and women

    Drugs - legal, social-economic and preventative aspects

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    Práce obsahuje vymezení základních odborných pojmů z oblasti drogové problematiky. Zabývá se vztahem práva trestního a přestupkového vůči drogovému problému.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo