105 research outputs found

    Per-Core DVFS with Switched-Capacitor Converters for Energy Efficiency in Manycore Processors

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    Integrating multiple power converters on-chip improves energy efficiency of manycore architectures. Switched-capacitor (SC) dc-dc converters are compatible with conventional CMOS processes, but traditional implementations suffer from limited conversion efficiency. We propose a dynamic voltage and frequency scaling scheme with SC converters that achieves high converter efficiency by allowing the output voltage to ripple and having the processor core frequency track the ripple. Minimum core energy is achieved by hopping between different converter modes and tuning body-bias voltages. A multicore processor model based on a 28-nm technology shows conversion efficiencies of 90% along with over 25% improvement in the overall chip energy efficiency

    The evacuation from commercial objects: The case of DIS object in Niš

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    Commercial objects present objects with lot of people inside in almost any time moment. The crowds and jams in these objects are very often. Although these objects have a lot of evacuation routes and exits, much of people and stuff in limited space can cause serious problem in evacuation sense, with presence of fear and panic. These and similar objects have clearly noted evacuation routes in the case of emergency, but experience proved that with the surprise effect almost no one pay attention on noted messages and warnings on object's walls, but try to leave the object as soon as possible, very often not paying attention on injured, wounded or unconscious occupants. So, the best way for evacuation is prediction. Optimal prediction can be realized by analyse of as much as possible potential evacuation scenarios. For precise, fast, safe and cheap analyse of evacuation scenarios, routes and calculation of evacuation times, evacuation software is used. One of the best evacuation software is Pathfinder. This paper was written to show the potential evacuation scenarios and calculation of evacuation times in Pathfinder for DIS commercial object in Niš

    Stabile systems for fire protection: Sprinkler type systems

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    Stabile systems for fire protection have a great contribution in fire protection and fire elimination. These systems can be realized on different ways and with different fire extinguisher, such as water, CO2, dust, foam, inergen, halon or some other. Statistically, the number of fires in object with fire detection systems and without fire detection systems is equal. Systems with fire detection in early stage can't stop the occurrence of fire. But, with installed extinguishing systems at the existent systems, the potentials in sense of safety, detection and extinguishing are much bigger. This paper has written to present the stabile systems for fire protection of sprinkler type and FDS computer simulation of extinguishing with this kind of stabile fire protection system

    Citizen and pofessional journalism in the media of Republic of Serbia

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    Predmet ovog rada je uticaj graĎanskog novinarstva na profesionalno izveštavanje u medijima u Srbiji, sa teţnjom da se odgovori na koji način informacije plasirane na društvenoj mreţi Tviter utiču na rad profesionalnih novinara. Istraţivanje nastoji da ustanovi koji to obrasci ponašanja vaţe za novinare u situacijama pojačane participacije graĎana i zbog čega do te participacije dolazi. Aktivizam graĎana i odgovor profesionalaca u ovom radu koreliraju u kontekstu novinarskih sloboda, budući da je osnovna pretpostavka da pojačani pritisci na novinare i suţavanje njihove profesionalne slobode jesu situacije u kojima jača participacija na društvenim mreţama, a samim tim i uticaj participanata na profesionalno izveštavanje. MeĎutim, teza je da je domet ovakvog aktivizma krajnje ograničen. Analiza, koja dolazi u jeku velikih teorijskih rasprava, naslanja se na stanovište socijalnog konstruktivizma, u posmatranju krize poverenja publike u medije, dok će po pitanju uticaja tehnologije na participaciju graĎana, teorijski koncept ovog istraţivanja balansirati izmeĎu tehnooptimista i tehnopesimista. Posmatranje aktivizma fokusirano je na Tviter, a uzorak obuhvata novinare iz 44 redakcije u Srbiji koji su pristupili izradi upitnika. U okviru ankete nalaze se i mini studije slučaja, dok se poslednji eksploratorni deo istraţivanja bazira na intervjuima sa urednicima kredibilnih medija u Srbiji. Rezultati istraţivanja potvrĎuju da novinari vrlo nisko ocenjuju novinarske slobode – 80 odsto njih vrednovalo je slobodu ocenama do 5 (na skali do 10). Istovremeno, gotovo svaki drugi ispitanik (55,4%) vidi direktnu korelaciju Tvitera i novinarskih sloboda. Situacije u kojima je Tviter doţiveo ekspanziju, a koje su navodili novinari, govore o njihovoj neretko nepovoljnoj poziciji. Novinari su, ipak, svesni nepouzdanosti informacija plasiranih putem društvenih mreţa i mogućnosti manipulacije u virtuelnoj zajednici, zbog čega su vrlo skeptični prema njihovoj upotrebi. Urednici, prema rezultatima ove analize, demistifikuju slobodarski karakter društvenih mreţa, smatrajući ih korisnom i brzom novom platformom, ali i izumom koji je već podlegao različitim uticajima interesnih grupaThe subject of this dissertation is the impact of citizen‘s journalism on professional reporting in Serbian media, more specifically it aims to assess the impact of the use of social network Twitter on professional journalism. The research aspires to address the ways enhanced civic activism affects the journalist behavior, and to find out the cause which aspire participation. Considering the major hypothesis/assumption that instances of pressure on journalists and narrowing of media freedom influence enhanced civic participation on Twitter, and subsequently affect professional reporting, the author finds that civic activism and journalist‘s response correlate to each other in the context of media freedom. However, author further claims that the reach of this kind of activism is fairly limited. The analysis of active audience and its participation in professional reporting, as a subject of important theoretical debates, has widely relied on social constructivism observing such a phenomena of mistrust between public and the media. On the other hand, the role of technology in the citizen‘s participation and its influence on professionals has been assessed through two theoretical concepts ―techno–optimism‖. Authors observation of citizen‘s activism has been focused on social media, more specifically Twitter. In order to conduct this research, author has used a mixed method, within the representative sample, 44 editorial boards of Serbian media have been surveyed, and analysis indicated specific media practice. As part of the exploratory part of the research, a survey was supplemented by the key informant interviews with editorial staff of the most prominent media in Serbia. The results confirm journalist‘s perception of a lack of freedom – 80% of journalists values freedom by the value of 5 (scale 1–10). At the same time 55,4% of respondents believes that there is a direct link between Twitter and media freedoms. Since the expansion of Twitter, journalists explained that they have often found themselves in specific, unfavorable position which affects professional reporting, but they are aware of the enhanced possibilities for manipulation in a virtual community, which force their skepticism towards using information from social networks. Further more, editors of leading newspapers and TV stations in Serbia, have tried to demystify ―libertarian‖ character of the new media, describing them as useful, speedy platform, however not resistant to different special interest

    Fire and burglary protection using atypical electric lines

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    Typical or atypical electrical lines in the fire and burglary protection systems were mostly used for the electric power transmission, while they were less frequently used as the fire and burglary detectors. For the successful use of typical and atypical electrical lines in fire and burglary protection systems, it is necessary to know lot of parameters, such as specific resistance, thermal conductivity, linear capacity, characteristic impedance etc., as well as change mechanism and parameters dependence due to some determinate disturbance. Using typical and atypical power lines can solve the problem of early detection and determination of disorders caused by a fire or burglary. This PhD thesis consists of eight chapters. The first chapter is an introductory part where the basic terms of the fire and burglary protection were presented. The modern solutions related to the use of typical and atypical power lines in the fire protection and burglary protection systems were presented. The second chapter contains the basic theoretical principles, techniques and methods in the experiments that were applied, and that could be applied in future research and experiments. The third chapter presents results based of experiments .The results represent solutions related to right time reaction in the fire and burglary protection systems, as well as the determination of the location on typical and atypical power lines where disorders occurred. The results are designed to have a theoretical assumption, experimental part, results comparison, and some of them simulation in the appropriate software. The analyze results of typical and atypical electrical lines in the fire and burglary protection systems are presented in fourth chapter. The main reasons and advantages for which the use of these lines in the fire and burglary protection systems can be justified were given. The fifth chapter is conclusion where the realized results of the realization procedure of the given goals of this paper were presented. The sixth chapter consists of a literature used review: books, journals, papers from journals and conference proceedings, papers from conferences and symposiums, web sites, standards, rules and regulations. The brief biography of candidate is presented in the seventh chapter. The author’s statements about the authorship; identity of printed and electronic version of doctoral dissertation and the terms of the use are presented in the eighth chapter

    Phonetics, phonology and morphophonology in contemporary Serbian language teaching Фонология с фонетикой и морфофонология в современном преподавании сербского языка

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    Предмет рада јесте свеобухватно сагледавање наставе српског језика из области фонетике (са фонологијом) и морфофонологије, и то на основу опсежне анализе глобалних планова и програма, акредитованих наставних средстава, и евалуације ученичког и студентског теоријског и практичног знања из фокусираних области. Стога је основни циљ рада Фонологија са фонетиком и морфофонологија у савременој настави српског језика да се пружи одређени допринос у побољшању квалитета анализираних наставних докумената и средстава, као и у унапређивању и популаризовању наставе фонетике и морфофонологије српског језика. Како би се добила јасна слика и омогућили прецизни и функционални закључци, издвојеним лингвистичким областима се у овом раду приступило на два начина: 1) кроз испитивање њиховог присуства у актуелним наставним плановима и програмима, академским силабусима, као и акредитованој уџбеничкој, приручничкој и граматичкој литератури; 2) кроз испитивање степена усвојености ученичког и студентског теоријског и практичног знања из фонетике и морфофонологије српског језика. Према подацима добијеним методом теоријске анализе, утврђено је да основношколски и средњошколски наставни планови не предлажу оквиран фонд часова који је неопходан за реализацију наставе фонетике и морфофонологије, а да наставни програми не прокламују прецизно граматичке садржаје које ученици треба да савладају (категорије у којима се одређена гласовна алтернација реализује, односно, категорије у којима се од ње одступа и сл.). Анализом садржаја акредитованих основношколских и средњошколских уџбеника и приручника, који се односе на фонетику (са фонологијом) и морфофонологију, дошло се до закључка да сви они, упркос различитој апаратури презентације и структурализације, представљају фундаменталне особености неопходне за успешно савладавање гласовног система и гласовних алтернација српског језика. Ништа није другачије ни у репрезентативним педагошким и референцијалним граматикама. У складу са групом корисника којима су намењене, све испитиване граматике и приручници омогућавају солидан увид у теоријске поставке фонетике (са фонологијом) и морфофонологије, и на тај начин повољно утичу на њихово продуктивно савладавање. Евалуација ученичког и студентског знања из издвојених области спроведена је уз помоћ истраживачке технике – тестирања. Узорком је обухваћено укупно 693 испитаника различитог узраста (основна школа 223, средња школа 240 и факултет 230). Показани резултати нивоа знања ученика и студената из области фонетике и морфофонологије потврдили су да истраживане популације владају садржајима који се тичу познавања гласовног система српског језика; затим, да виши разреди основних и средњих школа не доносе значајнији напредак у овладавању фонолошки, односно, морфолошки условљеним гласовним алтернацијама, као и да је континуитет у учењу, који подразумева проширивање и утврђивање градива из нижег у виши ниво образовања, изостао и приликом провере разлике у знањима ученика завршног разреда средње школе и студената прве године факултета о морфолошки условљеним гласовним алтернацијама. Такође, потврђено је да факултетски бруцоши поседују већи степен знања о фонолошки условљеним алтернацијама у односу на своје колеге из струковне академије, као и да апсолвенти оба истраживана факултета остварују солидне и процентуално скоро идентичне резултате у задацима са морфолошки условљеним гласовним алтернацијама. Пронађена је и статистички значајна разлика у постигнућима испитиваних популација када су посреди задаци у којима је требало препознати једну или више гласовних алтернација, али и приликом провере ученичке/студентске способности за решавање питања отвореног/затвореног типа. Наиме, сви узорковани ученици и студенти су остварили видно боље резултате на примерима који су илустровали једну гласовну алтернацију, у односу на оне у којима се могло препознати више морфонолошких процеса, и са већом успешношћу решавали једноставније него комплексне задатке. Након евалуације постојећег стања у настави граматике, у закључном делу рада креиране су импликације које имају за циљ да, кроз иновативне моделе учења, сазнавања, увежбавања и систематизовања знања, наставу фонетике (са фонологијом) и морфофонологије осавремене и подигну на виши ниво.This thesis presents the investigation of the status of phonetics (with phonology) and morphophonology in contemporary Serbian language teaching, based on a thorough investigation of the teaching curricula and syllabuses for this school subject and of the accredited teaching materials, as well as on the evaluation of the students’ theoretical and applied knowledge in the investigated areas. Therefore, the main aim of this thesis was to contribute to the improvement of the teaching documents and materials, as well as to the promotion of the status of phonetics and morphophonology in Serbian language teaching. In order to obtain an accurate evaluation of the state of the matter in the investigated linguistic domains, and to arrive at more accurate and functional conclusions, the studied areas were observed from two perspectives: 1) by investigating the degree to which these linguistic areas are represented in the teaching curricula and syllabuses, as well in the accredited materials and literature – textbooks, workbooks and grammars; 2) by investigating the degree of theoretical and applied knowledge acquired by primaryschool, secondary-school and tertiary-level students in the areas of Serbian phonetics and morphophonology. The data obtained by the method of theoretical analysis showed that primary- and secondary-school curricula and subject syllabuses do not define the required number of teaching hours necessary for covering the areas of phonetics and morphophonology, and that the subject syllabuses do not specify in enough detail the grammar areas that the students are expected to master (the categories in which a certain phonological alternation is realised, that is, the categories in which it is not realised, etc.). The analysis of the accredited primary- and secondary-school textbooks and workbooks and their content relevant for phonetics (with phonology) and morphophonology revealed that all of them, apart from their differences in terms of presentation structure and methodology, do present the fundamentals necessary for a successful acquisition of the phonemic system and phonological alternations in the Serbian language. The analysis of the representative pedagogical and reference grammar books revealed the same picture. Taking into consideration the targeted age groups of their users, all the investigated grammar books and workbooks do offer a reasonable insight into the theoretical concepts of phonetics (with phonology) and morphophonology, and thus aid students’ acquisition and productive application. The evaluation of students’ knowledge in the investigated linguistic areas was performed by means of the research technique of testing. The population in this part of the research study comprised 693 participants classified into three age and level groups: 223 primary-school students, 240 secondary-school students, and 230 tertiary-level students. The results of the investigation of students’ knowledge in the areas of phonetics and morphophonlogy showed that the investigated populations exhibited a solid understanding of the Serbian sound system; however, the results also showed that students of higher grades of primary and secondary school did not show significantly higher levels of mastery with respect to the phonologically or morphologically conditioned sound alternations; additionally, there was a certain lack of continuity in terms of knowledge consolidation and broadening between lower and higher levels of education, observed in the comparison of test results between the high-school senior students and university-level freshmen, with respect to the morphologically conditioned sound alternations. Furthermore, the findings indicated that, among tertiary-level students, the university (faculty) freshmen showed a higher level of knowledge about the phonologically conditioned alternations compared to the freshmen of the vocational academy (college), but that senior students (graduates) of both tertiary-level institutions exhibited almost identical results in the tasks involving morphologically conditioned sound alternations. Statistically significant differences were found between the test results in the tasks that required the participants to recognize one or more sound alternations; similarly, statistically significant differences were observed between the students’ results in the closed test tasks and openended questions. Namely, all the students, in all the age- and level- groups, showed much better results in those test items that required them to recognize one sound alternation, compared to the tasks that involved several morphophonological processes; also, all the participants performed much more successfully in simpler than in more complex test tasks. Following the evaluation of the state of affairs in Serbian grammar teaching, the final chapter of this thesis offers pedagogical implications and includes suggestions regarding the ways in which innovative learning models, discovery, practice and knowledge systematization could be used to improve and enhance the teaching of phonetics (with phonology) and morphophonology in contemporary Serbian language teaching

    Porous, Poly (DL-Lactide-co-Glycolide)-Based Material for Biomedical Application

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    Poster presented at the 10th Conference of the Materials Research Society of Serbia - YUCOMAT 2008, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 8-12, 2008

    Korelacija morfoloških i proizvodnih osobina društava medonosne pčele sa područja Srbije

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    State of mutual or reciprocal relationship between traits is determined by the correlation coefficients. Correlation of morphological and production traits was determined in two generations of honey bee colonies. In the first generation, mother queen bees were studied, and in the second generation, their offspring. The study of one generation lasted two years. Morphological traits were determined in the beginning of the study and production traits were determined in the spring and autumn inspections of every year. In the first generation, the positive and mostly high correlation between morphological traits, and honey yield and hygienic behavior was determined. Correlation of morphological traits, colony strength and food supplies per colony ranged from highly positive to slightly negative values. It was found that there was a high correlation between some production traits (colony strength in the spring and autumn inspections and honey yield per colony). In the analysis of offspring (second generation), most traits that were positively correlated in mother generation now, also, showed a similar relationship. The only difference, in contrast to mother generation, was that, for most traits, the intensity of interaction increased.Stanje uzajamne ili recipročne povezanosti jedne osobine od druge utvrđuje se na osnovu koeficijenta korelacije. Korelacija morfoloških i proizvodnih osobina utvrđivana je kroz dve generacije društava medonosne pčele. U prvoj generaciji praćene su majke matice, a u drugoj njihovo potomstvo. Ispitivanje po jednoj generaciji trajalo je dve godine. Morfološke osobine su utvrđene na početku praćenja generacija, a proizvodne na prolećnom i jesenjem pregledu svake godine. U prvoj generaciji utvrđena je pozitivna i mahom visoka korelacija između morfoloških osobina, prinosa meda i higijenskog ponašanja. Stepen korelacije morfoloških osobina, snage društva i zaliha hrane po društvu bio je od visoko pozitivne do slabo negativne vrednosti. Ustanovljeno je da postoji i visok stepen korelacije između pojedinih proizvodnih osobina (snaga društava na prolećnom i jesenjem pregledu i prinosa meda po društvu). Prilikom testiranja potomstva (II generacija) većina osobina koje su bile u pozitivnoj korelaciji kod roditelja i sada su pokazivala uzajamni odnos. Jedina razlika u odnosu na roditelje je u tome da se, za većinu osobina, intezitet međusobnog uticaja povećao

    Diferencijacija prednjeg krila medonosne pčele iz Srbije

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    In this study, 12 morphological characteristics were measured on worker bee samples collected from seven different locations covering the territory of Republic Serbia. The measurement of 11 angles on the front wing and cubital index was done with stereo microscope Leica XTL-3400D, and software package IL 1009 in accordance with the standard method. The results showed significant differences between the groups of bees and investigation of angles on the forewing could be contributed to a clearer separation of groups of bees inside domestic population.U ovom istraživanju mereno je 12 morfoloških karakteristika prednjeg krila pčela radilica u skladu sa metodama Ruttner i sar. (1978). Uzorci pčela radilica su prikupljeni sa 7 različitih lokacija čime su pokriveni glavni pčelarski regioni na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Morfometrijska istraživanja pokazala su da pčele iz Zapadno Bačkog regiona u Vojvodini imaju najveću vrednost uglova B4 (113,17º), D7 (100,10º), E9 (24,28º), K19 (79,60º) i najveći kubitalni indeks (2,92). Iste pčele se na osnovu multivarijantne diskriminantne analize najviše razlikuju od grupe pčela sa Kosova. Na osnovu analize varijanse, utvrđeno je da postoji vrlo značajna razlika (P lt 0.01) u 7 morfoloških karakteristika između grupa pčela sa izabranih lokaliteta. Može se zaključiti da utvrđene vrednosti za ispitivane karaktere ukazuju na postojanje značajne varijabilnosti i impliciraju na postojanje subpopulacija uslovljenih delovanjem čoveka