65 research outputs found

    Microscope-Integrated Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography in Retinal Surgery

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    Imaging techniques of the posterior segment of the eye have gradually evolved and tremendously improved during the last decade. A widespread implementation of optical coherence tomography (OCT) for the management and diagnosis of retinal conditions, with a concurrent advance in integrative technology, led to the integration of the OCT into the microscope for its intraoperative use. Regarding posterior segment eye surgery, some of the most common diagnoses in which microscope-integrated OCT (MIOCT) can result of great value are epiretinal membrane, macular hole (MH), proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) and, less frequently, for inflammatory diseases, chorioretinal biopsies, and retinal implants. The impact on the surgical procedure and, possibly, on the postoperative outcome could relate to the definition of whether or not a membrane has been entirely peeled, the presence of residual membranes, and the option to perform a dissection without the need of vital dyes. The possibility of correct topographical location of hemorrhages, suspect lesions, or implants can also facilitate the surgical decision-making during biopsies or prosthesis implantation. Microscope-integrated OCT is a feasible and useful tool that can provide valuable information during surgery impact on decision-making, anatomic results, surgical safety and provide opportunity to individualize surgical treatment for each patient

    Photonic Spectrum Analyzer for Wireless Signals in the THz Range

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    We present an ultra-broadband and inexpensive photonic spectrum analyzer (PSA) for wireless signals with a frequency coverage from the microwave range till deep into the terahertz range. The difference frequency of two continuous-wave laser diodes works as the local oscillator frequency and a photoconductive antenna downconverts a signal under test with the aid of the optical local oscillator. With this approach we achieve a frequency coverage from less than 25 GHz to more than 1.25 THz, mostly limited by the tuning range of the lasers. No component of our spectrum analyzer needs to be interchanged in order to achieve the full tuning range, which makes our spectrum analyzer a fraction of the cost of an electronic spectrum analyzer that requires several extension modules for covering a similar frequency range. The system offers a minimum resolution bandwidth of 1.2 MHz at a displayed average noise level (DANL) as low as −113.8 dBm/Hz at 100 GHz or as low as −88.2 dBm/Hz at 1050 GHz

    Mycoplasma conjunctivae in insect vectors and anatomic locations related to transmission and persistence

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    Mycoplasma conjunctivae is an obligate microparasite that causes Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) in Caprinae species. IKC is a long-recognised disease, but little attention has been paid to the mechanisms of transmission of the mycoplasma and its occurrence in locations other than the eyes. In this study, the presence of M. conjunctivae is assessed in the eyes, external ear canals (EEC), nasal cavity, and vagina of host species as well as in potential vectors, which may be involved in the transmission and persistence of infection within the host. M. conjunctivae was detected by qPCR in 7.2 % (CI 95% 4.7-11.0) of the ear swabs and 9.5 % (CI 95% 6.4-13.9) of the nasal swabs from Pyrenean chamois, Iberian ibex, domestic sheep and mouflon without statistical differences between species. Mycoplasma detection in nasal swabs was mostly associated with ocular infection (95.6%), but this was not the case for EEC (52.6%). Among the eye-positive ruminants, 27.3% were positive in ear swabs and 64.7% in nasal swabs, and the threshold cycle values of the qPCR were correlated only between eye and nasal swabs (p < 0.01; r2 = 0.56). M. conjunctivae was detected in 1.7% - 7.1 % of Musca spp. captured during an IKC outbreak in Iberian ibex and in one out of three endemic sheep flocks. The results indicate that the transmission of M. conjunctivae may occur by direct contact with eye or nasal secretions and/or indirectly through flies. The M. conjunctivae DNA detection in EEC suggests that it can colonise the auditory tract, but the significance for its persistence within the host should be further assessed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A Comparison of Continuous-Wave and Pulsed Free Space 2-Port Photonic Vector Network Analyzers for Terahertz Characterization

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    Photonic Vector Network Analyzers (PVNA) provide a viable solution to the rising demand for efficient, accurate, and affordable characterization instruments for benchmarking terahertz devices and components. This paper compares continuous-wave and pulsed versions of the free space 2-port PVNA and their aptitudes for THz characterization using a distributed Bragg reflector as an application example

    An ultra-high-resolution technique for detection of terahertz pulses

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    We present a novel technique for the detection terahertz pulses generated by femtosecond lasers. It features a Hz-level resolution and does not require a mechanical delay stage or a second femtosecond laser. It works by opto-electronically downconverting the individual frequency components composing the terahertz pulse. Unlike other techniques, it does not require an external spectrum analyzer or a lock-in amplifier for its implementation, although it can also be implemented using them. We believe this technique is a valuable tool to study the ultimate frequency stability of terahertz pulsed systems and the phase noise of the femtosecond lasers that drives them

    Bioética. El final de la vida y las voluntades anticipadas

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    Esta obra contiene textos elaborados por investigadores de diferentes áreas del conocimiento: medicina, filosofía, derecho, entre otras especialidades, pertenecientes a distintos países: España, Chile y México. El objetivo principal de este libro es servir de referente teórico a otros investigadores de bioética, y especialmente a los que son o desean estar especializados en la comprensión del final de la vida y las voluntades anticipadas en el ámbito sanitario en cualquier país del mundo