9,064 research outputs found


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    The way that herpetologists have traditionally measuredlive snakes is by stretching them on a ruler andrecording the total length (TL). However, due to the thinconstitution of the snake, the large number of intervertebraljoints, and slim muscular mass of most snakes,it is easier to stretch a snake than it is to stretch anyother vertebrate. The result of this is that the length ofa snake recorded is infl uenced by how much the animalis stretched. Stretching it as much as possible is perhapsa precise way to measure the length of the specimenbut it might not correspond to the actual length ofa live animal. Furthermore, it may seriously injure a livesnake. Another method involves placing the snake in aclear plexiglass box and pressing it with a soft materialsuch as rubber foam against a clear surface. Measuringthe length of the snake may be done by outlining itsbody with a string (Fitch 1987; Frye 1991). However, thismethod is restricted to small animals that can be placedin a box, and in addition, no indications of accuracy of thetechnique are given. Measuring the snakes with a fl exibletape has also been reported (Blouin-Demers 2003)but when dealing with a large animals the way the tapeis positioned can produce great variance on the fi nal outcome.In this contribution we revise alternative ways tomeasuring a snake and propose a method that offers repeatableresults. We further analyze the precision of thismethod by using a sample of measurements taken fromwild populations of green anacondas (Eunectes murinus)with a large range of sizes

    Estudo da viabilidade do agroturismo de base familiar em Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ.

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    O agroturismo requer estudo de viabilidade de implantação e planejamento adequado para que se desenvolva de forma sustentável. Assim, este projeto visa prospectar a viabilidade agroturística do município fluminense de Cachoeiras de Macacu, uma vez que este, além de exibir grande riqueza de atributos naturais, desenvolve expressiva atividade agrícola e pecuária, vinculada à agricultura familiar, apresentando potencial para a exploração de atividades turísticas de cunho ecológico, e também, associadas às atividades rurais produtivas. Para tanto, foram levantados indicadores por meio de trabalhos de campo e consulta bibliográfica. Os dados coletados estão sendo integrados e apresentados em um relatório diagnóstico, o qual deverá subsidiar a elaboração de um plano para orientar o desenvolvimento de iniciativas de agroturismo no município. Os resultados preliminares estão mostrando que o município exibe potencialidade ao desenvolvimento da atividade entre os pequenos produtores familiares, porém, sua implantação irá requerer planejamento, orientação e acompanhamento em seus passos iniciais

    Control of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, a neglected disease: results of a control programme in Satipo Province, Peru.

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    Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) is an important health problem in many rural areas of Latin America, but there are few data on the results of programmatic approaches to control the disease. We report the results of a control programme in San Martin de Pangoa District, which reports one of the highest prevalences of MCL in Peru. For 2 years (2001--2002), the technicians at the health post were trained in patient case management, received medical support and were supplied with antimonials. An evaluation after 2 years showed the following main achievements: better diagnosis of patients, who were confirmed by microscopy in 34% (82/240) of the cases in 2001 and 60% of the cases (153/254) in 2002; improved follow-up during treatment: 237 of 263 (90%) patients who initiated an antimonial therapy ended the full treatment course; improved follow-up after treatment: 143 of 237 (60%) patients who ended their full treatment were correctly monitored during the required period of 6 (cutaneous cases) or 12 (mucosal cases) months after the end of treatment. These achievements were largely due to the human and logistical resources made available, the constant availability of medications and the close collaboration between the Ministry of Health, a national research institute and an international non-governmental organization. At the end of this period, the health authorities decided to register a generic brand of sodium stibogluconate, which is now in use. This should allow the treatment of a significant number of additional patients, while saving money to invest in other facets of the case management

    Caracterização morfológica de híbridos interespecíficos de maracujazeiro (Passiflora spp.).

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar descritores morfológicos de 17 híbridos interespecíficos provenientes do cruzamento entre Passiflora edulis Sims e Passiflora cincinnatta Mast. Os parentais P. edulis (BGM330) e P. cincinnatta (BGM077), bem como os 21 híbridos resultantes deste cruzamento foram caracterizados com uso de 27 descritores qualitativos incluindo atributos relacionados à folha e flor, no período de abril a julho de 2011. As flores foram coletadas obedecendo-se o horário de abertura para cada acesso e, as medições foram obtidas com o auxílio de paquímetro.PDF. 083_11

    Mapa de preferência interno de geleias mistas de mamão com Araçá-Boi.

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    A geleia é um produto de fácil fabricação que agrega valor às frutas, permite a conservação destas por um período prolongado (MACIEL et al., 2009) e possibilita, inclusive, a mistura de frutas para criação de novos sabores. Considerando a enorme variedade de frutas produzidas no Brasil, surge a possibilidade de associação de sabores, para confecção de geleias mistas, com a utilização de frutas potenciais, mas ainda desconhecidas, como o araçá-boi e frutas já cultivadas como o mamão. O mamão possui vários nutrientes prontamente disponíveis à digestão e absorção. Seu valor nutricional está relacionado com seu teor de açúcares, pró-vitamina A (β-caroteno) e vitamina C (ácido ascórbico), além de ter uma boa atividade funcional associada à capacidade laxante (ARAÚJO FILHO et al., 2002). No Brasil o araçá-boi é encontrado na região Amazônica, Mato Grosso e Bahia, mas ainda sem exploração comercial. A polpa corresponde a 82 % do peso do fruto, é suculenta, amarelo-clara, pouco fibrosa, ácida, com sabor e aroma agradáveis (ROGEZ et al., 2004). Devido à sua elevada acidez é pouco consumida in natura, mas com grande potencial para o uso em formulações de sucos, sorvetes, geleias e néctares, especialmente com frutas de baixa acidez (SOUZA FILHO et al., 2002; SACRAMENTO et al., 2008). O sucesso de um alimento no mercado depende de seu desempenho junto ao consumidor. No processo de desenvolvimento de novos produtos a determinação da aceitação e/ou preferência do produto se torna indispensável (REIS et al., 2009). Com base no exposto, este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver diferentes formulações de geleias mistas de araçá-boi e mamão a fim de obter um produto com elevada aceitação sensorial.PDF. T57

    Caracterização de híbridos interespecíficos de maracujazeiro por descritores morfológicos.

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    Espécies silvestres do gênero Passiflora têm apresentado ampla variabilidade morfológica e são fontes valiosas de genes para resistência às principais doenças do maracujazeiro. Tais características podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novos híbridos de maracujazeiro com atributos agronômicos desejáveis

    Random array of drifting acoustic receivers (RADAR'07)

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    Rep 04/07 - SiPLAB 15/December/2007This report describes the complete set of data acquired during the RADAR’07 sea trial, that took place aboard the NRP D. Carlos from July 9 - 15, 2007, off the west coast of Portugal, in the Set´ubal area

    Taking Intellectual Property Rights Seriously: Are We In or Out? (Phase 1: Intellectual Property Awareness Among Students and Faculty: Tracking Changing Attitudes and Awareness)

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    The study was conducted to assess the intellectual property awareness among students and faculty was undertaken to determine attitudes, existing IP delivery, drivers seeking information, aspirations, identify unmet needs and generate suggestions to improve the IP system. A mixed method approach using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies were carried out to a prospective group of students and faculty. Data were analyzed and descriptive statistics were used and further analysis using inferential statistics were calculated to compare results. For the students, the most important and relevant topics to the study of Intellectual Property includes knowing where to find and use patent information and the most common method of delivering IP lessons was through briefing workshop on IP, followed by modules and integrating issues in the course. In order to improve IP Delivery, students noted that they prefer to give more emphasis on the overview of IP, patents, copyright, design right and plagiarism. However, students considered that they know some things about Intellectual Property but there were gaps to be filled in. Findings revealed from faculty respondents showed association of the inclusion of the understanding of disclosure and confidentiality to gender, program of students handled by faculty, and cluster where faculty belongs. Moreover, recognition for collaborative work has significant impact on program of students and academic level of faculty. Similarly, other relevant topics like exploiting ideas commercially was found to be associated also with the program of students handled by faculty. Tenure classification was indicated to be associated with understanding health and safety regulations. Results of the focus group discussion with faculty members included improvement of IP delivery and services, curriculum development to include IP education, problems on IP processing, preparation of documents for application. Keywords: intellectual property awareness, IP rights, IP perspectives and insight

    An experimental evaluation of a loop versus a reference design for two-channel microarrays

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    Motivation: Despite theoretical arguments that socalled "loop designs" of two-channel DNA microarray experiments are more efficient, biologists keep on using "reference designs". We describe two sets of microarray experiments with RNA from two different biological systems (TPA-stimulated mammalian cells and Streptomyces coelicor). In each case, both a loop and a reference design were performed using the same RNA preparations with the aim to study their relative efficiency. Results: The results of these experiments show that (1) the loop design attains a much higher precision than the reference design, (2) multiplicative spot effects are a large source of variability, and if they are not accounted for in the mathematical model, for example by taking log-ratios or including spot-effects, then the model will perform poorly. The first result is reinforced by a simulation study. Practical recommendations are given on how simple loop designs can be extended to more realistic experimental designs and how standard statistical methods allow the experimentalist to use and interpret the results from loop designs in practice

    Can group-based strategies increase community resilience? Longitudinal predictors of sustained participation in Covid-19 mutual aid and community support groups

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    Mutual aid groups have been a critical part of the coronavirus disease-2019 (Covid-19) response and continue to address the needs of people in their communities. To understand how mutual aid and similar community support groups can be sustained over time, we test the idea that using group-based strategies initiates psychological trajectories that shape future participation. We conducted a preregistered longitudinal survey among Covid-19 mutual aid and community support volunteers in the United Kingdom (nWave 1 = 600, May 2021; nWave 2 = 299, July–August 2021) who were registered panelists of an independent research organization. Assessments included measures of group-based strategies, collective participation predictors, participation experience, and sustained participation. Volunteers engaged in a wide range of support activities including shopping, emotional support provision, and deliveries. Two group-based strategies—group alliances and group horizontality—longitudinally predicted sustained participation. In addition, sense of community responsibility and burnout were longitudinal predictors of sustained participation. Importantly, predictors of sustained participation diverged for volunteers with different levels of volunteering experience. Our findings highlight group-based strategies as a potential resource for organizers seeking to sustain participation. Use can be tailored depending on the profiles of individual Covid-19 mutual aid volunteers. These findings have significance beyond Covid-19 as they are relevant to sustaining community resilience more generally