1,066 research outputs found

    Reportaje multimedia: Los jóvenes que llenan la España vaciada

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    La zona rural de Castilla y León se presenta como parte de la “España vaciada” por consecuencia de la despoblación. Los jóvenes abandonan los pueblos por la falta de servicios y buscando futuro. Sin embargo, existen algunos que deciden quedarse o regresar para aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrece. Además, la ‘nueva ruralidad’ ha intensificado el flujo de jóvenes con la diversificación de los oficios. Para conocer esta realidad, se presenta un reportaje empleando la metodología de revisión bibliográfica junto a una visión cualitativa a través de entrevistas en profundidad e historias de vida. Se realizan cinco entrevistas a jóvenes para conocer sus experiencias, y se completa con análisis de expertos que ahondan en esta realidad mediante la geografía y sociología rural. El resultado es un reportaje multimedia que combina texto, hiperenlaces, imágenes, videos e infografías que reflejan la situación de los jóvenes en la zona rural de Castilla y León.The rural area of Castilla y León is presented as part of the "emptied Spain" because of depopulation. The youth leave the villages because of the lack of services and searching future. However, some of them decide to stay or return and take advantage of the opportunities that the zone offers. In addition, the 'new rurality' has intensified the flow of young people with the diversification of jobs. To know this reality, a report is presented using the bibliographic review methodology together with a qualitative vision through in-depth interviews and life stories. Five interviews with young people are carried out to learn about their experiences, and it is completed with expert analyzes that delve into this reality through rural geography and sociology. The result is a multimedia report that combines text, hyperlinks, images, videos and infographics that reflect the situation of young people in rural Castilla y León.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Periodism

    Designing and simulating smart grids

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    Growing energy demands and the increased use of renewal energies have changed the landscape of power networks leading to new challenges. Smart Grids have emerged to cope with these challenges by facilitating the integration of traditional and renewable energy resources in distributed, open, and self-managed ways. Innovative models are needed to design energy infrastructures that can enable self-management of the power grid. Software architectures smoothly integrate the software that provides self-management to Smart Grids and their hardware infrastructures. We present a framework to design the software architectures of autonomous Smart Grids in an intuitive domain-oriented way and to simulate their execution by automatically generating the code from the designed autonomous smart grid architectures

    A Cross-Sectional Study: Determining Factors of Functional Independence and Quality of Life of Patients One Month after Having Suffered a Stroke

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    Loss of quality of life (QoL) and functional independence are two of the most common consequences of suffering a stroke. The main objective of this research is to study which factors are the greatest determinants of functional capacity and QoL a month after suffering a stroke so that they can be considered in early interventions

    Providing a consensus definition for the term "Smart Product"

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    The term "Smart Product" has become commonly used in recent years. This is because there has been an increasing interest in these kinds of products as part of the consumer goods industry, impacting everyday life and industry. Nevertheless, the term "Smart Product" is used with different meanings in different contexts and application domains. The use of the term "Smart Product" with different meanings and underlying semantics can create important misunderstandings and dissent. The aim of this paper is to analyze the different definitions of Smart Product available in the literature, and to explore and analyze their commonalities and differences, in order to provide a consensus definition that satisfies, and can therefore be used by, all parties. To embrace the identified definitions, the concept of "Smart Thing" is introduced. The methodology used was a systematic literature review. The definition is expressed as an ontology

    Reliability and Validity of the Motor Activity Log (MAL-30) Scale for Post-Stroke Patients in a Spanish Sample

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    The validation of assessment instruments is of great importance when they are applied in clinical and healthcare settings, since their safe and reliable use is essential for the application of appropriate and high-quality treatments. The motor activity log (MAL-30) is an instrument widely used by professionals in the clinic, which has been validated in different countries, languages and populations. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the MAL-30 scale for post-stroke patients in a Spanish sample.This research was funded by the CaixaBank Foundation (CAIXA-UBU002)

    Executive Functions in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Grade 1 and 2, vs. Neurotypical Development: A School View

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    Autism spectrum disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in social and communication functioning. Previous studies suggest that people with autism spectrum disorders have deficits in executive functions, having found a relationship with cognitive flexibility, planning, working memory, inhibition or self-control, but it is especially with respect to cognitive flexibility where the greatest dysfunctions have been found. The objective of this research was to compare the executive functioning of a group of children and adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders with another with neurotypical development in an educational context

    Secondary Education Teacher Training and Emotional Intelligence: Ingredients for Attention to Diversity in anInclusive School for All

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    This study, which is part of a broader research project, aims to investigate the impact of the initial training received by students in the Master?s Degree in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching (MDSE) on their future teaching development in the current educational and social framework. The main goal is to understand their concerns, attitudes, and level of acquired competencies and knowledge for their professional development as inclusive teachers. Additionally, the study aims to explore the relationship between their assessments and experiences with the perceived level of Emotional Intelligence (EI), given its importance as a facilitating element, which is teachable from formal education, in socio-educational inclusion processes and quality attention to diversity in classrooms. A total of 218 MDSE students (Mage = 31.5; SD = 6; males = 33%; females = 67%) participated in the study, coming from various Spanish universities, and having either completed their studies or being in the final stages after having completed the generic module and practices in secondary education centers. The information was collected through the ?Teacher Training in Secondary Education: Key Elements for Teaching in an Inclusive School for All? (TTSE-IN) questionnaire, which included five validated and relevant instruments, of which three were used for the study?s purpose (Questionnaire for Future Secondary Education Teachers about Perceptions of Diversity Attention, Scale of Feelings, Attitudes, and Concerns about Inclusive Education, Revised SACIE-R andWong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale WLEIS-S). The main results indicate that future teachers show a positive attitude towards diversity but have significant training gaps. Additionally, the EI variable, along with regular contact with people in situations of special vulnerability and experience in teaching people in situations of special vulnerability in non-formal contexts, has a positive effect on both teacher well-being and the facilitation of inclusive education processes and diversity attention

    Restauración y Creación de Modelo 3D

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    Se adjunta la presentación y el resumen de la ponencia dada durante el II Congreso peruano de Ciencias Morfológicas.Introducción El material anatómico posterior a procesos de embalsamado, sin el adecuado mantenimiento puede llegar a deteriorarse; por lo que la restauración busca aumentar la vida media de las piezas anatómicas, mejorando la apariencia y consistencia de las mismas, extrayendo el químico en el que se preservó y dejando la pieza como si no hubiera sido tratada previamente, de forma que permite cambiar el medio de preservación de la misma. Problemática: El Departamento de Anatomía de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Costa Rica, cuanta con una colección de fetos y embriones de aproximadamente 87 ejemplares de los cuales más de la mitad se encuentran en mal estado falta de mantenimiento. Materiales y métodos Se toma un bloque de viseceras de un feto conservado en formalina, indurado de coloración grisacea y café oscuro. Y se somete a la técnica de restauración (macerado, lavado, aclarado y lavado). Luego se inyecta el latex color rojo, vía arteria aorta torácica, para posteriormente realizar un modelo 3D por medio de la técnica de fotogrametría. Discusión Posterior a la restauración se obtuvo un bloque de visceras sin olor a formalina, con una consistencia y coloración que recuerda la de un órgano en fresco. Permitiendo además una adecuada perfusión delatex vía arterial. Sin embargo la arteria mesentérica inferior no obtuvo un adecuado llenado de sus lechos vasculares, probablemente a causa de algún coagulo, o lesión de algún vaso a causa de sus años en formalina sin un adecuado mantenimiento. Conclusiones La restauración es una técnica que permite mejorar el aspecto de las piezas anatómicas, ampliando su vida útil, y beneficiando la docencia. Las imágenes 3D permiten facilitar la docencia poniendo a disposición de más personas el material que sería de uso exclusivo de los laboratorios.Universidad de Costa Rica/[422-B7-367]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Medicina::Escuela de Medicin