1,752 research outputs found

    Using temporal abduction for biosignal interpretation: A case study on QRS detection

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    In this work, we propose an abductive framework for biosignal interpretation, based on the concept of Temporal Abstraction Patterns. A temporal abstraction pattern defines an abstraction relation between an observation hypothesis and a set of observations constituting its evidence support. New observations are generated abductively from any subset of the evidence of a pattern, building an abstraction hierarchy of observations in which higher levels contain those observations with greater interpretative value of the physiological processes underlying a given signal. Non-monotonic reasoning techniques have been applied to this model in order to find the best interpretation of a set of initial observations, permitting even to correct these observations by removing, adding or modifying them in order to make them consistent with the available domain knowledge. Some preliminary experiments have been conducted to apply this framework to a well known and bounded problem: the QRS detection on ECG signals. The objective is not to provide a new better QRS detector, but to test the validity of an abductive paradigm. These experiments show that a knowledge base comprising just a few very simple rhythm abstraction patterns can enhance the results of a state of the art algorithm by significantly improving its detection F1-score, besides proving the ability of the abductive framework to correct both sensitivity and specificity failures.Comment: 7 pages, Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2014 IEEE International Conference o

    La jornada laboral : perspectiva histórica y valoración jurídica

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    La determinación de la jornada laboral sufre históricamente oscilaciones notables a partir de la caída del régimen gremial. La reivindicación de las ocho horas aparece como una reclamación unánime de los sindicalistas, de los socialistas, de los extremistas y de los moderados. El objetivo de este trabajo es un aproximación histórica a las repercusiones jurídicas. Diferentes elementos permiten confrontar el principio mismo de las ocho horas, legalmente consagrado, con la realidad que lo desvirtúa ante las apremiantes necesidades eco - nómicas y sociales que exigen en algunos momentos incrementar o reducir el número de horas de prestación de servicios._______________________________The determination of the working hours has historically experimented important changes since the fall of the guild regime. The claim for the eight hours appears as a unanimous demand of the trade-unionists, the socialists, the extremists and the moderates. The scope of this work is a historical approach to the legal effects. Several elements allow to confront the eight-hour principle itself, established by the law, to the reality that invalidates it due to the unavoidable economic an social needs, which require in certain moments to increase or reduce the number of hours of effective work

    Los accidentes de trabajo: perspectiva histórica

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    El objeto de esta colaboración va a centrarse en el análisis de una serie de normas históricas conectadas entre sí por una idéntica finalidad: las medidas destinadas a prevenir los accidentes de trabajo y a paliar sus consecuencias. El estudio de las leyes y las instituciones jurídicas que aparecen en cada período y su significado contribuye de forma evidente a completar una parte de la historia social. La evolución de la legislación laboral aporta una valiosa información sobre las condiciones de trabajo y de vida de amplias capas de la población obrera aunque será necesaria una reflexión posterior sobre su cumplimiento efectivo

    El Servei d'Orientació Professional de Sabadell, 1923-1928

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    Observations on interpolation by total degree polynomials in two variables

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    In contrast to the univariate case, interpolation with polynomials of a given maximal total degree is not always possible even if the number of interpolation points and the space dimension coincide. Due to that, numerous constructions for interpolation sets have been devised, the most popular ones being based on intersections of lines. In this paper, we study algebraic properties of some such interpolation configurations, namely the approaches by Radon–Berzolari and Chung–Yao. By means of proper H-bases for the vanishing ideal of the configuration, we derive properties of the matrix of first syzygies of this ideal that allow us to draw conclusions on the geometry of the point configuration

    Observations on interpolation by total degree polynomials in two variables

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    In contrast to the univariate case, interpolation with polynomials of a given maximal total degree is not always possible even if the number of interpolation points and the space dimension coincide. Due to that, numerous constructions for interpolation sets have been devised, the most popular ones being based on intersections of lines. In this paper, we study algebraic properties of some such interpolation configurations, namely the approaches by Radon–Berzolari and Chung–Yao. By means of proper H-bases for the vanishing ideal of the configuration, we derive properties of the matrix of first syzygies of this ideal that allow us to draw conclusions on the geometry of the point configuration

    Simulation of scheduling gains in LTE

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    This paper describes the implementation of an LTE downlink simulator that is able to precisely model the fast time and frequency variations existing in a multipath channel. This is decisive to properly simulate the gains achievable by the channeldependent scheduling LTE is capable of. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the throughput achieved by a base station and parameters of active users in the cell (such as SINR or speed). The ultimate goal is to obtain a model that can predict throughput as a function of a few selected parameters that characterize users’ conditions. A proportional fair scheduler is used because of its ability to maximize the BS throughput while preventing user starvation. Some conclusions are drawn on the main parameters affecting the BS throughput based on results obtained so far

    Redes empresariales en el sector turismo y servicios para la mejora de competitividad en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México: caso Parque Central Hermanos Escobar y PYMES aledañas

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    La presente investigación, muestra la cooperación y relación que existe entre las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes) del sector turismo y servicios circunvecinos al Parque Central Hermanos Escobar (PCHE) en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua (CJS), y su colaboración con este último. Se destacan las relaciones derivadas entre empresas y actores de la zona bajo el marco de la competitividad. En los resultados se presenta la red informal existente, así como la red que se generaría si estas empresas trabajaran bajo condiciones de cooperación, coordinación e intercambio de información y clientes entre los actores involucrados. También, se destaca la iniciativa empresarial para la creación de una red que formalice las relaciones, pero una falta de liderazgo para dirigirla, así como un distanciamiento con el gobierno. Sin embargo, se perciben oportunidades para potenciar las capacidades de aprendizaje e innovación, la reproducción de iniciativas empresariales exitosas y la conformación de redes
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