1,188 research outputs found

    Una evaluación de las prestaciones sociales en la lucha contra la pobreza en Andalucía y España: un análisis comparativo

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    En este trabajo se intenta analizar el papel que representa el Sistema de Garantía de Ingresos español en la lucha contra la pobreza en Andalucía y en España, utilizándose para ello la Encuesta de Presupuestos Familia-res 1990/1991. En este sentido, se reflexiona sobre la conveniencia de dicha encuesta para llevar a cabo la evaluación del Sistema de Garantía y se presenta un esquema metodológico a seguir para proceder a dicha evaluación. El artículo finaliza con las conclusiones más interesantes a la luz de los resultados.This work aims to analyse the role of the Spanish Income Guarantee System in the fight against poverty inAndalusia and Spain, based on an analysis of the Household Budget Survey 1990-1991. In this regard, the paperreflects upon the advisability of using this survey to assess the Guarantee System and a methodological schemeis outlined for performing said assessment. The paper ends by highlighting the most interesting conclusions inlight of the result

    Influence of advanced shoe technology on the top 100 annual performances in men's marathon from 2015 to 2019.

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    [EN]The NIKE Vaporfly shoe was introduced in May 2017 as part of the original #Breaking2 Project (an event aimed to run the first marathon under 2h). This new advanced shoe technology (NAST) changed the footwear design conception. The aim of this study was (i) to analyse the effect of NAST in men's marathon performance, (ii) to analyse whether the changes in the environmental constraints (temperature and wind) and orography of the marathons, age and birthplace of the runners has changed from 2015 to 2019 and (iii) to analyse the impact of NAST on the historical 50 best performances. Data from top-100 men's marathon performances were collected in that timeframe. The shoes used by the athletes were identified (in 91.8% of the cases) by publicly available photographs. External and environmental conditions of each marathon and age and birthplace of the runners were also analysed. Marathon performances improved from 2017 onwards between 0.75 and 1.50% compared to 2015 and 2016 (p<0.05). In addition, the improvement was greater in the upper deciles than in the lower ones (p<0.001). Runners wearing NAST ran~1% faster in marathon compared to runners that did not use it (p<0.001). When conducting an individual analysis of athletes who ran with and without NAST, 72.5% of the athletes who completed a marathon wearing NAST improved their performance by 0.68% (p<0.01). External and environmental conditions, age or birthplace of runners seems not to have influenced this performance improvement. NAST has had a clear impact on marathon performance unchanged in the environmental constraints (temperature and wind), orography, age, and birthplace of the runners but with differences between venues.This work was financed by groups grants from the University of Castilla-La Mancha and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. Research Group: Grupo de Investigación Rendimiento Deportivo (GIRD)

    Complete Dataset to be used as a workbench to evaluate the profitability of an offshore wind farm

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    The presented data collection has been used in the paper Multi-objective optimization of a uniformly distributed offshore wind farm considering both economic factors and visual impact, but can be used for a realistic evaluation of the annual energy production of an offshore wind farm and/or the calculation of the project investment cost. It contains realistic wind data, a bathymetric map, the definition of the coast shoreline and forbidden zones, as well as the acquisition and installation cost for the most important components influencing the investment and operation costs.CERVERA research program of CDTI under the research Project79 HySGrid+ CER-2019101

    Optimization of regular offshore wind-power plants using a non-discrete evolutionary algorithm

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    Offshore wind farms (OWFs) often present a regular configuration mainly due to aesthetical considerations. This paper presents a new evolutionary algorithm that optimizes the location, configuration and orientation of a rhomboid-shape OWF. Existing optimization algorithms were based on dividing the available space into a mess of cells and forcing the turbines to be located in the centre of a cell. However, the presented algorithm searches for the optimum within a continuous range of the eight parameters that define the OWF, which allows including a gradient-based local search operator to improve the optimization process. The study starts from a review of the economic data available in the bibliography relative to the most significant issues influencing the profitability of the investment in terms of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). In order to address the distinctive characteristics of OWFs, specific issues arise which have been solved. The most important ones are: interpretation of nautical charts, utilization of the seabed map with different load-bearing capacities, and location of the shoreline transition

    Effect of the solvent on the conformational behavior of the alanine dipeptide deduced from MD simulations

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    In general, peptides do not exhibit a well-defined conformational profile in solution. However, despite the experimental blurred picture associated with their structure, compelling spectroscopic evidence shows that peptides exhibit local order. The conformational profile of a peptide is the result of a balance between intramolecular interactions between different atoms of the molecule and intermolecular interactions between atoms of the molecule and the solvent. Accordingly, the conformational profile of a peptide will change upon the properties of the solvent it is soaked. To get insight into the balance between intra- and intermolecular interactions on the conformational preferences of the peptide backbone we have studied the conformational profile of the alanine dipeptide in diverse solvents using molecular dynamics as sampling technique. Solvents studied include chloroform, methanol, dimethyl sulfoxide, water and N-methylacetamide. Different treatments of the solvent have been studied in the present work including explicit solvent molecules, a generalized Born model and using the bulk dielectric constant of the solvent. The diverse calculations identify four major conformations with different populations in the diverse solvents: the C7 eq only sampled in chloroform; the C5 or extended conformation; the polyproline (PII) conformation and the right-handed a-helix conformation (aR). The results of present calculations permit to analyze how the balance between intra- and intermolecular interactions explains the populations of the diverse conformations observed.Postprint (published version

    Modelling laser milling of microcavities for the manufacturing of DES with ensembles

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    A set of designed experiments, involving the use of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser system milling 316L Stainless Steel, serve to study the laser-milling process of microcavities in the manufacture of drug-eluting stents (DES). Diameter, depth, and volume error are considered to be optimized as functions of the process parameters, which include laser intensity, pulse frequency, and scanning speed. Two different DES shapes are studied that combine semispheres and cylinders. Process inputs and outputs are defined by considering the process parameters that can be changed under industrial conditions and the industrial requirements of this manufacturing process. In total, 162 different conditions are tested in a process that is modeled with the following state-of-the-art data-mining regression techniques: Support Vector Regression, Ensembles, Artificial Neural Networks, Linear Regression, and Nearest Neighbor Regression. Ensemble regression emerged as the most suitable technique for studying this industrial problem. Specifically, Iterated Bagging ensembles with unpruned model trees outperformed the other methods in the tests. This method can predict the geometrical dimensions of the machined microcavities with relative errors related to the main average value in the range of 3 to 23%, which are considered very accurate predictions, in view of the characteristics of this innovative industrial task.This work was partially funded through Grants fromthe IREBID Project (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES- 247476) of the European Commission and Projects TIN2011- 24046 and TECNIPLAD (DPI2009-09852) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes

    New Trends in the Control of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems for the Provision of Ancillary Services

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    Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/).The gradual displacement of conventional generation from the energy mix to give way to renewable energy sources represents a paradigm shift in the operation of future power systems: on the one hand, renewable technologies are, in general, volatile and difficult to predict; and on the other hand, they are usually connected to the grid through electronic power converters. This decoupling due to power converters means that renewable generators lack the natural response that conventional generation has to the imbalances between demand and generation that occur during the regular operation of power systems. Renewable generators must, therefore, provide a series of complementary services for the correct operation of power systems in addition to producing the necessary amount of energy. This paper presents an overview of existing methods in the literature that allow photovoltaic generators to participate in the provision of ancillary services, focusing on solutions based on power curtailment by modifying the traditional maximum power point tracking algorithm

    Fractionation and fluxes of metals and radionuclides during the recycling process of phosphogypsum wastes applied to mineral CO2 sequestration

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    The industry of phosphoric acid produces a calcium-rich by-product known as phosphogypsum, which is usually stored in large stacks of millions of tons. Up to now, no commercial application has been widely implemented for its reuse because of the significant presence of potentially toxic contaminants. This work confirmed that up to 96% of the calcium of phosphogypsum could be recycled for CO2 mineral sequestration by a simple two-step process: alkaline dissolution and aqueous carbonation, under ambient pressure and temperature. This CO2 sequestration process based on recycling phosphogypsum wastes would help to mitigate greenhouse gasses emissions. Yet this work goes beyond the validation of the sequestration procedure; it tracks the contaminants, such as trace metals or radionuclides, during the recycling process in the phosphogypsum. Thus, most of the contaminants were transferred from raw phosphogypsum to portlandite, obtained by dissolution of the phosphogypsum in soda, and from portlandite to calcite during aqueous carbonation. These findings provide valuable information for managing phosphogypsum wastes and designing potential technological applications of the by-products of this environmentally-friendly proposal.Junta de Andalucía P10-RNM-6300, P12- RNM-226

    Swimming World Championships:Association between success at junior and senior level for British swimmers

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    The present study examines the association between the success at junior and senior level for British swimmers in World Championships (WCs). It also explores the relationships between swimming performance and the swimmers’ gender, swim stroke, distance, status (finalist, semifinalist and heats) and swimming category. Data were collected for swimmers participating in junior and/or senior World Championships (29,000 entries: 5585 swimmers) from 2006–2017. The final filtered database included only swimmers from the United Kingdom (836 entries: 141 swimmers). A descriptive analysis was made to characterize the swimmers who reached elite status in the senior category. A lineal regression model was run by gender to predict the influence of category, swim stroke, and distance in the results reached in the senior category. The results showed that the ratio of conversion from junior to senior was quite low. Females who participated in both junior and senior WCs were likely to reach top positions in the senior category. Overall, few British swimmers participated in a junior category before the senior level, but female swimmers participating in both junior and senior WCs were likely to reach top positions in the senior category.post-print335 K