797 research outputs found

    The Topological Theory of the Milnor Invariant μˉ(1,2,3)\bar{\mu}(1,2,3)

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    We study a topological Abelian gauge theory that generalizes the Abelian Chern-Simons one, and that leads in a natural way to the Milnor's link invariant μˉ(1,2,3)\bar{\mu}(1,2,3) when the classical action on-shell is calculated.Comment: 4 pages; corrected equatio

    The Architecture of Musical Expression

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    This project aims to explore the inherent relationship that exists between music and architecture. From the design of concert halls to how architecture can shape itself to sound as a means of reflecting space, this cross-disciplinary approach aims to investigate beyond the interweaving similarities between the two in terms of proportion and underlying rhythms. Apart from the circumscribed aesthetics and acoustics, this project will delve into music and architecture as an immersive experience by interconnecting directly the design of a space with a composition of music and research the experiential quality of inhabiting a space. Through audiovisual elements and 3D modelling tools, each piece of music presented here will have an ‘architectural space’ that has been created specifically from the same elements presented in the music, to not only showcase the final product of making the ‘architecture of music’ but also the process by which it can a spatial experience can be achieved.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1290/thumbnail.jp

    Del estructuralismo al cognitivismo: hacia un enfoque cientifista de la narratología

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    Este artículo intenta realizar una reflexión metateórica sobre algunas relaciones que pueden establecerse entre la narratología estructuralista y la narratología cognitiva. Se ofrecen panorámicas sintéticas sobre cada uno de estos enfoques narratológicos, y se enfatiza particularmente el componente cientifista del estructuralismo.This paper aims to advance a metatheoretical reflection on some relations that can be established between structuralist narratology and cognitive narratology. It provides succinct and panoramic reviews of both narratological approaches, particularly highlighting the scientifist component of structuralism

    A propósito de un elemento esencial de la defensa de la competencia en Europa: las facultades de investigación de la Comisión en materia de inspección

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    Auf der Grundlage der Erweiterung der Untersuchungsbefugnisse, die der EU-Kommisssion erteilt wurden, um die Existenz von Kollusionsvereinbarungen im EU-Rahmen zu bekämpfen, stellt der vorliegende Artikel die Bedingungen vor, unter denen die oberste kompetente EU-Instanz ihre Auβenprüfungen, die seitens der Unternehmer kritisch beäugt werden, durchführen muss. Es wird im Einzelnen der natürliche Widerspruch untersucht, der sich zwischen den Prüfungsabsichten der EU-Kommission und den beiden Grundpostulaten des Rechts auf Verteidigung zwangsläufig ergibt: Dem Berufsgeheimnis und dem Recht auf Aussageverweigerung bzw. der Verweigerung der Selbstbeschuldigung.On the basis of the extension of the faculties assigned to the EU Commission to fight the existence of collusive agreements within the eurozone, the current article shows the requirements in which the power to inspect, seen more sensitively within the business world, must be started up by the European Competition Authority while looking into the natural contradiction from the inspection’s own objectives and the two basic postulates related to the right of defense as are the professional secret and the right to remain silent or against self-incrimination.En base a la prolongación de las facultades de investigación que le han sido proporcionadas a la Comisión Europea para combatir la existencia de acuerdos colusorios en el ámbito comunitario, el presente artículo expone las condiciones en las cuales el poder percibido con mayor sensibilidad desde el terreno empresarial, la inspección, debe ser puesto en marcha por la máxima autoridad comunitaria de competencia, analizando en detalle la contradicción natural que se presenta entre los objetivos propios de la inspección y dos postulados básicos relacionados con el derecho de defensa, como lo son el secreto profesional y el derecho a guardar silencio o no autoinculparse

    Crime, Hooded Crusaders, and (Private) Justice: Arrow and the Exoneration of Vigilantism in Contemporary Popular Media

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    Como uma forma de combate extrajudicial ao crime, o vigilantismo envolve questões relevantes sobre crime, justiça e o cumprimento da lei, tornando-se um elemento básico dos média populares. Na década de 1980, diversos produtos da cultura popular adotaram uma abordagem crítica ao vigilantismo, como parte da desconstrução do género de super-herói, que incluiu uma reflexão crítica sobre as implicações psicológicas e políticas das motivações por detrás do comportamento dos executores da justiça privada. Nesse contexto, este artigo concentra-se na representação do vigilantismo no conhecido programa de televisão Arrow (Flecha) e analisa a maneira como ele retrata, racionaliza e, em última análise, exonera o vigilantismo como uma resposta justificável à atividade criminosa. A análise empírica se concentra nas várias estratégias retóricas usadas por Arrow para justificar o vigilantismo, como a representação de instituições legais e governamentais como corruptas e ineficientes, as múltiplas razões pelas quais o vigilantismo é praticado e a sanção do combate ao crime privado pelas instituições. Os resultados indicam que o programa oferece uma apologia do éthos do vigilante: Arrow herda a virada sombria dos super-heróis na década de 1980 e o reflexo dos medos da sociedade sobre o crime, no entanto, na visão de mundo do programa, esses medos só podem ser aplacados por vigilantes privados. Ao retratar o estado como ineficiente e/ou corrupto, o espetáculo potencializa ideologias do individualismo e do neoliberalismo antigovernamental. As a form of extralegal crimefighting, vigilantism involves relevant questions about crime, justice, and law enforcement, and it is a staple of popular media. In the 1980s, several popular culture products took a critical approach to vigilantism as a part of the deconstruction of the superhero genre, which included a critical reflection on the psychological and political implications of the motivations behind private justice enforcers’ behavior. In this context, this paper focuses on the representation of vigilantism within the popular television show Arrow, and analyzes how it depicts, rationalizes, and ultimately exonerates vigilantism as a response to criminal activity. The empirical analysis focuses on the various rhetorical strategies used by Arrow to justify vigilantism, such as the representation of legal and governmental institutions as corrupt and inefficient, the multiple rationales whereby vigilantism is practiced, and the sanctioning of private crimefighting by institutions. The analysis indicates that the show delivers an apology for the vigilante ethos: Arrow mirrors superheroes’ dark turn in the 1980s and their reflection of societal fears about crime. However, in the show’s worldview, these fears can only be appeased by private vigilantes. By portraying the state as inefficient and/or corrupt, the show boosts ideologies of individualism and anti-government neoliberalism

    Sentiment analysis in twitter: Impact of morphological characteristics

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    This paper presents a series of experiments aimed at the sentiment analysis on texts posted in Twitter. In particular, several morphological characteristics are studied for the representation of texts in order to determine those that provide the best performance when detecting the emotional charge contained in the Tweets

    Multispectral image analysis for the detection of diseases in coffee production

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    Coffee is produced in Latin America, Africa and Asia, and is one of the most traded agricultural products in international markets. The coffee agribusiness has been diversified all over the world and constitutes an important source of employment, income and foreign exchange in many producing countries. In recent years, its global supply has been affected by adverse weather factors and pests such as rust, which has been reflected in a highly volatile international market for this product [1]. This paper shows a method for the detection of coffee crops and the presence of pests and diseases in the production of these crops, using multispectral images from the Landsat 8 satellite

    Design and implementation of a system to determine property tax through the processing and analysis of satellite images

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    One of the main objectives when implementing metaheuristics in engineering problems, is to solve complex situations and look for feasible solutions within a defined interval by the design dimensions. With the support of heuristic techniques such as neural networks, it was possible to find the sections that allow to obtain the characteristics of interest to carry out the study of the important regions of an image. The analysis and digital processing of images allows to smooth the file and to section the area of analysis in regions defined as rows and columns, results in a matrix of pixels, this way carrying out the measurement of the coordinates of the beginning and end of the region under analysis, taking it as a starting point for the creation of a frame of references to be examined. Once this requirement is completed, it is possible to return to the smoothed image with which the high edges of the image will be determined by means of the Gaussian function, thus finding the edges generated for the structures of interest

    Influence of lighting and noise on visual color assessment in textiles

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    Color is a human perception of the light reflected by an object. It is an appreciation that depends on the way the human´s eyes detect the reflected light and the way the brain processes it. However, for industry, it is an attribute of product appearance and its observation allows the detection of certain anomalies and defects [1]. Therefore, color is a characteristic that allows to judge an object by creating conditions for its acceptance or rejection [2]. In this research, a laboratory experiment was carried out to analyze different factors involved in visual color evaluations in textiles. A complete factorial experiment design was carried out in which the analyzed factors were lighting, noise, color and participants