518 research outputs found

    Primera cita de Gordius albopunctatus Müller, 1927 en la Península Ibérica (Nematomorpha: Gordioida Rauther, 1930)

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    Gordius albopunctatus Müller, 1927 (Gordioida) is reported for the first time from the Iberian Peninsula, based on one male and one female specimens collected in the Guadarrama Range (Madrid). This record is the southernmost of this species, notably expanding its known biogeographic range.Se hace referencia a la primera cita de Gordius albopunctatus Müller, 1927 (Gordioida) de la península ibérica, a partir de un ejemplar macho y otro hembra capturados en la Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid). Esta cita es la más meridional de su distribución de modo que se amplía notablemente su distribución biogeográfica

    Red nucleus and rubrospinal tract disorganization in the absence of Pou4f1

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    The red nucleus (RN) is a neuronal population that plays an important role in forelimb motor control and locomotion. Histologically it is subdivided into two subpopulations, the parvocellular RN (pRN) located in the diencephalon and the magnocellular RN (mRN) in the mesencephalon. The RN integrates signals from motor cortex and cerebellum and projects to spinal cord interneurons and motor neurons through the rubrospinal tract (RST). Pou4f1 is a transcription factor highly expressed in this nucleus that has been related to its specification. Here we profoundly analyzed consequences of Pou4f1 loss-of-function in development, maturation and axonal projection of the RN. Surprisingly, RN neurons are specified and maintained in the mutant, no cell death was detected. Nevertheless, the nucleus appeared disorganized with a strong delay in radial migration and with a wider neuronal distribution; the neurons did not form a compacted population as they do in controls, Robo1 and Slit2 were miss-expressed. Cplx1 and Npas1, expressed in the RN, are transcription factors involved in neurotransmitter release, neuronal maturation and motor function processes among others. In our mutant mice, both transcription factors are lost, suggesting an abnormal maturation of the RN. The resulting altered nucleus occupied a wider territory. Finally, we examined RST development and found that the RN neurons were able to project to the spinal cord but their axons appeared defasciculated. These data suggest that Pou4f1 is necessary for the maturation of RN neurons but not for their specification and maintenance.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Application of ontologies for the integration of network monitoring platforms

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the European Workshop on Mechanisms for Mastering Future Internet, held in Salzburg on 2008This paper presents an ontology-based approach to integrate the measurements provided by different network monitoring tools and platforms. The combination of such measurements is valuable to network operators, enabling the development of new management applications. The use of ontologies provides some advantages over current syntactic solutions: classification, inference and querying capabilities are some of them. Moreover, they can reduce the complexity of information integration, providing solutions that can be applied to existing network monitoring infrastructures.This work has been partially funded by the European Union under the project FP7-MOMENT (INFSO-ICT-215225)

    Biomarkers in ocular chronic graft versus host disease: tear cytokine- and chemokine-based predictive model.

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose: To develop a tear molecule level-based predictive model based on a panel of tear cytokines and their correlation with clinical features in ocular chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD). Methods: Twenty-two ocular cGVHD patients and 21 healthy subjects were evaluated in a controlled environmental research laboratory (CERLab). Clinical parameters were recorded, and tears were collected. Levels of 15 molecules (epidermal growth factor [EGF], IL receptor antagonist [IL-1Ra], IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8/CXCL8, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-17A, interferon inducible protein [IP]-10/CXCL10, IFN-γ, VEGF, TNF-α, eotaxin 1, and regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted [RANTES]) were measured by multiplex-bead assay and correlated with clinical parameters. Logistic regression was used to develop a predictive model. Leave-one-out cross-validation was applied. Classification capacity was evaluated in a cohort of individuals with dry eye (DE) of other etiologies different from GVHD. Results: Epidermal growth factor and IP-10/CXCL10 levels were significantly decreased in ocular cGVHD, positively correlating with tear production and stability and negatively correlating with symptoms, hyperemia, and vital staining. Interleukin-1Ra, IL-8/CXCL8, and IL-10 were significantly increased in ocular cGVHD, and the first two correlated positively with symptoms, hyperemia, and ocular surface integrity while negatively correlating with tear production and stability. Predictive models were generated, and the best panel was based on IL-8/CXCL8 and IP-10/CXCL10 tear levels along with age and sex, with an area under the receiving operating curve of 0.9004, sensitivity of 86.36%, and specificity of 95.24%. Conclusions: A predictive model based on tear levels of IL-8/CXCL8 and IP-10/CXCL10 resulted in optimal sensitivity and specificity. These results add further knowledge to the search for potential biomarkers in this devastating ocular inflammatory disease.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Madrid, Spain, SAF-2010 15631 (AES)

    Nutritional assessment of a university population

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    En este trabajo se ha planteado realizar la evaluación nutricional de un grupo de 50 alumnos de la universidad de Granada, a los que se les han realizado cuestionarios de recuerdo de 24 horas y de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos, durante un período de treinta días. Al objeto de conocer la ingesta de macro y micronutrientes, los resultados se han analizado por medio del programa Dietsource. Paralelamente, se les han realizado también medidas antropométricas para comprobar la posible variación de las mismas durante el período de estudio. Se ha podido observar un consumo proteico ligeramente superior a las ingestas recomendadas, al igual que ocurre con los lípidos. El grupo estudiado valora positivamente los menús con un elevado contenido en carne mientras que se observan deficiencias en el consumo de frutas y verduras. Asimismo, se observa una variación de las medidas antropométricas de dichos individuos durante el tiempo de estudio. También hay que destacar la deficiencia de algunos micronutrientes tales como hierro, zinc, calcio, yodo, cobre, selenio, vitamina E y ácido fólico para toda la población de estudio. Sin embargo, los valores de vitamina C y tiamina en ambos grupos y de riboflavina en mujeres se pueden considerar adecuados. A la vista de los resultados se pone de manifiesto que existen desequilibrios en la alimentación de este grupo de población, ya que se han observado deficiencias en el consumo de micronutrientes importantes para el mantenimiento y promoción de la salud, así como un consumo de macronutrientes que se aleja de las recomendaciones establecidas.In this work, we have planned to perform a nutritional assessment of a group of 50 students from the University of Granada, to which questionnaires have been administered relating to 24-hour remembrance of type and frequency of food consumption, for 30 days. In order to know macro- and micronutrients intake, the results have been analyzed with DietSource software. At the same time, anthropometrical measurements have been taken to verify their possible change during the study period. We have been able to observe a protein intake slightly higher than the recommended intake, similarly to what occurs with lipids. The studied group positively values menus with high content in meat, whereas deficiencies in fruit and vegetable intake are observed. In addition, there is a variation of anthropometrical measurements of these individuals during the study period. We also noticed a deficiency in some micronutrients such as iron, zinc, calcium, iodine, cupper, selenium, vitamin E, and folic acid in all the studied population. However, vitamin C and thiamine levels in both groups and riboflavin levels in women may be considered adequate. From these results, we may highlight a nutrition unbalance in this population group since we have observed some deficiencies in the intake of important micronutrients for health maintenance and promotion, and macronutrient consumption that diverges from the established recommendations

    Nutritional assessment in a moroccan university population during Ramadan

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    En este trabajo se pretende evaluar el estado nutricional de una población musulmana, cada vez más numerosa en nuestras universidades, en un período en el que varían de forma considerable sus hábitos alimenticios. El estudio se ha realizado en una población de estudiantes musulmanes de la Universidad de Granada, comparándola con un grupo de población no musulmán del mismo ámbito. A los sujetos de estudio, se les realizó una encuesta en la que reflejaban la dieta de cada día durante el período del Ramadán. Se realizó el análisis de macronutrientes de dicha dieta mediante el programa Dietsource. De otra parte, se tomaron medidas antropométricas antes y después del período de estudio para así observar la variación de las medidas realizadas y obtener las conclusiones del estudio nutricional. Se ha observado que el aporte de lípidos de los musulmanes en el tiempo del Ramadán era excesivo (48% del total de la energía), a expensas de disminuir el aporte de hidratos de carbono y aún más el de proteínas. Esto se pone de manifiesto en el estudio antropométrico, observándose una disminución de medidas como área muscular del brazo, área del brazo, perímetro muscular del brazo y peso frente a un aumento del área grasa del brazo, perímetro del brazo, circunferencia de pierna y pierna media en el grupo musulmán, medidas que contrastan con las del grupo no musulmán. A la vista de los resultados cabe destacar que durante el tiempo de Ramadán los valores de ingesta de macronutrientes no son adecuados si se comparan con las recomendaciones de referencia en España. Asimismo, llama la atención cómo aumentan las medidas antropométricas que hacen referencia a la grasa a la vez que disminuyen aquéllas que miden la masa muscular.The aim of this work was to assess nutritional status in Muslim population, bigger and bigger in our universities, in a period during which its dietary habits change considerably. The study has been performed in a population of Muslim students from the University of Granada, and has been compared to a non-Muslim population within the same setting. Study subjects undertook a questionnaire in which they reported the diet consumed each day during the Ramadan period. Macronutrient analysis for such diet was performed with Dietsource software. On the other hand, anthropometrical parameters were taken before and after the study period to observe their change and obtain conclusions on nutritional status. It has been observed that lipid intake of Muslims during the Ramadan period was excessive (48% of total energy), by decreasing hydrocarbons and particularly proteins. This is highlighted by means of the anthropometrical study, observing a decrease in measurements such as muscular area of the arm, the arm area, the muscle perimeter of the arm, and weight, with an increase in arm fat, perimeter of the arm, leg and mid-ieg circumference in the Muslim group, which are in contrast with parameters in the non-Muslim group. From our results, we may stress that during the Ramadan period macronutrient intake values are not appropriate as compared to standard recommendations in Spain. Besides, it is striking to observe how anthropometrical measurements related to fat increase whereas those related to muscular mass decrease

    Primer registro de la cojolita (Penelope purpurascens) en el estado de Guanajuato, México

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    -Aquí se informa sobre el registro de la cojolita en la Reserva de Biosfera Sierra Gorda de Guanajuato, el cual es el registro más central para esa latitud y el primero para el estado. Esta especie fue registrada fotográfícamente en un bosque de encino. La presencia de esta especie enfatiza la necesidad de continuar realizando inventarios biológicos en esta Reserva de la Biosfer

    Microporous Polymer Networks for Carbon Capture Applications

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    Producción CientíficaA new generation of porous polymer networks has been obtained in quantitative yield by reacting two rigid trifunctional aromatic monomers (1,3,5-triphenylbenzene and triptycene) with two ketones having electron-withdrawing groups (trifluoroacetophenone and isatin) in superacidic media. The resulting amorphous networks are microporous materials, with moderate Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface areas (from 580 to 790 m2 g–1), and have high thermal stability. In particular, isatin yields networks with a very high narrow microporosity contribution, 82% for triptycene and 64% for 1,3,5-triphenylbenzene. The existence of favorable interactions between lactams and CO2 molecules has been stated. The materials show excellent CO2 uptakes (up to 207 mg g–1 at 0 °C/1 bar) and can be regenerated by vacuum, without heating. Under postcombustion conditions, their CO2/N2 selectivities are comparable to those of other organic porous networks. Because of the easily scalable synthetic method and their favorable characteristics, these materials are very promising as industrial adsorbents.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grants MAT2013-45071-R / MAT2016-76413-C2-R1 / MAT2016-76413-C2-R2 / MAT2015-69844-R / CTQ2016-80913-P / CTQ2014-52796-P)Junta de Castilla y León (projects VA248U13 / VA051P17

    Contribution of Efflux Pumps, Porins, and B-Lactamases to Multidrug Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Weinvestigated the mechanisms of resistance to carbapenems, aminoglycosides, glycylcyclines, tetracyclines, and quinolones in 90 multiresistant clinical strains of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from two genetically unrelated A. baumannii clones: clone PFGEROC- 1 (53 strains producing the OXA-58B-lactamase enzyme and 18 strains with the OXA-24B-lactamase) and clone PFGE-HUI-1 (19 strains susceptible to carbapenems).Weused real-time reverse transcriptase PCR to correlate antimicrobial resistance (MICs) with expression of genes encoding chromosomalB-lactamases (AmpC and OXA-51), porins (OmpA, CarO, Omp33, Dcap-like, OprB, Omp25, OprC, OprD, and OmpW), and proteins integral to six efflux systems (AdeABC, AdeIJK, AdeFGH, CraA, AbeM, and AmvA). Overexpression of the AdeABC system (level of expression relative to that by A. baumannii ATCC 17978, 30- to 45-fold) was significantly associated with resistance to tigecycline, minocycline, and gentamicin and other biological functions. However, hyperexpression of the AdeIJK efflux pump (level of expression relative to that by A. baumannii ATCC 17978, 8- to 10-fold) was significantly associated only with resistance to tigecycline and minocycline (to which the TetB efflux system also contributed). TetB and TetA(39) efflux pumps were detected in clinical strains and were associated with resistance to tetracyclines and doxycycline. The absence of the AdeABC system and the lack of expression of other mechanisms suggest that tigecycline-resistant strains of the PFGE-HUI-1 clone may be associated with a novel resistance-nodulation-cell efflux pump (decreased MICs in the presence of the inhibitor Phe-ArgB-naphthylamide dihydrochloride) and the TetA(39) system