104 research outputs found

    Initiatives on Urban Transformation in South-East Europe: case Prishtina

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    Countries forming the South East Europe (SEE) face common post-socialist and/or pos-war challenges since 1990s. Among issues identified in SEE is the rapid transformation of physical environment between early 1990s and today. More specifically, unchecked urban development has been identified as a common challenge in the region, and as such, it has drawn the attention of a wider Europe. Being committed to upgrade urban situations, a number of initiatives, both governmental and nongovernmental, have been created and jointly initiated regional projects for devising solutions in local level that may apply in a wider regional context. The criticism about urban occurrences in SEE, developed by such initiatives has played and important role in raising the awareness about the complexity and the need to address the SEE context within the context of Europe as a whole. This paper documents initiatives for urban interventions in SEE by focusing in projects’ developed in Prishtina, through cooperation with regional and international experts. In the light of this engagement, adequate steps need to be taken in order to foster respective legal frameworks devised through initiatives for urban interventions, along with implementation mechanisms, given that the physical and cultural environment is ranked high in Europe. Although studies on Prishtina became part of the official municipal program, there remains the need to harmonize the city vision with the development capacity and to adjust its deve lopment policies to suite the aspired sustainable development goals and global trends

    Knowledge about breastfeeding of children 0-6 months among mothers attending hospital services in Kosovo

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge and socio-demographic correlates of breastfeeding of children aged 0-6 months among mothers with young children in post-war Kosovo. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kosovo during the period December 2017 – February 2018 including a representative sample of 201 mothers (aged 29.4±6.0 years) with young children attending hospital services. In addition to socio-demographic data, a structured 13-item questionnaire inquiring about breastfeeding of children aged 0-6 months was administered to all women. A summary score was calculated for all 13 items related to women’s knowledge on breastfeeding (0 denoting incorrect answers to all 13 items, and 13 denoting correct answers to all 13 questions). General linear model was used to assess the association between summary score of the knowledge about breastfeeding and socio-demographic characteristics of the women.   Results: Mean summary score of the 13 items related to knowledge about breastfeeding was 10.3±1.9; median score was 11 (interquartile range: 9-12). In multivariable-adjusted models, the mean summary score of knowledge about breastfeeding of children 0-6 months was slightly but non-significantly higher among “older” women, those residing in urban areas, highly educated women, those currently employed, and women with a higher income level. Conclusion: Generally, the level of knowledge about breastfeeding of children aged 0-6 months was satisfactory among mothers with young children included in this survey in Kosovo. Furthermore, there were seemingly no significant socio-demographic differences in the level of knowledge about breastfeeding of young infants among women in this study carried out in Kosovo.  &nbsp


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    Mentor: Prof. Dr. Ylber Syl


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    Mediat e reja ose ato sociale janë mundësi e re e gjithë atyre që tentojnë të manipulojnë me të vërtetën. Duke qenë kështu, këto media po ndryshojnë edhe mënyrën e komunikimit, njëherësh po demediatizon mediat tradicionale. Ky punim ka për qëllim të analizojë përdorimin e mediave të reja si mundësi e pastër për tentim të manipulimit me publikun. Përmes këtyre mediave, sidomos akterët politikë synojnë të prodhojnë lajme të rrejshme, kështu këta të fundit po krijojnë rrugë të cilat mundësojnë një gjë të tillë, pra “fake news”. Përveç akterëve politikë, në krijimin e lajmeve të rreme kanë dorë edhe grupet e ndryshme të interesit, duke nisur nga kompanitë e mëdha, që në vend të shpenzimeve për reklamë, përdorin, me një çmim shumë më të lirë, mediat online, fillestare dhe me probleme financiare, për të luftuar në tregun e egër të marketingut, natyrisht jashtë rregullave fer të lojës. Individë të caktuar, për qëllime private e politike, kanë gjetur një fushë ku më lehtë mund të depërtojnë, për të sulmuar kundërshtarët. Krimi i organizuar, po kështu, në gjithë botën, ka shtënë në dorë shumë “media” të tilla, për të zhvilluar fushatat kundër forcave të rendit e kundër shtetit, me qëllim të mbajtjes ose krijimit të një hapësire sa më të madhe për veprim. Për gjetjen e këtyre mënyrave viteve të fundit në mënyrë indirekte i ka ndihmuar edhe Evropa, më saktë si Kosova ashtu edhe Maqedonia e Shqipëria. Punimi do të analizojë shembuj të lajmeve të rreme, të krijuara për një qëllim, arritjen e synimeve të projektuara. Po ashtu, do të jepen shembuj se si Donald Trump zgjidhet president i ShBA-së. A i ndihmuan lajmet e rrejshme zgjedhjen e tij si president? Kush ra pre e qëllimit të Donald Trump-it? Ndërkohë ekskluzivisht për këtë punim janë intervistuar edhe dy gazetarë amerikanë, të cilët kanë shprehur mendimin e tyre në lidhje më këtë fenomen, pra për lajmet e rrejshme. Është shumë e qartë se, derisa fushëveprimi i medias së re online të rregullohet me ligje në të gjitha shtetet, hapësira për lajme të rreme do të jetë e madhe. Këtë e dinë mirë të gjithë ata që i prodhojnë këto lajme, ndaj nguten që të tilla të prodhojnë sa më shumë. Deri tash vetëm një numër i vogël shtetesh e kanë rregulluar me ligj fushën e veprimit të medias online, të tjera janë në hapat fillestarë, ndërsa në hapësirën ku jetojmë ne dhe në vendet në rajon, legjislacioni në këtë fushë lë shumë për të dëshiruar. Ndaj, do të “furnizohemi” edhe gjatë me lajme të rreme, të prodhuara nga joprofesionistët, për qëllime të tyre personale e grupore, në interes të individëve e grupimeve të caktuara, që shpesh janë edhe individë e struktura pikërisht nga institucionet që do të duhej ta rregullojnë me ligj fushëveprimin e medias së re

    Volume expansion of amorphous silicon electrodes during potentiostatic lithiation of Li-ion batteries

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    Large volume modifications during electrochemical cycling of electrodes in Li-ion batteries often limit successful applications due to stress formation, electrode fracture and delamination from the current collector. In this study, we carried out investigations on the volume changes taking place during potentiostatic lithiation of the high capacity electrode material amorphous silicon. Thin film electrodes were investigated at potentials of 0.45, 0.28, 0.19 und 0.06 V vs Li/Li+ during lithiation using in-operando neutron reflectometry. We found a strongly non-linear correlation between volume and state-of-charge for each potential applied in strong contrast to the results of galvanostatic lithiation. A possible explanation might be that for high current densities occurring at the beginning of each potentiostatic lithiation step free volumes are created in the electrode material leading to disproportionate volume expansion

    Level of satisfaction and socio-demographic correlates among users of primary health care services in Kosovo

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the level and socio-demographic correlates of satisfaction with services among adult primary health care users in Kosovo. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kosovo during the period May-June 2022 including a representative sample of 510 adult users (238 men and 272 women) of primary health care services in Kosovo (mean age: 44.6±19.2 years). In addition to socio-demographic data, a structured 23-item questionnaire aiming at assessing the level of satisfaction with primary health care services was administered to all participants (each item ranging from 1 [high] to 5 [low]). A summary score was calculated for all 23 items related to satisfaction level ranging from 23 (the highest satisfaction level) to 115 (the lowest satisfaction level). General linear model was used to assess the association between the summary score of satisfaction level with primary health care services and socio-demographic factors of study participants.   Results: Mean summary score of the 23 items related to the satisfaction level with primary health care services was 49.8±13.0; median score was 49 (interquartile range: 41-57). In multivariable-adjusted models, the level of satisfaction with primary health care services was significantly higher among participants with a lower educational attainment, individuals with e lower income level, and ethnic Albanian participants. Conclusion: This study identified important socio-demographic correlates of the level of satisfaction with primary health care services in the adult population of Kosovo. Findings from this study should raise the awareness of policymakers and decision-makers in Kosovo and elsewhere in order to improve the quality of primary health care services.   &nbsp

    Level of satisfaction and socio-demographic correlates among users of primary health care services in Kosovo

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the level and socio-demographic correlates of satisfaction with services among adult primary health care users in Kosovo. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kosovo during the period May-June 2022 including a representative sample of 510 adult users (238 men and 272 women) of primary health care services in Kosovo (mean age: 44.6±19.2 years). In addition to socio-demographic data, a structured 23-item questionnaire aiming at assessing the level of satisfaction with primary health care services was administered to all participants (each item ranging from 1 [high] to 5 [low]). A summary score was calculated for all 23 items related to satisfaction level ranging from 23 (the highest satisfaction level) to 115 (the lowest satisfaction level). General linear model was used to assess the association between the summary score of satisfaction level with primary health care services and socio-demographic factors of study participants.   Results: Mean summary score of the 23 items related to the satisfaction level with primary health care services was 49.8±13.0; median score was 49 (interquartile range: 41-57). In multivariable-adjusted models, the level of satisfaction with primary health care services was significantly higher among participants with a lower educational attainment, individuals with e lower income level, and ethnic Albanian participants. Conclusion: This study identified important socio-demographic correlates of the level of satisfaction with primary health care services in the adult population of Kosovo. Findings from this study should raise the awareness of policymakers and decision-makers in Kosovo and elsewhere in order to improve the quality of primary health care services.   &nbsp

    Modernization tendencies in architecture and street infrastructure in Kosovo during the Tanzimat reforms

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    Abstract Modernization tendencies in architecture and street infrastructure were introduced in Kosovo during the Tanzimat Reforms, enforced by the Ottoman Empire in the late 19th century. Lack of original archive documentation until now has impeded scientific approach to urban and architectural analysis, for which reason, Kosovo cities often face difficulties in documenting their historical and cultural continuity. In order to fill the gap of knowledge about urban built heritage of 19th century in Kosovo, this paper uses and analyzes original visual archival documents, retrieved by author from the Premiership Ottoman Archives Analyses show that construction of street network and public buildings was realized in line with the needs arising from new administrative division imposed by the Tanzimat Reforms. While street network intended to connect Kosovo settlements, public buildings and especially the government buildings built in Prizren and Prishtina, former centers of Vilayets, intended to introduce new building standards and a new language of architecture. Interrogation of modernization tendencies in architecture and street network in Kosovo during this period is important for establishing a continuity of future planning development, as well as in narrating modernization tendencies that occurred in Kosovo in line with other parts of the Late Ottoman Empire territories in the Balkan

    Correlation of electrical properties and acoustic loss in single crystalline lithium niobate-tantalate solid solutions at elevated temperatures

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    Electrical conductivity and acoustic loss Q−1 of single crystalline Li(Nb,Ta)O3 solid solutions (LNT) are studied as a function of temperature by means of impedance spectroscopy and resonant piezoelectric spectroscopy, respectively. For this purpose, bulk acoustic wave resonators with two different Nb/Ta ratios are investigated. The obtained results are compared to those previously reported for congruent LiNbO3. The temperature dependent electrical conductivity of LNT and LiNbO3 show similar behavior in air at high temperatures from 400 to 700 °C. Therefore, it is concluded that the dominant transport mechanism in LNT is the same as in LN, which is the Li transport via Li vacancies. Further, it is shown that losses in LNT strongly increase above about 500 °C, which is interpreted to originate from conductivity-related relaxation mechanism. Finally, it is shown that LNT bulk acoustic resonators exhibit significantly lower loss, comparing to that of LiNbO3