350 research outputs found


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    The Mhlathuze (Richards Bay) Estuary on the KwaZulu-Natal coast, South Africa, was substantially altered during the early 1970s, when it was divided into two separate systems. The northern section was developed into a deep-water harbour, whereas the southern part was envisaged to function as the new estuary. This study investigates the composition of the zooplankton community of the new estuary 20 years after its construction and compares it with historical data. Compared with the original estuary, a much-reduced body of water is currently available to estuarine plankton. During the sampling period between February 1996 and February 1997, the surface area of the new estuary was about 75&#37 smaller than that of the original waterbody, originally as a result of a section being lost to harbour development and later to mangrove encroachment. Salinity levels throughout the new estuary were close to that of seawater, except for a few occasions during particularly strong freshwater inflows. Multivariate analyses indicate that patterns of zooplankton distribution of abundance during the present study were mostly determined by a combination of salinity and seasonal temperature variation. Zooplankton density had a seasonal pattern. Overall abundance of the estuarine zooplankton community of the system was low compared with the original system and other South African estuaries. The original estuarine zooplankton community, characterized by the typical estuarine copepods Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmanni and Acartia natalensis, had been replaced by a predominantly marine community, dominated by small paracalanid copepods.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 289–29

    Association between consumption of black tea and iron status in adult Africans in the North West Province: The THUSA study

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    The association between black tea consumption and iron status was investigated in a sample of African adults participating in the cross-sectional THUSA (Transition and Health during Urbanization of South Africans) study in the North West Province, South Africa. Data were analysed from 1605 apparently healthy adults aged 15-65 years by demographic and FFQ, anthropometric measurements and biochemical analyses. The main outcome measures were Hb and serum ferritin concentrations. No associations were seen between black tea consumption and concentrations of serum ferritin (men P=0.059; women P=0.49) or Hb (men P=0.33; women P=0.49). Logistic regression showed that tea consumption did not significantly increase risk for iron deficiency (men: OR 1.36; 95 % CI 0.99, 1.87; women: OR 0.98; 95 % CI 0.84, 1.13) nor for iron deficiency anaemia (men: OR 1.28: 95 % Cl 0.84, 1.96; women: OR 0.93; 95 % Cl 0.78, 1.11). Prevalence of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia was especially high in women: 21.6 and 14.6 %, respectively. However, the likelihood of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia was not significantly explained by tea consumption in sub-populations which were assumed to be at risk for iron deficiency. Regression of serum ferritin levels on tea consumption in women : 40 years, adults with a daily iron intak

    Comparative morphology of the feeding appendages of four mesozooplankton species in the Sundays River estuary

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    The morphology of feeding appendages of the coexisting estuarine copepods, Pseudodiaptomus hessei and Acartia longipatetla, and mysids, Rhopalophthalmus terranatalis and Mesopodopsis wooldridgei. were examined and compared as an aid in elucidating dietary differences. The robust mandibles of P. hessei copepodids compared to the more pointed and slender teeth with no molar region, of A. longipatella suggest that the latter species relies on more fragile food particles. Mandible edge indices indicate, however, omnivorous feeding by both species. No clear dietary differences could be deduced from the dimensions of the second maxillae of these copepods. Mandible edge indices calculated for the mysid species suggest a more herbivorous feeding mode in M. wooldridgei and a more carnivorous one in R. terranatalis, supporting previous studies on their diets. No interspecific differences between the mysid size classes were evident from edge indices. Significant increments in setae and setule lengths and spacing with increasing mysid size class were evident, reflecting differences in food particle sizes utilized. The morphological differences in the feeding apparatus could reflect differences in the diets between species and indicate differences in food particle sizes utilized by the various developmental stages within species. These differences in diet should reduce inter- and intraspecific competition

    La Mezcla de Mercadotecnia : Forma de comercialización o estrategias de distribución que implementan las empresas como medio de transferencia hacia el consumidor final a travéz del comercio a detalle y el comercio al por mayor, mediante una investigación documental.

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    El presente seminario de graduación está referido al estudio de la mezcla de marketing, en donde se combinan técnicas de mercadotecnia para lograr un nivel deseado de ventas en el mercado meta al menor costo posible, incorporándolas estrategias de comercialización y distribución implementadas en el comercio al detalle y el comercio al por mayor con el fin de que los vendedores y compradores tengan relaciones comerciales de transacciones de bienes y/o servicios. Este informe se sustenta sobre el desarrollo de las siguientes bases teóricas los cuales son: capítulo I la distribución como elemento de la mezcla marketing, capítulo II elementos del comercio al detalle, capítulo III elementos del comercio al mayoreo, capítulo IV estrategias de canales de distribución. La metodología empleada en este seminario de graduación es a través de una investigación documental donde se recopiló la información suficiente para llevar acabo el desarrollo de este documento, en donde no se utilizó técnicas ni instrumentos de recopilación de datos por ser una investigación basada en teoría y bibliografías. Los principales términos descriptores que contiene este informe son dedicatorias, agradecimientos, aval del docente, resumen, introducción, justificación, objetivos, desarrollo del informe, conclusiones y bibliografías

    Comportamiento Innovador de la Empresa Farmacia Oziris en el departamento de Matagalpa periodo 2016

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    La presente investigación aborda el tema de comportamiento innovador de las PYMES del Municipio de Matagalpa, departamento de Matagalpa, Estelí durante el periodo 2016 especifica mente en la farmacia Oziris. Tiene más de 30 años de operación en el mercado Matagalpino, esta empresa se identifica por comercializar productos farmacéuticos con los más altos estándares de calidad, a fin de alcanzar la satisfacción de sus clientes. El propósito de analizar el comportamiento innovador de Farmacia Oziris se basa en identificar tipo de comportamiento innovador que ha desarrollado, es decir determinar el comportamiento innovador proactivo o reactivo. El comportamiento innovador es de vital importancia ya que por medio de este se logra una gran ventaja competitiva en el mercado hoy en día. Además, esto permite un mayor crecimiento y por lo tanto mejorar la posición en el mercado. La situación actual de la empresa en cuanto al comportamiento innovador ha consistido en haber innovado en técnicas de merchandising, diversificación de servicios entre otras y con un comportamiento innovador proactivo, aunque en ciertas innovaciones lo ha hecho de manera reactiva como en el caso de entrega a domicilio. La implementación de estas innovaciones ha sido uno de los principales motores para el posicionamiento y desarrollo de esta empresa dentro del mercado, teniendo un crecimiento tanto de clientes como de prestigio, todo lo anterior provocado por un buen comportamiento innovado

    The intake and quality of breakfast consumption in adolescents attending public secondary schools in the North West province, South Africa

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    Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine the proportion and quality of breakfast intake in adolescents, and to determine the effect of breakfast intake and quality on overall diet quality.Design: A cross-sectional quantitative study design was used.Setting: The setting was seven public secondary schools in Potchefstroom and the surrounding areas in North West province.Subjects: The subjects were randomly selected adolescents in grades 9-11 (n = 244).Outcome measures: A self-administered demographic questionnaire was completed by the adolescents. Single 24-hour recall, using the four-stage multiple-pass method, was conducted to obtain information on breakfast and dietary intake for the day. Breakfast quality was measured by applying a breakfast quality score. The Diet Quality Index Revised was used to assess the quality of the overall diet. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was employed to assess an association between the continuous variables. The chi-square or Fisher’s exact test was utilised to assess an association between the categorical variables.Results: The proportion of breakfast intake and skipping was 81% and 19%, respectively. The mean breakfast quality score was moderate (3.1). No significant difference was shown in the diet quality score for the breakfast eaters and skippers. The breakfast quality score was marginally associated with calcium intake (p-value < 0.0001, r = 0.418), phosphorous intake (p-value < 0.0001, r = 0.378) and total diversity score (p-value < 0.0001, r = 0.369).Conclusion: The proportion of breakfast skipping, moderate quality of the breakfast consumed and trend of improved nutrient intake with improved breakfast quality highlights the need for breakfast education and intervention as part of the Integrated School Health Policy.Keywords: adolescent, breakfast, breakfast quality, diet quality, adolescenc

    Low rates of exclusive breastfeeding are still evident in four South African provinces

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    Objectives: Breastfeeding is one of the primary strategies used to enhance infant nutrition and improving child survival worldwide. The intention of globally increasing the rate of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) to at least 50% of infants in the first six months of life was stated in the 2014 International Conference on Nutrition Rome Declaration on Nutrition and the Post-2015 Development Agenda. This study aimed to explore the infant-feeding practices of mothers and caregivers of infants aged ≤ 6 months in four provinces in South Africa.Setting and subjects: This cross-sectional study was conducted in four provinces in South Africa. In total, 40 health facilities were randomly selected in the four provinces and visited, including metropolitan and non-metropolitan health facilities over the geographical area of the provinces. The sample size comprised mothers and/or caregivers of babies aged ≤ 6 months.Design: Fixed-format interviews were used in this cross-sectional study on 580 mothers and/or caregivers. The mothers completed 24-hour recall based on the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations dietary diversity list, consisting of 12 different food groups, to assess dietary intake and diversity.Results: The EBF rate for infants up to the age of six months was 12%. Mothers who delivered full-term babies were most likely to initiate breastfeeding within the first hour of delivery. More than a third of the mothers had ceased breastfeeding by one month (40%, n = 23). The introduction of complementary food took place in 17% of infants during this first month. The minimum standards of dietary diversity were met by one infant only. Different reasons found to influence mothers’ feeding practices included needing to return to work (29%) or their studies (12%), the mothers’ health status (25%), and perceptions of an “insufficient” milk supply (13%).Conclusion: Therefore, new strategies should address these gaps in knowledge with key breastfeeding awareness messages and a special focus on community involvement and participation. There is also a need for the whole nutrition fraternity, including government, academia and development industries, to intervene by developing more innovative approaches to increase the rate of EBF in South Africa.Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, South Africa, low rates, infant feeding practice

    Risk factor profile of coronary artery disease in black South Africans

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factor profile of coronary artery disease (CAD) in black South Africans. The study was motivated by the increased prevalence of CAD in South Africa, probably as a result of urbanisation. Despite this increase, however, very little is known regarding the cause, risk factor profile and clinical presentations of CAD in the black South African population. Design: A case control study was performed investigating 40 (33 men, 7 women) angiographically defined CAD patients and 20 (13 men and 7 women) age and body composition matched controls. Results: There was no difference in physical activity, sociodemographic factors or dietary intakes between the CAD and control group, except for the CAD patients consuming less vit C (40.9 vs 61.3 mg). The CAD group had significantly higher LDL-C, fasting glucose and CRP. There was also a significantly higher prevalence of smokers (35 vs 10%), hypertension (95 vs 75%) small dense LDL (73 vs 15%) and insulin resistance (M-value of 4.15 vs 12.5 mg/kg/min) in the CAD compared to the control group. In a logistic regression model, small dense LDL and insulin resistance were the main predictors of CAD. Conclusions: Black South African CAD patients had increased levels of the same risk factors that are typically seen in Caucasians with insulin resistance and small dense LDL being particularly significant in their contribution

    Evaluación y comparación del nivel de los alumnos de II y V año de la carrera de Odontología Facultad de Ciencias Médicas UNAN-Managua en el periodo Abril-Septiembre 2014

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    Los estudiantes de odontología al realizar sus prácticas clínicas se exponen de forma continua a diferentes riesgos laborales, entre ellos, el ruido, capaz de desencadenar daños auditivos irreversibles pero prevenibles cuando se realizan revisiones periódicas en el equipo generador de ruido y uso de protección personal. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el nivel auditivo de los alumnos de II y V año de Odontología de la UNAN-Managua con el propósito de demostrar la existencia de disminuciones auditivas en estudiantes de V año expuestos al ruido de piezas de alta velocidad. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo-correlacionar de corte transversal a 44 alumnos, 22 de II año y 22 de V año, los cuales fueron sometidos a encuestas y audiometrías, además de la medición de ruido en el puesto de trabajo; encontrando que el 64% de los estudiantes de II año presentan niveles auditivos normales en el oído derecho y el 68% en el izquierdo, 36% presentó hipoacusia ligera en el oído derecho y 32% en el oído izquierdo. Por su parte en los estudiantes de V año se encontró, 9% de audición normal en el oído derecho y 32% en el oído izquierdo, 64% de hipoacusia ligera en el oído derecho y 55% en el oído izquierdo, 27% de hipoacusia leve en el oído derecho y 9% en el izquierdo. Palabras clave: audición, ruido, odontologí