370 research outputs found

    Caracteres preimaginales y aspectos bionómicos de Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae)

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    Se describe la morfología y microestructura coriónica del huevo y la morfología del primer estadio larvario de Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Nycteliini). También se exponen antecedentes bionómicos y distribucionales de la especie. Para la obtención de huevos y larvas, se recolectaron parejas en el terreno que fueron mantenidas en cajas de cria hasta la ovoposición y posterior eclosión. La estructura y ornamentación del exocorion del huevo y características morfológicas externas de la larva fueron analizadas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados muestran que los huevos de G. luczotii presentan un micropilo redondeado y exocorion liso, con células hexagonales sin aeropilos. Las larvas de G. luczotii presentan características morfológicas adaptativas para la vida edáfica del tipo Pedobionta: cápsula cefálica con gran cantidad de sensillas, patas protorácicas de función cavadora, y pigopodio bien desarrollado. Se analiza la importancia de algunos caracteres morfológicos de la larva de primer estadio como criterio de diagnóstico específico y se establece que las diferencias interespecíficas referidas a las sensillas frontales, la forma del clípeo y el margen anterior del labro tienen valor taxonómico y probablemente filogenético. Palabras clave: Tenebrionidae, Gyriosomus, Morfología, Estadios preimaginales, Desierto costero, Chile.Preimaginal characters and bionomical aspects of Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) We describe the morphology and microstructure of the egg chorion, and the morphology of the first instar larva of Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Nycteliini). Bionomical and distributional data on this species are also provided. To obtain eggs and larvae, couples were collected in the field and kept in rearing cages until oviposture and ecclosion. The structure and adornment of the egg exochorion, and the exterior morphological features of larvae were examined with electron scanning microscopy. The eggs of G. luczotii showed a rounded micropyle and a smooth exochorion, composed of hexagonal cells without aeropyles. The larvae of G. luczotii showed morphological characteristics suited for an edaphic life similar to that of Pedobionta: digging prothoracic legs, cephalic capsule with abundant sensilla, and well–developed pygopodium. We analysed the importance of larval morphology as an element for specific diagnosis and found that interspecific differences regarding frontal sensilla, clypeus shape, and anterior part of labrum, had a taxonomic value and possibly a phylogenetic value. Key words: Tenebrionidae, Gyriosomus, Morphology, Preimaginal stages, Coastal desert, Chile.Se describe la morfología y microestructura coriónica del huevo y la morfología del primer estadio larvario de Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Nycteliini). También se exponen antecedentes bionómicos y distribucionales de la especie. Para la obtención de huevos y larvas, se recolectaron parejas en el terreno que fueron mantenidas en cajas de cria hasta la ovoposición y posterior eclosión. La estructura y ornamentación del exocorion del huevo y características morfológicas externas de la larva fueron analizadas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados muestran que los huevos de G. luczotii presentan un micropilo redondeado y exocorion liso, con células hexagonales sin aeropilos. Las larvas de G. luczotii presentan características morfológicas adaptativas para la vida edáfica del tipo Pedobionta: cápsula cefálica con gran cantidad de sensillas, patas protorácicas de función cavadora, y pigopodio bien desarrollado. Se analiza la importancia de algunos caracteres morfológicos de la larva de primer estadio como criterio de diagnóstico específico y se establece que las diferencias interespecíficas referidas a las sensillas frontales, la forma del clípeo y el margen anterior del labro tienen valor taxonómico y probablemente filogenético. Palabras clave: Tenebrionidae, Gyriosomus, Morfología, Estadios preimaginales, Desierto costero, Chile

    A purple plaque in a patient with systemic sclerosis

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    We present the case of a 43-year old woman with anti-U3 ribonucleoprotein antibody-positive systemic sclerosis presenting with an enlarging purple plaque on the left upper arm. The skin was not sclerotic; however, there had been a cluster of long-standing telangiectases preceding the plaque. Histology and immunohistochemistry confirmed an angiosarcoma. There are five reported cases in the literature about angiosarcoma arising in the skin of patients with systemic sclerosis; however, to our knowledge, this is the first to have arisen from non-sclerotic skin. We would urge clinicians to adopt a high index of suspicion for atypical vascular tumours presenting in patients with systemic sclerosis

    Identification of the components of the Personal Learning Environment of engineering students

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    La necesaria transformación educativa en función del desarrollo de competencias para el aprendizaje ubicuo y permanente con TIC lleva al surgimiento de los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje (PLE). Los PLE son una estrategia metodológica que coloca al estudiante en el centro del proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje y potencia la construcción de un escenario de aprendizaje mediante la interacción con otras personas, materiales y recursos en general. El presente trabajo busca identificar las herramientas tecnológicas que conforman los PLE de los estudiantes, así como los objetivos de su uso. Se emplea una metodología de investigación mixta aplicada a una muestra de 92 estudiantes del 5to año de la carrera de Ingeniería Informática. Se incluye el diseño de un cuestionario validado mediante juicio de expertos y análisis del coeficiente de consistencia interna. Como resultado se obtienen las herramientas más utilizadas con fines personales y académicos. Sobresalen los buscadores, los procesadores de texto, las herramientas para la creación de presentaciones colectivas y para leer y enviar correos electrónicos. El uso de estas herramientas es orientado por los profesores en actividades docentes. Estos resultados demuestran que es posible desarrollar el PLE de los estudiantes desde las actividades intencionalmente diseñadas en las diferentes asignaturas.The necessary educational transformation based on the development of skills for ubiquitous and permanent learning with ICT leads to the emergence of Personal Learning Environments (PLE). PLEs are a methodological strategy that places the student at the center of the teaching-learning process and enhances the construction of a learning scenario through interaction with other people, materials, and resources in general. The present work seeks to identify the technological tools that make up the PLE of the students, as well as the objectives of their use. A mixed research methodology applied to a sample of 92 students from the 5th year of the Computer Engineering degree is used. The design of a questionnaire validated by expert judgment and analysis of the internal consistency coefficient is included. As a result, the most used tools for personal and academic purposes are obtained. Excel search engines, word processors, tools for creating collective presentations, and for reading and sending emails. The use of these tools is guided by teachers in teaching activities. These results demonstrate that it is possible to develop the PLE of the students from the intentionally designed activities in the different matters

    Exploiting Chordality in Optimization Algorithms for Model Predictive Control

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    In this chapter we show that chordal structure can be used to devise efficient optimization methods for many common model predictive control problems. The chordal structure is used both for computing search directions efficiently as well as for distributing all the other computations in an interior-point method for solving the problem. The chordal structure can stem both from the sequential nature of the problem as well as from distributed formulations of the problem related to scenario trees or other formulations. The framework enables efficient parallel computations.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0638

    Increasing Therapy Related Myeloid Neoplasms in Multiple Myeloma

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    © 2018 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc /4.0/ This document is the submitted version of a published work that appeared in final form in European Journal of Clinical Investigation.Background: Despite the longer survival achieved in multiple myeloma (MM) patients due to new therapy strategies, a concern is emerging regarding an increased risk of secondary primary malignancies (SPMs) and how to characterize those patients at risk. We performed a retrospective study covering a 28‐year follow‐ up period (1991‐2018) in a tertiary single institution. Material and Methods: Data of 403 MM patients were recorded and compared with the epidemiologic register of the population area covered by our centre, calculating the standardize incidence ratio (SIR) for the different types of SPMs diagnosed in the MM cohort. Fine and Gray regression models were used to identify risk factors for SPMs. Results: Out of the 403 MM patients, 23 (5.7%) developed SPMs: 13 therapyrelated myeloid (TRM) malignancies (10 of them (77%) myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), 1 acute lymphoid leukaemia and 9 solid neoplasms. In the MM cohort, the relative risk of MDS was significantly higher than in the general population. Survival of patients with TRM malignancies was poor with a median of 4 months from the diagnosis, and most of them showed complex karyotype. Within the MM subset, multivariable analysis showed a higher risk of TRM malignancies in patients that previously received prolonged treatment with lenalidomide (>18 months). Conclusions: Though the improvement in MM outcome during the last decades is an unprecedented achievement, it has been accompanied by the rise in TRM malignancies with complex cytogenetic profile and poor prognosis that are in the need of an improved biologic and therapeutic approach

    Intermediate coupling fixed point study in the overscreened regime of generalized multichannel SU(N) Kondo models

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    We study a generalized multichannel single-impurity Kondo model, in which the impurity spin is described by a representation of the SU(N) group which combines bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom. The impurity spin states are described by Abrikosov pseudofermions, and we make use of a method initiated by Popov and Fedotov which allows a proper handling of the fermionic constraint. The partition function is derived within a path integral approach. We use renormalization group techniques to calculate the β\beta scaling function perturbatively in powers of the Kondo coupling constant, which is justified in the weak coupling limit. The truncated expansion is valid in the overscreened (Nozieres-Blandin) regime, for an arbitrary SU(N) group and any value of the parameters characterizing the impurity spin representation. The intermediate coupling fixed point is identified. We derive the temperature dependence of various physical quantities at low T, controlled by a unique critical exponent, and show that the physics of the system in the overscreened regime governed by the intermediate coupling fixed point is characterized by a non-Fermi liquid behavior. Our results are in accordance with those obtained by other methods, as Bethe ansatz and boundary conformal field theory, in the case of various impurity spin symmetries. We establish in a unified way that the Kondo models in which the impurity spin is described successively by a fundamental, symmetric, antisymmetric and mixed symmetry representation yield all the same low-energy physics in the overscreened regime. Possible generalizations of the analysis we present to the case of arbitrary impurity spin representations of SU(N) are also discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, REVTeX; final version accepted for publicatio

    Isolamento de rotavírus de cães assintomáticos no Brasil

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    Relata-se o isolamento de rotavírus, a partir de material fecal de dois cães assintomáticos, no Brasil. A ocorrência de rotavírus foi pesquisada em amostras fecais de nove cães assintomáticos, provenientes do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses do município de Osasco, SP. Duas das nove amostras analisadas, por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida, foram positivas. O isolamento de rotavírus foi realizado em linhagem de células MA-104, com adição de 10,0µg/mL de tripsina ao meio de manutenção, e confirmado pelo eletroferótipo característico de grupo

    Musicoterapia como intervención de enfermería para el manejo de incertidumbre en personas diagnosticadas con TB y VIH del hospital Simón Bolívar : Slogan "¿Yo respiro vida y tu?"

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    77 páginas incluye ilustraciones y diagramasLa utilización de la musicoterapia en los centros hospitalarios es cada vez más frecuente. Es una terapia indolora, sin efectos secundarios y mucho más rentable que otros tratamientos más convencionales. Al utilizar la musicoterapia en salud mental como estrategia de afrontamiento para las personas diagnosticadas con tuberculosis y VIH desde enfermería es importante mencionar que las herramientas utilizadas como el sonido, los ritmos, utilizando instrumentos, escuchando diferentes tipos musicales y/o pasando por el canto, en cualquier edad son beneficiosas para utilizar la música como propiciadora de sensaciones de bienestar. El ritmo, como elemento fundamental de la música, está claramente relacionado con el desarrollo de una mejor motricidad y equilibrio corporal. La vibración generada por diferentes instrumentos junto con otros elementos musicales, permite trabajar sensaciones mermadas por diferentes patologías, del mismo modo desde la disciplina se puede encontrar la musicoterapia clasificada como intervención de Enfermería en la taxonomía “Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), en la que se describe como: “utilización de la música para ayudar a conseguir un cambio específico de conductas, sentimientos o a nivel fisiológico. ​ Nota: Para consultar la carta de autorización de publicación de este documento por favor copie y pegue el siguiente enlace en su navegador de internet: http://intellectum.unisabana.edu.co/handle/10818/1622

    Black Hole masses for 14 gravitational lensed quasars

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    We estimate black hole masses (MBH_{\rm BH}) for 14 gravitationally lensed quasars using the Balmer lines along with estimates based on MgII and CIV emission lines for four and two of them, respectively. We compare with results obtained for other lensed quasars. We use spectroscopic data from the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), Magellan and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to measure the FWHM of the broad emission lines. Combined with the bolometric luminosity measured from the spectra energy distribution, we estimate MBH_{\rm BH} including uncertainties from microlensing and variability. We obtain MBH using the single-epoch method from the Hα\alpha and/or Hβ\beta broad emission lines for 14 lensed quasars, including the first estimates for QJ0158-4325, HE0512-3329 and WFI2026-4536. The masses are typical of non-lensed quasars of similar luminosity, and the implied Eddington ratios are typical. We have increased the sample of lenses with estimates of MBH by 60%.Comment: 16 pages. Submitted to A&