2,532 research outputs found

    Kiwi forego vison in the guidance of their nocturnal activities

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    We propose that the Kiwi visual system has undergone adaptive regression evolution driven by the trade-off between the relatively low rate of gain of visual information that is possible at low light levels, and the metabolic costs of extracting that information

    Rivers of the Anthropocene Phase 1: A Comparative Study of the Tyne and Ohio River Valleys

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    poster abstractThe Rivers of the Anthropocene project is an international effort. Our part is an attempt to determine flood frequency and land use by American Indian tribes of the Mississippian Culture along the Ohio River. Methodologically, we will measure the physical and geochemical properties of lacustrine sediments recovered from Hovey Lake, a flood plane lake located on the Ohio River in southwestern Indiana. Sediment cores taken from Hovey Lake are being measured for bulk density and loss-on-ignition tests to determine organic composition by weight. Magnetic susceptibility is also being measured to determine variations in the delivery of terrestrial material (e.g. from flooding/land erosion) to the lake. Land use will be evaluated by measuring variations in the elemental abundance and isotopic composition of nitrogen and organic carbon, which has been used in the past to identify prehistoric land use. Here we present the initial results of our ongoing work, including sedimentological and chronological data. Ultimately, these data will help bring together historical records, geochemical records, and other contributions from scientists around the world in our attempt to better understand mankind’s impact on our environment

    Quality protein intake is inversely related with abdominal fat

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    Dietary protein intake and specifically the quality of the protein in the diet has become an area of recent interest. This study determined the relationship between the amount of quality protein, carbohydrate, and dietary fat consumed and the amount of times the ~10 g essential amino acid (EAA) threshold was reached at a meal, with percent central abdominal fat (CAF). Quality protein was defined as the ratio of EAA to total dietary protein. Quality protein consumed in a 24-hour period and the amount of times reaching the EAA threshold per day was inversely related to percent CAF, but not for carbohydrate or dietary fat. In conclusion, moderate to strong correlations between variables indicate that quality and distribution of protein may play an important role in regulating CAF, which is a strong independent marker for disease and mortality

    Loop Groups and Discrete KdV Equations

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    A study is presented of fully discretized lattice equations associated with the KdV hierarchy. Loop group methods give a systematic way of constructing discretizations of the equations in the hierarchy. The lattice KdV system of Nijhoff et al. arises from the lowest order discretization of the trivial, lowest order equation in the hierarchy, b_t=b_x. Two new discretizations are also given, the lowest order discretization of the first nontrivial equation in the hierarchy, and a "second order" discretization of b_t=b_x. The former, which is given the name "full lattice KdV" has the (potential) KdV equation as a standard continuum limit. For each discretization a Backlund transformation is given and soliton content analyzed. The full lattice KdV system has, like KdV itself, solitons of all speeds, whereas both other discretizations studied have a limited range of speeds, being discretizations of an equation with solutions only of a fixed speed.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, 1 figur

    A new approach to high resolution, high contrast electron microscopy of macromolecular block copolymer assemblies

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    Determining the structure of macromolecular samples is vital for understanding and adapting their function. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is widely used to achieve this, but, owing to the weak electron scattering cross-section of carbon, TEM images of macromolecular samples are generally low contrast and low resolution. Here we implement a fast and practically simple routine to achieve high-contrast imaging of macromolecular samples using exit wave reconstruction (EWR), revealing a new level of structural detail. This is only possible using ultra-low contrast supports such as the graphene oxide (GO) used here and as such represents a novel application of these substrates. We apply EWR on GO membranes to study self-assembled block copolymer structures, distinguishing not only the general morphology or nanostructure, but also evidence for the substructure (i.e. the polymer chains) which gives insight into their formation mechanisms and functional properties

    A role for liming as a conservation intervention? Earthworm abundance is associated with higher soil pH and foraging activity of a threatened shorebird in upland grasslands

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    The relationship between farmland bird populations and agricultural intensification has been well studied. However, the impact of variation in soil conditions and soil management is an exception, especially in upland (sub-alpine) farming systems. In this study, we examined the relationships between liming history, soil pH and patterns of foraging by Northern Lapwing,Vanellus vanellus, chicks in order to test the potential utility of soil amendment as a conservation intervention for shorebirds nesting in agricultural grasslands. Limed fields had higher soil pH than unlimed fields, and soil pH declined with the number of years since a field was last limed. The most important predictor of total earthworm abundance was soil organic matter with very few earthworms in peats of very high organic matter content. However, there was a marked additive effect of soil pH with earthworms more than twice as abundant at high (pH 6.0) as at the low (pH 3.5) extremes of soil pH recorded in the study. Specifically, at Lapwing chick foraging locations, the density ofAllolobophora chlorotica, an acid-intolerant species of earthworm found just below the surface of the soil, was significantly higher than at randomly selected locations. These results suggest that liming helped to maintain breeding habitat quality for Lapwings and other species dependent on earthworms. This is of conservation significance in upland agricultural grasslands in the UK, where there has been a long-term reduction in agricultural lime use since the mid-20th century. Field-scale trials of liming would be valuable to test whether targetted amendment of soil pH in agriculturally improved grasslands could retain an important role in conservation management for shorebirds in upland landscapes where geology, high rainfall, and leaching tend to acidify soils over time

    Soil pH and organic matter content add explanatory power to Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus distribution models and suggest soil amendment as a conservation measure on upland farmland

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    Habitat associations of farmland birds are well studied, yet few have considered relationships between species distribution and soil properties. Charadriiform waders (shorebirds) depend upon penetrable soils, rich in invertebrate prey. Many species, such as the Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, have undergone severe declines across Europe, despite being targeted by agri-environment measures. This study assessed whether there were additive effects of soil variables (depth, pH and organic matter content) in explaining Lapwing distribution, after controlling for known habitat relationships, at 89 farmland sites across Scotland. The addition of these soil variables and their association with elevation improved model fit by 55\%, in comparison with models containing only previously established habitat relationships. Lapwing density was greatest at sites at higher elevation, but only those with less peaty and less acidic soil. Lapwing distribution is being constrained between intensively managed lowland farmland with favourable soil conditions and upland sites where lower management intensity favours Lapwings but edaphic conditions limit their distribution. Trials of soil amendments such as liming are needed on higher elevation grassland sites to test whether they could contribute to conservation management for breeding Lapwings and other species of conservation concern that depend upon soil-dwelling invertebrates in grassland soils, such as Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata, Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris and Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus. Results from such trials could support improvement and targeting of agri-environment schemes and other conservation measures in upland grassland systems

    Effect of Spatial Inhomogeneities on the Membrane Surface on Receptor Dimerization and Signal Initiation

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    Important signal transduction pathways originate on the plasma membrane, where microdomains may transiently entrap diffusing receptors. This results in a non-random distribution of receptors even in the resting state, which can be visualized as “clusters” by high resolution imaging methods. Here, we explore how spatial in-homogeneities in the plasma membrane might influence the dimerization and phosphorylation status of ErbB2 and ErbB3, two receptor tyrosine kinases that preferentially heterodimerize and are often co-expressed in cancer. This theoretical study is based upon spatial stochastic simulations of the two-dimensional membrane landscape, where variables include differential distributions and overlap of transient confinement zones (“domains”) for the two receptor species. The in silico model is parameterized and validated using data from single particle tracking experiments. We report key differences in signaling output based on the degree of overlap between domains and the relative retention of receptors in such domains, expressed as escape probability. Results predict that a high overlap of domains, which favors transient co-confinement of both receptor species, will enhance the rate of hetero-interactions. Where domains do not overlap, simulations confirm expectations that homo-interactions are favored. Since ErbB3 is uniquely dependent on ErbB2 interactions for activation of its catalytic activity, variations in domain overlap or escape probability markedly alter the predicted patterns and time course of ErbB3 and ErbB2 phosphorylation. Taken together, these results implicate membrane domain organization as an important modulator of signal initiation, motivating the design of novel experimental approaches to measure these important parameters across a wider range of receptor systems