19 research outputs found

    Variational and Shape Prior-based Level Set Model for Image Segmentation

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    International audienceA new image segmentation model based on level sets approach is presented herein. We deal with radiographic medical images where boundaries are not salient, and objects of interest have the same gray level as other structures in the image. Thus, an a priori information about the shape we look for is integrated in the level set evolution for good segmentation results. The proposed model also accounts a penalization term that forces the level set to be close to a signed distance function (SDF), which then avoids the re-initialization procedure. In addition, a variant and complete Mumford-Shah model is used in our functional; the added Hausdorff measure helps to better handle zones where boundaries are occluded or not salient. Finally, a weighted area term is added to the functional to make the level set drive rapidly to object's boundaries. The segmentation model is formulated in a variational framework, which, thanks to calculus of variations, yields to partial differential equations (PDEs) to guide the level set evolution. Results obtained on both synthetic and digital radiographs reconstruction (DRR) show that the proposed model improves on existing prior and non-prior shape based image segmentation

    High resolution imaging of maize (Zea mays) leaf temperature in the field: the key role of the regions of interest

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    Abstract. The use of remote sensors (thermometers and cameras) to analyse crop water status in field conditions is fraught with several difficulties. In particular, average canopy temperature measurements are affected by the mixture of soil and green regions, the mutual shading of leaves and the variability of absorbed radiation. The aim of the study was to analyse how the selection of different 'regions of interest' (ROI) in canopy images affect the variability of the resulting temperature averages. Using automated image segmentation techniques we computed the average temperature in four nested ROI of decreasing size, from the whole image down to the sunlit fraction of a leaf located in the upper part of the canopy. The study was conducted on maize (Zea mays L.) at the flowering stage, for its large leaves and well structured canopy. Our results suggest that, under these conditions, the ROI comprising the sunlit fraction of a leaf located in the upper part of the canopy should be analogous to the single leaf approach (in controlled conditions) that allows the estimation of stomatal conductance or plant water potential

    Recalage de structures tridimensionnelles à partir d'acquisitions stéréo-radiographiques basse dose. Application à l'estimation de mouvements humains

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    Osteoarticular diseases are an important part of the pathologies that affect the musculoskeletal human system. They have a major impact on the individual and society. In this context, the kinematic studies are a strong tool to help clinicians assess the condition of the joints. These studies go through a motion estimation of bone structures. Several approaches are currently used for this purpose: tracking of external markers (attached to the skin), internal (attached to bones), palpation, and the registration of medical images (radiographs, CT, MRI). The latter approach was maintained by proposing a 2D 3D registration method to estimate bone positions. In the first part, we take advantage of the specifications of a new bi-planar and low-dose radiological modality (EOS) to propose a novel and particularly well adapted method. This method uses the classical Fourier central slice theorem. For that, in the first step, through a state of the art of traditional approaches to motion estimation, we perform an original and multi-criteria classification (invasiveness, accuracy, genericity) to situate the contributions of this new modality. In a second step, we propose an alternative to the conventional 2D 3D registration. Our approach has several advantages. The registration made in the frequency domain provides an elegant link between the 2D and 3D data that avoids the simulation of radiographs. The search for two components of rigid motion, rotation and translation, is performed in a sequential manner. First, the rotation is determined by an iterative optimization of a metric depending of the data modules. Then, the translation is deduced, directly using the phases. A second part is devoted to the practical implementation of the method and its evaluation on different data going from synthetic data to real EOS data consisting on frontal and sagittal radiographs and a single 3D reconstruction. This allows validating the method under real conditions of acquisition. The application of our registration method for motion estimation of various structures: femur, tibia, knee and hip prostheses, allowed us to illustrate the genericity of the proposed approach.Les maladies ostéoarticulaires constituent une part importante des pathologies qui touchent l'appareil locomoteur humain et elles ont un impact majeur quant à l'individu et à la société. Dans ce cadre les études cinématiques présentent un outil permettant aux cliniciens une évaluation de l'état des articulations. Ces études passent par une estimation du mouvement des structures osseuses. Plusieurs approches sont actuellement utilisées dans cet objectif : passant par le suivi de marqueurs externes (fixés sur la peau), internes (fixés sur les os), la palpation, et le recalage d'images médicales (radiographies, CT, IRM). Cette dernière approche a été retenue en proposant un recalage 2D 3D pour l'estimation des positions des structures osseuses. Dans une première partie, on tire profit de la particularité d'une nouvelle modalité radiologique bi-planes basse dose (EOS) pour proposer une méthode originale et particulièrement bien adaptée et qui utilise le théorème classique de la coupe centrale de Fourier. Pour cela, dans un premier temps, au travers d'un état de l'art des approches classiques de l'estimation de mouvements, nous réalisons une classification originale multi critères (invasivité, précision, généricité) afin de bien situer les apports de cette nouvelle modalité. Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons une alternative au schéma classique de recalage 2D 3D qui présente plusieurs avantages. Le recalage effectué dans le domaine fréquentiel établit un lien élégant entre les données 2D et 3D ce qui permet d'éviter la simulation des radiographies. La recherche des deux composantes du mouvement rigide, rotation et translation, est effectuée d'une manière séquentielle. D'abord, la rotation est déterminée par une optimisation itérative d'une métrique dépendant des modules des données. La translation se déduit, alors, directement en utilisant les phases. Une deuxième partie est consacré à la mise en oeuvre pratique de la méthode et à l'évaluation de l'implémentation sur des données de plus en plus complexes allant des données synthétiques, des fantômes puis des données EOS réelles composées de radiographies frontales et sagittales et d'une seule reconstruction 3D. Ceci permet de valider la méthode dans des conditions réelles d'acquisition. L'application de notre méthode de recalage pour l'estimation de mouvement de différentes structures : fémur, tibia, prothèses de genou et de hanche, nous a permis d'illustrer la généricité de l'approche proposée

    Recalage 2D-3D dans le domaine fréquentiel pour l'étude du mouvement en condition quasi-statique: étude pilote sur l'articulation du genou

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    International audienceObjectifs. - L'étude de la cinématique de l'articulation du genou passe par une estimation de la position des structures osseuses. Nous proposons de faire cette estimation par une nouvelle méthode de recalage 2D-3D dans le domaine fréquentiel entre des paires de radiographies et une reconstruction 3D dans une position initiale. Matériels et méthodes. - Nous utilisons des données de deux sujets sains effectuant chacun des poses en extension, en flexion de genou de 30◦ et de 60◦. À chaque pose, des acquisitions frontales et sagittales sont effectuées grâce à un nouveau système radiographique appelé EOS. Une reconstruction de l'enveloppe surfacique du fémur et du tibia est également effectuée grâce à ce système dans la position d'extension. Résultats. - Notre méthode de recalage agit dans le domaine fréquentiel et évite la génération de simulations de radiographies, une étape largement répandue lors des recalages 2D-3D. Les résultats que nous trouvons sont comparés à un recalage manuel des données 3D sur les radiographies. La précision obtenue par notre méthode est de l'ordre de 2◦ pour les rotations et de 2 mm pour les translations. Discussion. - Lors des acquisitions, nous utilisons une modalité de radiographie basse dose, ce qui limite les doses d'irradiation de rayons X pour le patient. La précision que nous obtenons est acceptable dans ce type d'applications

    A 2D 3D registration with low dose radiographic system for in vivo kinematic studies

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    International audienceThe knowledge of the poses and the positions of the knee bones and prostheses is of a great interest in the orthopedic and biomechanical applications. In this context, we use an ultra low dose bi-planar radiographic system called EOS to acquire two radiographs of the studied bones in each position. In this paper, we develop a new method for 2D 3D registration based on the frequency domain to determine the poses and the positions during quasi static motion analysis for healthy and prosthetic knees. Data of two healthy knees and four knees with unicompartimental prosthesis performing three different poses (full extension, 30° and 60° of flexion) were used in this work. The results we obtained are in concordance with the clinical accuracy and with the accuracy reported in other previous studies

    Registration of low dose bi-planar acquisitions for motion analysis

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    International audienceIn this paper, we introduce a 2d-3d registration method for searching the motion of knee bones. We use a low dose bi-planar acquisition system that provides us with simultaneous frontal and profile radiographs in different positions, and the 3d volume reconstruction of the standing position. The purpose here is to reduce the user intervention during the motion tracking. The registration method is based on the central slice Fourier Transform theorem. Motion results with rotations and translations using synthetic data are shown

    Modified data fidelity speed in anisotropic diffusion

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    International audienceIn this paper, we use an anisotropic diffusion in a level set framework for low-level segmentation of necrotic femoral heads. Our segmentation is based on three speed terms. The first one includes an adaptive estimation of the contrast level. We use the entropy for evaluating our diffusion on synthetic 3D data. We notice that using the data fidelity term in the last iterations excessively penalizes the diffusion process. To provide better segmentation results, we propose some modifications in the data fidelity speed: we propose to build its refrence data term from previous iterations results and hence lessening influence of initial noisy data

    Modification of the edge stopping function in anistropic diffusion process

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    National audienceIn this paper we use an anisotropic diffusion process formulated in a level set framework using robust statistics. We show that smoothing, while preserving edges, helps the image segmentation of glenohumeral joint of shoulder for MRI data. The equation is based on an automatic edge stopping function that controls image smoothing. The link between robust statistics and anisotropic diffusion is used from the relationships between the edge stopping function, the influence function and the robust error norm of the estimator. We perform a comparison between three edge stopping functions, and then we propose to replace the Leclerc function already used in our diffusion equation by the Tukey's biweight function. Then we use the entropy criterion to evaluate our results and approve our choic