620 research outputs found

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    Quantum Entangled Supercorrelated States in the Jaynes-Cummings Model

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    The regions of independent quantum states, maximally classically correlated states, and purely quantum entangled (supercorrelated) states described in a recent formulation of quantum information theory by Cerf and Adami are explored here numerically in the parameter space of the well-known exactly soluable Jaynes-Cummings model for equilibrium and nonequilibrium time-dependent ensembles.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Phylogenomic Insight into Salinispora (Bacteria, Actinobacteria) Species Designations

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Bacteria represent the most genetically diverse kingdom of life. While great progress has been made in describing this diversity, it remains difficult to identify the phylogenetic and ecological characteristics that delineate groups of bacteria that possess species-like properties. One major challenge associated with species delineations is that not all shared genes have the same evolutionary history, and thus the choice of loci can have a major impact on phylogenetic reconstruction. Sequencing the genomes of large numbers of closely related strains provides new opportunities to distinguish ancestral from acquired alleles and assess the effects of recombination on phylogenetic inference. Here we analyzed the genomes of 119 strains of the marine actinomycete genus Salinispora, which is currently comprised of three named species that share 99% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity. While 63% of the core genome showed evidence of recombination, this had no effect on species-level phylogenomic resolution. Recombination did however blur intra-species relationships and biogeographic resolution. The genome-wide average nucleotide identity provided a new perspective on Salinispora diversity, revealing as many as seven new species. Patterns of orthologous group distributions reveal a genetic basis to delineation the candidate taxa and insight into the levels of genetic cohesion associated with bacterial species.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-02845-

    From Greenland to Canada in Ten Days: Tracks of Bowhead Whales, Balaena mysticetus, across Baffin Bay

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    Five bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) were instrumented with satellite transmitters in northwestern Disko Bay, West Greenland, in May 2001. Best results were obtained when tags were deployed with a pole rather than a pneumatic gun. At least three of the tagged whales remained in the northwestern part of the bay for one to two weeks after tagging. A male and a female whale moved from Disko Bay to northern Canada. They left Disko Bay 11 days apart and took different routes across Baffin Bay to the southern part of the North Water polynya, just east of the entrance to Lancaster Sound. The whales crossed the central part of Baffin Bay relatively rapidly (travel time of 9-10 days, 3.1 and 4.5 km/h). Dive behaviour of one whale was monitored and showed changes in dive depths, dive rates, and surfacing times in different localities, indicating behavioural changes probably related to feeding. The whales were presumably feeding in both Disko Bay in May and in the southern part of the North Water (southeast of Bylot Island) in June. This study confirms whalers' observations that bowhead whales move between West Greenland and the east coast of Baffin Island.En mai 2001, cinq baleines boréales (Balaena mysticetus) ont été équipées d'émetteurs spatiaux dans le nord-ouest de la baie de Disko (Groenland occidental). Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus lorsque les marqueurs ont été apposés avec une perche plutôt qu'avec un fusil à air comprimé. Au moins trois des baleines marquées sont restées dans la partie nord-ouest de la baie pendant une à deux semaines après le marquage. Deux individus, un mâle et une femelle, se sont déplacés de la baie de Disko au nord du Canada. Ils ont quitté la baie à 11 jours d'écart et ont emprunté des trajets différents pour traverser la baie de Baffin et rejoindre la partie méridionale de la polynie de l'Eau du Nord, située juste à l'est de l'entrée du détroit de Lancaster. Les baleines ont traversé la partie centrale de la baie de Baffin assez vite (en 9 et 10 jours, soit 3,1 et 4,5 km/h). On a suivi le comportement de plongée d'une baleine, qui a montré des changements dans la profondeur des plongées, leur fréquence et le temps en surface à divers endroits, révélant des modifications du comportement probablement associées au nourrissage. On suppose que les baleines s'alimentaient dans la baie de Disko en mai aussi bien que dans la partie méridionale de l'Eau du Nord (au sud-est de l'île Bylot) en juin. Cette étude confirme les observations des baleiniers à l'effet que les baleines boréales se déplacent entre l'ouest du Groenland et la côte est de l'île de Baffin

    Machine-learning-based calving prediction from activity, lying, and ruminating behaviors in dairy cattle

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    The objective of this study was to use automated activity, lying, and rumination monitors to characterize prepartum behavior and predict calving in dairy cattle. Data were collected from 20 primiparous and 33 multiparous Holstein dairy cattle from September 2011 to May 2013 at the University of Kentucky Coldstream Dairy. The HR Tag (SCR Engineers Ltd., Netanya, Israel) automatically collected neck activity and rumination data in 2-h increments. The IceQube (IceRobotics Ltd., South Queensferry, United Kingdom) automatically collected number of steps, lying time, standing time, number of transitions from standing to lying (ly-. ing bouts), and total motion, summed in 15-min increments. IceQube data were summed in 2-h increments to match HR Tag data. All behavioral data were collected for 14 d before the predicted calving date. Retrospective data analysis was performed using mixed linear models to examine behavioral changes by day in the 14 d before calving. Bihourly behavioral differences from baseline values over the 14 d before calving were also evaluated using mixed linear models. Changes in daily rumination time, total motion, lying time, and lying bouts occurred in the 14 d before calving. In the bihourly analysis, extreme values for all behaviors occurred in the final 24 h, indicating that the monitored behaviors may be useful in calving prediction. To determine whether technologies were useful at predicting calving, random forest, linear discriminant analysis, and neural network machine -learning techniques were constructed and implemented using R version 3.1.0 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). These methods were used on variables from each technology and all combined variables from both technologies. A neural network analysis that combined variables from both technologies at the daily level yielded 100.0% sen-sitivity and 86.8% specificity. A neural network analysis that combined variables from both technologies in bihourly increments was used to identify 2-h periods in the 8 h before calving with 82.8% sensitivity and 80.4% specificity. Changes in behavior and machine-learning alerts indicate that commercially marketed behavioral monitors may have calving prediction potential

    Finite Element Convergence for the Joule Heating Problem with Mixed Boundary Conditions

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    We prove strong convergence of conforming finite element approximations to the stationary Joule heating problem with mixed boundary conditions on Lipschitz domains in three spatial dimensions. We show optimal global regularity estimates on creased domains and prove a priori and a posteriori bounds for shape regular meshes.Comment: Keywords: Joule heating problem, thermistors, a posteriori error analysis, a priori error analysis, finite element metho
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