21 research outputs found

    Convexity of Momentum Maps: A Topological Analysis

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    The Local-to-Global-Principle used in the proof of convexity theorems for momentum maps has been extracted as a statement of pure topology enriched with a structure of convexity. We extend this principle to not necessarily closed maps f\colon X\ra Y where the convexity structure of the target space YY need not be based on a metric. Using a new factorization of ff, convexity of the image is proved without local fiber connectedness, and for arbitrary connected spaces XX.Comment: 21 pages LaTeX2e; minor revisions, to appear in Topology and its Applications; Dedicated to Alan D. Weinstein, Dennis P. Sullivan, and in memory of Jerrold E. Marsden. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1009.252

    A General Local-to-Global Principle for Convexity of Momentum Maps

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    We extend the Local-to-Global-Principle used in the proof of convexity theorems for momentum maps to not necessarily closed maps whose target space carries a convexity structure which need not be based on a metric. Using a new factorization of the momentum map, convexity of its image is proved without local fiber connectedness, and for almost arbitrary spaces of definition. Geodesics are obtained by straightening rather than shortening of arcs, which allows a unified treatment and extension of previous convexity results.Comment: 19 pages LaTeX2e, Preprint 2009, see also: Convexity of Momentum Maps: A Topological Analysis, several parts of the content were presented at the Young Topologists Meeting 2010 in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 16-20, 2010, and at Geometry, Mechanics, and Dynamics: A workshop celebrating the 60th birthday of Tudor Ratiu at CIRM, Luminy, France, July 12-16, 201

    Peran Dukungan Sosial Keluarga, Atasan, dan Rekan Kerja terhadap Resilient Self-Efficacy Guru Sekolah Luar Biasa

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    This study aimed to investigate the influence of social support from family, supervisor, and co-workers toward the resilient self-efficacy of SEN teachers in Surabaya. This study involved 94 SEN teachers from Special Educational Needs school in Surabaya. The study used social support measures and resilient self-efficacy scale. Multiple regression analysis showed that social support from family, supervisor, and co-workers significantly influenced SEN teachers’ resilient self-efficacy (F = 28,052; p<0,05). These supports gave an effective contribution to resilient self-efficacy as much as 48,3% (R²=0,483). Hypothesis testing also showed that each source of support significantly influenced SEN teachers’ resilient self-efficacy. Therefore, social support from family, supervisors, and co-workers influenced the resilient self-efficacy of SEN teachers, whether they are given simul­taneously or separately

    Warm Pad Reduces Anxiety, Somatic Pain, Strain Pain, Perineal Rupture and Post Partum Blood Volume in Normal Delivery (with Normal Baby Weight Range)

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    Labor is the end of pregnancy, this process is very complicated involving organ activity, as well as the skills and experience of the helper. This study aims to analyze the effect of Warm pad to reduce anxiety, somatic pain, strain pain, perineal rupture and to reduce postpartum blood in normal delivery care. This research was done using randomized post control group design with the number of subjects 60 according to the inclusion criteria. The Mann Whitney test showed that between treatment and control group: (1) there was significant difference of anxiety level, (2) there was significant difference of somatic pain level (3) there was difference and (4) there was significant difference of postpartum blood volume. Overall it can be understood that warm pad administration has a significant effect on strain and anxiety pain. Decreased strain pain will decrease the degree of perineal rupture which may eventually decrease postpartum blood volume. So it can be indirectly said that the administration of warm pad can lower blood volume of postpartum. Provision of warm pad during inpartu, can decrease anxiety, somatic pain, strain pain, and also minimize perineal rupture and postpartum blood volume

    Aplikasi Koagulan Biji Asam Jawa dalam Penurunan Konsentrasi Zat Warna Drimaren Red pada Limbah Tekstil Sintetik pada Berbagai Variasi Operasi

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    A B S T R A C TSince textile industries use a lot of water in their processes, a huge volume of waste water containing dyes are produced by the increase of the production capacity. Coagulation and flocculation are the common processes applied since they can effectively decrease the dye concentration in the waste water. These treatments usually utilize chemical coagulant and flocculant which are expensive and non-biodegradable. In this research, tamarind seed as one of biobased-coagulants was studied and developed to reduce drimaren dark red HF-CD concentration which is used widely in textile industry in the synthetic waste water. The research was designed using Design Expert 7.0.0, Central Composite Design with range of variables as follows: pH (2-7), tamarind seed concentration (1-3 g/L), and dye concentration (20-30 ppm). The result shows a promising application of natural coagulant up to 94.25% decrease of dye concentration in the optimum condition of 3.68 g/L tamarind seed concentration, 25 ppm dye concentration and pH value of 4.5.Keywords: coagulation; dye concentration acid; natural coagulant; tamarind seedsA B S T R A KIndustri tekstil merupakan industri yang banyak menggunakan air dalam proses produksinya sehingga menghasilkan limbah yang mengandung zat warna tekstil dengan volume yang besar. Pengolahan yang umum digunakan untuk mengolah limbah tekstil ini adalah koagulasi dan flokulasi. Metode ini efektif dalam mengurangi konsentrasi zat warna pada air limbah. Koagulan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah koagulan alami yang terbuat dari biji asam jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan dan kondisi optimum biji asam jawa sebagai koagulan alami dalam menurunkan konsentrasi zat warna pada limbah tekstil. Limbah tekstil yang digunakan merupakan limbah sintetik zat warna drimaren dark red HF-CD. Rancangan penelitian dibuat menggunakan Design Expert 7.0.0 metode central composite design dengan memvariasikan variabel pH (2-7), dosis koagulan (1-3 g/L), dan dosis zat warna (20-30 ppm). Kondisi terbaik yang didapat dari penelitian diperoleh pada pH 4,5, dosis koagulan 3,68 g/L, dosis zat warna 25 ppm dengan hasil persen penurunan konsentrasi zat warna sebesar 94,29%.Kata kunci: biji asam jawa; koagulasi; koagulan alami; konsentrasi zat warn

    A study of conflicts found in Thomas Hardy's "Jude the Obscure"

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    Literature is one of the subjects in the English Department of Widya Mandala which is separated into Literature I, II, III and Literary appreciation. This subjects is given in order that the students will develop and enlarge their ability in analyzing and understanding literary works. With Literature, they will also improve their vocabulary building and grammar, enlarge their humanistic world view by making them more sensitive to human values, and they may not feel bored from the monotonous days because literature can bring pleasure in their lives. After comparing the other literary genre, the writer chooses novel to be analyzed since everything in the novel is almost narrated in details such as the appearances, the attitudes, the feelings or emotions, and the thoughts of the characters, and the social and cultural background at a time. By analyzing the novel, the readers are not necessary to think hard to know what is meant in the story. They can understand the flow of the story well. Here, the writer choose Thomas Hardy’s novel to be discussed with the consideration that Thomas Hardy is regarded as the most popular writer in the nineteenth century. Furthermore, Hardy’s novel is remarkable. He presents man’s problem and his struggle in order to survive in the natural environment. The title of the novel is “Jude The Obscure”. She chooses this novel since it is an interesting story which gives some moral lessons about human life, human love, and human conflicts. The main characters in this story Jude who starts in this story Jude who starts out with the handicap of an inherited passion for learning and a family tradition of disastrous marriages. This inheritance acts as the tragic ‘flaw’ because the desire for learning brings Jude into conflicts both external and internal which the writer wants to analyze. To find the conflicts, the writer uses the intrinsic approach which concerns with the elements existing inside the literary work itself and she also uses Kenney, Momoe Beardsley, and Knickerbocker’s ideas in analyzing the conflicts because those theories can be used to observe the main character of the story Jude Fawley. After analyzing Thomas Hardy’s Jude The Obscure, the writer finds two results. First, Jude’s inner conflict is caused by women and by his ambition. Jude’s is inner conflict that is caused by women, the first is sensuous, vulgar cheating Arabella and the second is Sue Bridehead is cousin. This conflict occurs because Jude cannot avoid his desire with women which he will try always to satisfy with consequent effects on other areas of his life. He has to struggle against himself when Sue and Arabella have frustrated his hopes to become a scholar in Christmaster. Second Jude’s external conflict is the conflict of man against man and man against society. Jude is confronted with Arabella, Sue, and society. He has conflict with Arabella because she traps him to marry her by pretending to be pregnant and he has conflict with Sue because they have the differences in beliefs. Jude also cannot avoid the conflicts with society who cannot accept Jude’s way of thinking to --------------------- of the come entrust marriage sacrament Jude is, therefore struggling – with the world and with himself. And at last, Jude is reconciled to his fate before he does only make sense that he recognizes what it is

    Analisis sistem kerja dengan pendekatan ergonomi di UD. Sumber Harapan Probolinggo

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    UD.Sumber Harapan merupakan salah satu badan usaha yang mengerjakan pengolahan biji kopi mentah menjadi biji kopi matang dan atau bubuk kopi yang siap dikonsumsi. Dengan fasilitas kerja selama ini yang masih tergolong tradisional, serta metde dan posisi kerja yang tidak pernah ditinjau ditemukan keluhan fisik para pekerjanya serta produk cacat yang dihasilkan pula selama proses. Cacat produk ini selain memang kesulitan dalam meratakan hasil goreng disebabkan pula menurunnya kinerja karyawan karena kondisi kerja yang kurang ideal. Penelitian ini menghasilkan metode dan fasilitas kerja baru, yang dapat menanggulangi keluhan fisik, karena dalam perancangannya disertai tinjauan ergonomi d8n antropometri. Sehingga metode dan fasilitas kerja yang baru dapat berinteraksi lebih baik dengan operatornya. Fasilitas kerja lama bagian penggorengan biji kopi menggunakan penggorengan (wajan), pengorek (Jawa: sutil), dan kompor gas atau kompor minyak. Sedangkan pada metode kerja baru fasilitas yang digunakan adalah tabung penggorengan yang bergerak otomatis secara mekanis. Keluhan fisik untuk metode kerja lama disebabkan karena posisi kerja yang kurang ideal (operator duduk di kursi kecil, dan bekerja dengan posisi badan agak membungkuk). Metode kerja baru memperbaiki kondisi tersebut menjadi posisi kerja duduk di kursi normal dan berdiri normal. Implementasi metode dan fasilitas kerja baru membawa hasil positif ditinjau dari keluhan fisik operator, dimana pada metode lama tingkat rasa sakit 3 (sakit sekali) mencapai jumlah 37,sedangkan pada metode baru hanya berjumlah 1 (satu). Tingkat rasa sakit 2 (sakit) pada metode lama berjumlah 35 sedangkan pada metode baru menjadi 23. Tingkat rasa sakit 1(agak sakit) pada metode lama berjumlah 42 sedangkan pada metode baru menjadi 51. Tingkat rasa sakit 0 (tidak sakit) pada metode lama berjumlah 21 sedangkan pada metode baru menjadi 60. Waktu proses penggorengan kopi yang memiliki waktu rata-rata 87,3 menit pada metode lama menjadi 46,5 menit pada metode baru. Rata-rata produk cacat,yang terjadi pada metode lama adalah 0,08 kg (4,9%), sedangkan pada metode baru tidak ada produk cacat. Sedangkan biaya operasional produksinya adalah Rp.2.590,- (dengan kompor minyak) dan Rp.2.939,- (dengan kompor gas),untuk metode lama dan Rp.267,-(dengan kompor minyak) untuk metode baru

    A study of conflicts found in Thomas Hardy's "Jude the Obscure"

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    Literature is one of the subjects in the English Department of Widya Mandala which is separated into Literature I, II, III and Literary appreciation. This subjects is given in order that the students will develop and enlarge their ability in analyzing and understanding literary works. With Literature, they will also improve their vocabulary building and grammar, enlarge their humanistic world view by making them more sensitive to human values, and they may not feel bored from the monotonous days because literature can bring pleasure in their lives. After comparing the other literary genre, the writer chooses novel to be analyzed since everything in the novel is almost narrated in details such as the appearances, the attitudes, the feelings or emotions, and the thoughts of the characters, and the social and cultural background at a time. By analyzing the novel, the readers are not necessary to think hard to know what is meant in the story. They can understand the flow of the story well. Here, the writer choose Thomas Hardy’s novel to be discussed with the consideration that Thomas Hardy is regarded as the most popular writer in the nineteenth century. Furthermore, Hardy’s novel is remarkable. He presents man’s problem and his struggle in order to survive in the natural environment. The title of the novel is “Jude The Obscure”. She chooses this novel since it is an interesting story which gives some moral lessons about human life, human love, and human conflicts. The main characters in this story Jude who starts in this story Jude who starts out with the handicap of an inherited passion for learning and a family tradition of disastrous marriages. This inheritance acts as the tragic ‘flaw’ because the desire for learning brings Jude into conflicts both external and internal which the writer wants to analyze. To find the conflicts, the writer uses the intrinsic approach which concerns with the elements existing inside the literary work itself and she also uses Kenney, Momoe Beardsley, and Knickerbocker’s ideas in analyzing the conflicts because those theories can be used to observe the main character of the story Jude Fawley. After analyzing Thomas Hardy’s Jude The Obscure, the writer finds two results. First, Jude’s inner conflict is caused by women and by his ambition. Jude’s is inner conflict that is caused by women, the first is sensuous, vulgar cheating Arabella and the second is Sue Bridehead is cousin. This conflict occurs because Jude cannot avoid his desire with women which he will try always to satisfy with consequent effects on other areas of his life. He has to struggle against himself when Sue and Arabella have frustrated his hopes to become a scholar in Christmaster. Second Jude’s external conflict is the conflict of man against man and man against society. Jude is confronted with Arabella, Sue, and society. He has conflict with Arabella because she traps him to marry her by pretending to be pregnant and he has conflict with Sue because they have the differences in beliefs. Jude also cannot avoid the conflicts with society who cannot accept Jude’s way of thinking to --------------------- of the come entrust marriage sacrament Jude is, therefore struggling – with the world and with himself. And at last, Jude is reconciled to his fate before he does only make sense that he recognizes what it is

    Implemantasi sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001:2000 di PT. E-T-A Indonesia

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    PT. E-T-A Indonesia merupakan perusahaan anak cabang PT. E-T-A Jerman, yang memproduksi pemutus arus yang didesain untuk pengaman peralatan, komponen, dan kawat tegangan rendah. Implementasi sistem manajemen mutu IS0 9001:2000 di PT. E-T-A Indonesia ini meliputi semua departemen kecuali departemen Akuntansi dan Keuangan dan tidak menerapkan klausul 7.3. Perancangan dan Pengembangan Dalam pembahasan dijelaskan tahap persiapan, tahap implementasi, dan tahap audit internal sebelum sertifikasi oleh Badan Sertifikasi TUV. Disertakan juga Manual Mutu, Prosedur Standar wajib, beberapa Prosedur Mutu lain, Instruksi Kerja, dan Dokumen Pendukung lainnya