806 research outputs found

    PSYX 120.50: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods

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    Examining the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in a Sample of Individuals with Psychosis

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    Psychotic disorders confer high risk for suicidality. Previous research has found the symptom clusters of psychosis to have differential relationships with risk for suicidal ideation and behavior. Despite evidence for unique determinants of suicide among people with disorders on the psychosis spectrum, little research has examined theoretical models of suicide that aim to explore the transition from suicidal thoughts to behavior in this population. The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide (IPTS) may be particularly useful in delineating this transition, as the constructs underlying the IPTS overlap with symptoms and experiences salient in people with psychosis. We examined baseline data from an ongoing longitudinal, multi-site study of 200 adults with psychosis (30% schizophrenia; 35% schizoaffective disorder; 33% bipolar disorder I or II with psychotic features; 2% major depressive disorder with psychotic features) to: a) replicate previous findings regarding relationships among thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and suicidal ideation in a broader sample; b) expand on previous research by examining the relationship of suicidal desire and acquired capability for suicide in predicting suicidal ideation severity; and c) explore relationships among positive and negative symptoms of psychosis and the IPTS constructs. In regression analyses, perceived burdensomeness emerged as a significant predictor of suicidal ideation independent of thwarted belongingness; in contrast with expectations, thwarted belongingness was not significant. The interaction of acquired capability and perceived burdensomeness was also associated with current ideation severity. Contrary to expectations, a history of suicide attempts was not associated with acquired capability for suicide. Among symptoms, suspiciousness/persecution and emotional withdrawal were associated with higher scores of perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness. Overall, the present findings provide further support for maladaptive beliefs as salient processes involved in increased suicidal ideation in psychosis and warrant further examination of acquired capability as a contributor to suicide risk. The IPTS may identify modifiable targets for improving suicide risk assessment and therapeutic targets in treatment for individuals who experience psychosis

    PSYX 120.50: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods (Online)

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    PSYX 100S.50: Introduction to Psychology (Online)

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    The “Oviedo Model": urbanism as marketing strategy and disappearance of the historic centers.

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    During the past few years, the historic centers have been experiencing a similar problem in all the capitalist cities, which is threatening their definition of centres for cultural richness and vitality multifunctional. This article discusses the situation in Oviedo. The recent operations for the recovery of the Old Town have developed a marketing strategy: the "Oviedo model" of intervention in cities. An urban solution which focuses on the image does not solve the problems that threaten the disappearance of the historic center

    The in vacuo release of Ar from minerals: 2. The role of structural modifications of K-feldspar during heating revealed by Raman microprobe analyses

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    The release of Ar during stepwise heating 39Ar-40Ar dating experiments may be controlled by Fick's Law diffusion in an inert matrix, and/or by structural modifications of the host mineral. A ca. 1 mm3 irradiated cleavage fragment of a low sanidine crystal from Itrongay, Madagascar was degassed isothermally at 888 ± 2 °C for 264 h, acquiring 67 stepwise 39Ar release data. The 39Ar release was observed to follow a smooth sigmoid curve and not a line as would be predicted by Fick's Law. If the 39Ar release is controlled by crystallographic changes, the implication is that these changes undergo time-dependent variations. The long-term bulk degassing, being the sum of various structural modifications, approximates a Fickian behavior that is not verified in detail in short-term experiments, as it averages over different 39Ar release regimes. This would make the downslope extrapolation of laboratory data to geological conditions highly underconstrained. In order to constrain the behavior of the crystal structure of K-feldspar during laboratory heating, we measured the Raman spectra of a different, ca. 1 mm3 cleavage fragment of the same irradiated sanidine crystal. The sample was heated in air in a Linkam heating stage, and Raman spectra were acquired at temperatures increasing from 300 to 1000 °C, including a 6-hour isothermal run at 900 ± 1 °C. Raman modes between 50 and 1200 cm-1 were observed to record two kinds of change, defining robust trends. The positions of most peaks were shifted towards lower wavenumbers (lower energies) and broadened; in addition, the relative heights of different peaks showed robust variation trends. The larger changes coincide with discrete temperature increases, but all changes also progressed over time at constant temperature. These peaks mirror the excitation of phonon modes, which are associated with interatomic bond stretching and deformation, with Si,Al ordering and with deformation and rotation of SiO2 tetrahedra. Most, but by far not all, of the change is reversible (such as e.g. the differential activation of phonon modes), but irreversible structure modifications (such as e.g. Al,Si disordering) are also recorded. We conclude that the K-feldspar structure violates mathematical requirements of matrix inertness during laboratory heating

    A Positive Spin on a Negative Narrative: How the Media Portrays Fraternities and What Fraternities Can Do About It

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    As research on fraternity men largely focuses on misbehavior and criminal activity, no research examines the types of stories reported on by media outlets and whether these stories include fraternity voices or statements. Employing quantitative content analysis, this study examines 100 fraternity-related stories published by the ten newspaper websites most frequently visited by people in the United States. Findings suggest 12% of fraternity-related publications are positive in nature and tone, 36% of publications include official fraternity-issued statements, and 69% of all publications include official university-issued statements. Implications for practitioners and future research is addressed

    Actitud de los familiares hacia el cuidado integral del paciente esquizofrénico en el hogar. HVLH. 2014

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    El presente estudio de investigación titulado “Actitud de los familiares hacia el cuidado integral del paciente esquizofrénico en el hogar. HVLH. 2014” tiene como objetivo general determinar la actitud de los familiares hacia el cuidado integral del paciente esquizofrénico en el hogar Es de tipo cuantitativo, corte transversal, nivel aplicativo y método descriptivo. La población estuvo conformada por 30 familiares de pacientes esquizofrénicos atendidos en el consultorio externo del HVLH. La técnica empleada fue la encuesta y el instrumento Escala tipo Likert modificada, aplicada previo consentimiento informado. Los resultados fueron procesados y analizados en cuadros estadísticos, obteniéndose que los familiares en un 60% (18) presentan una actitud favorable hacia el cuidado integral del paciente esquizofrénico en el hogar y 40%(12) una actitud desfavorable. En lo que respecta a la actitud de los familiares hacia el cuidado integral en la dimensión necesidades básicas del paciente esquizofrénico en el hogar, 53% presentan una actitud desfavorable, y 47% una actitud favorable. En cuanto a la dimensión psicosocial del paciente esquizofrénico en el hogar, 73% presentan una actitud favorable, y 27% una actitud desfavorable. Y por último, en relación a la actitud de los familiares hacia el cuidado integral durante las crisis del paciente esquizofrénico en el hogar, 60% presentan una actitud desfavorable, y 40% una actitud favorable. Concluyéndose que la mayoría de los familiares presentan actitud favorable hacia el cuidado integral en la dimensión psicológica y tratamiento farmacológico. También existe una mayoría de ellos que presentan actitud desfavorable hacia el cuidado integral durante las crisis y hacia la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas del paciente en el hogar.Tesi

    Evaluación de la eficiencia térmica del proceso de soldadura por fricción-agitación en aleaciones de aluminio usando un modelo teórico-experimental /

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar la eficiencia térmica del proceso de soldadura por fricción-agitación (SFA) en juntas soldadas de aleaciones de aluminio estructural, empleando dos tipos de geometrías de herramienta en dos tipos de máquinas para realizar este proceso. Las herramientas utilizadas en el proceso SFA constan de una geometría semejante difiriendo únicamente en el perfil del hombro, el cual puede ser completamente plano o poseer ranuras en espiral o concéntricas. Los equipos bajo los cuales se desarrolló el proceso de soldadura por fricción agitación están compuestos por una maquina fresadora adaptada para SFA y una maquina especializada en dicho proceso también. Durante el desarrollo de las soldaduras, se realizó la medición de las variables de operación: torque, velocidad de rotación, velocidad de avance, fuerza axial, fuerza de avance y temperatura; mediante la instalación de un sistema de adquisición de datos conectado a termopares, un torquimetro inalámbrico, un dispositivo de fuerzas y un tacómetro. Con base en los resultados obtenidos a partir de los datos experimentales analizados bajos los modelos teórico-experimentales de deslizamiento y adherencia de material de la pieza de trabajo sobre la superficie de la herramienta dentro de la zona agitada planteados por H. Schmith et. al. [1], se establece una metodología para la evaluación de la eficiencia térmica del proceso SFA. Esta metodología permite que mediante los ciclos térmicos y perfiles de temperatura obtenidos durante el desarrollo de las juntas soldadas se corrobore y ajuste el torque requerido por la máquina| para realizar el proceso de soldadura. Al final del estudio, se comparan las eficiencias térmicas evaluadas del proceso SFA entre las distintas condiciones de trabajo, así como, con las establecidas en la literatura por otros autores mediante métodos de simulación y experimentación