319 research outputs found

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    Take One was published every two weeks and focused on short news items and announcements "for the people of University Hospital.

    Conscripting Private Resources to Meet Urban Needs: The Statutory and Constitutional Validity of Affordable Housing Impact Fees in New York

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    In the closing decade of the 20th century, American cities face difficult financial predicaments. Urban tax bases have atrophied, and the confidence rating of municipal bonds has been downgraded. At the same time, city expenditures have increased as century-old infrastructure begins to crumble and urban demographics demand an ever increasing array of public services. To meet these challenges, New York City would do well to adopt impact fee and linkage arrangements, which would require developers to contribute to State coffers in proportion to the expected environmental, social, and economic impact of their development projects. To pass constitutional muster, however, any impact fee arrangement would have to be carefully worded to require impact fee payments towards the development of affordable housing for only those projects that can be demonstrably shown to have an adverse expected impact on the availability of affordable housing in the city

    Policing, Protestors, and Discretion

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    La gestión de las redes sociales : estrategias de apertura en los medios de comunicación tradicionales

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    Las redes sociales han protagonizado uno de los fenómenos más influyentes en los procesos comunicativos de los últimos años, gracias a su propuesta de interacción directa. Su utilización como herramientas digitales de amplia difusión ha alcanzado tal popularidad que ha provocado el replanteamiento de los paradigmas comunicacionales. Los medios tradicionales –prensa, radio y televisión– no han sido entes ajenos a esta transformación. De hecho, han comenzado a adaptarse a las iniciativas de las nuevas tecnologías y a los modelos de la web 2.0. Aunque existen ciertas reticencias, debido a la falta de control y a las carencias en los derechos de privacidad, resulta evidente que los medios han asumido la tarea de explorar las alternativas que les ofrecen las redes sociales, entre las cuales destacan Facebook y Twitter. Objetivos. Este trabajo se plantea como tarea principal analizar las estrategias emprendidas por los medios de comunicación más seguidos en España en relación con las redes sociales, describiendo cómo hacen frente a los retos y las oportunidades planteados por la web 2.0. Metodología. Junto a una serie de referencias bibliográficas sobre redes sociales, se analizará cuantitativa y cualitativamente el grado de integración de tres medios españoles en Internet. Conclusiones. Siguiendo el modelo de medios de referencia internacional, como The New York Times, los diarios, cadenas de televisión y emisoras de radio españoles han iniciado una estrategia de apertura a las redes sociales y han incorporado nuevas figuras profesionales a sus plantillas, con el propósito de alcanzar mayor participación de la audiencia, aportar un espacio de encuentro y fidelizar al usuario. No en vano, según datos de 2010, tres de cada cuatro medios on-line españoles tienen perfiles en Facebook y Twitter, lo cual refleja la relevancia que han adquirido las redes sociales como estrategia de comunicación y de negocio

    Quest: Spring 1998

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    Quest: Lynn University Literary Magazinehttps://spiral.lynn.edu/quest/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Patient and public involvement in the early stages of clinical trial development: a systematic cohort investigation

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    Incorporation of PPI within the development of the outline application or specification of plans for future involvement was low. Funder requests for applicants to provide information on PPI and justification for its absence should be welcomed but further research is needed to identify the impact of this on its contributions to research. Comments on PPI by reviewers should be directional rather than state that an increase is required. Challenges facing applicants in initiating PPI prior to funding need to be addressed

    Everybody or Somebody? Assessing the impact of social media on newsroom organisational structures

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    With social media’s increasingly important role in fast-paced news, there is a need to identify the occupational and professional implications of social media specifically in terms of jobs and roles in newsrooms. This paper serves as a preliminary enquiry into what social media jobs have been created in newsrooms under which job ti-tles. It explores trends associated with this and the tasks being carried out in those roles to assess the extent to which social media is ring-fenced as a responsibility. From this it is possible to query the wider impact of social me-dia on organisational structure in newsrooms. Two main newsroom models are identified: firstly, newsrooms that place an emphasis on everyone being responsible for so-cial media and secondly, newsrooms where social media is a specified role. The study further serves to guide social media skills for inclusion in journalism trainin

    You Can’t Say That on Facebook: The NLRA’s Opprobriousness Standard and Social Media

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    In January 2013, British music retailer HMV made headlines not only for its financial woes but also for its lay-offs, publicized by a terminated employee on HMV’s Twitter account. “[T]weeting live from HR where we’re all being fired!” was Poppy Rose Cleere, the company’s Social Media Planner, who reached out to Twitter in her frustration over the layoffs. A company in a bad situation suddenly found itself in an even worse one, as it lost its ability to control its public image. The HMV incident is illustrative of the complicated relationship employers have with social media. The HMV incident is likewise illustrative of what is at stake for companies when social media is used against their interests. In response to these fears, companies have increasingly adopted and affirmed policies delineating their expectations for employees’ personal usage of social media. Employers have also disciplined employees whose social media posts have negatively portrayed the company. This Note examines the NLRA’s opprobriousness standard as applied to social media and then argues that this standard provides a strong framework for analyzing when employees’ otherwise protected concerted activity on social media should lose its protection because the speech is impermissibly opprobrious. This Note also argues that with certain modifications, this standard should be adopted by the NLRB and subsequently by courts

    “Мережеві” революції як засіб геополітичного протиборства: близькосхідний досвід

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    Розкрито інформаційно-технологічну основу мережного інформаційного суспільства як інструменту реалізації зовнішньополітичного курсу у процесі геополітичного протиборства Заходу стосовно країн Близького Сходу.Раскрыта информационно-технологическая основа сетевого информационного общества как инструмента реализации внешнеполитического курса в процессе геополитического противоборства Запада в отношении государств Ближнего Востока.Informatively-technological basis of network informative society as instrument of realization of foreign-policy course in the process of the geopolitical confrontation of the West against countries of the Near East has been discovered