115 research outputs found
Visual Information Retrieval in Endoscopic Video Archives
In endoscopic procedures, surgeons work with live video streams from the
inside of their subjects. A main source for documentation of procedures are
still frames from the video, identified and taken during the surgery. However,
with growing demands and technical means, the streams are saved to storage
servers and the surgeons need to retrieve parts of the videos on demand. In
this submission we present a demo application allowing for video retrieval
based on visual features and late fusion, which allows surgeons to re-find
shots taken during the procedure.Comment: Paper accepted at the IEEE/ACM 13th International Workshop on
Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI) in Prague (Czech Republic) between
10 and 12 June 201
Vergleich des klinisch-radiologischen und biomechanischen Outcomes nach Operation des juvenilen Hallux valgus
Die Studie befasst sich mit Vorteilen des Einsatzes biomechanischer Verfahren in der postoperativen Betreuung juveniler Hallux-valgus-Patienten. Vorzüge gegenüber der Radiologie zur Outcomebeschreibung werden gezeigt, Unterschiede zwischen den routinemäßen Operationsverfahren Chevron-, Doppel- und proximale Osteotomie ermittelt. Die Daten entstammen dem Waldkrankenhaus in Eisenberg. 78 Probanden zwischen 1999 und 2016 erfüllten die Einschlusskriterien. Eine gesunde Kontrollgruppe diente zum Vergleich. Die Erfassung der Klinik erfolgte mittels AOFAS Score. Zusätzlich wurde ein Fragebogen erstellt und ausgehändigt. Die Ergebnisse erbrachten keine Unterschiede im klinischen Outcome zwischen den Gruppen. Die physiologischsten Fußdruckparameter zeigten sich nach Chevron-OP. Am schlechtesten schnitt die Doppelosteotomie ab. Es kam radiologisch, als auch klinisch zu signifikanten Verbesserungen postoperativ. Die Belastung des Rückfußes konnte an Normwerte angepasst werden. Schlechte Ergebnisse wurden im Vor- und Mittelfußbereich erzielt. Postoperativ zeigte sich eine weitere Schonung der Großzehe, die Drücke unter den MFK stiegen. Adaptionsmechanismen und schmerzbedingtes Vermeidungsverhalten spielen eine Rolle. Vermehrte Belastung unter den MFK führte zu Schmerzen und Schwielen unter den betroffenen Bereichen. Ein gutes Regressionsmodell konnte durch 4 normierte pedobarografische Werte zur Vorhersage des AOFAS Scores erstellt werden. Eingeschlossen wurden Zeit und Fläche unter MFK 4, Druck unter Zehen 3-5 und der Großzehe. Radiologische Parameter und nicht-normierte Daten konnten bei der Analyse nicht überzeugen. Parallelen zu adulten Patienten und deren Fußdruckmessung waren vorhanden. Wir fanden in der Schonung der Großzehe und Belastung der Metatarsalia ähnliche Merkmale. Korrelations- und Regressionsanalyse hoben den Stellenwert der Fußdruckmessung hervor. Die radiologische Diagnostik besitzt keinen Vorhersagewert zum klinischen und funktionellen Resultat
Evolution of MPCV Service Module Propulsion and GNC Interface Requirements
The Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle Service Module Propulsion Subsystem provides propulsion for the integrated Crew and Service Module. Updates in the exploration architecture between Constellation and MPCV as well as NASA's partnership with the European Space Agency have resulted in design changes to the SM Propulsion Subsystem and updates to the Propulsion interface requirements with Guidance Navigation and Control. This paper focuses on the Propulsion and GNC interface requirement updates between the Constellation Service Module and the European Service Module and how the requirement updates were driven or supported by architecture updates and the desired use of hardware with heritage to United States and European spacecraft for the Exploration Missions, EM-1 and EM-2
Space Telecommunications Radio System (STRS) Architecture Standard. Release 1.02.1
This document contains the NASA architecture standard for software defined radios used in space- and ground-based platforms to enable commonality among radio developments to enhance capability and services while reducing mission and programmatic risk. Transceivers (or transponders) with functionality primarily defined in software (e.g., firmware) have the ability to change their functional behavior through software alone. This radio architecture standard offers value by employing common waveform software interfaces, method of instantiation, operation, and testing among different compliant hardware and software products. These common interfaces within the architecture abstract application software from the underlying hardware to enable technology insertion independently at either the software or hardware layer
TRITEX : chromosome-scale sequence assembly of Triticeae genomes with open-source tools
Chromosome-scale genome sequence assemblies underpin pan-genomic studies. Recent genome assembly efforts in the large-genome Triticeae crops wheat and barley have relied on the commercial closed-source assembly algorithm DeNovoMagic. We present TRITEX, an open-source computational workflow that combines paired-end, mate-pair, 10X Genomics linked-read with chromosome conformation capture sequencing data to construct sequence scaffolds with megabase-scale contiguity ordered into chromosomal pseudomolecules. We evaluate the performance of TRITEX on publicly available sequence data of tetraploid wild emmer and hexaploid bread wheat, and construct an improved annotated reference genome sequence assembly of the barley cultivar Morex as a community resource.Peer reviewe
Evolution of MPCV Service Module Propulsion and GN and C Interface Requirements
Presentation on the European Service Module mission description, propulsion subsystem, and propulsion and guidance navigation and control interface requirements. The content focuses on the updates to these areas between Constellation and the Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle
Anion Exchanger 1 (Band 3) Is Required to Prevent Erythrocyte Membrane Surface Loss but Not to Form the Membrane Skeleton
AbstractThe red blood cell (RBC) membrane protein AE1 provides high affinity binding sites for the membrane skeleton, a structure critical to RBC integrity. AE1 biosynthesis is postulated to be required for terminal erythropoiesis and membrane skeleton assembly. We used targeted mutagenesis to assess AE1 function in vivo. RBCs lacking AE1 spontaneously shed membrane vesicles and tubules, leading to severe spherocytosis and hemolysis, but the levels of the major skeleton components, the synthesis of spectrin in mutant erythroblasts, and skeletal architecture are normal or nearly normal. The results indicate that AE1 does not regulate RBC membrane skeleton assembly in vivo but is essential for membrane stability. We postulate that stabilization is achieved through AE1–lipid interactions and that loss of these interactions is a key pathogenic event in hereditary spherocytosis
The barley pan-genome reveals the hidden legacy of mutation breeding
Genetic diversity is key to crop improvement. Owing to pervasive genomic structural variation, a single reference genome assembly cannot capture the full complement of sequence diversity of a crop species (known as the ‘pan-genome’1). Multiple high-quality sequence assemblies are an indispensable component of a pan-genome infrastructure. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is an important cereal crop with a long history of cultivation that is adapted to a wide range of agro-climatic conditions2. Here we report the construction of chromosome-scale sequence assemblies for the genotypes of 20 varieties of barley—comprising landraces, cultivars and a wild barley—that were selected as representatives of global barley diversity. We catalogued genomic presence/absence variants and explored the use of structural variants for quantitative genetic analysis through whole-genome shotgun sequencing of 300 gene bank accessions. We discovered abundant large inversion polymorphisms and analysed in detail two inversions that are frequently found in current elite barley germplasm; one is probably the product of mutation breeding and the other is tightly linked to a locus that is involved in the expansion of geographical range. This first-generation barley pan-genome makes previously hidden genetic variation accessible to genetic studies and breeding
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