3,732 research outputs found

    Are Consumers Willing to Pay More for Biodegradable Containers Than for Plastic Ones? Evidence from Hypothetical Conjoint Analysis and Nonhypothetical Experimental Auctions

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    This study used and compared hypothetical conjoint analysis and nonhypothetical experimental auctions to elicit floral customers’ willingness to pay for biodegradable plant containers. The results of the study show that participants were willing to pay a price premium for biodegradable containers, but the premium is not the same for different types of containers. This article also shows the mixed ordered probit model generates more accurate results when analyzing the conjoint analysis Internet survey data than the ordered probit model.biodegradable, willingness to pay, marketing, carbon footprint, waste composition, green industry, nursery crops, floriculture crops, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Financial Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing, Public Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, D12, Q13,

    Understanding the Support Needs of Minority Women with Heart Disease

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    Background. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) affects minority women disproportionately. WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease sought to determine effective ways to support non-Caucasian women with CVD. We surveyed women of color living with CVD to understand their unique CVD-related support needs. Methods. 514 non-white women (100 Hispanic, 180 African American, 104 Asian, 107 Indigenous, 23 multiracial) with CVD from 46 states responded to a 55-question survey (online/telephone, English/Spanish) 8/28/15 through 9/11/15. Results. Among respondents not currently attending support groups, 80% were interested in attending support groups. Of WomenHeart services, respondents were most interested in online message boards. Among new services, respondents were most interested in a support group with a medical expert facilitator. Women with tachycardia wanted a support group with others with the same condition. Those with cardiomyopathy preferred to meet most frequently. Respondents most preferred a monthly support group with flexible membership. Community venues were the most popular location for support groups. Indigenous populations had the lowest CVD knowledge and self-efficacy levels, were most likely to prefer a support group with women of their own race, and wished to meet with their groups most frequently. Multiracial women were most likely to have never been told about clinical trials and were least interested in support groups. Hispanics had the least social support. Conclusions. Minority women with CVD indicated interest in support groups. They may benefit from referrals to tailored support group types, including online platforms facilitated by medical experts, and to cardiac rehabilitation and clinical trials

    Signal transduction and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) in patients with colorectal cancer: associations with the phenotypic features of the tumour and host

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    Purpose: In patients with colorectal cancer (CRC), a high-density local inflammatory infiltrate response is associated with improved survival, whereas elevated systemic inflammatory responses are associated with poor survival. One potential unifying mechanism is the IL-6/JAK/STAT3 pathway. The present study examines the relationship between tumour total STAT3 and phosphorylated STAT3Tyr705 (pSTAT3) expression, host inflammatory responses and survival in patients undergoing resection of stage I-III CRC. Experimental Design: Immunohistochemical assessment of STAT3/pSTAT3 expression was performed using a tissue microarray and tumour cell expression divided into tertiles using the weighted histoscore. The relationship between STAT3/pSTAT3 expression and local inflammatory (CD3+, CD8+, CD45R0+, FOXP3+ T-cell density and Klintrup-Mäkinen grade) and systemic inflammatory responses and cancer-specific survival were examined. Results: 196 patients were included in the analysis. Cytoplasmic and nuclear STAT3 expression strongly correlated (r=0.363, P<0.001); nuclear STAT3 and pSTAT3 expression weakly correlated (r=0.130, P=0.068). Cytoplasmic STAT3 was inversely associated with the density of CD3+ (P=0.012), CD8+ (P=0.003) and FOXP3+ T-lymphocytes (P=0.002) within the cancer cell nests and was associated with an elevated systemic inflammatory response as measured by modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS2: 19% vs. 4%, P=0.004). The combination of nuclear STAT3/pSTAT3 stratified five-year survival from 81% to 62% (P=0.012), however was not associated with survival independent of venous invasion, tumour perforation or tumour budding. Conclusion In patients undergoing CRC resection, STAT3 expression was associated with adverse host inflammatory responses and reduced survival. Up-regulation of tumour STAT3 may be an important mechanism whereby the tumour deregulates local and systemic inflammatory responses

    Gliding Experiments of the Wright Brothers: Flight Research 1899-1908

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    Presentation showing glider experiments of the Wright Brothers from 1899-1908 are presented. The slides review the experiments that the Wright Brothers conducted prior to their first powered flight in 1903 to developing the first practical aircraft in 1905, Many pictures of the gliders and other devices are used to illustrate the gradual development and experimentation that preceeded the first powered flight

    Mentoring Graduate Students to Become Effective Teaching Assistants: Developing and Implementing a Student-Centred Program for Nursing

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    Teaching in the health professions, including nursing, requires specialized educational strategies that meet the needs of the current generation of learners. Currently there is a shortage of experienced post-secondary educators in nursing, possibly exacerbated by inadequate Teaching Assistant (TA) professional development programs. Most literature describes TA professional development programs that involve undergraduate students employed as TAs, and few consider how programs can mentor graduate students to develop their instructional skills, contribute to courses, and enhance their careers. There are limited reports in the Canadian context. In this article we outline the rationale, development, and implementation of a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) mentorship program for graduate students at a school of nursing located in western Canada. Our aim is to provide mentorship and experience in educational strategies to graduate students, to help mentor and educate future nursing educators who are experienced post-secondary teachers. We discuss the rationale for offering the GTA mentorship program, followed by a description of the GTA mentorship program components. We highlight the role of the Senior TA, an experienced GTA who takes a leadership role in coordinating the program. Importantly, we discuss how knowledge related to cultural safety is presented, and how it has been adapted over time to meet GTAs’ needs. Finally, we discuss the evolution of a school of nursing GTA mentorship program, located in western Canada and we describe future changes to the program in order to remain relevant to the needs of graduate students in nursing, faculty and administration, and undergraduate nursing students. L’enseignement dans les professions de la santé, y compris les sciences infirmières, nécessite des stratégies pédagogiques répondant aux besoins de la génération actuelle d’apprenantes. Nous connaissons actuellement une pénurie d’enseignantes en sciences infirmières, possiblement aggravée par l’inadéquation des programmes de développement professionnel pour les auxiliaires d’enseignement (Teaching Assistant; TA). La littérature sur le sujet décrit surtout les programmes de développement professionnel pour les étudiantes de premier cycle qui sont embauchées comme auxiliaires d’enseignement; peu considèrent la façon dont les programmes peuvent soutenir les étudiantes des cycles supérieurs pour leur permettre de développer leurs habiletés d’enseignement, de contribuer aux cours, et d’améliorer leurs perspectives de carrière. Peu de rapports font état du contexte canadien. Dans cet article, nous justifions et exposons brièvement l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre d’un programme de mentorat pour les auxiliaires d’enseignement qui sont étudiantes aux cycles supérieurs (Graduate Teaching Assistant; GTA) dans une école de sciences infirmières de l’Ouest canadien. Notre objectif est d’offrir du mentorat ainsi qu’une expérience permettant à des étudiantes des cycles supérieurs de pratiquer des stratégies pédagogiques, afin de contribuer à la formation de nouvelles enseignantes chevronnées en sciences infirmières. Nous présentons le rationnel pour offrir un tel programme de mentorat pour les étudiants des cycles supérieurs et en décrivons les composantes. Nous soulignons le rôle de l’auxiliaire sénior, une auxiliaire expérimentée jouant un rôle de leader dans la coordination du programme. Chose importante, nous discutons de la manière de présenter les connaissances sur la sécurité culturelle, ainsi que de l’adaptation au fil du temps pour répondre aux besoins des auxiliaires d’enseignement. Enfin, nous abordons l’évolution du programme de mentorat pour les étudiantes des cycles supérieurs d’une école de sciences infirmières de l’Ouest du Canada; nous décrivons également les changements qui seront apportés au programme, afin qu’il réponde toujours aux besoins des étudiantes des cycles supérieurs en sciences infirmières, du corps professoral, de la direction et des étudiantes du premier cycle

    Gliding Experiments of the Wright Brothers: The Wrights and Flight Research 1899-1908

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    Presentation sharing aspects of the gliding experiments of the Wright brothers and their flight research from 1899-190

    Merkel cell polyomavirus large T antigen disrupts lysosome clustering by translocating human Vam6p from the cytoplasm to the nucleus

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    Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV) has been recently described as the cause for most human Merkel cell carcinomas. MCV is similar to simian virus 40 (SV40) and encodes a nuclear large T (LT) oncoprotein that is usually mutated to eliminate viral replication among tumor-derived MCV. We identified the hVam6p cytoplasmic protein involved in lysosomal processing as a novel interactor with MCV LT but not SV40 LT. hVam6p binds through its clathrin heavy chain homology domain to a unique region of MCV LT adjacent to the retinoblastoma binding site. MCV LT translocates hVam6p to the nucleus, sequestering it from involvement in lysosomal trafficking. A naturally occurring, tumor-derived mutant LT (MCV350) lacking a nuclear localization signal binds hVam6p but fails to inhibit hVam6p-induced lysosomal clustering. MCV has evolved a novel mechanism to target hVam6p that may contribute to viral uncoating or egress through lysosomal processing during virus replication

    Measuring Coverage in MNCH:A Validation Study Linking Population Survey Derived Coverage to Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Care Records in Rural China

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    Accurate data on coverage of key maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) interventions are crucial for monitoring progress toward the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5. Coverage estimates are primarily obtained from routine population surveys through self-reporting, the validity of which is not well understood. We aimed to examine the validity of the coverage of selected MNCH interventions in Gongcheng County, China.We conducted a validation study by comparing women's self-reported coverage of MNCH interventions relating to antenatal and postnatal care, mode of delivery, and child vaccinations in a community survey with their paper- and electronic-based health care records, treating the health care records as the reference standard. Of 936 women recruited, 914 (97.6%) completed the survey. Results show that self-reported coverage of these interventions had moderate to high sensitivity (0.57 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.50-0.63] to 0.99 [95% CI: 0.98-1.00]) and low to high specificity (0 to 0.83 [95% CI: 0.80-0.86]). Despite varying overall validity, with the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) ranging between 0.49 [95% CI: 0.39-0.57] and 0.90 [95% CI: 0.88-0.92], bias in the coverage estimates at the population level was small to moderate, with the test to actual positive (TAP) ratio ranging between 0.8 and 1.5 for 24 of the 28 indicators examined. Our ability to accurately estimate validity was affected by several caveats associated with the reference standard. Caution should be exercised when generalizing the results to other settings.The overall validity of self-reported coverage was moderate across selected MNCH indicators. However, at the population level, self-reported coverage appears to have small to moderate degree of bias. Accuracy of the coverage was particularly high for indicators with high recorded coverage or low recorded coverage but high specificity. The study provides insights into the accuracy of self-reports based on a population survey in low- and middle-income countries. Similar studies applying an improved reference standard are warranted in the future

    Anti-α4 Antibody Treatment Blocks Virus Traffic to the Brain and Gut Early, and Stabilizes CNS Injury Late in Infection

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    Four SIV-infected monkeys with high plasma virus and CNS injury were treated with an anti-α4 blocking antibody (natalizumab) once a week for three weeks beginning on 28 days post-infection (late). Infection in the brain and gut were quantified, and neuronal injury in the CNS was assessed by MR spectroscopy, and compared to controls with AIDS and SIV encephalitis. Treatment resulted in stabilization of ongoing neuronal injury (NAA/Cr by 1H MRS), and decreased numbers of monocytes/macrophages and productive infection (SIV p28+, RNA+) in brain and gut. Antibody treatment of six SIV infected monkeys at the time of infection (early) for 3 weeks blocked monocyte/macrophage traffic and infection in the CNS, and significantly decreased leukocyte traffic and infection in the gut. SIV – RNA and p28 was absent in the CNS and the gut. SIV DNA was undetectable in brains of five of six early treated macaques, but proviral DNA in guts of treated and control animals was equivalent. Early treated animals had low-to-no plasma LPS and sCD163. These results support the notion that monocyte/macrophage traffic late in infection drives neuronal injury and maintains CNS viral reservoirs and lesions. Leukocyte traffic early in infection seeds the CNS with virus and contributes to productive infection in the gut. Leukocyte traffic early contributes to gut pathology, bacterial translocation, and activation of innate immunity
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