72 research outputs found

    Daniel Prenn–From Germany’s First Man in the Top Ten to ‘“No Nationality” Man’?

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    This biographical study thematizes the life of Daniel Prenn, Germany’s first male tennis player in the world’s top ten ranking. Emigrating from St. Petersburg to Berlin as an adolescent, he soon developed a great talent in tennis, became Germany’s number one player and represented the country in the Davis Cup before in 1933–at the height of his success–he became a famous victim of the sport segregation by the National Socialists due to his Jewish background. Subsequently, Daniel migrated to the United Kingdom and was able to continue his tennis career. This article explores his story and contextualizes it before the historical background, as his life is connected to numerous contemporary developments of the time such as antisemitism, emigration, naturalization and more. Further, the study provides insights into the role of sports regarding processes of integration and identification. It looks at the trajectory of an early sports migrant, his motivations, experiences, obstacles and successes. So far, Daniel Prenn’s story has been absent from (sports) history, and his life has not yet been studied in detail nor remembered comprehensively. This biographical account is a first attempt at changing this.</p

    The F.A.'s ban of women's football 1921 in the contemporary press - a historical discourse analysis

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    On the 5th of December 1921, the English Football Association (FA) issued a ban prohibiting women's football matches from taking place on pitches owned by clubs associated with the FA. Thereby the sport's practice was not forbidden but its development was significantly hindered by restricting access to facilities. The FA's decree was the centre of much debate in the newspapers of the time. A discourse evolved around the question of prevailing gender roles as well as challenges thereof caused through the practice of football and sport by women. Many statements implicit to this discourse were frequently linked to a much wider disparity between contemporary traditional gender norms and the ascent of female emancipation due to the circumstances during and after the First World War. This paper employs a method of historical discourse analysis to assess and analyse statements within the newspaper discourse and contribute to the research about women and gender in sport and beyond. Moreover, the paper aims to render visible the ways in which questions of gender and its socio-political importance were already a matter of contention in the early twentieth century, mirroring some of the debates in academic circles nowadays

    Towards Fleet-wide Sharing of Wind Turbine Condition Information through Privacy-preserving Federated Learning

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    Terabytes of data are collected every day by wind turbine manufacturers from their fleets. The data contain valuable real-time information for turbine health diagnostics and performance monitoring, for predicting rare failures and the remaining service life of critical parts. And yet, this wealth of data from wind turbine fleets remains inaccessible to operators, utility companies, and researchers as manufacturing companies prefer the privacy of their fleets' turbine data for business strategic reasons. The lack of data access impedes the exploitation of opportunities, such as improving data-driven turbine operation and maintenance strategies and reducing downtimes. We present a distributed federated machine learning approach that leaves the data on the wind turbines to preserve the data privacy, as desired by manufacturers, while still enabling fleet-wide learning on those local data. We demonstrate in two case studies that wind turbines which are scarce in representative training data benefit from more accurate fault detection models with federated learning, while no turbine experiences a loss in model performance by participating in the federated learning process. When comparing conventional and federated training processes, the average model training time rises significantly by a factor of up to 14 in the federated training due to increased communication and overhead operations. Thus, model training times might constitute an impediment that needs to be further explored and alleviated in federated learning applications, especially for large wind turbine fleets

    Económia Social Emprendimiento digital con enfoque de mercadeo en red entre los jovenes del municipio El Crucero, Departamento de Managua, segundo semestre 2019

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    El trabajo de investigación alude al emprendimiento digital con enfoque de mercadeo en red entre los jóvenes del municipio El Crucero, departamento de Managua, segundo semestre 2018. Ésta es una zona cuya principal actividad económica es la producción de café por temporadas y en menor cantidad ganadera. Otras actividades que generan empleo están, la venta al por menor en comercios no especializados con predominio de alimentos, bebidas o tabaco, seguida de las actividades médicas y actividades de administración publicada en general. En esta evaluación se analiza los alcances del emprendimiento digital cuyo planteamiento de estudio está centrada sobre los negocios informales del sector, además de las potencialidades de las herramientas tecnológicas para su mejor desempeño. Se presenta los tópicos principales de la actividad económica del área, Se identifica el perfil socioeconómico de los jóvenes en el aspecto meramente racional sobre el uso de las redes digitales, se valora la vinculación con los negocios, se realizaron tres visitas de campo en donde se implementaron entrevistas, encuestas y revisión de documento para el levantamiento de información. Los resultados de las visitas nos demostraron la incipiente desinformación sobre el uso de las redes digitales, la mayor parte ignora las oportunidades que trae consigo el mundo cibernético. se muestran los vacíos de la explotación digital cuyo actor principal son jóvenes. Sobre esto nace los modelos de gestión de márquetin en las redes tecnológicas además se delimita en el desarrollo la función de los planes o proyectos llevados desde las instituciones públicas. Al final del desarrollo de la investigación se muestran los alcances de plantear mecanismos de aprovechamiento de las redes digitales y los retrocesos de las mismas desde el punto de vistas del cambio generacional factor determinante que desemboca en el posible desarrollo socioeconómico del sector

    Limited prosocial emotions (LPE) specifier in conduct disorder and offending behavior: findings from a 10-year prospective longitudinal study of juveniles in residential care

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    BackgroundSince the introduction of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-5, a limited prosocial emotion (LPE) specifier has been added to the conduct disorder (CD) diagnosis in addition to the age of onset specifier. It was suggested that this would identify a subgroup with severe antisocial and/or aggressive behavior with serious current and future (mental health) impairment. Research in recent years has shown that this is indeed a subgroup with severe antisocial behavior; however, mental health problems do not appear to differ from those of youth with CD without LPE. Most research to date has been cross-sectional. However, longitudinal research is urgently needed to better understand the predictive value of the LPE specifier. The aim of the current longitudinal study is to examine future offending behavior of youth with CD with compared to youth without the LPE specifier. In addition, the predictive value of the categorical LPE specifier and the dimensional LPE score will be examined beyond factors that are strongly associated with future offending (i.e., gender, age, and prior offending).MethodsAdolescents and young adults (12-25) with CD (assessed with the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version [K-SADS-PL]) with (N = 61) and without (N = 75) the LPE specifier (assessed with the Callous-Unemotional [CU] dimension of the Youth Psychopathic traits Inventory [YPI]) (in line with Jambroes et al., 2016) were compared on sociodemographic characteristics, mental health problems and offending behavior. Future (general and violent) offending was based on official conviction data.ResultsOur results showed that youth with CD with and without the LPE specifier did not differ in self-reported and informant-reported mental health problems. However, youth with CD with the LPE specifier showed more offending behavior and personality pathology at baseline. In addition, the categorical LPE specifier was associated with future general offending, but not with future violent offending. The dimensional LPE score was associated with both future general and violent offending. However, after adjustment for gender, age, and prior delinquency, these associations disappeared, with the exception of the association between the dimensional LPE score and violent offending, which remained significant even after controlling for gender, age, and prior violent offending.DiscussionIn conclusion, there seems to be evidence of a relationship between limited prosocial emotions and future offending behavior in youth with CD. This relationship, however, should not be overestimated, as there are other (static) factors (e.g. gender and prior offending behavior) that also have a strong influence on future (violent) offending behavior. Still, from a clinical point of view, a dynamic factor like prosocial emotional skills is a good focus for reducing the risk of future offending behavior.New methods for child psychiatric diagnosis and treatment outcome evaluatio

    Olive Oil as an Enhancing Potential of Tourist Offer

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    Maslinarstvo predstavlja tradicionalnu granu poljoprivrede u Hrvatskom primorju, pa se je tako sa razvojem poljoprivrede i sve većim zahtjevima tržišta maslinarstvo razvilo u vrlo profitabilnu i poljoprivrednicima unosnu kulturu. Sa sve većom potražnjom za kvalitetnim i visoko kvalitetnim maslinovim uljima Hrvatski su se maslinari na tržištu profilirali kao izvrsni proizvođači maslinovog ulja, u čemu im svakako pomaže činjenica da je podneblje u Hrvatskom primorju vrlo pogodno za uzgoj maslina. Maslinovo ulje kao namirnica koja se u ljudskoj prehrani sve češće upotrebljava zbog njezine gastronomske ali i nutritivne vrijednosti, svakako ima potencijal u razvoju lokalne gastronomije a ujedno i razvoju lokalnog turističkog proizvoda. Kako bi se obogatila cjelokupna turistička ponuda oko maslinovih ulja u Hrvatskoj se pojavljuju ceste maslinovih ulja koje su se u samom početku pokazale kao odličan način obogaćivanja gastronomije. Osim cesta maslinovog ulja, lokalni proizvođači svoja maslinova ulja počinju plasirati u lokalne trgovine i restorane koji su ih odlično uklopili u svoju ponudu. Maslinovo ulje ima velik potencijal u razvoju turističke ponude, pa se tako treba konstantno ulagati u njegovu kvalitetu i adekvatnu edukaciju o maslinovim uljima, kako bi bilo čim bolje prepoznato od strane potrošača te stvorilo pozitivan utjecaj na lokalnu turističku ponudu

    A Review on Mixed Criticality Methods

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    Within the study of mixed criticality scheduling, there are many different aspects that must be considered—resources, processor speeds, number of processors, etc.—that make scheduling theories difficult to produce. Two papers address specific aspects of mixed criticality scheduling, and this paper compares the two different methods and also builds upon them

    Challenges of social entrepreneurship development in Croatia

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    Društveno poduzetništvo je relativno novi pojam, no u povijesti se pronalazi već u 18. i 19. stoljeću, a javlja se kao odgovor na pojedine društvene probleme. U povijesti se pojavljuje pod drugim nazivom, ali sa istom misijom koja se pronalazi i danas u društvenom poduzetništvu. Društvena poduzeća se od profitnih razlikuju po tome što su vođena tzv. načelom „trostruke donje crte“ (društvo, okoliš, dobit), odnosno razlikuju se i po tome što svoju izvrsnost i uspješnost ne mjere samo putem dobiti koju ostvare na kraju poslovne godine, već i proizašlim stupnjem društvenih i ekoloških promjena, koji se još nazivaju i društveni (socijalni) kapital. Društveno se poduzetništvo u Hrvatskoj prvi put službeno spominje u dokumentu Program suradnje Vlade Republike Hrvatske i nevladinog, neprofitnog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj iz 2000. godine. Zatim se o društvenom poduzetništvu u Hrvatskoj govori u Strategiji iz 2006. godine te u posljednje donesenoj Strategiji razvoja društvenog poduzetništva za razdoblje 2015. – 2020. godine u kojoj se spominju i kriteriji za prepoznavanje društvenog poduzetništva. Danas u Hrvatskoj još uvijek ne postoji jedinstvena definicija društvenog poduzetništva već se društveni poduzetnici prepoznaju prema pojedinim kriterijima navedenim u Strategiji iz 2015. godine. U Hrvatskoj se oblici društvenog poduzetništva gotovo potpuno manifestiraju u tri pravna oblika, a to su udruge, zadruge i trgovačka društva. Hrvatski zakonodavni okvir još uvijek ne poznaje status društvenog poduzeća ili slično, te se trenutačno mogu primjenjivati zakoni koji su važni za sektor. Neki od oblika financiranja društvenih poduzetnika na tržištu su: EU fondovi, financiranje iz vlastitog poslovanja, HBOR i HAMAG BICRO kao institucije za poticanje poduzetništva u Hrvatskoj, poticaji države te lokalne i regionalne samouprave. Institucionalni okvir za razvoj društvenog poduzetništva u Hrvatskoj čine: Strategija razvoja društvenog poduzetništva u Hrvatskoj za razdoblje 2015. – 2020. godine, razna ministarstva, neprofitni sektor te međunarodne organizacije. Za društvenu ekonomiju bitno je i mjerenje društvenog utjecaja koji se u Hrvatskoj provodi kroz programa „Pokreni nešto svoje“. Uz sve izazove sa kojima se susreće društveno poduzetništvo u Hrvatskoj, mogu se pronaći dobri primjeri društvenih poduzeća koji uspješno posluju i provode svoju misiju.Although social entrepreneurship is a relatively new concept, it is found in the 18th and 19th century as a response to certain social problems. Even though it appeared under a different name, it had the same mission we find today in social entrepreneurship. Social enterprises differ from profitable ones in that they are run by the so-called principle of "triple bottom line" (society, environment, and profit). They also differ in that they measure their excellence and success not only by the profit they make at the end of the business year but also by the degree of social and environmental changes, also known as social capital. Social entrepreneurship in Croatia was first officially mentioned in the document the Program of Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Sector in the Republic of Croatia from 2000. Furthermore, social entrepreneurship in Croatia is discussed in the Strategy in 2006 and in the last adopted Strategy for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship for the period 2015-2020, which also mentions the criteria for recognizing social entrepreneurship. However, there is still no single definition of social entrepreneurship in Croatia. Rather, social entrepreneurs are defined according to certain criteria listed in the Strategy from 2015. Forms of social entrepreneurship in Croatia are almost completely manifested in three legal forms, that is, associations, cooperative businesses and trading companies. The status of social enterprises, or the like, are not within our legislative framework yet. Thus, the laws relevant to the sector can currently be applied. Some forms of financing social entrepreneurs are EU funds, self-funding from your own business, HBOR and HAMAG BICRO, that is, the institutions for encouraging entrepreneurship in Croatia, and last but not least, initiatives by the local and regional government. The institutional framework for the development of social entrepreneurship in Croatia consists of the Strategy for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship in Croatia for the period 2015-2020, various ministries, the non-profit sector and international organizations. For the social economy, it is also important to measure the social impact carried out in Croatia through the program "Pokreni nešto svoje". Despite the many challenges that social entrepreneurship in Croatia is facing, we can find good examples of social enterprises that successfully operate and carry out their mission

    Olive Oil as an Enhancing Potential of Tourist Offer

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    Maslinarstvo predstavlja tradicionalnu granu poljoprivrede u Hrvatskom primorju, pa se je tako sa razvojem poljoprivrede i sve većim zahtjevima tržišta maslinarstvo razvilo u vrlo profitabilnu i poljoprivrednicima unosnu kulturu. Sa sve većom potražnjom za kvalitetnim i visoko kvalitetnim maslinovim uljima Hrvatski su se maslinari na tržištu profilirali kao izvrsni proizvođači maslinovog ulja, u čemu im svakako pomaže činjenica da je podneblje u Hrvatskom primorju vrlo pogodno za uzgoj maslina. Maslinovo ulje kao namirnica koja se u ljudskoj prehrani sve češće upotrebljava zbog njezine gastronomske ali i nutritivne vrijednosti, svakako ima potencijal u razvoju lokalne gastronomije a ujedno i razvoju lokalnog turističkog proizvoda. Kako bi se obogatila cjelokupna turistička ponuda oko maslinovih ulja u Hrvatskoj se pojavljuju ceste maslinovih ulja koje su se u samom početku pokazale kao odličan način obogaćivanja gastronomije. Osim cesta maslinovog ulja, lokalni proizvođači svoja maslinova ulja počinju plasirati u lokalne trgovine i restorane koji su ih odlično uklopili u svoju ponudu. Maslinovo ulje ima velik potencijal u razvoju turističke ponude, pa se tako treba konstantno ulagati u njegovu kvalitetu i adekvatnu edukaciju o maslinovim uljima, kako bi bilo čim bolje prepoznato od strane potrošača te stvorilo pozitivan utjecaj na lokalnu turističku ponudu