17 research outputs found

    Application of nonvascular interventional radiology procedures in the treatment of iatrogenic ureteral injuries

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    Introduction. He most common ureteral injuries are iatrogenic injuries. Diagnosis of ureteral lesions includes ultrasound, computer tomography, intravenous urography, anterograde and retrograde ureterography. For a definitive diagnosis it is necessary to determine the existence of the extralumination of contrast media from the ureter. Minor ureteral injuries can be treated with nonvascular interventional radiology procedures. Case presentation. We have presented two patients with iatrogenic ureteral in-juries. Injury in the first patient occurred at the sigmoid colon resection and partial resection of the bladder, whereas in the second patient the lesion was formed as a result of cesarean section. In both patients, there was a history of previously conducted interventions, clinical picture included fever and pain, a diagnosis was made by intravenous and anterograde urography. Patients were treated with interventional radiology procedures and they have been definitely cured. Conclusion. Methods of nonvascular inter-ventional radiology can be successfully applied in the treatment of minor iatrogenic ureteral injuries

    Age as a Prognostic Factor in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer

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    Background. Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is one of the tumors with the shortest survival in human medicine. Aim. The aim was to determine the importance of age in survival of patients with ATC. Material and Methods. We analyzed the data on 150 patients diagnosed with ATC in the period from 1995 to 2006. The Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank test were used to determine overall survival. Prognostic factors were identified by univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis. Results. The youngest patient was 35 years old and the oldest was 89 years old. According to univariate regression analysis, age was significantly associated with longer survival in patients with ATC. In multivariate regression analysis, patients age, presence of longstanding goiter, whether surgical treatment is carried out or not, type of surgery, tumor multicentricity, presence of distant metastases, histologically proven preexistent papillary carcinoma, radioiodine therapy, and postoperative radiotherapy were included. According to multivariate analysis, besides surgery (P=0.000, OR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.29–0.63), only patients age (P=0.023, OR = 0.68, 95% CI = 0.49–0.95) was independent prognostic factor of favorable survival in patients with ATC. Conclusion. Age is a factor that was independently associated with survival time in ATC. Anaplastic thyroid cancer has the best prognosis in patients younger than 50 years

    The Role of Advanced Glycation End Products on Dyslipidemia

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    Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and glucose homeostasis are common consequences of insulin resistance and usually co-segregate in patients with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Insulin-resistant subjects are characterized by atherogenic dyslipidemia, a specific lipid pattern which includes hypertriglyceridemia, reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, and increased proportion of small, dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Chronic hyperglycemia favors the processes of non-enzymatic glycation, leading to the increased production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Apart from direct harmful effects, AGEs are also potent inducers of oxidative stress and inflammation. In addition, increased AGEs’ production may induce further qualitative modifications of small, dense LDL particles, converting them to glycated LDLs. These particles are even more atherogenic and may confer an increased cardiovascular risk. In this narrative review, we summarize the available evidence of the pathophysiological role and clinical importance of circulating AGEs and glycated LDLs in patients with dyslipidemia, particularly those with DM and related complications. In addition, we discuss recent advances and the issues that should be improved regarding laboratory assessment of AGEs and glycated LDLs, as well as the possibilities for their therapeutic modulation

    Oxidative Stress, Atherogenic Dyslipidemia, and Cardiovascular Risk

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    Oxidative stress is the consequence of an overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that exceeds the antioxidant defense mechanisms. Increased levels of ROS contribute to the development of cardiovascular disorders through oxidative damage to macromolecules, particularly by oxidation of plasma lipoproteins. One of the most prominent features of atherogenic dyslipidemia is plasma accumulation of small dense LDL (sdLDL) particles, characterized by an increased susceptibility to oxidation. Indeed, a considerable and diverse body of evidence from animal models and epidemiological studies was generated supporting oxidative modification of sdLDL particles as the earliest event in atherogenesis. Lipid peroxidation of LDL particles results in the formation of various bioactive species that contribute to the atherosclerotic process through different pathophysiological mechanisms, including foam cell formation, direct detrimental effects, and receptor-mediated activation of pro-inflammatory signaling pathways. In this paper, we will discuss recent data on the pathophysiological role of oxidative stress and atherogenic dyslipidemia and their interplay in the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, a special focus will be placed on the clinical applicability of novel, promising biomarkers of these processes

    The Role of Advanced Glycation End Products on Dyslipidemia

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    Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and glucose homeostasis are common consequences of insulin resistance and usually co-segregate in patients with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Insulin-resistant subjects are characterized by atherogenic dyslipidemia, a specific lipid pattern which includes hypertriglyceridemia, reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, and increased proportion of small, dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Chronic hyperglycemia favors the processes of non-enzymatic glycation, leading to the increased production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Apart from direct harmful effects, AGEs are also potent inducers of oxidative stress and inflammation. In addition, increased AGEs’ production may induce further qualitative modifications of small, dense LDL particles, converting them to glycated LDLs. These particles are even more atherogenic and may confer an increased cardiovascular risk. In this narrative review, we summarize the available evidence of the pathophysiological role and clinical importance of circulating AGEs and glycated LDLs in patients with dyslipidemia, particularly those with DM and related complications. In addition, we discuss recent advances and the issues that should be improved regarding laboratory assessment of AGEs and glycated LDLs, as well as the possibilities for their therapeutic modulation