101 research outputs found

    Natural coagulants from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in water treatment

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    Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita mogućnost dobijanja prirodnih koagulanata iz zrna pasulja koji bi se koristili u obradi različitih voda i otpadnih voda. U okviru izvedenih eksperimenata su utvrđeni najbolji uslovi za ekstrakciju prirodnih koagulanata iz pasulja, određen je hemijski sastav sirovih ekstrakata dobijenih na različite načine, proverena je trajnost i određen način čuvanja sirovih ekstrakata i ispitan uticaj različitih parametara na koagulacionu aktivnost sirovih ekstrakata. S obzirom na to da su prirodni koagulanti organskog porekla, oni povećavaju sadržaj organskih materija u tretiranoj vodi, pa su u okviru rada ispitane i upoređene različite metode prečišćavanja sirovog ekstrakta pasulja, a zatim određen uticaj sirovog ekstrakta i prečišćenih koagulanata na sadržaj organskih materija u obrađenoj vodi. Kako bi se ispitala efikasnost prirodnih koagulanata iz zrna pasulja u realnim vodama, oni su bili primenjeni u otpadnim vodama od proizvodnje bioetanola. Pored toga, ispitana je mogućnost njihove primene u kombinaciji sa konvencionalnim koagulantima, i na samom kraju je ispitan sastav pasulja koji preostane nakon ekstrakcije prirodnih koagulanata kako bi se utvrdilo da li je pogodan za korišćenje kao dodatak stočnoj hrani. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se iz zrna pasulja može dobiti ekstrakt visoke koagulacione aktivnosti, koji se dalje može efikasno prečistiti tako da ne povećava sadržaj organskih materija u obrađenoj vodi, već ga naprotiv smanjuje. Takođe, prirodni koagulanti iz pasulja se mogu uspešno primeniti za tretman otpadnih voda od proizvodnje bioetanola, mogu biti pomoćni koagulanti aluminijum-sulfatu, a pasulj nakon ekstrakcije prirodnih koagulanata sa destilovanom vodom se može iskoristiti kao dodatak stočnoj hrani.The aim of this PhD thesis was to investigate the possibility to obtain natural coagulants from common bean which could be used for different waters and wastewaters treatment. The optimal conditions for extraction of natural coagulants from common bean, the chemical composition of crude extracts obtained in different ways and the influence of various parameters on coagulation activity of crude extracts were determined within the performed experiments. The durability of crude extracts was checked and the way of their storage defined. Considering the fact that natural coagulants are of organic origin, they increase the content of organic matter in treated water. Hence, the different methods of purification of common bean crude extract were investigated and compared, and thereafter the influence of crude extract and purified coagulants on organic matter content in treated water was determined. Natural coagulants obtained from common bean were applied in bioethanol stillages in order to explore their efficiency in real waters. Besides, the possibility of their usage combined with conventional coagulants was investigated. At the end, the composition of common bean that remains after extraction of natural coagulants was determined in order to to prove if it was appropriate as addition to feed. Obtained results showed that extract of high coagulation activity can be obtained from common bean. It can be efficiently purified so as not to increase the organic matter content of the water, but on the contrary, to decrease it. Natural coagulants from common bean can be successfully applied for treatment of wastewaters remained after bioethanol production, they can be used as coagulant aid with alum, and the common bean remained after extraction of natural coagulants with distilled water can be utilized as addition to feed

    Improvement of wastewater treatment by use of natural coagulants

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    An activated sludge and other organic sludges from wastewater treatment processes are usually anaerobically digested prior to application on land. The purpose of digestion is to convert bulky, odorous sludges to relatively inert material that can be rapidly dewatering. The important benefit of this process is a biogas production, too. It is proper to enlarge primary sludge production in a primary settler by adding some coagulation aids, with aim to increase a biogas production, as much as possible. The most common coagulant is alum, but presence of large quantities of aluminum salts in sludge has a harmful impact on digestion and digested sludge application. Some natural coagulants, that have a numerous advantages, can be used instead of alum. Natural coagulants could be extracted from a different plant material, and considering the fact that they are of organic nature, the biogas yield can be enhanced by their presence. A plant material that remains after extraction can be used as a feed. The aim of this paper is a consideration of potential environmental benefits of substitution of alum by natural coagulant extracted from common bean seeds in sewage wastewater treatment process

    Enzimi zaštite od oksidacionih oštećenja u toku klijanja dve linije omorike [Picea omorika (Panč.) Purkyně]

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    dTwo lines of Picea omorika (Pane.) Purkyne were compared with respect to germination percentage as well as specific activity and isoenzyme pattern of catalase, superoxide dismutase, and peroxidase (POD) during germination. Line A had a higher gennination percentage and higher enzyme activities in dry seeds and seedlings compared to line C. Peroxidase activity was not detected in dry seeds, but measured up to 10 U/g and 28 U/g on the 7(th) day of germination in lines C and A, respectively. The most abundant POD basic isoform in seedlings of both lines (pl 8.2) was not found previously in needles of adult Serbian spruce trees of the same lines.Poređeni su procenat klijanja, specifična aktivnost i izoenzimski profil katalaze, superoksid dismutaze i peroksidaze u dve linije omorike [Picea omorika (Panč.) Purkyně] u toku klijanja. Linija A je imala veći procenat klijanja i veće enzimske aktivnosti u suvom semenu i klijancima, u poređenju sa linijom C. Peroksidazna aktivnost nije nađena u suvim semenima, a povećavala se do 10 U/g i 28 U/g sed- mog dana klijanja u linijama C i A, respektivno. Najzastupljenija bazna izoforma peroksidaze u klijancima obe linije (pI 8.2) nije nađena ranije u četinama odraslih jedinki istih linija.

    Biosorption of copper(II) and chromium(VI) by modified tea fungus

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    The tea fungus was found to have good adsorption capacities for heavy metal ions. In this work it was treated with HCl or NaOH at 20°C or 100°C, with the aim to improve its adsorption ability. The sorption of Cu(II) and Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solutions by raw and treated tea fungus was investigated in the batch mode. The largest quantity of adsorbed Cu(II), of about 55 mg/g, was achieved by tea fungus modified with NaOH at 100°C. For Cr(VI), the largest quantity of adsorbed anions, of about 58 mg/g, was achieved by the adsorbent modified with NaOH at 20°C. It was shown that acid modification of tea fungus biomass was not effective. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 43005 i br. TR 31002

    Identifikacija donora poželjnih alela za prinos ploda hibrida k 35 x k 12 plavog paradajza

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    The aim of this study was to identify an eggplant donor line which possess the largest frequency of favorable alleles that control fruit yield. Such donor line should be used to improve the elite eggplant hybride K35 x K12. The fruit yield of the elite hybrid, its parents and their hybrids with three potential donor lines (K36/1, K11 and K22/2) was examined in a diallel set by means of field trials. The trials were set in a randomized block design in three replications. After the fruit yield had been measured, the modified method of evaluation of relative loci value according to Dudley (1987) was applied. Ali inbred lines expressed positive values of the μG' parameter. The K11 inbred had the largest μG' value (2.38) and, also, the lowest frequency of unfavourable alleles on the loci class D (1.33). It was established that the K11 inbred line was more related to the K35 parental inbred line (7.81). Consequently, on the basis of the μD' values, improvement should be obtained by backcrossing the elite hybrid K35 x K11 to the donor inbred K11.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se izdvoje one inbred linije plavog paradajza koje poseduju najveću frekvenciju poželjnih alela za prinos ploda. Ovakve linije bi mogle da se iskoriste za unapređenje elitnog hibrida plavog paradajza K35 x K12. Prinos ploda ovog elitnog hibrida, njegovih roditeljskih linija i tri potencijalna donora poželjnih alela je bio utvrđen dialelnim ukrštanjem. Poljski ogledi su bili postavljeni po slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja. Radi identifikacije donora poželjnih alela, primenjen je modifikovan matematički model po Dudley-u (1987). Sve inbred linije su ispoljile pozitivne vrednosti parametra μG'. Linija K11 je imala najveću vrednost (μG' (2.38) i, takođe, najnižu frekvenciju nepoželjnih alela na klasi lokusa D (μD'= 1.33) a bila je i najbolji opšti kombinator (4.01"). Ova linija je bila srodnija roditeljskoj komponenti elitnog hibrida K35 (7.81). Na osnovu vrednosti parametra μD' poboljšanje prinosa ploda hibrida K35 x K12 bi trebalo postići unapređenjem roditeljske komponente K35. Pri tome, početnu populaciju za selekciju poboljšane linije K35, po našim rezultatima, treba zasnovati povratnim ukrštanjem elitnog hibrida K35 x K11 sa linijom K11 kao rekurentnim roditeljem i donorom poželjnih alela

    Identifikacija inbred linija donora poželjnih alela za prinos elitnog hibrida kukuruza ZPE25-10-1 x B84

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    The aim of this study was to determine which of six inbreeds that were investigated could be the donor of the favorable alleles for grain yield and its components ear diameter and number of kernels in a row. The trial including the F1 hybrid progeny and the inbreeds investigated was set in 1998 in RCB design at four locations: Zemun Polje, Srbobran, Pančevo and Inđija, in four replications. The modified method after Dudley (1987) was used to establish the donors of favorable alleles. All inbreeds expressed positive values of the UG parameter and the L545-93 inbred line was chosen to improve the grain yield of the ZPE25-10-1 x B84 elite hybrid on the basis of the largest value of its UG parameter (0.95*). Positive UG values were determined for other investigated traits, e. g. the ear diameter (0.26*) and the number of grains in a row (2.54*), also. On the basis of the relative relatedness of the L545-93 inbred and the parents of the elite hybrid it was concluded that the parallel improvement of the ear diameter and the kernel number in a row could be achieved by backcrossing the ZPE25-10-1 x L545-93 F1 hybrid progeny and the donor line. The improvement of the grain yield of the elite hybrid should be carried out by backcrossing the B84 x L545-93 F1 progeny and the B84 parental inbred.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi koja od šest inbred linija kukuruza može da bude donor poželjnih dominantnih alela za prinos i njegove komponente prečnik klipa i broj zrna u redu. Ogled sa F1 hibridima i inbred linijama postavljen je 1998. godine po potpunom slučajnom blok sistemu na četiri lokacije (Zemun Polju, Srbobranu, Pančevu i Indiji) u četiri ponavljanja. Za izbor donora korišćen je modifikovani metod po Dudley-u (1987). Sve ispitivane inbred linije imale su pozitivne urednosti parametra mG, pri čemu je, na osnovu najveće vrednosti ovog parametra linija 1.545-93 odabrana kao donor poželjnih alela za popravku prinosa elitnog hibrida ZPE25-10-1 xB84 (0,95*). Pozitivne vrednosti parametra UG za ovu liniju utvrđene su i u slučaju prečnika klipa (0,26), kao i broja zrna u redu (2,54). Na osnovu relativne srodnosti linije L545-93 i roditelja elitnog hibrida ZPE25-10-1 X B84, zaključeno je da paralelna popravka prečnika klipa i broja zrna u redu može da se postigne povratnim ukrštanjem hibridnog potomstva ZPE25-10-1 X L545-93 sa linijom donorom. Popravka prinosa elitnog hibrida postići će se povratnim ukrštanjem F1 potomstva BS4 X L545-93 sa roditeljskom komponentom hibrida koji se popravlja B84

    The significance of the development of aftercare programs in Serbia

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    Postpenalna pomoć nije inovativna praksa, ali dugo vremena u Srbiji nije postojao stabilan, sveobuhvatan i umrežen sistem. Danas se ovoj temi pristu- pa sistematično, uz razvoj kvalitetnih programa pripreme za otpust i post- penalne pomoći i podrške. Osnovu predstavljaju zakoni, ali i najbolje evropske prakse i preporuke Evropskih probacionih pravila. U ovom radu su prikazani na- pori koji su preduzeti poslednjih godina u postpenalnoj praksi, a koji se odnose na razvoj novih programa i uključivanje Povereničke službe i udruženja građana. Cilj ovog rada je predstavljanje dostignuća postpenalne prakse u Srbiji i ukazivanje na značaj razvoja programa postpenalnog prihvata i saradnje držav- nih institucija sa lokalnom zajednicom.Aftercare is not an innovative practice, but for a long time there was no stable, comprehensive and networked system in Serbia. Today, this topic is approached systematically, with the development of quality programs of resettlement and aftercare. The basis is the laws, but also the best European practices and recommendations of the European Probation Rules. This paper presents the efforts undertaken in recent years in aftercare practice, which relate to the development of new programs and the involvement of the Probation Service and citizens associations. The aim of this paper is to present the achievements of aftercare practice in Serbia and to point out the importance of the development of the aftercare programs and the cooperation of state institutions with the local community

    The significance of the development of aftercare programs in Serbia

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    Postpenalna pomoć nije inovativna praksa, ali dugo vremena u Srbiji nije postojao stabilan, sveobuhvatan i umrežen sistem. Danas se ovoj temi pristu- pa sistematično, uz razvoj kvalitetnih programa pripreme za otpust i post- penalne pomoći i podrške. Osnovu predstavljaju zakoni, ali i najbolje evropske prakse i preporuke Evropskih probacionih pravila. U ovom radu su prikazani na- pori koji su preduzeti poslednjih godina u postpenalnoj praksi, a koji se odnose na razvoj novih programa i uključivanje Povereničke službe i udruženja građana. Cilj ovog rada je predstavljanje dostignuća postpenalne prakse u Srbiji i ukazivanje na značaj razvoja programa postpenalnog prihvata i saradnje držav- nih institucija sa lokalnom zajednicom.Aftercare is not an innovative practice, but for a long time there was no stable, comprehensive and networked system in Serbia. Today, this topic is approached systematically, with the development of quality programs of resettlement and aftercare. The basis is the laws, but also the best European practices and recommendations of the European Probation Rules. This paper presents the efforts undertaken in recent years in aftercare practice, which relate to the development of new programs and the involvement of the Probation Service and citizens associations. The aim of this paper is to present the achievements of aftercare practice in Serbia and to point out the importance of the development of the aftercare programs and the cooperation of state institutions with the local community

    Characterization and utilization of the permeate and retentate obtained after “dead-end” ultrafiltration

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    In the recent years, with the increase in bioethanol production, the increasing amounts of distillery wastewater are generated. Such wastewater (stillage) is one of the most polluted waste product of the food and beverage industries. The present study evaluates the treatment of distillery wastewater by ultrafiltration (UF), in order to reduce its pollution and evaluate the composition of the permeate and retentate. Polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membrane with molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) 30000 Da, was used for the experiments. The UF was carried out in dead-end mode. The results of the analyses of the permeate and retentate obtained after ultrafiltration were considered as well as different ways for their further utilization. The pollutant level in the permeate was decreased significantly in comparison to the raw stillage, and suspended solids were completely removed from the stillage. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31002