144 research outputs found

    PĂ€dagogisches Denken.

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    (Un)Specific advices. Reconstructing interactional patterns of instructors in school composition settings

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    Im aktuellen Diskurs um das Musik-Erfinden in pĂ€dagogischen Kontexten wird in Bezug auf die Initiierung und angemessene Begleitung dieser Prozesse ein grundlegendes Spannungsfeld thematisiert, in dem sich Anleitende zwischen der Notwendigkeit von Anleitung einerseits und der Wahrung der EigenstĂ€ndigkeit der SchĂŒler*innen andererseits verorten mĂŒssen. Wie genau eine Begleitung von Prozessen des Musik-Erfindens in der Praxis aussieht, stellt allerdings ein international konstatiertes Forschungsdesiderat dar. Das Projekt LinKo1 (BMBF 2016–2019) widmete sich diesem Desiderat und untersuchte Lehrendeninterventionen in schulischen und außerschulischen Prozessen des Musik-Erfindens in Kleingruppen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag sollen exemplarisch Interventionen in den Blick genommen werden, in denen Anleitende Anregungen geben. Dabei konnte ein fallĂŒbergreifendes Handlungsmuster des (Un-)Eindeutig-Bleibens rekonstruiert werden, in dem sich das beschriebene SpannungsverhĂ€ltnis zeigt. (DIPF/Orig.)Music education research concerning composition has frequently discussed the instructor’s role of supporting and facilitating the learning process. Current publications have singled out the conflicting interests of necessary teacher guidance, on the one hand, and retaining learner autonomy, on the other hand, as a central dichotomy. Our empirical research in the project LinKo (BMBF 2016–2019) shows interactional patterns that correspond to this conflict focusing on the roles of teachers’ interventions in formal and informal group composition processes. This article will focus on the phenomenon of being “(un)specific,” which we illustrate with a videographical case study. (DIPF/Orig.

    The impact of multivisceral liver resection on short- and long-term outcomes of patients with colorectal liver metastasis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The impact of Multivisceral Liver Resection (MLR) on the outcome of patients with Colorectal Liver Metastasis (CRLM) is unclear. The present systematic review aimed to compare patients with CRLM who underwent MLR versus standard hepatectomy regarding short- and long-term outcomes. MLR is a feasible procedure but has a higher risk of major complications. MLR did not negatively affect long-term survival, suggesting that an extended resection is an option for potentially curative treatment for selected patients with CRLM

    Two decades of liver resection with a multidisciplinary approach in a single institution: What has changed? Analysis of 1409 cases

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    Objectives: To evaluate results of patients undergoing liver resection in a single center over the past two decades with a particular look at Colorectal Liver Metastasis (CRLM) and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Method: Patients were divided into two eras, from 2000 to 2010 (Era 1) and 2011 to 2020 (Era 2). The most frequent diagnosis was CRLM and HCC, with 738 (52.4%) and 227 (16.1%) cases respectively. An evaluation of all liver resection cases and a subgroup analysis of both CRLM and HCC were performed. Preoperative and per operative variables and long-term outcomes were evaluated. Results: 1409 liver resections were performed. In Era 2 the authors observed higher BMI, more: minimally invasive surgeries, Pringle maneuvers, and minor liver resections; and less transfusion, less ICU necessity, and shorter length of hospital stay. Severe complications were observed in 14.7% of patients, and 90-day mortality was 4.2%. Morbidity and mortality between eras were not different. From 738 CRLM resections, in Era 2 there were significantly more patients submitted to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, bilateral metastases, and smaller sizes with significantly less transfusion, the necessity of ICU, and shorter length of hospital stay. More pedicle clamping, minimally invasive surgeries, and minor resections were also observed. From 227 HCC resections, in Era 2 significantly more minimally invasive surgeries, fewer transfusions, less necessity of ICU, and shorter length of hospital stay were observed. OS was not different between eras for CRLM and HCC. Conclusions: Surgical resection in a multidisciplinary environment remains the cornerstone for the curative treatment of primary and metastatic liver tumors

    Modern secondary education and economic performance: the introduction of the Gewerbeschule and Realschule in nineteenth-century Bavaria

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    Do new school types focusing on practical and business-related knowledge lead to increased economic performance? To analyze this question, this paper examines the introduction of two types of modern secondary education, the Gewerbeschule and its successor, the Realschule, in nineteenth-century Bavaria. Since opening of these schools is arguably endogenous – as it were mainly the prosperous, big cities that opened one – the estimated treatment effect capturing the economic influence of the Gewerbeschule/Realschule will lead to biased results. To alleviate this bias, I adopt propensity score matching to compare relatively alike counties with and without these schools. Using historical county-level data on business formations, tax revenues, employment structure, and patent holdings, OLS regression analysis shows that the opening of a modern secondary school is in general positively associated with economic performance several years later

    L’inimitiĂ© des nations. Contribution Ă  une thĂ©orie de l’identitĂ© politique

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    L’article tente Ă  partir du phĂ©nomĂšne de l’hostilitĂ© nationale de fournir les Ă©lĂ©ments d’une thĂ©orie de la constitution des identitĂ©s politiques. D’oĂč vient le potentiel d’aggressivitĂ© propre aux nations ? Telle est la premiĂšre question centrale, la seconde concernant les raisons de la constitution d’une identitĂ© nationale. Deux thĂšses, synthĂ©tisant les recherches rĂ©centes, seront dĂ©veloppĂ©es.Selon la premiĂšre l’hostilitĂ© entre les nations est constitutive de l’idĂ©e mĂȘme de nation. La nation ne se dĂ©finit qu’en se dĂ©marquant et en se distinguant. L’ennemi est la projection nĂ©cessaire de tout ce que la nation ne doit pas ĂȘtre. Un modĂšle dualiste s’impose, dont la structure n’est pas liĂ©e Ă  une unitĂ© politique particuliĂšre. A partir de lĂ , on peut aussi dĂ©terminer la continuitĂ© d’un « nouveau » et d’un « ancien » nationalisme.La seconde thĂšse se rapporte Ă  l’aptitude particuliĂšre du nationalisme Ă  adopter diverses traditions et idĂ©ologies et Ă  fixer ainsi les processus d’identitĂ© depuis l’individu jusqu’à l’Etat. Il y va en particulier d’une composante Ă©motionnelle et affective du nationalisme.In dem Beitrag wird versucht, anhand des PhĂ€nomens nationaler Feindschaft Elemente einer Theorie politischer Identifikation anzugeben. Woher rĂŒhrt das Aggressionspotential der Nation, lautet dabei die erste Leitfrage, die zweite betrifft die GrĂŒnde nationaler Identifikation. Zwei Thesen werden hierbei im Überblick ĂŒber die neuere Forschungsliteratur zum Nationalismus entwickelt.Die erste These lautet :Die Feindschaft zwischen den Nationen war konstitutiver Bestandteil des Nationalen. Das nationale SelbstverstĂ€ndnis beruht auf Abgrenzung und Unterscheidung. Der Feind ist die notwendige Projektion all dessen, was die eigene Nation nicht sein soll. Es treten dualistische muster hervor, deren Struktur nicht an eine besondere politische Einheit gebunden sind. Von hier aus lĂ€ĂŸt sich auch die KontinuitĂ€t von « neuem » und « altem » Nationalismus bestimmen.Die zweite These bezieht sich auf die besondere FĂ€higkeit des Nationalismus, diverse Traditionen und Ideologien zu adoptieren und hierdurch Identifikationen vom Individuum bis zum Staat zu prĂ€gen. Dabei geht es insbesondere um die emotionale, affektive Komponente des Nationalismus.This article attempts to furnish, based on the phenomenon of national hostility, the elements of a theory of the constitution of political identities. Where does the potential for aggressivity, peculiar to nations, come from ? This is the first central question ; the second concerns the reasons for the constitution of a national identity. Two theses, synthesizing recent research, will be developed.— According to the first, the hostility between nations constitutes the very idea of what is a nation, which can only be defined by the way in which it sets itself apart, from its enemies, by escaping their control, and through those distinguishing marks which are its very own. The enemy is the requisite projection of everything that the nation must not be. A dualist model holds sway, whose structure is not linked to any particular political unit. From there, one can also determine the continuity between a « new » and an « old » nationalism.— The second thesis concerns the particular aptitude of nationalism to adopt assorted traditions and ideologies and to fix in that way the processes of identity, starting with the individual and going all the way to the State. What is in question here in particular is the emotional and affective component of nationalism


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