68 research outputs found


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    This research aims to obtain a model of learning that can improve the level of student conception on kinematics and dynamics. Research method using Reseach and Development (R & D). The developed model characterized by the phases of Orientation, Analysis, Synthesis, Investigation, and Synergy (OASIS). The OASIS model is designed through the need analysis phase through: literature review and field studies, expert validation and limited trials class to refine the OASIS Model draft. Validation of model and device result in a highly relevant of CVI value. The limited trials class conducted on the students who took Basic Physics I at PGRI Madiun University. The results of the limited trials class provide an improved level of conception on the concept of Kinematics with N-Gain 0.72 (High category) and Dynamics 0.52 (medium). Level 3 (mastering the concept) has increased and level 3 * (misconception) has decreased in every component of conception. The critical thinking ability as the impact of accompanist also improved in medium category (0.53). The result of student response and observer for Implemented of OASIS model of the class is very good. It can conclude that the OASIS model is feasible to apply on a wider- scale class. The OASIS model then applied to a wide-scale class at three colleges, PGRI University of Madiun (UNIPMA), Sebelas Maret University (UNS), and Indonesian Railway Academy (API). The methods used in large-scale application use single pretest-posttest design and qualitative descriptive analysis with NGain category indicator on Medium. In UNIPMA, N-Gain Kinematics 0.71 (high category), N-Gain Dynamics 0.51 (medium) and N-Gain critical thinking ability 0.39 (medium). In API, N-Gain Kinematics 0.78 (high category), N-Gain Dynamics 0.52 (medium). and N- Gain critical thinking ability 0.46 (medium). Level 3 (mastering the concept) has increased and level 3 * (misconception) has decreased in every component of conception. It can conclude that this model could increase the level of student conception. The result of student response and observer for implemented OASIS model is very good. Keywords: OASIS Model, Conception Level, Kinematics, Dynamics, R &

    Pembelajaran Fisika Melalui Inkuiri Terbimbing Dengan Metode Eksperimen Dan Demonstrasi Ditinjau Dari Aktivitas Dan Perhatian Mahasiswa1)

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    The objective of the research are to know : (1) the effect of guided inquiryphysics learning using eksperiment and demonstration method to theconcept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (2) the effect of high, medium andlow activity in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity, (3) the effect of high, medium and low physics learning collagestudent attention in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity, (4) interaction in physics learning between learning method andactivity to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (5) interaction inphysics learning between learning method and physics learning collegestudent attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity; (6)interaction in physics learning between activity and physics learning collagestudent attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (7)interaction in physics learning between learning method, activity and physicslearning collage student attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity. The research is using experiment method. The technique ofanalyzing data is ANAVA three ways different cell. Based on the result of theresearch are concluded : (1) there is an effect of guided inquiry physicslearning using eksperiment and demonstration method to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäósmastery in dynamic electricity, (2) there is an effect of high, medium and lowactivity in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity,(3) there is an effect of high, medium and low physics learning collagestudent attention in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity, (4) there is no interaction in physics learning between learningmethod and activity to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (5) thereis no interaction in physics learning between learning method and physicslearning second collage student attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery indynamic electricity; (6) there is no interaction in physics learning betweenactivity and physics learning collage student attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäósmastery in dynamic electricity, (7) there is no interaction in physics learningbetween learning method, activity and physics learning collage studentattention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the application of scientific approaches through classroom experiments and assignments to improve learning outcomes and critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is a capability needed in the framework of facing the industrial revolution 4.0 because it is closely related to innovation and 21st century skills. The method used in this study is an experimental model with a single pre-post test design completed with qualitative descriptive analysis using N-Gain. The population of this study was the science students of SMAN 6 Madiun. Material is limited to (2) Elasticity and Hooke's Law and (2) Static Fluid. It was concluded that the application of a scientific approach through Experiments in the classroom and Assignments can improve learning outcomes with sig. smaller than 0.05. NGain scores in the low category for learning outcomes (0.26) and critical thinking (0.24).Keywords: Scientific Approach, Experimental Method, Learning Outcomes, Critical Thinkin

    Virtual Laboratory: Using Electronic Workbench as Alternative Learning Physics in Covid-19 Mass Pandemic

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the use of assisted virtual laboratories of Electronic Workbench (EWB) in physics experiments learning. The method in this study used (1) calibration of the results of experiments with theory and (2) analysis of user responses to EWB in practicum activities. The study concluded that: 1) EWB is easy to use for practical learning, 2) capacitive reactance values obtained from calculations and observations following the theory (close to the same), 3) the time needed for one-time trial data retrieval until the analysis phase in this practicum activity is 10 minutes means that the experiment with EWB is very efficient. Based on the results obtained indicate that EWB is feasible to use as an alternative to physics learning in the mass pandemic COVID-19

    Using of geogebra software to improve understanding of vector and kinematic concepts in online physics course

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    This research aims to improve understanding of vector and kinematics concepts with Geogebra software in online learning (online using e-Learning UNIPMA (e-LMA). The method used in this research is a descriptive conducted on four students who took fundamental physics for the 2019/2020 academic year. The research steps are described as follows 1) creating a profile and analyzing understanding of vector concepts and kinematics before implementing e-LMA, (2) describing the learning process through e-LMA, (3) creating a profile, and analyze students' understanding of vector concepts and kinematics after the implementation of e-LMA. E-LMA-assisted learning by integrating materials and assignments with GeoGebra software can improve understanding of vector and kinematic concept

    Penerapan Media Praktikum Ayunan Sederhana Berbasis Remot Laboratorium untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa SMK Swasta di Madiun

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil penerapan media pembelajaran praktikum ayunan sederhana yang nantinya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir kreatif siswa. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen menggunakan one grup pretest dan posttest dengan data pengamatan, dokumentasi dan tes ketrampilan berfikir kreatif sebagai data teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh: (1) Media alat praktikum yang dimiliki SMK Swasta di Madiun masih berbentuk konvensional dan belum terintegrasi teknologi, (2) Hasil ulangan harian siswa yang diperoleh masih rendah dengan nilai rata – rata 44,1 dengan minimum nilai ketuntasan 75. Dilihat dari analisis kebutuhan yang diperoleh maka sangat direkomentasikan untuk mengembangkan media praktikum ayunan sederhana berbasis mikrokontrole


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    Meningkatnya kekerasan dikalangan remaja, korupsi dan permasalahan moral lainnya merupakan masalah nasional yang harus segera diselesaikan. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan adalah menjaga sistem supaya berjalan ideal. Selain penegakan hukum, penanaman karakter berbasis kearifan lokal merupakan faktor penting yang perlu dijaga. Karakter berbasis kearifan lokal merupakan cikal bakal karakter bangsa. Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang tidak kehilangan jati diri dan mampu menjaga sistem dengan baik. Pendidikan karakter, merupakan arti dari pendidikan itu sendiri. Pendidikan merupakan seluruh rangkaian aktivitas yang dilakukan pendidik untuk peserta didik terhadap semua aspek perkembangan potensi kecerdasan dan kepribadian (karakter baik) yang dilakukan secara kontinu untuk mencapai tujuan setinggi-tingginya. Dengan proses pendidikan yang baik, permasalahan moral di indonesia dapat diminimalisir, oleh karena itu implementasi pendidikan karakter terus dilakukan baik dalam kurikulum maupun secara teknis dalam SSP. Alternatif lain dapat dilakukan dengan memadukan keilmuan Fisika dalam hal ini konten materi dalam penanaman nilai karakter

    Dampak Pelaksanaan Pengajaran Mikro Berorientasi Pada Penguasaan Materi Terhadap Kualitas Mengajar Mahasiswa PPL

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    Pelaksanaan pembelajaran mikro berdampak pada kualitas pelaksanaan PPL di sekolah mitra. Model pembelajaran mikro perlu mempertimbangkan penguasaan materi mahasiswa dalam pelaksanaannya. Pada tahun 2012, mahasiswa diberikan kebebasan untuk memilih materi yang dikuasainya, sehingga secara tidak langsung penekanan terhadap penguasaan materi berkurang dan berdampak pada nilai rata-rata pemilihan materi ajar pada kegiatan PPL (2.75 untuk penilai guru dan 2.76 untuk penilai dosen) dan penguasaan materi pembelajaran (2,63 untuk penilai guru, dan 2,72 untuk penilai dosen) rendah dibandingkan dengan indiaktor lainnya. Pengajaran mikro yang berorientasi materi juga tidak membantu peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran mikro. Peningkatan kualitas matakuliah prasyarat pembelajaran mikro merupakan rekomendasi yang tepat untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini.


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    The objective of the research are to know : (1) the effect of guided inquiryphysics learning using eksperiment and demonstration method to theconcept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (2) the effect of high, medium andlow activity in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity, (3) the effect of high, medium and low physics learning collagestudent attention in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity, (4) interaction in physics learning between learning method andactivity to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (5) interaction inphysics learning between learning method and physics learning collegestudent attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity; (6)interaction in physics learning between activity and physics learning collagestudent attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (7)interaction in physics learning between learning method, activity and physicslearning collage student attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity. The research is using experiment method. The technique ofanalyzing data is ANAVA three ways different cell. Based on the result of theresearch are concluded : (1) there is an effect of guided inquiry physicslearning using eksperiment and demonstration method to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäósmastery in dynamic electricity, (2) there is an effect of high, medium and lowactivity in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity,(3) there is an effect of high, medium and low physics learning collagestudent attention in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity, (4) there is no interaction in physics learning between learningmethod and activity to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (5) thereis no interaction in physics learning between learning method and physicslearning second collage student attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery indynamic electricity; (6) there is no interaction in physics learning betweenactivity and physics learning collage student attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäósmastery in dynamic electricity, (7) there is no interaction in physics learningbetween learning method, activity and physics learning collage studentattention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity