120 research outputs found

    Multiple marketing mechanisms and the performance of multi-unit demand sequential auctions : the case of Quebec hog market

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    Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier théoriquement et empiriquement l'encan du porc au Québec. Nous avons analysé les allocations, le nombre d'équilibres, les tendances des prix et l'efficacité dans les enchères séquentielles de second-prix ainsi que l'impact du nombre d'enchérisseurs, des fusions et de l'ajout de mécanismes de commercialisation sur la performance de ces enchères. Dans la première note, nous démontrons que des allocations symétriques et tendances constantes de prix sont possibles que sous des conditions contraignantes. Ainsi, les allocations asymétriques sont les résultats d'équilibres les plus probables dans ce cadre. Dans la deuxième note, on montre que le résultat d'unicité d'équilibre dans les enchères avec deux enchérisseurs n'est pas valide pour le cas de trois enchérisseurs et quatre objets. Le troisième papier montre que le revenu du vendeur augmente avec le nombre de d'enchérisseurs symétriques, mais ce n'est pas nécessairement le cas lorsque les enchérisseurs sont asymétriques. Notre analyse empirique montre une diminution du revenu du vendeur lorsque des enchérisseurs additionnels de l'Ontario étaient invités à participer. Cependant, le modèle avec correction du biais de sélection de Heckman suggère que cette baisse serait plus élevée en l'absence de soumissionnaires de l'Ontario. Le quatrième papier montre que, même en l'absence de synergies post-fusion, la fusion peut simultanément accroître le revenu du vendeur et améliorer l'efficacité des enchères. L'utilisation d'un test de changement structurel endogène affirme que la fusion a eu un effet anticoncurrentiel sur les prix reçus par les producteurs de porcs du Québec. En outre, nous soulignons que la coexistence du mécanisme de pré-attribution et les enchères peut faire augmenter ou diminuer le revenu du vendeur et changer la tendance des prix et l'efficacité, dépendamment de qui gagne les objets en pré-attribution

    Allocations and Price Trends in Sequential Auctions under Complete Information with Symmetric Bidders

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    We analyze sequential second-price auctions under complete information involving two or more bidders with similar decreasing marginal valuations. Krishna (1999) designed a 2-bidder numerical example to show the existence of two symmetric equilibria characterized by an asymmetric allocation and weakly declining prices. We generalize Krishna's insights by showing that symmetric (asymmetric) allocations imply constant (weakly declining) price patterns and we derive the necessary conditions supporting symmetric allocations. The conditions become increasingly restrictive as the number of object increases.auctions, complete information, price trends, allocations

    The Association between Dynamic Assessment of Grammar and Fluid Intelligence: A Case of Undergraduate EFL Students

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    The present study examined the association between static assessment, dynamic assessment and fluid intelligence. A pool of 109 students majoring in English Language Teaching and Translation Studies took part in the study. Two major instruments of the study included Computerized Dynamic Grammar Test and Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices. The results of the study confirmed that the relation between static assessment of grammar and fluid intelligence as well as the relation between dynamic assessment of grammar and fluid intelligence were statistically significant. However, the relation between dynamic assessment of grammar and fluid intelligence was large. Finally, the results from the interviews revealed that ZPD and IQ are complementary and not contradictory. A practical implication for the students is that practicing fluid intelligence can improve their logical thinking by focusing on metacognitive strategies. Likewise, C-DA is a helpful source to develop effective learning strategies like directed attention, self-evaluation, and self-discovery strategies

    On the Number of Bidders and Auction Performance: when More Means Less

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    We first show in the context of sequential multi-unit auctions under complete information that a seller’s revenue may increase or decrease as the number of buyers increases, even when the additional bidders win an object. We use data from the Quebec daily hog auction to empirically analyze the effect of invitations extended to bidders from Ontario. Our estimation accounts for the endogenous timing of these rare invitations, but we nevertheless uncover a negative “invitation” effect. We attribute this anti-competitive effect to the fact that the addition of bidders increases competition in late rounds, but not necessarily in early ones

    Recent Updates in the Management of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy

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    Monochorionic pregnancies are at high risk of developing severe complications leading to high perinatal morbidity and mortality. About 15% of these twins have unidirectional anastomosis of the placenta, which is responsible for the major complications specific to monochorionic pregnancies. An important first step in the management is the identification of the chorionicity. Once it is identified, a close follow-up every 2 weeks is vital to allow early detection of complications and their management. Approximately 1 in 10 monochorionic pregnancies develops twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, congenital anomalies, anaemia polycythaemia sequence, selective intrauterine growth restriction and intrauterine death of a co-twin. Rare complications that can occur are twin reversed arterial perfusion syndrome. Timely screening and detection of all such complications can lead to appropriate intervention such as in utero foetoscopic laser treatment. These interventions can increase the survival rate of at least one or both twins with reduced neonatal morbidity. Besides, early detection can facilitate parents to have an informed choice to decide if the prognosis of the pregnancy is otherwise not good

    Towards an Effective Christian Cross-Cultural Youth Training Model: A Youth Ministry International Case Study

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    This project is an attempt to explore the indispensable components of an effective Christian cross-cultural youth training model within the context of contemporary youth culture. Taking Youth Ministry International training philosophy as a case study, it analyzes it from an African Christian perspective within the framework of Biblical, anthropological and missiological perspectives. The study has revealed that an effective Christian cross-cultural youth training model must take seriously the cultures in which others live without compromising the authority of Biblical absolutes


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    Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah terbesar yang ada di Indonesia. Bahkan, hingga saat ini penanganan sampah belum maksimal. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan banyaknya tumpukan sampah pada aliran selokan, sungai, pasar tradisional, dan banyak lagi yang berpotensi menyebabkan bencana banjir. Alat “Purwarupa Jala Sampah di Sekitar anak Sungai Citarum, Bandung” ini dirancang untuk mengangkat sampah yang berada dipermukaan air mengalir. Alat ini juga dirancang untuk mempermudah proses pengangkatan sampah pada aliran sungai. Alat ini mampu mengangkat sampah dengan kuantitas ±3kg, pengoperasiannya diatur oleh mikrokontroler (otomatis), pengumpulan sampah pada tempat yang sudah ditentukan dengan perantaranya adalah konveyor (pengangkat sampah), pendeteksi sampah dan pengatur posisi pengeruk pengangkat sampah yang secara otomatis akan mengangkat sampah untuk dipindahkan ke tempat sampah sementara sebelum petugas kebersihan mengangkatnya, bahkan alat ini dapat menyampaikan informasi dengan cepat jika tempat sampah sementara tersebut sudah penuh dengan mengaktifkan buzzer (suara) sebagai penandanya. Sistem ini terdiri dari Sensor Ultrasonik HC SR-04 yang diletakkan pada atas alat pengeruk dan pada tempat sampah sementara untuk mengambil data High atau Low pada perangkat. Kemudian Arduino UNO sebagai mikrokontroler mengolah data. Pada royek akhir ini dibuat rancangan sistem informasi ketinggian tumpukkan sampah pada alat. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan petugas kebersihan mengetahui bahwa tempat sampah sementara tersebut sudah penuh dan harus diangkat. Kata Kunci : Mikrokontroler, Sensor Ultrasonik, Jala Sampah, Arduino UN

    Sistema inteligente en el proceso de selección de personal del área de calidad de software del Banco de Crédito BCP

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    En la presente investigación se desarrolla un Sistema inteligente para determinar la influencia que existe en el proceso de Selección de personal del área de calidad de software del Banco de Crédito BCP, Los problemas que se abordan son el tiempo de evaluación y tiempo de la toma de decisión en la evaluación, la cual se logra disminuir utilizando un Sistema Inteligente. Para lograr resolver éstos problemas se realizó una investigación de tipo experimental, diseño pre experimental, escogiendo una población de 28 postulantes. El sistema inteligente se implementa utilizando el despliegue de la función de localidad difusa. El despliegue de la función de la calidad consiste, en recoger las necesidades del cliente (en éste caso el de los evaluadores) y en base a ello solucionar dichas necesidades de tal forma que el proceso se realiza de manera más efectiva y rápida, beneficiando tanto a los evaluadores como a los postulantes. La metodología para el desarrollo del sistema está basada en el Proceso Unificado de Rational (RUP) ya que describe los procesos de manera iterativa e incremental, a su vez, se utilizó como herramienta case el software Rational Rose Enterprise 9.0 para la construcción de los diferentes diagramas del proceso de modelamiento. El tiempo de evaluación disminuyó en 44.49% y el tiempo de la toma de decisión disminuyó en 79.73%, esto debido a la intervención del sistema inteligente que ayuda a evaluar a los postulantes, es decir; el proceso que se demoraba 4.9 horas de evaluación por postulante, se logra reducir a 2.72 horas en promedio por postulante. Finalmente se concluye que el uso de un Sistema Inteligente mejora el proceso de selección de personal del Área de Calidad de Software del Banco de Crédito BCP