955 research outputs found

    Brief report : imitation of meaningless gestures in individuals with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism

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    Nineteen people with Asperger syndrome (AS)/High-Functioning Autism (HFA) (ages 7-15) were tested on imitation of two types of meaningless gesture: hand postures and finger positions. The individuals with AS/HFA achieved lower scores in the imitation of both hand and finger positions relative to a matched neurotypical group. The between-group difference was primarily accounted for by performance on a test of visual motor integration, together with a hand imitation deficit which was specifically due to errors in body part orientation. Our findings implicate both visuomotor processes (Damasio and Maurer, 1978) and self-other mapping (Rogers and Pennington, 1991) in ASD imitation deficits. Following Goldenberg (1999), we propose that difficulties with body part orientation may underlie problems in meaningless gesture imitation

    A return to local governance of world language teacher preparation is needed

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    Given the call by Krashen (2012) and others advocating for shorter, easier to digest research papers, we provide a shorter than usual summary of the World Language edTPA via empirical findings from the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity and researchers in the field. We argue in favor of abandoning the World Language edTPA for manifold reasons in favor of placing world language teacher preparation and subsequent teacher candidate recommendation for certification and licensure where it belongs—in the competent hands of the teacher educators who prepare these individuals

    Proficiency benchmarking in Spanish

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    The Language Flagship programs were established at the turn of the century with the goal of creating programs that would move language learners to advanced levels of proficiency in a select number of critical languages (Winke & Gass, 2019). Later, the Flagships called for institutions of higher education to create a viable process to assess proficiency learning in high quality, well-established academic language programs. To answer that call, the present study examines outcomes via end of year proficiency testing in Spanish at the first and second levels of Spanish instruction at the United States Air Force Academy using the Adaptive Listening Tests and the Adaptive Reading Tests developed at Brigham Young University. Results indicate differences in gender, years of study of Spanish, and the number of years of Spanish study prior to attending the Academy. Additionally, the results from the present study are compared to Tschirner’s (2016) comprehensive analysis of student outcomes in higher education on ACTFL reading and listening tests. The findings have implications for programs in higher education as well as those in K-12 education

    Predictability of Volcano Eruption: lessons from a basaltic effusive volcano

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    Volcano eruption forecast remains a challenging and controversial problem despite the fact that data from volcano monitoring significantly increased in quantity and quality during the last decades.This study uses pattern recognition techniques to quantify the predictability of the 15 Piton de la Fournaise (PdlF) eruptions in the 1988-2001 period using increase of the daily seismicity rate as a precursor. Lead time of this prediction is a few days to weeks. Using the daily seismicity rate, we formulate a simple prediction rule, use it for retrospective prediction of the 15 eruptions,and test the prediction quality with error diagrams. The best prediction performance corresponds to averaging the daily seismicity rate over 5 days and issuing a prediction alarm for 5 days. 65% of the eruptions are predicted for an alarm duration less than 20% of the time considered. Even though this result is concomitant of a large number of false alarms, it is obtained with a crude counting of daily events that are available from most volcano observatoriesComment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Planning Initiative Award – 2006-2007 Access to Reproductive Health Services for Low-SES Pregnant/Parenting Teens in Clark County: A Comprehensive Needs Assessment

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    The Planning Initiative Award (PIA) project was a collaborative effort between the Nevada Institute for Children’s Research and Policy (NICRP) and the Center for Health Promotion (CHP)/Department of Health Promotion, research centers in the School of Public Health. The purpose of the project was to conduct an assessment of the access to reproductive health services among lower SES pregnant and parenting teens in the Las Vegas Valley. The project was designed to identify gaps in existing services and assist researchers in developing communication networks between community members, providers, educators, and policymakers. The data collected during the project period has great potential to make an impact on the health outcomes of low-income teen mothers and their babies through the information and development of new opportunities for pregnant and parenting teens to access health services. This document serves as the final report for this 2006-2007 Planning Initiative Award project. An extension was granted for submission of this final report, due to unanticipated delays in completing aspects of the project that were outside of the control of the researchers. These delays are noted in the section entitled “Description of the Project.

    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Analysis of potential systematics

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    We analyze the density field of galaxies observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) included in the SDSS Data Release Nine (DR9). DR9 includes spectroscopic redshifts for over 400,000 galaxies spread over a footprint of 3,275 deg^2. We identify, characterize, and mitigate the impact of sources of systematic uncertainty on large-scale clustering measurements, both for angular moments of the redshift-space correlation function and the spherically averaged power spectrum, P(k), in order to ensure that robust cosmological constraints will be obtained from these data. A correlation between the projected density of stars and the higher redshift (0.43 < z < 0.7) galaxy sample (the `CMASS' sample) due to imaging systematics imparts a systematic error that is larger than the statistical error of the clustering measurements at scales s > 120h^-1Mpc or k < 0.01hMpc^-1. We find that these errors can be ameliorated by weighting galaxies based on their surface brightness and the local stellar density. We use mock galaxy catalogs that simulate the CMASS selection function to determine that randomly selecting galaxy redshifts in order to simulate the radial selection function of a random sample imparts the least systematic error on correlation function measurements and that this systematic error is negligible for the spherically averaged correlation function. The methods we recommend for the calculation of clustering measurements using the CMASS sample are adopted in companion papers that locate the position of the baryon acoustic oscillation feature (Anderson et al. 2012), constrain cosmological models using the full shape of the correlation function (Sanchez et al. 2012), and measure the rate of structure growth (Reid et al. 2012). (abridged)Comment: Matches version accepted by MNRAS. Clarifications and references have been added. See companion papers that share the "The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey:" titl

    Contribution of phosphatidylserine to membrane surface charge and protein targeting during phagosome maturation

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    During phagocytosis, the phosphoinositide content of the activated membrane decreases sharply, as does the associated surface charge, which attracts polycationic proteins. The cytosolic leaflet of the plasma membrane is enriched in phosphatidylserine (PS); however, a lack of suitable probes has precluded investigation of the fate of this phospholipid during phagocytosis. We used a recently developed fluorescent biosensor to monitor the distribution and dynamics of PS during phagosome formation and maturation. Unlike the polyphosphoinositides, PS persists on phagosomes after sealing even when other plasmalemmal components have been depleted. High PS levels are maintained through fusion with endosomes and lysosomes and suffice to attract cationic proteins like c-Src to maturing phagosomes. Phagocytic vacuoles containing the pathogens Legionella pneumophila and Chlamydia trachomatis, which divert maturation away from the endolysosomal pathway, are devoid of PS, have little surface charge, and fail to recruit c-Src. These findings highlight a function for PS in phagosome maturation and microbial killing

    BiblioBouts: A Scalable Online Social Game for the Development of Academic Research Skills

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    Researchers at the School of Information of the University of Michigan are designing, developing, and evaluating BiblioBouts, an online game that helps students learn academic research skills. Players practice using online library research tools while they work on an in-class assignment and produce a high-quality bibliography, at the same time as they are competing against each other to win the game! While librarians are experts at helping students who want to learn about academic research, most students are reluctant participants because they want just-in-time personal assistance that is tailored to their unique information needs, and faculty are reluctant to cede class time. The BiblioBouts project enlists games to teach undergraduate students information literacy skills and concepts in the classroom. Social gaming reinforces principles of good learning, including getting results by trial and error, self-discovery, following hunches and reinforcement through repetition. BiblioBouts also incorporates collaborative problem solving and participation in a community of learning. The project aims to explore how games can be utilized to achieve information literacy goals and to yield open-source game software that libraries could use immediately to enhance their information literacy programs. The LOEX presentation will incorporate a live interactive demo of the game, as well as videos demonstrating gameplay. We will discuss challenges in situating the game into the classroom and integrating it into existing course syllabi. The presentation will describe how we have adapted the game in response to feedback from students and instructors during the pilot process
