32 research outputs found

    Environmental Benefits and Management of Small Grain Cover Crops in Corn-Soybean Rotations

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    These slides offer research results on cover crops

    Simulating long-term impacts of cover crops and climate change on crop production and environmental outcomes in the Midwestern United States

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    It is critical to evaluate conservation practices that protect soil and water resources from climate change in the Midwestern United States, a region that produces one-quarter of the world’s soybeans and one-third of the world’s maize. An over-winter cover crop in a maize–soybean rotation offers multiple potential benefits that can reduce the impacts of higher temperatures and more variable rainfall; some of the anticipated changes for the Midwest. In this experiment we used the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) to understand how winter rye cover crops impact crop production and environmental outcomes, given future climate change. We first tested APSIM with data from a long-term maize–soybean rotation with and without winter rye cover crop field site. Our modeling work predicted that the winter rye cover crop has a neutral effect on maize and soybean yields over the 45 year simulation period but increases in minimum and maximum temperatures were associated with reduced yields of 1.6–2.7% by decade. Soil carbon decreased in both the cover crop and no cover crop simulations, although the cover crop is able to significantly offset (3% less loss over 45 years) this decline compared to the no cover crop simulation. Our predictions showed that the cover crop led to an 11–29% reduction in erosion and up to a 34% decrease in nitrous oxide emissions (N2O). However, the cover crop is unable to offset future predicted yield declines and does not increase the overall carbon balance relative to current soil conditions

    Stimulus-dependent maximum entropy models of neural population codes

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    Neural populations encode information about their stimulus in a collective fashion, by joint activity patterns of spiking and silence. A full account of this mapping from stimulus to neural activity is given by the conditional probability distribution over neural codewords given the sensory input. To be able to infer a model for this distribution from large-scale neural recordings, we introduce a stimulus-dependent maximum entropy (SDME) model---a minimal extension of the canonical linear-nonlinear model of a single neuron, to a pairwise-coupled neural population. The model is able to capture the single-cell response properties as well as the correlations in neural spiking due to shared stimulus and due to effective neuron-to-neuron connections. Here we show that in a population of 100 retinal ganglion cells in the salamander retina responding to temporal white-noise stimuli, dependencies between cells play an important encoding role. As a result, the SDME model gives a more accurate account of single cell responses and in particular outperforms uncoupled models in reproducing the distributions of codewords emitted in response to a stimulus. We show how the SDME model, in conjunction with static maximum entropy models of population vocabulary, can be used to estimate information-theoretic quantities like surprise and information transmission in a neural population.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Measured and Predicted Solute Transport in a Tile Drained Field

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    Most solute transport measurement techniques are tedious and require extensive soil excavation. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate whether surface transport properties determined by a nondestructive time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique could be used to accurately predict tile flux concentrations. A 14 by 14 m field plot selected above a 1.1-m deep tile drain was studied. Low electrical conductivity (EC) water was sprinkled on the plot surface, and after reaching a steady-state condition, a pulse of calcium chloride solution (16.3 cm) with an EC of 23 dS m−1 was applied through the same sprinklers. Time domain reflectometry equipment was used to record the change in EC of surface (∼ top 2 cm) soil at 45 locations. The EC of the tile drainage flow was measured continuously with an EC probe. The surface convective lognormal transfer (CLT) function parameters, log mean irrigation depth, μI, and its standard deviation, σI, were found to be 3.44 and 0.94 [ln(cm)], respectively, for a reference depth of 110 cm. These surface parameters were used in a one-dimensional (1-D) CLT model and in a two-dimensional (2-D) model (CLT vertical function combined with exponential horizontal transfer function) to predict the tile flux concentrations. The 1-D CLT model predicted an earlier arrival time of chemicals to the tile drain than observed values. The root mean square error, RMSE, of the 1-D CLT predictions was 0.123, and the coefficient of efficiency, E, was −0.47. The 2-D model predictions of tile flux concentrations were similar to the observed values. The root mean squared errors (RMSE) and E were 0.023 and 0.94, respectively. The findings suggest that in this field soil, the surface solute transport properties determined by TDR could be combined with a 2-D transport model to make reasonable predictions of tile flux concentrations

    Soil water improvements with the long-term use of a winter rye cover crop

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    AbstractThe Midwestern United States, a region that produces one-third of maize and one-quarter of soybean grain globally, is projected to experience increasing rainfall variability. One approach to mitigate climate impacts is to utilize crop and soil management practices that enhance soil water storage and reduce the risks of flooding as well as drought-induced crop water stress. While some research indicates that a winter cover crop in maize-soybean rotations increases soil water availability, producers continue to be concerned that water use by cover crops will reduce water for a following cash crop. We analyzed continuous in-field soil water measurements from 2008 to 2014 at a Central Iowa research site that has included a winter rye cover crop in a maize-soybean rotation for thirteen years. This period of study included years in the top third of the wettest on record (2008, 2010, 2014) as well as drier years in the bottom third (2012, 2013). We found the cover crop treatment to have significantly higher soil water storage at the 0–30cm depth from 2012 to 2014 when compared to the no cover crop treatment and in most years greater soil water content on individual days analyzed during the cash crop growing season. We further found that the cover crop significantly increased the field capacity water content by 10–11% and plant available water by 21–22%. Finally, in 2013 and 2014, we measured maize and soybean biomass every 2–3 weeks and did not see treatment differences in crop growth, leaf area or nitrogen uptake. Final crop yields were not statistically different between the cover and no cover crop treatment in any of the seven years of this analysis. This research indicates that the long-term use of a winter rye cover crop can improve soil water dynamics without sacrificing cash crop growth in maize-soybean crop rotations in the Midwestern United States

    A Bayesian assessment of an approximate model for unconfined water flow in sloping layered porous media

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    The prediction of water table height in unconfined layered porous media is a difficult modelling problem that typically requires numerical simulation. This paper proposes an analytical model to approximate the exact solution based on a steady-state Dupuit–Forchheimer analysis. The key contribution in relation to a similar model in the literature relies in the ability of the proposed model to consider more than two layers with different thicknesses and slopes, so that the existing model becomes a special case of the proposed model herein. In addition, a model assessment methodology based on the Bayesian inverse problem is proposed to efficiently identify the values of the physical parameters for which the proposed model is accurate when compared against a reference model given by MODFLOW-NWT, the open-source finite-difference code by the U.S. Geological Survey. Based on numerical results for a representative case study, the ratio of vertical recharge rate to hydraulic conductivity emerges as a key parameter in terms of model accuracy so that, when appropriately bounded, both the proposed model and MODFLOW-NWT provide almost identical results

    Efficient Network Reconstruction from Dynamical Cascades Identifies Small-World Topology of Neuronal Avalanches

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    Cascading activity is commonly found in complex systems with directed interactions such as metabolic networks, neuronal networks, or disease spreading in social networks. Substantial insight into a system's organization can be obtained by reconstructing the underlying functional network architecture from the observed activity cascades. Here we focus on Bayesian approaches and reduce their computational demands by introducing the Iterative Bayesian (IB) and Posterior Weighted Averaging (PWA) methods. We introduce a special case of PWA, cast in nonparametric form, which we call the normalized count (NC) algorithm. NC efficiently reconstructs random and small-world functional network topologies and architectures from subcritical, critical, and supercritical cascading dynamics and yields significant improvements over commonly used correlation methods. With experimental data, NC identified a functional and structural small-world topology and its corresponding traffic in cortical networks with neuronal avalanche dynamics