1,411 research outputs found

    Mapping of Landslide Hazard Distribution in Alo Watershed Gorontalo Regency

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    Landslide occurrence can be influenced by physical factors and human activities. Thus, research related to the provision of information about landslide distribution in Alo watershed is needed as a basis in enhancing community preparedness in dealing with disasters. The method used in this study is the scoring method based on the Minister of Public Works Regulation No.22 / PRT / M / 2017 which is processed through a geographical information system through the overlay of all physical parameters. The result shows that the Alo watershed area is divided into three vulnerability categories. "Low" category covers 7171.8 ha, "medium" category covers 12008.7 ha, and "high" category covers 5039.5 ha out of 24.221 ha the total area of Alo watershed. Information provided in this research is expected to be able to help the local government in making policies in managing the Alo watershed area and enhancing the understanding of the local community in Alo watershed in dealing with disasters

    U.S. Patent Literature Survey of Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas)

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    A team of researchers and patent information scientists at Franklin Pierce Law Center were asked to evaluate the patent and literature landscape related to the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in sweet potato with respect to the U.S. patents and patent applications. This report provides a patent landscape of the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of sweet potato. The report includes the applicable methods of transformation and has also included certain patents and patent applications which claim a transformed plant by virtue of these methods. In certain cases, the claim structure covers Agrobacterium-mediated transformation technology via system and composition of matter claims and not the more prevalent method claims. Sweet potato plant (Ipomoea batatas) is adaptable to a broad range of agroecological conditions and fits in low input agriculture. It is highly productive even under adverse farming conditions. Sweet potato is grown in more than 100 countries as a valuable source of food, animal feed and industrial raw material. It is a staple crop in many South East Asian and African countries. Traditional plant breeding has contributed to the improvement of sweet potato, especially in developed countries such as the U.S.A. and Japan. Because of the biological complexities of sweet potato, sexual hybridization strategies have not been very effective in developing improved cultivars. Confidential Therefore, biotechnological tools, such as gene transfer, are very attractive in sweet potato improvement, as they enable direct introduction of desirable genes from other sources into preadapted cultivars

    Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Organisazional Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) Pegawai Pada Bptpm Kota Pekanbaru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh komitmen organisasi terhadap Perilaku Kewarganegaraan Karyawan pada BPTPM Kota Pekanbaru. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Peneliti mengambil sampel secara random (random sampling) sebanyak 46 karyawan sebagai sampel dari 85 karyawan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Metode analisis data menggunakan regresi sederhana dengan menggunakan software SPSS versi 21. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa komitmen organisasi berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap perilaku kewarganegaraan pegawai pegawai (OCB) di BPTPM Pekanbaru CIty. Kondisi ini menunjukkan jika komitmen organisasi meningkat, pegawai BPTPM Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) juga meningkat. Variabel komitmen organisasi berkontribusi terhadap variabel perilaku Kewarganegaraan Organisasi sebanyak 65,2%. Dengan demikian, sisanya 34,8% merupakan faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini

    The public library as a critical institution in South Africa's democracy : a reflection

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    Article published in the online open access journal LIBRIS, Curtin University, Perth, West AustraliaSouth Africa came out of apartheid rule in 1994. This transition has brought with it its own set of challenges including that of access to information, an essential pillar in upholding a democracy. In this transitional period, South Africa is reliant on every possible institution to contribute to the growth of its fledgling democracy. It is clearly evident from the literature that democratic societies are dependent on such institutions as public libraries to uphold fundamental principles of democracy. This paper reflects on the public library, within the South African context, as an essential institution in the growth and sustainability of democracy through equitable access to information and knowledge. The paper discusses issues such as the public library and its role in equitable access to information, the contradictory environments within South Africa, recreational reading and the public library scenario, lifelong learning, and the public library and the educational system. Other issues such as support for indigenous materials and adult literacy are also addressed in the paper. The authors conclude that the real concern in South Africa today is the gulf between the “haves”, of any colour, and the “have-nots” and the capacity of the public library to bridge that gap via its contribution to the reduction of illiteracy, poverty and unemployment, the scourge of Africa and South Africa. It is a given that public libraries play a critical role in the propagation of democracy, especially in a continent that has been plagued by dictatorships and military rule

    Fuzzy Rule Based Enhancement in the SMRT Domain for Low Contrast Images

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    AbstractFuzzy techniques offer a new and flexible framework for the development of image enhancement algorithms. They are nonlinear, knowledge-based and robust. The potentials of fuzzy set theory for image enhancement are still not investigated in comparison with other established methodologies. In this paper, an examination of fuzzy methods in transform domain is considered. Fuzzy rule based contrast enhancement in the Sequency based Mapped RealTransform (SMRT) domain for block level processing is explored. SMRT, being an integer transform,is computationally efficient and the fuzzy rule based technique is applied to the entire blocks in the transform domain


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    Objective: The objective of the study was to identify and utilize medicinal plants used by Irula tribal's of Dhoni Forest, Kerala.Methods: Frequent field visits were made throughout the study period from October 2011 to June 2012 in the study area.Results: A total of 32 medicinal plant species used by the Irula tribes were documented. These medicinal plant species were distributed in 23 families and 32 genera. In terms of number of medicinal plant species, Apocynaceae, Malvaceae and Menispermaceae were the most dominant families of medicinal plants. The results of the present study provide evidences that medicinal plants continue to play an important role in the health care system of the tribal community.Conclusion: The treasure of knowledge on traditional medicine is gradually vanishing due to modernization and civilization of tribal community and also the younger generation not showing any interest in learning those practices. The collected detailed information on the list of plants and their therapeutic practices among Irula tribes may be helpful to improve the future pharmaceutical applications. Key words: Dhoni Forest, Irula tribe, medicinal plants, Ethnomedicinal uses

    Round Robin based Arbitration Mechanism for Signaling Approach based Router Architecture

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    In Network-on-Chip the effectiveness of the network resource allocation is demonstrated by the flow control mechanism. There are two types of flow control mechanisms: buffered and bufferless. Compared to buffered flow control methods, buffer less flow control mechanisms are easier to use, need less power, and take up less space. When there are congestion and resource conflicts, it experiences higher packet loss and packet misrouting inside the network. A good buffered control mechanism useful as it overcomes the limitations of buffer less mechanism. There are numerous buffered and bufferless flow control methods available. In this paper, signaling-based Virtual Output Queue Router Arbiter Mechanism is used to explore credit-based flow control. This mechanism worked on new concept that is “stress value”. This information is generated in the form of credit whenever any input buffer has free space. Then, using this credit data, the node's stress value is determined. Free buffer space takes precedence over stress value if it is bigger. The stress value will increase if there is less available buffer space. To handle the congestion problem, the signaling block then sends this stress value to a neighboring router. To help the arbitrator make a more accurate decision, the crediting system constantly operates in tandem with arbitration

    Design and implementation of 9-Level Trinity DC Source inverter using Embedded Controller

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    Trinary DC source cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter and the switching pattern scheme is used to improve the performance of Multilevel Inverter (MLI) which reduces the switching losses. The proposed MLI can synthesize high quality output voltage near to sinusoidal waves. This scheme significantly reduces the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and switching losses. The circuit configuration is simple and easy to control.  For the developed technique simulations are carried out through MATLAB/SIMULIN

    Effect of Imidacloprid and Triadimefon on microbial phosphatase, protease and urease enzyme activities in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum sp.) cultivated soil

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    The laboratory studies were conducted to resolute the effects of Imidacloprid (insecticide) and Triadimefon (fungicide) singly and in combination on enzymatic activities of soil microorganisms in tomato cultivated soils at different concentrations of 0.2, 0.5 and 0.7 kg per hectare. It was observed that phosphatase, protease and urease activities were elevated noteworthy at 0.5kg per hectare after 10 days of incubation. At lower concentration the activities of these enzymes showed no significant difference from that of control. The combination of the two pesticides led to a pronounced decline of phosphatase and protease enzyme activities at higher concentration. Triadimefon had no effect on urease activity at low concentrations whereas at 0.5 and 0.7 concentrations there was a significant increase when compared to control

    Karakteristik Sanimas di Kampung Bustaman Kota Semarang

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    At the beginning of program development communal sanitation in Semarang City (2005), implemented in the construction of residential areas Kampung Bustaman (RT 04-05 RW 03), Purwodinatan Village, Central District of Semarang with applications (construction) in the form of MCK Plus is in early development is projected to serve about 124 households. Then in 2006-2008, the development of the region Sanimas District of North Semarang namely Kampung Plombokan RT 03 RW 04-05 (2006), Bandarharjo Village RW 03 (2007), and Kebonharjo RT 02 RW 02 (in 2008). Over communal sanitation programs contained in the city, only communal sanitation contained in Kampung Bustaman fairly successful in its implementation. The success is evident in the increasing level of public health, increasing the quality of the environment in the vicinity of the development program and of course the welfare of society. So it is not surprising that communal sanitation Kampung Bustaman better known as MCK Plus Pangrukti Noble has gained several awards related to the success of the program. In addition, MCK Plus Pangrukti sublime is also one pilot project in Indonesia to develop community-based sanitation and capable of being environmentally conscious example to other communities. This study aimed to determine characteristics such as whether communal sanitation in Kampung Bustaman, Semarang so it can make a material consideration in the development communal sanitation programs in other urban areas. The results of the above analysis it can be seen that the characteristics of settlements with 1) the density residential buildings and a very high density in residential areas where the impact on the village Bustaman 2) the lack of clean water and sanitation facilities in the residential building community . In addition, the 3) very low levels of the economy resulted in the majority of people can ‘t develop the function of building occupancy
