17 research outputs found

    Influence of aerobic fitness on gastrointestinal barrier integrity and microbial translocation following a fixed-intensity military exertional heat stress test

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    Purpose: Exertional-heat stress adversely disrupts gastrointestinal (GI) barrier integrity, whereby subsequent microbial translocation (MT) can result in potentially serious health consequences. To date, the influence of aerobic fitness on GI barrier integrity and MT following exertional-heat stress is poorly characterised. Method: Ten untrained (UT; VO2max = 45 ± 3 ml·kg−1·min−1) and ten highly trained (HT; VO2max = 64 ± 4 ml·kg−1·min−1) males completed an ecologically valid (military) 80-min fixed-intensity exertional-heat stress test (EHST). Venous blood was drawn immediately pre- and post-EHST. GI barrier integrity was assessed using the serum dual-sugar absorption test (DSAT) and plasma Intestinal Fatty-Acid Binding Protein (I-FABP). MT was assessed using plasma Bacteroides/total 16S DNA. Results: UT experienced greater thermoregulatory, cardiovascular and perceptual strain (p < 0.05) than HT during the EHST. Serum DSAT responses were similar between the two groups (p = 0.59), although Δ I-FABP was greater (p = 0.04) in the UT (1.14 ± 1.36 ng·ml−1) versus HT (0.20 ± 0.29 ng·ml−1) group. Bacteroides/Total 16S DNA ratio was unchanged (Δ; -0.04 ± 0.18) following the EHST in the HT group, but increased (Δ; 0.19 ± 0.25) in the UT group (p = 0.05). Weekly aerobic training hours had a weak, negative correlation with Δ I-FABP and Bacteroides/total 16S DNA responses. Conclusion: When exercising at the same absolute workload, UT individuals are more susceptible to small intestinal epithelial injury and MT than HT individuals. These responses appear partially attributable to greater thermoregulatory, cardiovascular, and perceptual strain

    The genus Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Peru

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    We provide a floristic account for the Begoniaceae of Peru. The family is represented in Peru by 76 species, which are all members of the genus Begonia and represent eighteen sections. Twelve new species are described: B. condorensis Jara & Moonlight sp. nov., B. deltoides Moonlight sp. nov., B. huancabambae Moonlight sp. nov., B. imbrexiformis Moonlight sp. nov., B. longinqua Moonlight sp. nov., B. longitepala Moonlight sp. nov., B. nunezii Moonlight sp. nov., B. occultata J.P.Allen & Moonlight sp. nov., B. pedemontana Moonlight sp. nov., B. serratistipula Moonlight sp. nov., B. vargasii Moonlight sp. nov. and B. yuracyacuensis Moonlight sp. nov. We also provide four new records for the country: B. andina Rusby, B. brandbygeana L.B.Sm. & Wassh., B. neoharlingii L.B.Sm. & Wassh. and B. unilateralis Rusby. We provide an identification key to all species. The ecology, distribution, and conservation status of all Peruvian Begonia species are discussed, including provisional IUCN threat assessments. Most species are illustrated by either historical illustrations, contemporary photographic plates, or line drawings. Twenty-six names are newly synonymised including fifteen previously accepted species, and we designate eighty-three lectotypes, four neotypes, and four epitypes

    Lichens as spatially transferable bioindicators for monitoring nitrogen pollution

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    Excess nitrogen is a pollutant and global problem that harms ecosystems and can severely affect human health. Pollutant nitrogen is becoming more widespread and intensifying in the tropics. There is thus a requirement to develop nitrogen biomonitoring for spatial mapping and trend analysis of tropical biodiversity and ecosystems. In temperate and boreal zones, multiple bioindicators for nitrogen pollution have been developed, with lichen epiphytes among the most sensitive and widely applied. However, the state of our current knowledge on bioindicators is geographically biased, with extensive research effort focused on bioindicators in the temperate and boreal zones. The development of lichen bioindicators in the tropics is further weakened by incomplete taxonomic and ecological knowledge. In this study we performed a literature review and meta-analysis, attempting to identify characteristics of lichens that offer transferability of bioindication into tropical regions. This transferability must overcome the different species pools between source information – drawing on extensive research effort in the temperate and boreal zone – and tropical ecosystems. Focussing on ammonia concentration as the nitrogen pollutant, we identify a set of morphological traits and taxonomic relationships that cause lichen epiphytes to be more sensitive, or more resistant to this excess nitrogen. We perform an independent test of our bioindicator scheme and offer recommendations for its application and future research in the tropics