76 research outputs found

    Reversible Tuning of Ca Nanoparticles Embedded in a Superionic CaF2 Matrix

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    ABSTRACT: Controlling the size and shape of metallic colloids is crucial for a number of nanotechnological applications ranging from medical diagnosis to electronics. Yet, achieving tunability of morphological changes at the nanoscale is technically difficult and the structural modifications made on nanoparticles generally are irreversible. Here, we present a simple non-chemical method for controlling the size of metallic colloids in a reversible manner. Our strategy consists on applying hydrostatic pressure on a Ca cationic sublattice embedded in the irradiated matrix of CaF2 containing a large concentration of defects. Application of our method to CaF2 along with in situ optical absorption of the Ca plasmon shows that the radii of the Ca nanoparticles can be reduced with an almost constant rate of −1.2 nm/GPa up to a threshold pressure of ∼ 9.4 GPa. We demonstrate recovery of the original nanoparticles upon decompression of the irradiated matrix. The mechanisms for reversible nanocolloid-size variation are analyzed with first-principles simulations. We show that a pressure-driven increase in the binding energy between fluorine centers is responsible for the observed nanoparticle shrinkage. We argue that the same method can be used to generate other metallic colloids (Li, K, Sr, and Cs) with tailored dimensions by simply selecting an appropriate matrix

    Oxidation of High Yield Strength Metals Tungsten and Rhenium in High-Pressure High-Temperature Experiments of Carbon Dioxide and Carbonates

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    The laser-heating diamond-anvil cell technique enables direct investigations of materials under high pressures and temperatures, usually confining the samples with high yield strength W and Re gaskets. This work presents experimental data that evidences the chemical reactivity between these refractory metals and CO2 or carbonates at temperatures above 1300 °C and pressures above 6 GPa. Metal oxides and diamond are identified as reaction products. Recommendations to minimize non-desired chemical reactions in high-pressure high-temperature experiments are given

    Anomalous high-pressure Jahn-Teller behavior in CuWO4

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    High-pressure optical-absorption measurements performed in CuWO4 up to 20 GPa provide experimental evidence of the persistence of the Jahn-Teller (JT) distortion in the whole pressure range both in the low-pressure triclinic and in the high-pressure monoclinic phase. The electron-lattice couplings associated with the eg(E⊗e) and t2g(T⊗e) orbitals of Cu2+ in CuWO4 are obtained from correlations between the JT distortion of the CuO6 octahedron and the associated structure of Cu2+ d-electronic levels. This distortion and its associated JT energy (EJT) decrease upon compression in both phases. However, both the distortion and associated EJT increase sharply at the phase-transition pressure (PPT=9.9  GPa), and we estimate that the JT distortion persists for a wide pressure range not being suppressed up to 37 GPa. These results shed light on the transition mechanism of multiferroic CuWO4, suggesting that the pressure-induced structural phase transition is a way to minimize the distortive effects associated with the toughness of the JT distortion.C.-Y. Tu is acknowledged for providing us the crystals used to perform the experiments. J. R.-F. is indebted to the FPI research grant (BES-2008-002043) and thanks C. Renero-Lecuna for fruitful discussions on the spectroscopic data. The authors thank the financial support from the MICINN of Spain under Grants No. MAT2010- 21270-C04-01, No. MAT2008-06873-C02-01/02, and No. CSD2007-00045

    Compressibility and phase stability of iron-rich ankerite

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    ABSTRACT: The structure of the naturally occurring, iron-rich mineral Ca₁․₀₈(₆)Mg₀.₂₄(₂)Fe₀.₆₄(₄)Mn₀.₆₄(₄)(CO₃)₂ ankerite was studied in a joint experimental and computational study. Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction measurements up to 20 GPa were complemented by density functional theory calculations. The rhombohedral ankerite structure is stable under compression up to 12 GPa. A third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state yields V₀ = 328.2(3) ų, bulk modulus B₀ = 89(4) GPa, and its first-pressure derivative B'₀ = 5.3(8)-values which are in good agreement with those obtained in our calculations for an ideal CaFe(CO₃)₂ ankerite composition. At 12 GPa, the iron-rich ankerite structure undergoes a reversible phase transition that could be a consequence of increasingly non-hydrostatic conditions above 10 GPa. The high-pressure phase could not be characterized. DFT calculations were used to explore the relative stability of several potential high-pressure phases (dolomite-II-, dolomite-III- and dolomite-V-type structures), and suggest that the dolomite-V phase is the thermodynamically stable phase above 5 GPa. A novel high-pressure polymorph more stable than the dolomite-III-type phase for ideal CaFe(CO₃)₂ ankerite was also proposed. This high-pressure phase consists of Fe and Ca atoms in sevenfold and ninefold coordination, respectively, while carbonate groups remain in a trigonal planar configuration. This phase could be a candidate structure for dense carbonates in other compositional systems.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación, y Universidades (MICINN) under the projects MALTA Consolider Ingenio 2010 network MAT2015-71070-REDC and PGC2018-097520-A-I00 (co-financed by EU FEDER funds), and by the Generalitat Valenciana under project PROMETEO/2018/123. D.S.-P. and A.O.R. acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish MINECO for the RyC-2014-15643 and RyC-2016-20301 Ramon y Cajal Grants, respectively. C.P acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO project FIS2017-83295-P)

    Comment on "mechanisms for Pressure-Induced Isostructural Phase Transitions in EuO"

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    Authors thank the financial support from Projects PGC2018-101464-B-I00, PGC2018-097520-A-I00, and MALTA-Consolider Team RED2018-102612-T (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci´on y Universidades) is acknowledged. V. Monteseguro acknowledges the “Beatriz Galindo” fellowship (BG20/000777) and the “Juan de la Cierva” fellowship (IJC2019-041586-I)

    Phase stability of stress-sensitive Ag2CO3 silver carbonate at high pressures and temperature

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    Silver carbonate (Ag2CO3) is a material currently used for artificial carbon storage. In this work, we report synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) experiments under high pressure and high temperature in combination with density-functional theory (DFT) calculations on silver carbonate up to 13.3 GPa. Two pressure-induced phase transitions were observed at room temperature: at 2.9 GPa to a high-pressure (HP1) phase and at 10.5 GPa to a second high-pressure phase (HP2). The facts that a) the HP2 phase can be indexed with the initial P21/m structure, b) our DFT calculations predict the initial structure is stable in the entire pressure range, and c) the HP2 phase is stable under decompression suggest that the intermediate HP1 phase is a product of the appearance of non-hydrostatic stresses in the sample. The observed structural transformations are associated to a high sensitivity of this compound to non-hydrostatic conditions. The compressibility of Ag2CO3 has also been determined, showing the c axis is the most compressible and that the bulk modulus increases quickly with applied pressure. We attribute both observations to the weak nature of the closed-shell Ag–Ag interactions in this material. The behavior of Ag2CO3 under heating at approximately 3 GPa was also studied. No temperature-induced phase transitions were found at this pressure, and the thermal expansion was determined to be relatively high for a carbonate.Authors thank the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación under projects MALTA Consolider Ingenio 2010 network (RED2018-102612-T) and PGC2021-125518NB-I00 (cofinanced by EU FEDER funds), and from the Generalitat Valenciana under projects CIAICO/2021/241 and MFA/2022/007. A.O.R. acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish MINECO RyC-2016-20301 Ramón y Cajal Grant and the project AYUD/2021/51036 of the Principality of Asturias (cofinanced by EU FEDER funds). Authors also thank the MALTA Consolider supercomputing centre and Compute Canada for computational resources and ALBA-CELLS synchrotron for providing beamtime under experiments 2020084419 and 2021024988. These experiments were performed at the MSPD beamline with the collaboration of ALBA staff

    Phase stability of lanthanum orthovanadate at high-pressure

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    When monoclinic monazite-type LaVO4 (space group P21/n) is squeezed up to 12 GPa at room temperature, a phase transition to another monoclinic phase has been found. The structure of the high-pressure phase of LaVO4 is indexed with the same space group (P21/n), but with a larger unit-cell in which the number of atoms is doubled. The transition leads to an 8% increase in the density of LaVO4. The occurrence of such a transition has been determined by x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and ab initio calculations. The combination of the three techniques allows us to also characterize accurately the pressure evolution of unit-cell parameters and the Raman (and IR)-active phonons of the low- and high-pressure phase. In particular, room-temperature equations of state have been determined. The changes driven by pressure in the crystal structure induce sharp modifications in the color of LaVO4 crystals, suggesting that behind the monoclinic-to-monoclinic transition there are important changes of the electronic properties of LaVO4.Comment: 39 pages, 6 tables, 7 figure

    Phase stability and dense polymorph of the BaCa(CO3)2 barytocalcite carbonate

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    The double carbonate BaCa(CO3)2 holds potential as host compound for carbon in the Earth?s crust and mantle. Here, we report the crystal structure determination of a high-pressure BaCa(CO3)2 phase characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. This phase, named post-barytocalcite, was obtained at 5.7 GPa and can be described by a monoclinic Pm space group. The barytocalcite to post-baritocalcite phase transition involves a significant discontinuous 1.4% decrease of the unit-cell volume, and the increase of the coordination number of 1/4 and 1/2 of the Ba and Ca atoms, respectively. High-pressure powder X-ray diffraction measurements at room- and high-temperatures using synchrotron radiation and DFT calculations yield the thermal expansion of barytocalcite and, together with single-crystal data, the compressibility and anisotropy of both the low- and high-pressure phases. The calculated enthalpy differences between different BaCa(CO3)2 polymorphs confirm that barytocalcite is the thermodynamically stable phase at ambient conditions and that it undergoes the phase transition to the experimentally observed post-barytocalcite phase. The double carbonate is significantly less stable than a mixture of the CaCO3 and BaCO3 end-members above 10 GPa. The experimental observation of the high-pressure phase up to 15 GPa and 300 ºC suggests that the decomposition into its single carbonate components is kinetically hindered.Authors thank the fnancial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación under projects MALTA Consolider Ingenio 2010 network (RED2018-102612-T), PID2019-106383GB-C44, FIS2017-83295-P and PGC2018-097520-A-I00 (cofnanced by EU FEDER funds), and from the Generalitat Valenciana under project PROMETEO/2018/123. A.O.R. acknowledges the fnancial support of the Spanish MINECO RyC-2016-20301 Ramon y Cajal Grant. Authors also thank Dr. Nicolescu and the Mineralogy and Meteoritic Department of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History for providing the mineral samples, the MALTA Consolider supercomputing centre and Compute Canada for computational resources, the General Services of Research Support (SEGAI) at La Laguna University and ALBA-CELLS synchrotron for providing beamtime under experiments 2020084419 and 2021024988. Tese experiments were performed at the MSPD beamline with the collaboration of ALBA staf

    Crystal-field mediated electronic transitions of EuS up to 35 GPa

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    An advanced experimental and theoretical model to explain the correlation between the electronic and local structure of Eu2+ in two diferent environments within a same compound, EuS, is presented. EuX monochalcogenides (X: O, S, Se, Te) exhibit anomalies in all their properties around 14 GPa with a semiconductor to metal transition. Although it is known that these changes are related to the 4f 75d0 ?4f 65d1 electronic transition, no consistent model of the pressure-induced modifcations of the electronic structure currently exists. We show, by optical and x-ray absorption spectroscopy, and by ab initio calculations up to 35 GPa, that the pressure evolution of the crystal feld plays a major role in triggering the observed electronic transitions from semiconductor to the half-metal and fnally to the metallic state.Authors thank the financial support from Projects PGC2018-101464-B-I00, PGC2018-097520-A-I00 and MALTA-Consolider Team RED2018-102612-T (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades) is acknowledged. V. Monteseguro acknowledges the “Beatriz Galindo” fellowship (BG20/000777) and the “Juan de la Cierva” fellowship (IJC2019-041586-I). Authors are grateful to the staff of the BM23 beamline and the high-pressure laboratory at the ESRF for their support during the experiment (proposal number HC-3913), and the SERCAMAT (SCTI) of the University of Cantabria for FTIR facilities