605 research outputs found

    ¿Por qué, según Leibniz, vivimos en el mejor de los mundos posibles?

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    Mi Objetivo En Este Trabajo Se Limita A Mostrar Cuál Es El Principal Rasgo Queleibniz Atribuía Al Mejor De Los Mundos Posibles. En Dicho Mundo Se Da La Mejorcombinación Posible De Pluralidad Y Unidad. El Concepto Del Que Se Sirve Leibnizpara Expresar Tal Síntesis De Abundancia En Los Resultados Y De Economía En Losmedios Es El De Serie. El Mejor De Los Mundos Está Recorrido, Sin Agotarlo, Poruna Infinidad De Series, Siendo Cada Una De Ellas Infinitamente Variada. Enninguna De Tales Series Afirma Leibniz Se Da Un Corte, Lo Que Propongo Que Seaentendido De Dos Maneras Complementarias: Primera, Entre Dos Casos De Una Seriehay Otro; Segunda, Todos Los Casos De Una Serie Son Intermedios. Con Ello Quieredecirse Que En El Mejor De Los Mundos Posibles No Hay Ni Un Máximo Ni Un Mínimo,O, Como Sostiene Leibniz, Siempre Se Puede Ascender Y Descender.My Purpose In This Work Is To Show The Main Trait, According To Leibniz, Of Thebest Of The Possible Worlds. In It There Is The Best Combination Of Pluralityand Unity. The Concept Of Serie Is Used By Leibniz To Express That Synthesis Ofabondance Of Effects And Parsimony Of Means. The Best Of The Possible Worlds Isintersected Although Not Full Of Them By A Infinity Of Series, Each Of Themhaving Infinite Variations. Leibniz Says That There Is No Disruption In Theinner Of Every Serie, And I Sugest That His Sentence Has Two Complementarymeanings: First, Between Two Cases Of One Serie There Is Another Case; Second,Every Case Of One Serie Is In The Middle Of Others Cases. So, There Is Neithermaximum Nor Minimum In The Best Of The Possible Worlds, Or, As Is Thought Byleibniz, It Is Possible Always To Go Up And Down

    On the Measurement of Privacy as an Attacker's Estimation Error

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    A wide variety of privacy metrics have been proposed in the literature to evaluate the level of protection offered by privacy enhancing-technologies. Most of these metrics are specific to concrete systems and adversarial models, and are difficult to generalize or translate to other contexts. Furthermore, a better understanding of the relationships between the different privacy metrics is needed to enable more grounded and systematic approach to measuring privacy, as well as to assist systems designers in selecting the most appropriate metric for a given application. In this work we propose a theoretical framework for privacy-preserving systems, endowed with a general definition of privacy in terms of the estimation error incurred by an attacker who aims to disclose the private information that the system is designed to conceal. We show that our framework permits interpreting and comparing a number of well-known metrics under a common perspective. The arguments behind these interpretations are based on fundamental results related to the theories of information, probability and Bayes decision.Comment: This paper has 18 pages and 17 figure

    On content-based recommendation and user privacy in social-tagging systems

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    Recommendation systems and content filtering approaches based on annotations and ratings, essentially rely on users expressing their preferences and interests through their actions, in order to provide personalised content. This activity, in which users engage collectively has been named social tagging, and it is one of the most popular in which users engage online, and although it has opened new possibilities for application interoperability on the semantic web, it is also posing new privacy threats. It, in fact, consists of describing online or offline resources by using free-text labels (i.e. tags), therefore exposing the user profile and activity to privacy attacks. Users, as a result, may wish to adopt a privacy-enhancing strategy in order not to reveal their interests completely. Tag forgery is a privacy enhancing technology consisting of generating tags for categories or resources that do not reflect the user's actual preferences. By modifying their profile, tag forgery may have a negative impact on the quality of the recommendation system, thus protecting user privacy to a certain extent but at the expenses of utility loss. The impact of tag forgery on content-based recommendation is, therefore, investigated in a real-world application scenario where different forgery strategies are evaluated, and the consequent loss in utility is measured and compared.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Shall I post this now? Optimized, delay-based privacy protection in social networks

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10115-016-1010-4Despite the several advantages commonly attributed to social networks such as easiness and immediacy to communicate with acquaintances and friends, significant privacy threats provoked by unexperienced or even irresponsible users recklessly publishing sensitive material are also noticeable. Yet, a different, but equally significant privacy risk might arise from social networks profiling the online activity of their users based on the timestamp of the interactions between the former and the latter. In order to thwart this last type of commonly neglected attacks, this paper proposes an optimized deferral mechanism for messages in online social networks. Such solution suggests intelligently delaying certain messages posted by end users in social networks in a way that the observed online activity profile generated by the attacker does not reveal any time-based sensitive information, while preserving the usability of the system. Experimental results as well as a proposed architecture implementing this approach demonstrate the suitability and feasibility of our mechanism.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Proposals for improving the employment status of care workers at children’s schools in La Paz (Bolivia)

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    El presente estudio analiza la situación del servicio educativo infantil, que ofrece el Municipio de La Paz, a las familias más desfavorecidas social, económica y culturalmente. Los principales objetivos son: obtener un perfil familiar, académico y socio profesional de las educadoras, analizar sus condiciones laborales y elaborar propuestas para mejorar tanto su formación como su situación laboral. La muestra del estudio está formada por 83 educadoras que trabajan en 18 Centros. Los datos se recogieron mediante entrevistas personales semiestructuradas. Los resultados muestran importantes diferencias en el sueldo y las condiciones laborales de las educadoras en función del tipo de contrato que tienen. A partir del análisis de los resultados se elaboraron las siguientes propuestas para mejorar la situación de las educadoras: a) reconocer y valorar el trabajo realizado por estas profesionales, b) pasar a todas las educadoras al tipo de contrato A, para que posean seguro médico, cotización al fondo de pensiones, dos pagas extras al año, baja por maternidad, y todos los derechos como trabajadoras, c) contabilizar dentro de la jornada laboral no solo el tiempo de trabajo con los niños, sino también el tiempo dedicado a todas las tareas que realizan en el CIM, d) elaborar un plan de promoción de las educadoras con criterios claros, públicos y consensuados, e) aprovechar la formación y experiencia de las educadoras que hayan demostrado buenas prácticas educativas para añadir, a la formación impartida por expertos, la de sus paresThis study examines aspects of the children’s services that the city council of La Paz (Bolivia) currently offers to socially, economically and culturally disadvantaged families. Specifically, the aims were to describe the family, academic, social and professional profile of care workers at these centres, to examine their employment conditions, and to put forward proposals for improving both their training and status at work. The sample comprised 83 female care workers employed across 18 children’s centres. Data were collected through individual semi-structured interviews. Results showed notable differences in terms of salary and employment conditions, depending on the type of contract these women had. Based on the analysis of results the following proposals are put forward with the aim of improving the employment conditions of these care workers: a) formal recognition and appreciation of the work they do; b) switch them all to class A contracts so that they have health insurance, a pension scheme, two additional monthly payments a year, the right to maternity leave, and full employment rights; c) calculate their working hours according to the time spent on all tasks performed at the children’s centre, not merely their contact time with children; d) draw up a career development plan for these care workers that is based on clear, transparent and agreed criteria; e) take advantage of the training and experience of those care workers who have demonstrated good practice so that peer-based training can be offered alongside courses run by external expert

    Probabilistic policy reuse for safe reinforcement learning

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    This work introducesPolicy Reuse for Safe Reinforcement Learning, an algorithm that combines ProbabilisticPolicy Reuse and teacher advice for safe exploration in dangerous and continuous state and action reinforce-ment learning problems in which the dynamic behavior is reasonably smooth and the space is Euclidean. Thealgorithm uses a continuously increasing monotonic risk function that allows for the identification of theprobability to end up in failure from a given state. Such a risk function is defined in terms of how far such astate is from the state space known by the learning agent. Probabilistic Policy Reuse is used to safely balancethe exploitation of actual learned knowledge, the exploration of new actions, and the request of teacher advicein parts of the state space considered dangerous. Specifically, thepi-reuse exploration strategy is used. Usingexperiments in the helicopter hover task and a business management problem, we show that thepi-reuseexploration strategy can be used to completely avoid the visit to undesirable situations while maintainingthe performance (in terms of the classical long-term accumulated reward) of the final policy achieved.This paper has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-65686-C5-1-R and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 730086 (ERGO). Javier García is partially supported by the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) funds under the project 2016-T2/TIC-1712

    Evaluación de los cambios en la situación profesional de las educadoras de los Centros Infantiles de La Paz (Bolivia)

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    Este estudio analiza los cambios que se han producido en los últimos 2 años en la situación laboral de las educadoras de los Centros Infantiles Municipales (CIM) de La Paz (Bolivia). En 2013 se analizaron las condiciones laborales de las educadoras y en 2015 se volvió a valorar su situación, comparándola con la anterior. Las participantes en el estudio fueron 22 educadoras-responsables de 22 CIM. Se utilizó un cuestionario con preguntas semi-abiertas sobre las condiciones laborales de las educadoras. Los resultados mostraron que, después de 2 años, habían mejorado algunos temas, pero seguían existiendo importantes diferencias en el sueldo y en las condiciones laborales de las educadoras. Se proponen las siguientes medidas para mejorar la situación actual: a) reconocer y valorar el trabajo realizado por estas profesionales; b) mejorar el tipo de contrato de todas las educadoras para que posean seguro médico, cotización al fondo de pensiones, dos pagas extras al año, baja por maternidad, y todos los derechos como trabajadoras; c) contabilizar dentro de la jornada laboral no solo el tiempo de trabajo con los niños, sino también el dedicado a todas las tareas que realizan en el CIM; d) diseñar un plan de formación con la participación de las educadoras; e) aprovechar la experiencia de algunas educadoras que han demostrado buenas prácticas educativas para la formación por pares; y f) elaborar un plan de promoción profesional con criterios claros, públicos y consensuados.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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