368 research outputs found

    Open Ocean: A Strategy Focused Innovation For The Generation Of Value

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    La globalización de los mercados, es un fenómeno que con el pasar de los días toma mucha más trascendencia dentro de los diferentes sectores del mundo. A su vez este fenómeno trae distintas consecuencias para las empresas, entre ellas se encuentran la competencia, la rivalidad entre productores y consumidores, el dinamismo que estas deben tener para no quebrar, entre muchas otras. Es por tal motivo que surge esta investigación que se enfoca en la estrategia del “Blue Ocean Strategy” donde sus principales intérpretes W.Cham Kim y Renée Mauborgne, la clasifican dentro de dos océanos, el primero lo denominan el océano rojo, que es donde se encuentran la gran mayoría de las empresas, pues se desempeñan dentro de mercados ya existentes, con alta rivalidad de sus competidores e incluso en situaciones desleales, por otra parte el segundo océano es el azul caracterizado por crear mercados vírgenes e ir más allá de la demanda establecida, este último océano se cumple a través de su principal herramienta, la innovación, ya que rompe los esquemas y se sale de lo común, intentando evitar todas aquellas situaciones o amenazas producto de la globalización. En esta investigación se implementó esta estrategia a una empresa Colombiana del sector de Juegos y Azar llamada AGI Gaming Colombia, allí se da a conocer la estrategia del océano azul representado en dos metodologías, las cuales son por un lado una técnica diferente de ventas plasmada en el leasing financiero de las máquinas tragamonedas y por el otro, juegos innovadores que marquen nuevas tendencias a los ya tradicionales que se vienen dando en esta industria. Los resultados tanto financieros como organizacionales para AGI Gaming Colombia son bastantes optimistas, mostrando la eficiencia de esta estrategia en el mundo de los negocios.The markets globalization is a phenomenon that takes a lot more importance within the different sectors of the world with the passage of days. In turn, this phenomenon brings different consequences for companies, among them are competition, rivalry between producers and consumers, the dynamism that they should not have to fail, and many others. This is the reason why this research starts and it focuses on the strategy of "Blue Ocean Strategy" where their main performers Kim and Renée Mauborgne W.Cham, who classified into the two oceans, the first will call it the red ocean, where are the vast majority of companies, as they play within existing markets with high rivalry from its competitors and even unfair situations, otherwise the second blue ocean is characterized by creating virgin markets and go beyond the established demand, this ultimate ocean is accomplished through its main tool, innovation, and breaking schemes and out of the ordinary, trying to avoid all situations or threats product of globalization. In this research, this strategy was implemented to a Colombian company of the gambling games sector called AGI Gaming Colombia, there is disclosed the blue ocean strategy represented in two methodologies, which are on one hand a different sales technique which are shown in the financial leasing of coin machines and on the other, innovative games that make new trends to the already traditional that are taking place in this industry. Both financial and organizational results for AGI Gaming Colombia are quite optimistic, showing the efficiency of this strategy in the business world

    Chrysaora plocamia lesson, 1830 (cnidaria, scyphozoa), frente a Pisco, Peru

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    Observa una generalizada proliferación de medusas, que llegan a formar “blooms” o poblaciones de alta densidad que podrían reemplazar organismos tradicionalmente dominantes en la cadena trófica.11 p

    Modeling high-performance wormhole NoCs for critical real-time embedded systems

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    Manycore chips are a promising computing platform to cope with the increasing performance needs of critical real-time embedded systems (CRTES). However, manycores adoption by CRTES industry requires understanding task's timing behavior when their requests use manycore's network-on-chip (NoC) to access hardware shared resources. This paper analyzes the contention in wormhole-based NoC (wNoC) designs - widely implemented in the high-performance domain - for which we introduce a new metric: worst-contention delay (WCD) that captures wNoC impact on worst-case execution time (WCET) in a tighter manner than the existing metric, worst-case traversal time (WCTT). Moreover, we provide an analytical model of the WCD that requests can suffer in a wNoC and we validate it against wNoC designs resembling those in the Tilera-Gx36 and the Intel-SCC 48-core processors. Building on top of our WCD analytical model, we analyze the impact on WCD that different design parameters such as the number of virtual channels, and we make a set of recommendations on what wNoC setups to use in the context of CRTES.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Improving performance guarantees in wormhole mesh NoC designs

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    Wormhole-based mesh Networks-on-Chip (wNoC) are deployed in high-performance many-core processors due to their physical scalability and low-cost. Delivering tight and time composable Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates for applications as needed in safety-critical real-time embedded systems is challenged by wNoCs due to their distributed nature. We propose a bandwidth control mechanism for wNoCs that enables the computation of tight time-composable WCET estimates with low average performance degradation and high scalability. Our evaluation with the EEMBC automotive suite and an industrial real-time parallel avionics application confirms so.The research leading to these results is funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 287519 (parMERASA) and by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain under contract TIN2012-34557. Milos Panic is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education under the FPU grant FPU12/05966. Carles Hernández is jointly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds through grant TIN2014-60404-JIN. Jaume Abella is partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Computing Safe Contention Bounds for Multicore Resources with Round-Robin and FIFO Arbitration

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    Numerous researchers have studied the contention that arises among tasks running in parallel on a multicore processor. Most of those studies seek to derive a tight and sound upper-bound for the worst-case delay with which a processor resource may serve an incoming request, when its access is arbitrated using time-predictable policies such as round-robin or FIFO. We call this value upper-bound delay ( ubd ). Deriving trustworthy ubd statically is possible when sufficient public information exists on the timing latency incurred on access to the resource of interest. Unfortunately however, that is rarely granted for commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) processors. Therefore, the users resort to measurement observations on the target processor and thus compute a “measured” ubdm . However, using ubdm to compute worst-case execution time values for programs running on COTS multicore processors requires qualification on the soundness of the result. In this paper, we present a measurement-based methodology to derive a ubdm under round-robin (RoRo) and first-in-first-out (FIFO) arbitration, which accurately approximates ubd from above, without needing latency information from the hardware provider. Experimental results, obtained on multiple processor configurations, demonstrate the robustness of the proposed methodology.The research leading to this work has received funding from: the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644080(SAFURE); the European Space Agency under Contract 789.2013 and NPI Contract 40001102880; and COST Action IC1202, Timing Analysis On Code-Level (TACLe). This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2015-65316-P. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717. The authors would like to thanks Paul Caheny for his help with the proofreading of this document.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A confidence assessment of WCET estimates for software time randomized caches

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    Obtaining Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates is a required step in real-time embedded systems during software verification. Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) aims at obtaining WCET estimates for industrial-size software running upon hardware platforms comprising high-performance features. MBPTA relies on the randomization of timing behavior (functional behavior is left unchanged) of hard-to-predict events like the location of objects in memory — and hence their associated cache behavior — that significantly impact software's WCET estimates. Software time-randomized caches (sTRc) have been recently proposed to enable MBPTA on top of Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) caches (e.g. modulo placement). However, some random events may challenge MBPTA reliability on top of sTRc. In this paper, for sTRc and programs with homogeneously accessed addresses, we determine whether the number of observations taken at analysis, as part of the normal MBPTA application process, captures the cache events significantly impacting execution time and WCET. If this is not the case, our techniques provide the user with the number of extra runs to perform to guarantee that cache events are captured for a reliable application of MBPTA. Our techniques are evaluated with synthetic benchmarks and an avionics application.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under the PROXIMA Project (www.proxima-project.eu), grant agreement no 611085. This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2015-65316, the HiPEAC Network of Excellence, and COST Action IC1202: Timing Analysis On Code-Level (TACLe). Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    pTNoC: Probabilistically time-analyzable tree-based NoC for mixed-criticality systems

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    The use of networks-on-chip (NoC) in real-time safety-critical multicore systems challenges deriving tight worst-case execution time (WCET) estimates. This is due to the complexities in tightly upper-bounding the contention in the access to the NoC among running tasks. Probabilistic Timing Analysis (PTA) is a powerful approach to derive WCET estimates on relatively complex processors. However, so far it has only been tested on small multicores comprising an on-chip bus as communication means, which intrinsically does not scale to high core counts. In this paper we propose pTNoC, a new tree-based NoC design compatible with PTA requirements and delivering scalability towards medium/large core counts. pTNoC provides tight WCET estimates by means of asymmetric bandwidth guarantees for mixed-criticality systems with negligible impact on average performance. Finally, our implementation results show the reduced area and power costs of the pTNoC.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under the PROXIMA Project (www.proxima-project.eu), grant agreement no 611085. This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2015-65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Mladen Slijepcevic is funded by the Obra Social Fundación la Caixa under grant Doctorado “la Caixa” - Severo Ochoa. Carles Hern´andez is jointly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDER funds through grant TIN2014-60404-JIN. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    El autor realiza un estudio del tipo penal de Insider Trading en Alemania, revisando los antecedentes históricos, la normativa interna y comunitaria, resaltando los aspectos altamente técnicos de la prohibición, así como a las corrientes que aún hoy critican su existencia. Así mismo, se menciona el efecto de las investigaciones fiscales y sanciones que, si han tenido lugar en Alemania, destacando que la prohibición tiene efectos reales en los mercados. ABSTRACT The author does a study related to the criminal law prohibition of Insider Trading in Germany, reviewing the historical backgrounds, the intern and European community regulation, and highlighting the highly technical aspects of the criminalization, as well as the movements that still now critic its existence. Also, is mentioned the effect of the prosecutions and sanctions that had taken place in Germany, showing that the criminalization has real effects in the markets

    Efecto sobre el acortamiento telomérico, la salud y el envejecimiento de la práctica de Mindfulness

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    [ES] Introducción: El envejecimiento es un fenómeno fisiológico cuyos mecanismos y formas de tratamiento son objeto de estudio y debate continuo. Los cambios anatómicos y fisiológicos asociados al mismo son complejos y multifactoriales y comienzan muchos años antes de la aparición de los signos externos. En base a los diferentes hallazgos de las últimas décadas se han identificado las bases del conocimiento de los marcadores del envejecimiento y la cuantificación del envejecimiento mediante el empleo de biomarcadores supone un importante avance en el proceso de investigación actual en este campo, permitiendo cuantificar el efecto de diferentes factores sobre la senescencia de los tejidos. En este aspecto, la longitud telomérica se alza como uno de los biomarcadores más prometedores. Uno de los factores que ha demostrado su influencia sobre la velocidad del envejecimiento y el modo de envejecer es el estrés. Un factor que es modificable por los hábitos de vida y el empleo de diferentes técnicas de relajación y meditación. El empleo de técnicas de meditación ha demostrado su influencia sobre la calidad de vida, el estrés y el acortamiento telomérico. Hipótesis: Un protocolo de entrenamiento y práctica de Mindfulness o Yoga, estabiliza los telómeros, disminuye el acortamiento telomérico, mejora la salud y bienestar de los practicantes y enlentece su envejecimiento. Los efectos de la práctica de Yoga o Mindfulness sobre el estrés y el acortamiento telomérico no presenta diferencias. Material y métodos: Se comparan dos grupos de mujeres entre 35-65 años, uno de ellos con practicantes de yoga y el otro con practicantes de mindfulness midiendo sobre ellas, el nivel de estrés, nivel de calidad de vida y la longitud de sus telómeros. Para ello se emplean escalas validadas, PSS, SF36 y EQ-5D-5L respectivamente. La medición telomérica fue llevada a cabo en muestras de tejido de mucosa oral/saliva mediante PCR con sonda Taqman. La investigación se llevó a cabo durante 6 meses y se tomaron muestras de las participantes en 3 momentos, al principio, a los 2 y 6 meses posteriormente. Los resultados obtenidos fueros analizados estadísticamente empleando para ello el programa SPSS®. Resultados: ambas técnicas permiten disminuir el estrés y mejorar la calidad de vida. El yoga sirve para controlar el estrés en las mujeres de entre 35 y 65 años que lo practican; tienen un nivel menor que las cohortes de mujeres de la misma edad y su control se mantiene. Las mujeres entre 35 y 65 años interesadas en practicar mindfulness presentan un nivel de estrés mayor y una menor calidad de vida que las cohortes de mujeres de su misma edad. El nivel de estrés se reduce hasta el mismo nivel que el de aquellas mujeres que practican yoga con un programa regulado de solo 8 semanas, y los beneficios se mantienen en el tiempo. Los resultados no son concluyentes respecto a la influencia de ambas técnicas sobre el acortamiento telomérico y, si bien es cierto que se observa mantenimiento de la longitud telomérica en el grupo de yoga y alargamiento en un alto porcentaje de las participantes en el grupo de mindfulness, los resultados no son estadísticamente significativos. Conclusiones: Los resultados encontrados apoyan el beneficio de las técnicas de relajación y meditación para disminuir el estrés y aumentar la calidad de vida, así como para enlentecer el envejecimiento, pero son precisos más estudios con el fin de obtener resultados concluyentes