71 research outputs found

    3D profiling of mouse epiphyses across ages reveals new potential imaging biomarkers of early spontaneous osteoarthritis

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    Worldwide research groups and funding bodies have highlighted the need for imaging biomarkers to predict osteoarthritis (OA) progression and treatment effectiveness. Changes in trabecular architecture, which can be detected with non-destructive high-resolution CT imaging, may reveal OA progression before apparent articular surface damage. Here, we analysed the tibial epiphyses of STR/Ort (OA-prone) and CBA (healthy, parental control) mice at different ages to characterise the effects of mouse age and strain on multiple bony parameters. We isolated epiphyseal components using a semi-automated method, and measured the total epiphyseal volume; cortical bone, trabecular bone and marrow space volumes; mean trabecular and cortical bone thicknesses; trabecular volume relative to cortical volume; trabecular volume relative to epiphyseal interior (trabecular BV/TV); and the trabecular degree of anisotropy. Using two-way ANOVA (significance level ≤0.05), we confirmed that all of these parameters change significantly with age, and that the two strains were significantly different in cortical and trabecular bone volumes, and trabecular degree of anisotropy. STR/Ort mice had higher cortical and trabecular volumes and a lower degree of anisotropy. As the two mouse strains reflect markedly divergent OA predispositions, these parameters have potential as bioimaging markers to monitor OA susceptibility and progression. Additionally, significant age/strain interaction effects were identified for total epiphyseal volume, marrow space volume and trabecular BV/TV. These interactions confirm that the two mouse strains have different epiphyseal growth patterns throughout life, some of which emerge prior to OA onset. Our findings not only propose valuable imaging biomarkers of OA, but also provide insight into ageing 3D epiphyseal architecture bone profiles and skeletal biology underlying the onset and development of age-related OA in STR/Ort mice

    Age and Sex Differences in Load-Induced Tibial Cortical Bone Surface Strain Maps

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    Bone adapts its architecture to the applied load; however, it is still unclear how bone mechano-adaptation is coordinated and why potential for adaptation adjusts during the life course. Previous animal models have suggested strain as the mechanical stimulus for bone adaptation, but yet it is unknown how mouse cortical bone load-related strains vary with age and sex. In this study, full-field strain maps (at 1 N increments up to 12 N) on the bone surface were measured in young, adult, and old (aged 10, 22 weeks, and 20 months, respectively), male and female C57BL/6J mice with load applied using a noninvasive murine tibial model. Strain maps indicate a nonuniform strain field across the tibial surface, with axial compressive loads resulting in tension on the medial side of the tibia because of its curved shape. The load-induced surface strain patterns and magnitudes show sexually dimorphic changes with aging. A comparison of the average and peak tensile strains indicates that the magnitude of strain at a given load generally increases during maturation, with tibias in female mice having higher strains than in males. The data further reveal that postmaturation aging is linked to sexually dimorphic changes in average and maximum strains. The strain maps reported here allow for loading male and female C57BL/6J mouse legs in vivo at the observed ages to create similar increases in bone surface average or peak strain to more accurately explore bone mechano-adaptation differences with age and sex

    Age and Sex Differences in Load-Induced Tibial Cortical Bone Surface Strain Maps

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    Bone adapts its architecture to the applied load; however, it is still unclear how bone mechano-adaptation is coordinated and why potential for adaptation adjusts during the life course. Previous animal models have suggested strain as the mechanical stimulus for bone adaptation, but yet it is unknown how mouse cortical bone load-related strains vary with age and sex. In this study, full-field strain maps (at 1 N increments up to 12 N) on the bone surface were measured in young, adult, and old (aged 10, 22 weeks, and 20 months, respectively), male and female C57BL/6J mice with load applied using a noninvasive murine tibial model. Strain maps indicate a nonuniform strain field across the tibial surface, with axial compressive loads resulting in tension on the medial side of the tibia because of its curved shape. The load-induced surface strain patterns and magnitudes show sexually dimorphic changes with aging. A comparison of the average and peak tensile strains indicates that the magnitude of strain at a given load generally increases during maturation, with tibias in female mice having higher strains than in males. The data further reveal that postmaturation aging is linked to sexually dimorphic changes in average and maximum strains. The strain maps reported here allow for loading male and female C57BL/6J mouse legs in vivo at the observed ages to create similar increases in bone surface average or peak strain to more accurately explore bone mechano-adaptation differences with age and sex

    A distinctive patchy osteomalacia characterises Phospho1-deficient mice

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    The phosphatase PHOSPHO1 is involved in the initiation of biomineralisation. Bones in Phospho1 KO mice show histological osteomalacia with frequent bowing of long bones and spontaneous fractures: they contain less mineral, with smaller mineral crystals. However, the consequences of Phospho1 ablation on the microscale structure of bone are not yet fully elucidated. Tibias and femurs obtained from wild-type and Phospho1 null (KO) mice (25-32 week-old) were embedded in PMMA, cut and polished to produce near longitudinal sections. Block surfaces were studied using 20kV backscattered-electron (BSE) imaging, and again after iodine staining to reveal non-mineralised matrix and cellular components. For 3D characterisation, we used x-ray microtomography. Bones opened with carbide milling tools to expose endosteal surfaces were macerated using an alkaline bacterial pronase enzyme detergent, 5% hydrogen peroxide and 7% sodium hypochlorite solutions to produce 3D surfaces for study with 3D BSE scanning electron microscopy. Extensive regions of both compact cortical and trabecular bone matrix in Phospho1 KO mice contained no significant mineral and/or showed arrested mineralisation fronts, characterised by a failure in the fusion of the calcospherite-like, separately mineralising, individual micro-volumes within bone. Osteoclastic resorption of the uncalcified matrix in Phospho1 KO mice was attenuated compared with surrounding normally-mineralised bone. The extent and position of this aberrant biomineralisation varied considerably between animals, contralateral limbs and anatomical sites. The most frequent manifestation lay, however, in the nearly complete failure of mineralisation in the bone surrounding the numerous transverse blood vessel canals in the cortices

    Stable sulforaphane protects against gait anomalies and modifies bone microarchitecture in the spontaneous STR/Ort model of osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA), affecting joints and bone, causes physical gait disability with huge socio-economic burden; treatment remains palliative. Roles for antioxidants in protecting against such chronic disorders have been examined previously. Sulforaphane is a naturally occurring antioxidant. Herein, we explore whether SFX-01®, a stable synthetic form of sulforaphane, modifies gait, bone architecture and slows/reverses articular cartilage destruction in a spontaneous OA model in STR/Ort mice. Sixteen mice (n = 8/group) were orally treated for 3 months with either 100 mg/kg SFX-01® or vehicle. Gait was recorded, tibiae were microCT scanned and analysed. OA lesion severity was graded histologically. The effect of SFX-01® on bone turnover markers in vivo was complemented by in vitro bone formation and resorption assays. Analysis revealed development of OA-related gait asymmetry in vehicle-treated STR/Ort mice, which did not emerge in SFX-01®-treated mice. We found significant improvements in trabecular and cortical bone. Despite these marked improvements, we found that histologically-graded OA severity in articular cartilage was unmodified in treated mice. These changes are also reflected in anabolic and anti-catabolic actions of SFX-01® treatment as reflected by alteration in serum markers as well as changes in primary osteoblast and osteoclast-like cells in vitro. We report that SFX-01® improves bone microarchitecture in vivo, produces corresponding changes in bone cell behaviour in vitro and leads to greater symmetry in gait, without marked effects on cartilage lesion severity in STR/Ort osteoarthritic mice. Our findings support both osteotrophic roles and novel beneficial gait effects for SFX-01® in this model of spontaneous OA

    Meniscal and ligament modifications in spontaneous and post-traumatic mouse models of osteoarthritis

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    Abstract Osteoarthritis (OA) is a whole joint disease that affects all joint tissues, with changes in the articular cartilage (AC), subchondral bone and synovium. Pathologies in menisci and ligaments, however, are rarely analysed, although both are known to play vital roles in the mechanical stability of the joint. The aim of our study was to describe the pathological changes in menisci and ligament during disease development in murine spontaneous and post-traumatic surgically-induced OA and to quantify tissue mineralisation in the joint space using µCT imaging during OA progression. Knees of Str/ort mice (spontaneous OA model; 26-40wks) and C57CBA F1 mice following destabilisation of medial meniscus (DMM) surgery (post-traumatic OA model; 8wks after DMM), were used to assess histological meniscal and ligament pathologies. Joint space mineralised tissue volume was quantified by µCT. Meniscal pathological changes in Str/ort mouse knees were associated with articular cartilage lesion severity. These meniscal changes included ossification, hyperplasia, cell hypertrophy, collagen type II deposition and SOX9 expression in the fibrous region near the attachment to the knee joint capsule. Anterior cruciate ligaments exhibited extracellular matrix changes and chondrogenesis particularly at the tibial attachment site, and ossification was seen in collateral ligaments. Similar changes were confirmed in the post-traumatic DMM model. µCT analysis showed increased joint space mineralised tissue volume with OA progression in both the post-traumatic and spontaneous OA models. Modifications in meniscal and ligament mineralisation and chondrogenesis are seen with overt AC degeneration in murine OA. Although the aetiology and the consequences of such changes remain unknown, they will influence stability and load transmission of the joint and may therefore contribute to OA progression. In addition, these changes may have important roles in movement restriction and pain, which represent major human clinical symptoms of OA. Description of such soft tissue changes, in addition to AC degradation, should be an important aspect of future studies in mouse models in order to furnish a more complete understanding of OA pathogenesis. Summary statement This manuscript describes histological changes in mouse knee joints in two models of osteoarthritis and correlates joint space mineralised tissue volume measured by µCT with disease severity

    Long-term bisphosphonate treatment coupled with ovariectomy in mice provokes deleterious effects on femoral neck fracture pattern and modifies tibial shape.

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    AimsThe processes linking long-term bisphosphonate treatment to atypical fracture remain elusive. To establish a means of exploring this link, we have examined how long-term bisphosphonate treatment with prior ovariectomy modifies femur fracture behaviour and tibia mass and shape in murine bones.MethodsThree groups (seven per group) of 12-week-old mice were: 1) ovariectomized and 20 weeks thereafter treated weekly for 24 weeks with 100 μm/kg subcutaneous ibandronate (OVX+IBN); 2) ovariectomized (OVX); or 3) sham-operated (SHAM). Quantitative fracture analysis generated biomechanical properties for the femoral neck. Tibiae were microCT scanned and trabecular (proximal metaphysis) and cortical parameters along almost its whole length measured.ResultsFracture analyses revealed that OVX+IBN significantly reduced yield displacement (vs SHAM/OVX) and resilience, and increased stiffness (vs SHAM). OVX+IBN elevated tibial trabecular parameters and also increased cortical cross-sectional area and second moment of area around minor axis, and diminished ellipticity proximally.ConclusionThese data indicate that combined ovariectomy and bisphosphonate generates cortical changes linked with greater bone brittleness and modified fracture characteristics, which may provide a basis in mice for interrogating the mechanisms and genetics of atypical fracture aetiology.Cite this article: Bone Joint Open 2020;1-9:512-519
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