804 research outputs found

    Gilthead sea bream

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    Two investigations were carried out with 150 g gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata to determine the relative activity of six digestive enzymes (pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase A, carboxypeptidase B and amylase) and the pH variation in the lumen of different parts of the gut of fish fed one or two meals per day. Pepsin activity was found exclusively in the stomach, whereas activities of the other enzymes studied were found in all regions of the gut, including the stomach. The lack of localization of enzyme production in the digestive tract of S. aurata is similar to many other species as reported in the literature. The pH variations found in the different regions of the gut could be explained by general digestive physiology following the flow of digesta along the digestive tract. The range of pHs recorded in the various regions of the gut were generally outside the cited optima for many digestive proteases in this species.peer-reviewe

    J1128+592: a highly variable IDV source

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    Short time-scale radio variations of compact extragalactic radio quasars and blazars known as IntraDay Variability (IDV) can be explained in at least some sources as a propagation effect; the variations are interpreted as scintillation of radio waves in the turbulent interstellar medium of the Milky Way. One of the most convincing observational arguments in favor of a propagation-induced variability scenario is the observed annual modulation in the characteristic time scale of the variation due to the Earth's orbital motion. So far there are only two sources known with a well-constrained seasonal cycle. Annual modulation has been proposed for a few other less well-documented objects. However, for some other IDV sources source-intrinsic structural variations which cause drastic changes in the variability time scale were also suggested. J1128+592 is a recently discovered, highly variable IDV source. Previous, densely time-sampled flux-density measurements with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope (Germany) and the Urumqi 25-m radio telescope (China), strongly indicate an annual modulation of the time scale. The most recent 4 observations in 2006/7, however, do not fit well to the annual modulation model proposed before. In this paper, we investigate a possible explanation of this discrepancy.Comment: 5 pages, to be appear in the Astronomische Nachrichten as part of the conference proceeding of the N+N+N 2007 Workshop for Young Researche

    Effects of dietary cottonseed meal protein levels on growth and feed utilization of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L

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    The nutritional suitability and cost effectiveness of cottonseed meal (CSM) as protein source in the diet of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) with mean initial weight 4.24±0.20 g, was evaluated over a 56-day growth period. Four isonitrogenous (320 g kg-1), isolipidic (100 g kg-1) and isoenergetic (18 KJ g-1) test diets were formulated in which CSM protein replaced fish meal (FM) protein at levels of 0% (control), 25%, 50% and 75%. The control diet had FM as the sole protein source. The growth experiment was conducted in plastic tanks in a recirculation system each dietary treatment was in triplicate. After 56 days of feeding fish at 6% - 4% body weight per day, CSM protein replacements of 25% and 50% did not significantly (

    Da li oksalati iz hrane za ribe biljnog porekla ometaju rast šarana, cyprinus carpio?

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    Jedan od najvažnijih izazova održivog razvoja u akvakulturi je održivo obezbeđenje hrane, koje zahteva upotrebu manje konvencionalnih sastojaka za hranu za ribe kao što su presovane pogače i uljarice. Neke od ovih sirovina imaju visok sadržaj oksalata, koji su poznati kao antinutricioni faktor za neke domaće životinje. Oksalat je proizvod metabolizma biljaka, ali se takođe pojavljuje u metabolizmu životinja. Zavisno od vrste biljaka oksalati se nakuplja: kao rastvorljiva so vezana za natrijum, kalijum ili amonijum; kao nerastvorljiva so vezana sa dvovalentnim jonima kalcijuma, magnezijuma ili gvožđa; i kao kombinacija oba navedena sliučaja. Negativni efekti oksalata kod sisara uključuju smanjenje raspoloživosti minerala iz hrane što izaziva njihov nedostatak, zatim formiranje kamenčića oksalata kalcijuma ili magnezijuma u bubregu i drugim tkivima, što rezultira artritisom ili simptomima gihta. Za nepreživare preporučen je maksimalni sadržaj od 0.5% u hrani. Hrana za ribe koja sadrži lišće, presovane pogače ili proizvode od pirinča može lako da dostigne ili pređe navedeni sadržaj oksalata, međutim, koliko je nama poznato, ova problematika nije do sada nikada bila ispitivana. Da bi se ispitali efekti na ribe, šarani (Cyprinus carpio) su hranjeni hranom koja sadrži oksalate u količinama od 0%, 0.5%, 1.5% i 2.5% tokom 8 nedelja. Sva hrana je bila redovno konzumirana, a preživljavanje riba je bilo 100%. Prirast ribe koja je hranjena hranama koje su sadržale oksalate je bio bolji nego u kontroli (0%), sa značajnim razlikama između tretmana 1.5% i 2.5% (p ≤ 0.05, Tab.1). Isto je važilo i za vrednosti SGR, MGR i PER (Tab.2). FCR je bio značajno niži za tretmane 1.5% i 2.5% u odnosu na kontrolu, dok u slučaju tretmana 0.5% to nije bio slučaj. PPV je bio viši za tretmane 1.5% i 2.5% u odnosu na tretmane sa nižim sadržajem oksalata. LPV je bio značajno viši u kontroli u odnosu na hrane sa 1.5% i 2.5% oksalata, dok za vrednosti EPV nije bilo razlike. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u telesnom hemijskom sastavu eksperimentalnih riba: kontrola i tretman 0.5% su imali više lipida i energije, kao i niži sadržaj vlage i pepela u odnosu na tretmane 1.5% i 2.5%. Nije bilo razlike u proteinskom sastavu (Tab.3). Retencija kalcijuma, magnezijuma i fosfora je bila statistički značajno niža u kontroli i hrani sa 0.5% oksalata u odnosu na hrane koje su sadržale 1.5% i 2.5% oksalata (Tab.4). Oksalati kod šarana imaju pozitivne efekte na rast i pretpostavlja se da bi to moglo biti zbog njihovog antimikrobijalnog delovanja u crevima. Efekti na telesni sastav su bili izraženi: više oksalata rezultiralo je višim sadržajem minerala i nižim sadržajem lipida. Tokom trajanja ogleda nije bilo antinutricionih efekata, naročito nedostatka minerala, kao što je to opisano u literature; ipak, bilo bi neophodno dugoročno ispitivanje koje bi uključilo i histopatologiju da bi se doneo zaključak da li su oksalati blagotvorni u hrani za šarana, kao i da bi se osvetlili potencijalni mehanizmi poboljšanog rasta

    Jatropha curcas kernel meal as a replacement for fishmeal in practical Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus feeds

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    Jatropha curcas is an upcoming oil-seed plant with increasing cultivation area each year throughout the tropics. After de-oiling the seeds, a protein-rich meal (JKM) is left behind, which has a similar amino acid composition and content compared to fishmeal. To test JKM as an alternative protein source, a mixed diet was formulated in which 25% of the total dietary protein was derived from fishmeal and the rest from soybean meal, rice bran and wheat meal (control). Three further isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets replacing 30%, 70% or 100%, respectively, of the fishmeal protein with JKM were produced and fed to juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) for 8 weeks. There were no significant differences in growth parameters between all treatments containing JKM, however, regression analysis revealed a significant negative correlation of JKM content to final weight and specific growth rate. The 70% and 100% replacement levels showed higher body lipid and significantly lower ash content. JKM is a promising alternative protein source in aquaculture diets for tilapia, though slower growth in this experiment suggests the need for further research to improve the nutritional value of JKM

    Mixtures of oilseed meals as dietary protein sources in diets of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus l.)

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    The suitability of different mixtures of soybean meal (SBM), cottonseed meal (CSM) and groundnut cake (GNC) as ingredients to replace fish meal in the diets of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.), was evaluated over a 56-day growth period. Nine isonitrogenous (320g.kg-1), isolipidic (100 g.kg-1) and isoenergetic (18 KJ.g-1) test diets were formulated in which different mixture combinations of SBM, CSM and GNC proteins replaced fish meal (FM) protein at levels of 50% and 75%. The control diet had FM as the sole protein source. Fish were fed at 6 - 4% body weight per day. The growth experiment was conducted in plastic tanks in a recirculation system. Each dietary treatment was in triplicate. Growth performance and feed utilization of fish fed with the oilseed meal mixtures indicated that up to 50% replacement could be more effective than a single source for the substitution of fish meal in tilapia diets. This was particularly evident with the diet containing equal proportions of all oilseed meals (EQ50). Combination of oilseed meals in different proportions was more effective than the single individual sources. This could be due to a compensatory effect which led to some reduction of antinutritional factors coupled with improved essential amino acid profile in the diet as a result of mixing.Keywords: Oilseed meals, Nile tilapia, protein sources, mixtures, growth performanc

    Paediatric lung recruitment: a review of the clinical evidence

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    Lung recruitment is used as an adjunct to lung protective ventilation strategies. Lung recruitment is a brief, deliberate elevation of transpulmonary pressures beyond what is achieved during tidal ventilation levels. The aim of lung recruitment is to maximise the number of alveoli participating in gas exchange particularly in distal and dependant regions of the lung. This may improve oxygenation and end expiratory levels. Restoration of end expiratory levels and stabilisation of the alveoli may reduce the incidence of ventilator induced lung injury (VILI). Various methods of lung recruitment have been studied in adult and experimental populations. This review aims to establish the evidence for lung recruitment in the pediatric population. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved