7 research outputs found

    Unique features of epicardial ventricular arrhythmias/premature ventricular complexes ablated from coronary venous system in veteran population

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    Introduction: Ventricular arrhythmias/premature ventricular complexes (VA/PVCs) that can be ablated from within the coronary venous system (CVS) have not been described in the United States Veterans Health Administration (VHA) population. We retrospectively studied the VA/PVCs ablations that were performed in the VHA population. Methods: Data from 42 consecutive patients who underwent VA/PVCs ablation at Veterans Affairs Hospital, Indianapolis, IN, with 44 VA/PVCs was included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups (CVS group [n = 10], and non-CVS group [n = 32]) based on where the earliest pre-systolic activation was seen with >95% pacematch. Results: The mean age in CVS group was 65 ± 8 years versus 64 ± 12 years (p = 0.69) in non-CVS group. Overall there was a statistically significant reduction in PVC burden post ablation (27.7% (pre-ablation) versus 4.7% (post-ablation). In the 10 patients in the CVS group, either ablation or catheter-related mechanical trauma resulted in complete (n = 6 [60%]) or partial (n = 4 [40%]) long-term suppression of VA/PVCs. Right bundle branch block-type VA/PVC (9/11: 82%) was the most common morphology in the CVS group, whereas in the non-CVS group, this type was seen in only 3/33 (9%). The CVS group (25% of total VA/PVCs) had shorter activation time compared to non CVS group. Conclusion: In our experience VA/PVCs with electrocardiograms suggestive of epicardial origin can often be safely and successfully ablated within the coronary venous system. These arrhythmias have unique features in Veterans patient population

    Natural History Of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Implanted At Or After The Age Of 70 Years In A Veteran Population A Single Center Study

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    Background: The median age of patients in major Implantable Cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD)trials (MUSTT, MADIT-I, MADIT-II, and SCD-HeFT) was 63-67 years; with only 11% ≥70 years. There is little follow-up data on patients over 70 years of age who received an ICD for primary/secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death, particularly for veterans. Objective: The aim of this study was to study the natural history of ICD implantation for veterans over 70 years of age. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed single center ICD data in 216 patients with a mean age at implantation 76 ± 4 years. The ICD indication was primary prevention in 161 patients and secondary prevention in 55 patients. The ICD indication was unavailable in 4 patients. Results: Mean duration of follow up was 1686 ± 1244 days during which 114 (52%) patients died. Of these, 31% died without receiving any appropriate ICD therapy. Overall, 60/216 (28%) received appropriate therapy and 28/216 (13%) received inappropriate therapy. Patients who had ICD implantation for secondary prophylaxis had statistically more (p= 0.02) appropriate therapies compared to patients who had ICD implantation for primary prevention. Indication for implantation and hypertension predicted appropriate therapy, while age at the time of implantation and presence of atrial fibrillation predicted inappropriate therapies. Overall, 7.7% had device related complications. Conclusions: Although 28% septuagenarians in this study received appropriate ICD therapy, they had high rates of mortality, inappropriate therapy, and device complications. ICD implantation in the elderly merits individualized consideration, with higher benefit for secondary prevention

    Cervical vagal nerve stimulation activates the stellate ganglion in ambulatory dogs

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Recent studies showed that, in addition to parasympathetic nerves, cervical vagal nerves contained significant sympathetic nerves. We hypothesized that cervical vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) may capture the sympathetic nerves within the vagal nerve and activate the stellate ganglion. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We recorded left stellate ganglion nerve activity (SGNA), left thoracic vagal nerve activity (VNA), and subcutaneous electrocardiogram in seven dogs during left cervical VNS with 30 seconds on-time and 30 seconds off time. We then compared the SGNA between VNS on and off times. RESULTS: Cervical VNS at moderate (0.75 mA) output induced large SGNA, elevated heart rate (HR), and reduced HR variability, suggesting sympathetic activation. Further increase of the VNS output to >1.5 mA increased SGNA but did not significantly increase the HR, suggesting simultaneous sympathetic and parasympathetic activation. The differences of integrated SGNA and integrated VNA between VNS on and off times (ΔSGNA) increased progressively from 5.2 mV-s {95% confidence interval (CI): 1.25-9.06, p=0.018, n=7} at 1.0 mA to 13.7 mV-s (CI: 5.97-21.43, p=0.005, n=7) at 1.5 mA. The difference in HR (ΔHR, bpm) between on and off times was 5.8 bpm (CI: 0.28-11.29, p=0.042, n=7) at 1.0 mA and 5.3 bpm (CI 1.92 to 12.61, p=0.122, n=7) at 1.5 mA. CONCLUSION: Intermittent cervical VNS may selectively capture the sympathetic components of the vagal nerve and excite the stellate ganglion at moderate output. Increasing the output may result in simultaneously sympathetic and parasympathetic capture