9 research outputs found

    Elementos de Arteterapia como Medio de Comunicación y Elaboración en Psicoterapia con Adolescentes

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    En este artículo inicialmente se realiza una revisión teórica de la construcción de la identidad y el sí mismo en la adolescencia, desde autores constructivistas como Piaget, Kegan y Guidano, para luego resaltar las implicancias del abordaje psicoterapéutico en esta etapa vital. En este plano, se considera el Arteterapia como una modalidad de trabajo que ofrece una amplia gama de posibilidades en la psicoterapia con adolescentes. Finalmente se presenta un estudio de caso, en que se muestra cómo en un proceso terapéutico se llevaron a cabo diversas técnicas de Arteterapia con resultados positivos.Initialy it’s made a teoric revision of the identity construction and the concept of self in the adolescence, from constructivist authors like Piaget, Kegan and Guidano, highlighting the implications of the psychotherapy approach in this vital stage. From this perspective the Arttherapy is considerated a way of work with a large range of posibilitys in the psychotherapy with adolescents. Finally it’s presented a case study, were it’s shown how in a therapeutic process several techniques of Arttherapy were used with positive results

    Elementos de Arteterapia como Medio de Comunicación y Elaboración en Psicoterapia con Adolescentes

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    Initialy it’s made a teoric revision of the identity construction and the concept of self in the adolescence, from constructivist authors like Piaget, Kegan and Guidano, highlighting the implications of the psychotherapy approach in this vital stage. From this perspective the Arttherapy is considerated a way of work with a large range of posibilitys in the psychotherapy with adolescents. Finally it’s presented a case study, were it’s shown how in a therapeutic process several techniques of Arttherapy were used with positive results

    Infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) isolated from the ISA disease outbreaks in Chile diverged from ISAV isolates from Norway around 1996 and was disseminated around 2005, based on surface glycoprotein gene sequences

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    BACKGROUND: Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) virus (ISAV) is a pathogen of marine-farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar); a disease first diagnosed in Norway in 1984. For over 25 years ISAV has caused major disease outbreaks in the Northern hemisphere, and remains an emerging fish pathogen because of the asymptomatic infections in marine wild fish and the potential for emergence of new epidemic strains. ISAV belongs to the family Orthomyxoviridae, together with influenza viruses but is sufficiently different to be assigned to its own genus, Isavirus. The Isavirus genome consists of eight single-stranded RNA species, and the virions have two surface glycoproteins; fusion (F) protein encoded on segment 5 and haemagglutinin-esterase (HE) protein encoded on segment 6. However, comparison between different ISAV isolates is complicated because there is presently no universally accepted nomenclature system for designation of genetic relatedness between ISAV isolates. The first outbreak of ISA in marine-farmed Atlantic salmon in the Southern hemisphere occurred in Chile starting in June 2007. In order to describe the molecular characteristics of the virus so as to understand its origins, how ISAV isolates are maintained and spread, and their virulence characteristics, we conducted a study where the viral sequences were directly amplified, cloned and sequenced from tissue samples collected from several ISA-affected fish on the different fish farms with confirmed or suspected ISA outbreaks in Chile. This paper describes the genetic characterization of a large number of ISAV strains associated with extensive outbreaks in Chile starting in June 2007, and their phylogenetic relationships with selected European and North American isolates that are representative of the genetic diversity of ISAV. RESULTS: RT-PCR for ISAV F and HE glycoprotein genes was performed directly on tissue samples collected from ISA-affected fish on different farms among 14 fish companies in Chile during the ISA outbreaks that started in June 2007. The genes of the F and HE glycoproteins were cloned and sequenced for 51 and 78 new isolates, respectively. An extensive comparative analysis of ISAV F and HE sequence data, including reference isolates sampled from Norway, Faroe Islands, Scotland, USA, and Canada was performed. Based on phylogenetic analysis of concatenated ISAV F and HE genes of 103 individual isolates, the isolates from the ISA outbreaks in Chile grouped in their own cluster of 7 distinct strains within Genotype I (European genotype) of ISAV, with the closest relatedness to Norwegian ISAVs isolated in 1997. The phylogenetic software program, BACKTRACK, estimated the Chile isolates diverged from Norway isolates about 1996 and, therefore, had been present in Chile for some time before the recent outbreaks. Analysis of the deduced F protein sequence showed 43 of 51 Chile isolates with an 11-amino acid insert between 265N and 266Q, with 100% sequence identity with Genotype I ISAV RNA segment 2. Twenty four different HE-HPRs, including HPR0, were detected, with HPR7b making up 79.7%. This is considered a manifestation of ISAV quasispecies HE protein sequence diversity. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these findings suggest that the ISA outbreaks were caused by virus that was already present in Chile that mutated to new strains. This is the first comprehensive report tracing ISAV from Europe to South America.Source type: Electronic(1

    First detection, isolation and molecular characterization of infectious salmon anaemia virus associated with clinical disease in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Chile

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) is a viral disease of marine-farmed Atlantic salmon (<it>Salmo salar</it>) caused by ISA virus (ISAV), which belongs to the genus <it>Isavirus</it>, family <it>Orthomyxoviridae</it>. The virus is considered to be carried by marine wild fish and for over 25 years has caused major disease outbreaks in marine-farmed Atlantic salmon in the Northern hemisphere. In the Southern hemisphere, ISAV was first detected in Chile in 1999 in marine-farmed Coho salmon (<it>Oncorhynchus kisutch</it>). In contrast to the classical presentation of ISA in Atlantic salmon, the presence of ISAV in Chile until now has only been associated with a clinical condition called Icterus Syndrome in Coho salmon and virus isolation has not always been possible. During the winter of 2007, unexplained mortalities were registered in market-size Atlantic salmon in a grow-out site located in Chiloé in Region X of Chile. We report here the diagnostic findings of the first significant clinical outbreak of ISA in marine-farmed Atlantic salmon in Chile and the first characterization of the ISAV isolated from the affected fish.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In mid-June 2007, an Atlantic salmon marine farm site located in central Chiloé Island in Region X of Chile registered a sudden increase in mortality following recovery from an outbreak of Pisciricketsiosis, which rose to a cumulative mortality of 13.6% by harvest time. Based on the clinical signs and lesions in the affected fish, and laboratory tests performed on the fish tissues, a confirmatory diagnosis of ISA was made; the first time ISA in its classical presentation and for the first time affecting farmed Atlantic salmon in Chile. Rapid sequencing of the virus-specific RT-PCR products amplified from the fish tissues identified the virus to belong to the European genotype (Genotype I) of the highly polymorphic region (HPR) group HPR 7b, but with an 11-amino acid insert in the fusion glycoprotein, and ability to cause cytopathic effects (CPE) in CHSE-214 cell line, characteristics which make it distinct from common European Genotype ISAV isolates from Europe and North America.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, the present work constitutes the first report of a case of ISA in farmed Atlantic salmon in Chile. The clinical signs and lesions are consistent with the classical descriptions of the disease in marine-farmed Atlantic salmon in the Northern hemisphere. The outbreak was caused by ISAV of European genotype (or Genotype I) of HPR 7b but distinct from common European Genotype ISAV isolates.</p

    Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa "Lava Rápido S.A."

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Comercial)La lavandería es una entidad que se especializa en el cuidado y mantenimiento de textiles, donde poseen los instrumentos necesarios para limpiar, planchar y mantener las prendas, teniendo como objetivo principal restaurarlas, de manera en que estas queden en un estado lo más cercano posible al que tenían cuando eran nuevas. El presente trabajo consiste en poner en marcha, mediante diversas herramientas e ideas que serán expuestas durante el desarrollo del trabajo, una empresa que ofrezca servicios y prestaciones de lavandería a domicilio para las personas. Este servicio tiene como objetivo, que una flota de unidades móviles retire prendas sucias, para luego entregarlas lavadas, secas y planchadas, en los hogares de los clientes, generando así una comodidad superior y obteniendo la fidelidad del cliente. Dadas las condiciones sociales y económicas que hoy se dan en Santiago de Chile, específicamente en el sector oriente, este proyecto podría resultar muy atractivo, ya que revolucionará la industria de la lavandería al ser el primero en ingresar a este nicho, siendo una oportunidad que no se puede dejar pasar. Es por ello que vamos a realizar un plan de negocios, el cual nos va a servir para analizar, evaluar y presentar un proyecto comercial. Con él, se analizarán las alternativas para llevar adelante el negocio, evaluando los resultados, la factibilidad técnica, económica y financiera

    Clinical and genetic features of hereditary periodic fever syndromes in Hispanic patients: The Chilean experience

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    Hereditary periodic fever syndromes (HPFS) are rare genetic diseases characterized by recurrent episodes of inflammation. Little information is available concerning HPFS in Latin American Hispanic population. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical and genetic features of HPFS in Chilean population. A multicenter retrospective study of Hispanic Chilean patients with genetically confirmed HPFS was performed. We included 13 patients, 8 with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) and 5 with TNF receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS), evaluated at rheumatology or pediatric rheumatology clinics between January 2007 and December 2010. Median age of symptoms onset was 8 years (range 1–35) and 8 years (range 0.3–21) for FMF and TRAPS, respectively. Median duration of fever was 3 days (range 2.5–15) for FMF and 21 days (range 9.5–30) for TRAPS. Genotyping of the MEFV gene in FMF patients revealed a homozygous M694V missense mutation in one patient, and heterozygous missense mutations in seven patients: M694V (n = 3), E148Q, R717H, A744S, and A511V. Sequencing of the TNFRSF1A gene in TRAPS patients revealed heterozygous missense mutations in four patients: T50M, C30R, R92Q, and IVS3+30:G→A, and a two-base pair deletion (IVS2-17_18del2bpCT) in one patient. Mutation in MEFV R717H and mutations in TNFRSF1A IVS2-17_18del2bpCT and IVS3+30:G→A are novel and have not been described previously. This study reports the largest series of genetically confirmed HPFS in Latin America, and adds evidence regarding the clinical and genetic characteristics of patients with FMF and TRAPS in Hispanic population. Mutations identified in MEFV and TNFRSF1A genes include defects reported in other ethnicities and novel mutations