474 research outputs found

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    3D-metsän mallintaminen lyhytelokuvaan Metsästäjä

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    Opinnäytetyöni taiteellisena osana olen mallintanut 3D-metsän, johon olen sisällyttänyt 15 sekunnin kamera-ajon puiden yläpuolella. Animaatio tulee mahdollisesti esiintymään Eerik Kantokosken lyhytelokuvassa Metsästäjä. 3D-mallintamisen olen suorittanut ilmaisella, avointa lähdekoodia käyttävällä Blenderillä, joka soveltuu 3D-mallintamiseen ja animointiin. Jälkikäsittelyä en tehnyt lainkaan, koska lyhytelokuvan leikkaaja toivoi saavansa käyttöönsä raakaversion animaatiosta. Kirjallisessa osiossa käsittelin 3D:n historiaa, käyden läpi ensimmäisestä 3D-animaatiosta 3D:n vallankumoukseen 1995 ja sen jälkeiseen yleistymiseen. Lisäksi käsittelin yleisiä mallintamiseen liittyviä vaiheita, mitkä erityisesti aloittavan mallintajan olisi hyvä ottaa huomioon 3D-mallintamista aloittaessaan. Lopuksi kirjallisessa osassa kävin läpi taiteellisen osan, metsän mallinnuksen eri vaiheita. Metsä ei toteutukseltaan onnistunut niin hyvin kuin toivoin, koska en päässyt tavoitteeseeni mallintaessa fotorealistista 3D-metsää. En kuitenkaan koe tätä epäonnistumiseksi, koska projektin aikana opin käyttämään Blenderiä paremmin, kuin ennen opinnäytetyön aloittamista. Ennen opinnäytetyötä olin tehnyt Blenderillä paljon mallinnuksia, mutta mallintaminen koostui tutoriaalien suorasta perässä mallintamisesta ilman omia muutoksia. Tutkielmani tuloksena voin kertoa, ettei kokemattoman mallintajan kannata aloittaa fotorealistisesta mallintamisesta.The creative part of this thesis was a modeling of a 3D forest including a 15-second tracking shot from above. The animation will probably appear in Eerik Kantokoski’s short film Metsästäjä. The 3D modeling was accomplished by free open-source Blender which is suitable for 3D modeling and animating. No post-processing was done because the editor of the short film requested the raw version of the animation. The written part of my thesis reviewed the history of 3D animating from the very first 3D animation to the 3D revolution of 1995 and the subsequent proliferation. Furthermore, the thesis reviewed the common steps of modeling, which especially modeling beginners should take into account when starting 3D modeling. Finally, the written part also introduced the creative process of doing the 3D modeling for Metsästäjä. The goal was to create a photorealistic 3D forest, but was not successfully reached. However, I did not feel disappointed, as I learned much about using Blender during the modeling project. Before this thesis I have done a lot of modeling with Blender but the modeling consisted of direct copying from tutorials without adding any modifications of my own. On the basis of my thesis I can now tell that inexperienced modelers should not start with modeling photorealistic animations.3D-metsä animaatio dvd:llä

    Design and implementation of airless paint spray unit control system

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    Korkeapainemaaliruisku on rakennustekniikassa käytettävä maaliruisku, jonka toimintaperiaate on nostaa mäntäpumpulla maalia järjestelmään sekä pitää haluttu työskentelypaine. Mäntäpumpun voimanlähteenä toimii sähkömoottori, jota ohjataan erillisellä ohjauselektroniikalla. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa elektroninen ohjausjärjestelmä Larius- merkkiselle kaupalliselle maaliruiskulle, jonka ohjauselektroniikka oli rikkoutunut. Suunnittelun tavoitteena oli modernisoida järjestelmä toteuttamalla elektroniikka mikrokontrolleripohjaiseksi ratkaisuksi, jonka paineen takaisinkytkentätietona käytetään paineanturia painekytkimen sijaan. Diplomityössä suunniteltiin piirikaaviot ja piirilevyjen johdinkuviot sekä mikrokontrollerin ohjelmisto. Työssä pohdittiin myös erilaisten lisäominaisuuksien lisäämistä järjestelmään, kuten esimerkiksi langatonta käyttäjärajapintaa Bluetooth tekniikkaa käyttäen. Suunnitellut piirilevyt valmistettiin piirilevynvalmistusyrityksessä, mutta piirilevyt kalustettiin käsityönä. Piirilevyille ja ohjelmiston logiikalle tehtiin toiminnalliset testit ja järjestelmä todettiin toimivaksi ohjauselektroniikan osalta. Toiminnalliset testit tehtiin testausympäristössä, jossa simuloitiin takaisinkytkentätietoa ja moottoria ohjaavaa PWM virtasignaalin taajuutta mitattiin yleismittarilla. Moottoria ohjaavan tehoelektroniikan testejä ei työssä toteutettu, joten varsinaisen maalausjärjestelmän toiminnallisuuden testausta ei suoritettu.A high pressure airless paint spray system is generally used in construction technology. The main working principle is to use a piston pump to pump paint into the system and simultaneously maintain the wanted working pressure in the system. The power source for the piston pump is an electric motor which is controlled by separate control system. The objective of the Thesis Work was to design and implement a new electronic control system to a Larius airless paint spray system. The ambition in this design was to modernize the system by using electronic microcontroller technology and an analog pressure sensor instead of pressure switch in the feedback system. Circuit diagrams, layout diagrams and software were designed in the course of Thesis Work. The Thesis Work also included an investigation of possible new features which might be added to the system to increase its functionality, for example a wireless remote control system based on Bluetooth technology. The designed printed circuit boards were produced in the printed circuit manufacturing company but the component mounting was handled by hand. Functionality tests were made to the final printed circuit boards and to the software establish that the system was functioning within its design parameters Functionality tests were also made in a test environmental where feedback signal information was simulated and the frequency of the motor control PWM signal was measured by a multi meter. The tests did not include a connection any high power systems, therefore testing of the whole painting system was not performed

    Arjen unelmia

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    Päijät-Hämeen liiton toimeksianto tulevaisuuskuvasta on toteutettu novellimuotoisena scifi-tarinana siten, että pääosassa on yksi perhe ja sen lähipiiri. Novellissa henkilöt käsittelevät keskeisiä teemoja keskustellen ja niihin eri näkökulmia luodaten. Näin tulevaisuuskuvasta muodostuu konkreettinen ja arjen tilanteisiin sovellettava. </p

    The implementation of the balanced critical factor index methodology in the strategy redevelopment process

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    Strategic planning and development is a critical yet often overlooked issue in company’s operations. The planning of development as well as addressing the distribution of available resources should be done systematically rather than instinctively however, many companies still do not have any reliable method that would facilitate the decision making processes at their disposal.This article aims at presenting the innovative analytical method- Balanced Critical Factor Index (BCFI) for addressing the need for change in company’s operational strategy according to changes in available technology and knowledge. By examining a wide array of indexes,the presented method is expected to suggest the directions of development. The presented method also addresses the challenges of the complex process of decision-making. Moreover,the empirical evidence gathered in the studied case company serves as a source of important feedback regarding the further improvement of the BCFI method.©2013 The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences, Production Engineering Committee, and Polish Association for Production Management. The article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivatives license.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Turvetuotannon vesistövaikutukset

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    Favorable long-term health-related quality of life after surgery for lumbar disc herniation in young adult patients

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    BackgroundLumbar disc herniation is often managed conservatively; nevertheless, surgical intervention can be required. Majority of patients experience a drastic relief of symptoms after surgery, but previous studies have reported that their health-related quality of life remains inferior compared to the general population for several years. There may be a major cumulative loss of health-related quality of life for young patients as they have long expected life ahead of them.MethodsA total of 526 eligible adult patients under the age of 40 underwent surgery for lumbar disc herniation from 1990 to 2005. Patients' baseline characteristics were acquired by chart review to confirm eligibility to the study. Follow-up quality of life data was acquired by sending patients EQ-5D questionnaire at median 18 years after index surgery, and those 316 patients responding to the questionnaire (60%) were included in the study. Propensity score matching was utilized to match every study patient with two general population sample participants from a large Finnish population health study. Primary objective was to compare the quality of life to that of the control population. Secondary objective was to explore which patient characteristics lead to inferior outcome.ResultsThe mean EQ-index for the patient cohort was 0.86, while it was 0.84 for the age and gender-matched general population sample (difference 0.02, 95% CI - 0.0004 to 0.049). Within the patient cohort, an increasing number of lifetime lumbar surgeries was associated with progressively deteriorating EQ-index scores (p = 0.049) and longer duration of symptoms prior to the surgery correlated with lower score (p = 0.013).ConclusionPatients who underwent surgery for lumbar disc herniation nearly two decades ago reported quality of life comparable to the age and gender-matched general population. However, patients who had undergone numerous lumbar surgeries had significantly worse outcome. Therefore, possible ways to prevent cumulation of lumbar surgeries could improve long-term health-related quality of life.Peer reviewe

    Validating Knowledge and Technology Effects to Operative Sustainable Competitive Advantage

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    Purpose: This paper aims to present a fresh idea on how to model and examine the level of sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) with and without knowledge and /technology (K/T) effects in a case company’s operation by taking the manufacturing strategy’s development directions and the efficiency of resource allocation among its attributes into consideration. Design/Methodology/approach: In this paper, questionnaires are filled by two different managerial groups, company’s management team (G1) and company’s global directors (G2). The analyses based on G1, G2 and G1-G2 (mixed results) are performed and examined as well as the effect of knowledge and /technology rankings to observe the differences on how they effect on company’s operations strategy and what kind of strategy type that decision makers might follow. Besides, the effects of knowledge/technology rankings on SCA risk levels are examined on different case companies to perceive the similarities and differences with our case company. In this case study, the objectives are achieved based on several methodologies: manufacturing strategy index (MSI) [1] and sense and respond (S&R) methodology [2]. Findings: The achieved results through the model are found to be promising corresponding to the feedback from the respondents. Research limitations/implications: The model is applied only in a big sized B2B global company that produces power electronics products. Therefore, further tests need to be applied to the model in case of multiple companies from different sizes and areas to figure out the best formula in case of validation of strategic direction (MAPE, RSME or MAD). Practical implications: As a result of its wide applicability and its ease in arrangement the model has an enormous potential for strategic decision-making process and strategic analysis. Originality/Value: The model can provide a more dependable possibility of sustainable improvement to the corporate operational excellence and strategy.© 2013 The author(s). The article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed