642 research outputs found

    Consumo de drogas y ludopatía en el municipio de Envigado

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    Libro de investigación.   El consumo de sustancias y la ludopatía son problemas reales que vienen en aumento; un número considerable de jóvenes e incluso adolescentes se encuentran entre la población en riesgo. Esta publicación presenta la magnitud de la problemática, al evidenciar los resultados del estudio “Consumo de drogas y prevalencias de juego en población general y sus principales factores asociados de riesgo y protección, del municipio de Envigado (Antioquia)-2013”

    Feature Extraction for Murmur Detection Based on Support Vector Regression of Time-Frequency Representations

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    This paper presents a nonlinear approach for time-frequency representations (TFR) data analysis, based on a statistical learning methodology - support vector regression(SVR), that being a nonlinear framework, matches recent findings on the underlying dynamics of cardiac mechanic activity and phonocardiographic (PCG) recordings. The proposed methodology aims to model the estimated TFRs, and extract relevant features to perform classification between normal and pathologic PCG recordings (with murmur). Modeling of TFR is done by means of SVR, and the distance between regressions is calculated through dissimilarity measures based on dot product. Finally, a k-nn classifier is used for the classification stage, obtaining a validation performance of 97.85%

    Rinozigomicosis y zigomicosis subcutánea en equinos, 2.Tratamiento con yoduro de potasio o acetonida de triamcinolona

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    In the department of Caqueta, Colombia, 31 horses affected of rhinozigomycosis (nasal granuloma) and 13 affected of zigomycosis were selected in order to evaluate the curative effect of potassium iodide (1K) and of acetonide of triamcinolone (VetalogR. In a first group, consisting of 18 animals affected of rhinozigomycosis and 4 of dermal zigomycosis, curative responses were found on 5 and 2 animals respectively, when 1K was applied intravenously (55-490 g distributed between 11 to 28 dosages). Group two, that consisted of 15 animals affected of rhinozigomycosis (include 3 non-responsive of group one) and 6 affected of dermal zigomycosis, were treated with acetonide of triamcinolone (30-150 mg, dividend on 1-3 dosages at 3 to 10 days interval, IM). Curative responses were observed on 13 and 3 animals respectively. 1K was able to produce healing of dermal and nasal cases but the success rate was low. Due to the long term treatment under field conditions there were 9 yugular extravasation causing interruption of treatments and/or death of animals. Although acetonide of triamcinolone showed a high number of curative responses at the beginning, 7 cases of rhinozigomycosis showed recurrence at 120 to 490 days after treatment. These recurrences were mainly observed on animals receiving low dosages. Triamcinolone should be used with caution, avoiding its application on pregnant or milking mares or in old or weak animals.En el departamento del Caquetá, Colombia, fueron seleccionados 31 equinos afectados de rinozigomicosis (granuloma nasal) y 13 de zigomicosis (espundia), con el fin de evaluar por separado la eficacia curativa del yoduro de potasio (IK) y de la acetonida de triamcinolona (R). En un primer grupo, de 18 animales con rinozigomicosis y 4 con zigomicosis dérmica, se obtuvieron 5 y 2 curaciones respectivamente, aplicándoles vía intravenosa, entre 55 y 490 gr de yoduro de potasio distribuidos entre 11 y 28 dosis. En un segundo grupo de 15 animales con rinozigomicosis (incluidos 3 que no curaron del primer grupo) y 6 con zigomicosis dérmica, se obtuvieron 13 y 3 curaciones respectivamente, aplicándoles vía intramuscular de 30 y 150 mgr de acetonida de triamcinolona distribuidas entre 1 y 3 dosis con intervalos de 3 a 10 días. El yoduro de potasio puede curar casos de rinozigomicosis, aunque el número de casos exitosos es bajo, por lo prolongado del tratamiento y por las condiciones de campo, se presentaron 9 extravasaciones que hicieron suspender las aplicaciones y/o causaron la muerte de los animales. Con la acetonida de triamcinolona, aunque el número de curaciones inicialmente es elevado, hubo recidiva en 7 de los casos curados de rinozigomicosis, entre los 120 y 490 días posteriores al tratamiento, presentándose esta recidiva principalmente en los animales con dosificaciones bajas. La acetonida de triamcinolona debe ser utilizada cuidadosamente, evitando aplicarla en yeguas preñadas o lactantes y en animales viejos o muy débiles.Equinos-Caballo - caballo

    Anomaloglossus in Panama.

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    19 p. : ill. (some col.), map ; 26 cm.The occurrence in Panama is documented for the South American frog genus Anomaloglossus (Dendrobatoidea: Aromobatidae). Two species are described from a low, forested uplift in east-central Panama, just northeast of Panama City. These low mountains, unnamed on maps, are designated the "Chagres Highlands" because a large part of the uplift lies in the Río Chagres drainage (which provides water critical to lock operation in the Panama Canal). The Chagres Highlands may be a lower montane forest refuge for some amphibians and reptiles, including the two Anomaloglossus and Atelopus limosus, and the rare snakes Atractus depressiocellus, A. imperfectus, Geophis bellus, and Rhadinaea sargenti. Several other rare species are not endemic but include the Chagres Highland area as part of their individually fragmented or mosaic distributions (Adinobates fulguritus, Anolis kunayalae, Coniophanes joanae, Geophis bracycephalus, Dipsas nicholsi). The two new frogs are at least broadly sympatric in the Chagres Highlands, but both species are rare. Anomaloglossus astralogaster, new species, is known only from the adult female holotype (22 mm SVL). Its ventral surfaces are covered overall with whitish dots ([< or =] 0.1 mm) somewhat similar to large chromatophores but possibly glandular; there is no appearance of glandular structure at x50 magnification, but the edges of some of the pale dots can be "felt" with a fine (0.1 mm diameter) teasing needle and histological examination is needed. The other taxon is Anomaloglossus isthminus, new species, which is described from six specimens including four adult males (19-21 mm SVL), one adult female (23 mm SVL), and a juvenile female. Dorsal surfaces are basically brown mottled with darker brown. Small pale yellowish spots located proximally above the insertions of arm and thigh are not well defined and tend to disappear after preservation (unlike normal dendrobatid flash markings). Ventral surfaces are pale blue with some dark mottling but no pale dots. The vocalization of A. isthminus resembles calls of some South American species in being a train of "peeplike" notes, but there are fundamental interspecific differences in frequency modulation, note repetition rate, and call length

    Synthesis of Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with Antibacterial Activity

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    The synthesis of nanomaterials is currently one of the most active in nanoscience branches; especially those help improve the human quality life. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are an example of this as it is known to have inhibitory and bactericidal effects. In this work, we report the synthesis of silver nanoparticles by chemical reduction method of silver nitrate (AgNO3) from aqueous solution, using a mix of polivinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) - Aloe Vera as reducing agent and for stabilization and control of particle size. Silver nanoparticles obtained were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), UV-visible spectroscopy and measurements using Zetasizer Nano ZS were applied to size estimation. The existence of surface plasmon resonance peak at λmax ∼ 420 nm is evidence of silver nanoparticles formation. It was possible to standardize an appropriate protocol for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of the nanoparticles, for mesophilic microorganisms. Bactericidal activity above 90% against these kinds of bacteria was demonstrated. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Técnicas de umbralización para el procesamiento digital de imágenes de GEM-Foils

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    A GEM-Foil (Gas Electron Multiplier - Foil) is a basic component of new radiation detectors used mainly in high energy physics and nuclear physics experiments. Optimum performance of such detectors depends critically on the quality of manufacture of such component, because any irregularity in one of the hundreds of thousands of micro-perforations in the plate can induce a spark during operation and damage the detector. Currently, in order to assess the quality of a GEM-Foil, high resolution images are acquired through optical systems to be digitized and then examined by visual inspection. In this work, various techniques to perform binarization of the images of the GEM-Foils are compared, by applying techniques of global and local thresholding, in order to improve the speed and efficiency of processing the images of the GEM-Foils for its quality control. From tests it was found that by simple statistical calculations as the average of the maximum and minimum intensity, using local adaptive thresholding is possible to carry out the segmentation of images in an efficient manner without having to use more complex methods which may involve too large process time.Una GEM-Foil (Gas Electron Multiplier - Foil) es un componente básico de nuevos detectores de radiación usados principalmente en experimentos de física de altas energías y física nuclear. El desempeño óptimo de tales detectores depende críticamente de la calidad de fabricación de dicho componente, ya que cualquier irregularidad en una de las cientos de miles de micro-perforaciones de la placa puede inducir una chispa durante el funcionamiento y dañar el detector. Actualmente, para evaluar la calidad de fabricación de una GEM-Foil se adquieren imágenes de alta resolución mediante sistemas ópticos que las digitalizan para ser luego examinadas por inspección visual. En este trabajo se comparan varias técnicas para realizar la binarización de las imágenes de las GEM-Foils, aplicando técnicas de umbralización global y local, con el propósito de mejorar la rapidez y eficiencia del procesamiento  de las imágenes de las GEM-Foils para realizar posteriormente su control de calidad. A partir de las pruebas realizadas se encontró que mediante cálculos  estadísticos simples, como el promedio del máximo y mínimo de intensidad, aplicando umbralización local adaptativa es posible realizar la segmentación de las imágenes de una manera eficiente sin tener que recurrir a métodos más complejos los cuales pueden implicar tiempos de proceso demasiado grandes

    Técnicas de umbralización para el procesamiento digital de imágenes de GEM-Foils

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    A GEM-Foil (Gas Electron Multiplier - Foil) is a basic component of new radiation detectors used mainly in high energy physics and nuclear physics experiments. Optimum performance of such detectors depends critically on the quality of manufacture of such component, because any irregularity in one of the hundreds of thousands of micro-perforations in the plate can induce a spark during operation and damage the detector. Currently, in order to assess the quality of a GEM-Foil, high resolution images are acquired through optical systems to be digitized and then examined by visual inspection. In this work, various techniques to perform binarization of the images of the GEM-Foils are compared, by applying techniques of global and local thresholding, in order to improve the speed and efficiency of processing the images of the GEM-Foils for its quality control. From tests it was found that by simple statistical calculations as the average of the maximum and minimum intensity, using local adaptive thresholding is possible to carry out the segmentation of images in an efficient manner without having to use more complex methods which may involve too large process time.Una GEM-Foil (Gas Electron Multiplier - Foil) es un componente básico de nuevos detectores de radiación usados principalmente en experimentos de física de altas energías y física nuclear. El desempeño óptimo de tales detectores depende críticamente de la calidad de fabricación de dicho componente, ya que cualquier irregularidad en una de las cientos de miles de micro-perforaciones de la placa puede inducir una chispa durante el funcionamiento y dañar el detector. Actualmente, para evaluar la calidad de fabricación de una GEM-Foil se adquieren imágenes de alta resolución mediante sistemas ópticos que las digitalizan para ser luego examinadas por inspección visual. En este trabajo se comparan varias técnicas para realizar la binarización de las imágenes de las GEM-Foils, aplicando técnicas de umbralización global y local, con el propósito de mejorar la rapidez y eficiencia del procesamiento  de las imágenes de las GEM-Foils para realizar posteriormente su control de calidad. A partir de las pruebas realizadas se encontró que mediante cálculos  estadísticos simples, como el promedio del máximo y mínimo de intensidad, aplicando umbralización local adaptativa es posible realizar la segmentación de las imágenes de una manera eficiente sin tener que recurrir a métodos más complejos los cuales pueden implicar tiempos de proceso demasiado grandes

    Técnicas de umbralización para el procesamiento digital de imágenes de GEM-Foils

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    A GEM-Foil (Gas Electron Multiplier - Foil) is a basic component of new radiation detectors used mainly in high energy physics and nuclear physics experiments. Optimum performance of such detectors depends critically on the quality of manufacture of such component, because any irregularity in one of the hundreds of thousands of micro-perforations in the plate can induce a spark during operation and damage the detector. Currently, in order to assess the quality of a GEM-Foil, high resolution images are acquired through optical systems to be digitized and then examined by visual inspection. In this work, various techniques to perform binarization of the images of the GEM-Foils are compared, by applying techniques of global and local thresholding, in order to improve the speed and efficiency of processing the images of the GEM-Foils for its quality control. From tests it was found that by simple statistical calculations as the average of the maximum and minimum intensity, using local adaptive thresholding is possible to carry out the segmentation of images in an efficient manner without having to use more complex methods which may involve too large process time.Una GEM-Foil (Gas Electron Multiplier - Foil) es un componente básico de nuevos detectores de radiación usados principalmente en experimentos de física de altas energías y física nuclear. El desempeño óptimo de tales detectores depende críticamente de la calidad de fabricación de dicho componente, ya que cualquier irregularidad en una de las cientos de miles de micro-perforaciones de la placa puede inducir una chispa durante el funcionamiento y dañar el detector. Actualmente, para evaluar la calidad de fabricación de una GEM-Foil se adquieren imágenes de alta resolución mediante sistemas ópticos que las digitalizan para ser luego examinadas por inspección visual. En este trabajo se comparan varias técnicas para realizar la binarización de las imágenes de las GEM-Foils, aplicando técnicas de umbralización global y local, con el propósito de mejorar la rapidez y eficiencia del procesamiento  de las imágenes de las GEM-Foils para realizar posteriormente su control de calidad. A partir de las pruebas realizadas se encontró que mediante cálculos  estadísticos simples, como el promedio del máximo y mínimo de intensidad, aplicando umbralización local adaptativa es posible realizar la segmentación de las imágenes de una manera eficiente sin tener que recurrir a métodos más complejos los cuales pueden implicar tiempos de proceso demasiado grandes

    Short history of spondylus in the South American Pacific: a symbol that returns at present

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    Las especies de Spondylus constituyen un grupo de moluscos de gran importancia dentro de las culturas americanas desde el tercer milenio a.C. hasta el siglo XVII, recuperando su importancia en las décadas recientes. El presente artículo es una cronología sintética del simbolismo del Spondylus en diferentes culturas del pasado de Suramérica. Mediante la reconstrucción histórica del uso del Spondylus se expone el papel que ha jugado en la historia suramericana, lo cual ha permitido y potenciado la interacción entre diferentes culturas. Hoy en día, sobre todo en Ecuador, ha resurgido el Spondylus como símbolo de gran importancia, suponiendo un vínculo entre regiones y, uniendo las comunidades actuales con su pasado histórico.Spondylus species form a group of mollusks of great importance within American cultures since the third millennium BC until 17th century AD, and have received greater recognition over the last decades. The present article is a synthetic chronology of Spondylus symbolism in different cultures of South America’s past. Through the historical reconstruction of the use of Spondylus, the role played by this mollusk in South American history, which has allowed and enhanced the interaction between different cultures, is exposed. Nowadays, especially in Ecuador, Spondylus has resurfaced as a symbol of great importance, assuming a link between regions and uniting the present communities with their historical past.Fil: Lodeiros Seijo, César. Universidad Tecnica de Manabi; Ecuador. Universidad de Oriente; VenezuelaFil: Santana Cabrera, Jonathan A.. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; EspañaFil: Jaramillo Arango, Antonio. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Soria, Rodrigo Gaspar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; ArgentinaFil: Marcos, Jorge. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral; Ecuado

    Gene Prioritization through Consensus Strategy, Enrichment Methodologies Analysis, and Networking for Osteosarcoma Pathogenesis

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    [Abstract] Osteosarcoma is the most common subtype of primary bone cancer, affecting mostly adolescents. In recent years, several studies have focused on elucidating the molecular mechanisms of this sarcoma; however, its molecular etiology has still not been determined with precision. Therefore, we applied a consensus strategy with the use of several bioinformatics tools to prioritize genes involved in its pathogenesis. Subsequently, we assessed the physical interactions of the previously selected genes and applied a communality analysis to this protein–protein interaction network. The consensus strategy prioritized a total list of 553 genes. Our enrichment analysis validates several studies that describe the signaling pathways PI3K/AKT and MAPK/ERK as pathogenic. The gene ontology described TP53 as a principal signal transducer that chiefly mediates processes associated with cell cycle and DNA damage response It is interesting to note that the communality analysis clusters several members involved in metastasis events, such as MMP2 and MMP9, and genes associated with DNA repair complexes, like ATM, ATR, CHEK1, and RAD51. In this study, we have identified well-known pathogenic genes for osteosarcoma and prioritized genes that need to be further explored.Instituto Carlos III; PI17/01826Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/49Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0