109 research outputs found

    CaCu3Ti4O12: Pressure dependence of electronic and vibrational structures

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    The effects of pressure in electronic and vibrational properties of the double perovskite CaCu3Ti4O12 have been investigated in the 0-25 GPa range by optical absorption and Raman spectroscopy. Besides a full structural characterization, we aim at unveiling whether the ambient Im3 crystal structure is stable under high pressure conditions and how its giant dielectric permitivity and electronic gap varies with pressure. Results show that there is evidence of neither structural phase transition nor metallization in CaCu3Ti4O12 in the explored pressure range. We have observed the eight Raman active modes associated with its Im3 crystal phase and obtained their corresponding frequency and pressure shift. Moreover, the direct electronic band gap (2.20 eV), which is mainly associated with the oxygen-to-copper charge transfer states, increases slightly with pressure at a rate of 13 meV GPa?1 from 0 to 10 GPa. Above this pressure is almost constant (Eg = 2.3 eV). The results highlight the high stability of the compound in its Im3 phase against compression.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci´on y Universidades (Projects MAT2015-69508-P, PGC2018-101464-B-I00 and MALTA-Consolider Team RED2018- 102612-T). E.J. thanks for an FPI research grant (Ref. BES-2016-077449)

    Understanding the Efficiency of Mn4+ Phosphors: Study of the Spinel Mg2Ti1-xMnxO4

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    We present a spectroscopic study of Mn-doped Mg2TiO4 as a function of pressure and temperature to check its viability as a red-emitting phosphor. The synthesis following a solid-state reaction route yields not only the formation of Mn4+ but also small traces of Mn3+. Although we show that Mn4+ photoluminescence is not appreciably affected by the presence of Mn3+, its local structure at the substituted Ti4+ host site causes a reduction of the Mn4+ pumping efficiency yielding a drastic quantum-yield reduction at room temperature. By combining Raman and time-resolved emission and excitation spectroscopies, we propose a model for explaining the puzzling nonradiative and inefficient pumping processes attained in this material. In addition, we unveil a structural phase transition above 14 GPa that worsens their photoluminescence capabilities. The decrease of emission intensity and lifetime with increasing temperature following different thermally activated de-excitation pathways is mostly related to relatively small activation energies and the electric−dipole transition mechanism associated with coupling to odd-parity vibrational modes. A thorough model based on the configurational energy level diagram to the A1g normal mode fairly accounts for the observed excitation and emissionthe quantum yieldof this material

    Cognitive processes and performance in the serve action in volleyball

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    El saque es una de las acciones de juego en voleibol a la que los equipos han dado gran importancia, definiéndose como la acción de poner el balón en juego por el jugador zaguero derecho, situado en la zona de saque. Ésta es la única acción en la que el jugador tiene el 100% del control de la pelota, teniendo tiempo suficiente para elegir el tipo, la fuerza y el área donde irá dirigido. Además, es considerado acción finalista ya que se puede conseguir punto a través de él, pudiendo afectar al rendimiento del equipo. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la toma de decisiones y el rendimiento en la acción de saque, en voleibol de categoría Juvenil Masculino. Se analizaron mediante la observación sistemática 1555 acciones de saque, correspondientes a los 21 equipos participantes en el Campeonato de España Juvenil Masculino, celebrado en 2012. Los resultados mostraron una asociación significativa entre la toma de decisiones y el rendimiento, en la acción de saque (.337**). Además, existe una asociación alta entre ambas variables (Gamma = .533), y un nivel de dependencia moderado entre las mismas (D de Somers = .315). Estos resultados muestran la importancia de poseer adecuadas capacidades decisionales para obtener un óptimo rendimiento en la acción de saque, y contribuir así a mejorar el rendimiento del equipo. Por tanto, en el proceso de entrenamiento de jugadores de categoría juvenil sería apropiado considerar la posibilidad de empleo de actividades que contribuyan a la mejora de la capacidad decisional de los deportistas.The serve is one of the game actions in volleyball to which teams have given great importance. It is defined as the action to start the rally by the right back player, located in the serve zone. The serve is a single action in which the player has 100% control of the ball, having enough time to choose the type, strength and area where it will be directed. In addition, it is considered a finalist action as a direct point can be achieved through it, affecting the team performance. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between decision-making and performance in the serve action, in volleyball U-19 category. 1555 serve actions were analyzed through the systematic observation of the 21 teams participating in the U-19 Male Spanish Championship in 2012. The results showed a significant association between decision-making and performance in the serve action (.337 **). In addition, there is a high association between both variables (Gamma = .533), and a moderate dependency level between them (Somers' D = .315). These results show the importance of having adequate decision-making abilities to obtain optimum performance in the serve action, improving team performance. Therefore, in the training process of youth volleyball players it would be appropriate to use activities to improve the players’ decision-making abilities.• Junta de Extremadura y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. AyudapeerReviewe

    Origin of the piezochromism in Cs2CuCl4: Electron-phonon and crystal-structure correlations

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    By using optical absorption and Raman spectroscopy, we have investigated the effects of pressure in the structural, electronic, and vibrational properties of Cs2CuCl4 in the 0?20 GPa range. Our study has provided a complete characterization of the electronic and vibrational structures of Cs2CuCl4 in the low-pressure Pnma phase as a function of cell volume and the Cu-Cl bond length, RCu-Cl. We have focused on the electronic structure in the Pnma phase, which is mainly related to the tetrahedral CuCl2?4 units distorted by the Jahn-Teller effect. The strong piezochromism of Cs2CuCl4 is caused by the opposite shift of the charge-transfer band gap and the Cu2+ d-d crystal-field transitions with pressure. The high-pressure structure of Cs2CuCl4 above 4.9 GPa yields structural transformations that we ascribe to a change of coordination around Cu2+. The high-pressure phase appears largely amorphized, therefore any structural information from x-ray diffraction is ruled out. Here we use electronic and vibrational probes to get inside the structural information.Financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MAT2015-69508-P) and MALTA-CONSOLIDER (MAT2015-71010REDC)

    Variables that predict serve efficacy in elite men's volleyball with different quality of opposition sets

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las variables que predecían la eficacia de los servicios en el voleibol masculino de élite, en conjuntos con diferente calidad de oposición. Se analizaron 3292 acciones de saque, de las cuales 2254 se realizaron en sets con alta calidad de oposición y 1038 acciones en sets con baja calidad de oposición, lo que corresponde a un total de 24 partidos jugados durante el Campeonato Europeo de Voleibol Masculino celebrado en 2011. Las variables independientes consideradas en este estudio fueron la zona de saque, el tipo de saque, el jugador que sirve, la dirección del saque, la zona de recepción, el jugador receptor y el tipo de recepción; la variable dependiente fue la eficacia del saque y la variable situacional fue la calidad de los sets de la oposición. Las variables que actuaron como predictoras tanto en el alta como en la baja calidad de los sets de la oposición fueron el jugador que saca, la zona de recepción y el tipo de recepción. La variable del tipo de saque sólo actuó como predictor en los sets de oposición de alta calidad, mientras que la variable de la zona de saque sólo actuó como predictor en los sets de oposición de baja calidad. Estos resultados pueden proporcionar una importante orientación en los procesos de entrenamiento de voleibol masculino.The objective of this study was to determine the variables that predicted serve efficacy in elite men’s volleyball, in sets with different quality of opposition. 3292 serve actions were analysed, of which 2254 were carried out in high quality of opposition sets and 1038 actions were in low quality of opposition sets, corresponding to a total of 24 matches played during the Men's European Volleyball Championships held in 2011. The independent variables considered in this study were the serve zone, serve type, serving player, serve direction, reception zone, receiving player and reception type; the dependent variable was serve efficacy and the situational variable was quality of opposition sets. The variables that acted as predictors in both high and low quality of opposition sets were the serving player, reception zone and reception type. The serve type variable only acted as a predictor in high quality of opposition sets, while the serve zone variable only acted as a predictor in low quality of opposition sets. These results may provide important guidance in men’s volleyball training processes.• Ministerio de Economía, y Competitividad. Proyecto DEP2011-27503 • Junta de Extremadura y Fondo Europeo para el Desarrollo Regional. AyudapeerReviewe

    Association between reception variables and the set area in volleyball, in formative stages

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer la asociación existente entre diferentes variables de recepción y la zona donde se envía la colocación, en etapas de formación en voleibol. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 1658 acciones de juego (862 acciones de recepción y 796 acciones de colocación), realizadas por los 16 equipos masculinos participantes en el campeonato de España de selecciones autonómicas de categoría cadete masculina. El análisis inferencial puso de manifiesto que, tanto la zona de recepción, como la eficacia de la recepción, muestran asociación significativa con la zona hacia donde se envía la colocación (X2=17.754ª; VCramer=.106; p=.007 y X2=210.110ª; VCramer=.363; p<.001, respectivamente). Por tanto, ciertas características de la recepción (zona y eficacia) pueden favorecer la anticipación de la zona hacia donde se enviará la colocación y, consecuentemente, por donde se realizará el ataque posterior. Esta información podría ser tenida en cuenta por los entrenadores de etapas de formación en el entrenamiento y competición deportiva.The main objective of this study is to know the association between different reception´s variables and the set´s area in volleyball in formative stages in volleyball. The study sample comprises a total of 1658 game actions (862 reception actions and 796 setting actions), carried out by the 16 teams in the male category participating in the Under-16 Spanish Championship. The inferential analysis shows that, both the reception zone, and the reception efficacy, are significantly associated with the set´s area (X2=17.754ª; VCramer=.106; p=.007 y X2=210.110ª; VCramer=.363; p<.001, respectively). Therefore, some characteristics of the reception (zone and efficacy) could improve the anticipation of the set´s area and, as a result the following attack zone. This information could be taken into account, by coaches in the formative stages in training and competition.peerReviewe

    Serratia strains isolated from the rhizosphere of raulí ( Nothofagus alpina ) in volcanic soils harbour PGPR mechanisms and promote raulí plantlet growth

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    [EN] Raulí is one of the most emblematic tree species of the Chilean temperate forests. Due to the high quality wood, this tree has been used for furniture and handicrafts manufacturing, which has positioned raulí as one of the most important commercial timber species in Chile. Currently, the international market demands sustainable production system for forest production, more specifically in plantlets production. In this regard, plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) inoculants may enhance the growth and survival of plantlets in nurseries, which means an increase in the effectiveness of replanting operations. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to isolate, characterize and screen rhizosphere-associated bacteria with PGPR potential, isolated from raulí that growth in volcanic soils in southern Chile. A total of 1,261 bacterial strains were isolated from different volcanic soils. Out of 1,261 isolates, 100 were selected based on their high levels of indole acetic acid (IAA) production. These isolates were then subjected to screening for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid deaminase activity, and their ability to fix nitrogen was determined. From the 100 selected isolates, 7 were chosen for producing the highest amount of IAA to continue with genetic characterization based on their 16S rRNA gene sequences. These 7 isolates were characterized as members of the Serratia genus and were used to develop multi-strain inoculant mixtures. Later, a nursery study followed to determine the effect of inoculation with the Serratia strains on the growth of RA88 raulí clone plantlets. The nursery experiment demonstrated that Serratia strains have the potential to increase the root collar diameter, height, relative chlorophyll content, biomass and nitrogen content of raulí plantlets. The study concluded, that Serratia strains have the potential to be used as biofertilizers to increase plant growth in nursery conditions

    How does it affect the setter intervention to the block participation, in high level male volleyball?

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    The aim of the study was to determine how different variables of the setting action affect to the block participation in high level male volleyball. The study sample was comprised of a total of 2742 game actions, divided into 1371 setting actions and 1371 block actions, corresponding to the observation of the 24 matches of the third stage of the World Male Volleyball Championship, absolute category. The dependent variable was block participation (zero or one blocker, two blockers, three blockers). The independent variables were: setting zone (excellent, acceptable, unacceptable), type of set (standing set, jump set), setting technique (overhand set, forearm set), set´s area (zone one, zone two, zone three, zone four, zone six) and tempo of set (first tempo, second tempo, third tempo). The result of this study showed that the variables setting zone, type of set, set’s area and tempo of set, were predictors of the block participation. Thus, the decision-making of the setter in the setting action as well as the type, area and tempo of set, has high relevance in game, affecting to the block participation of the opposing team.This work has been funded by the University of Extremadura and group Banco Santander. This work has been developed through the project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation entitled "MASVb System of competitive assessment and technical guidance for the Spanish Superleague Volleyball" (DEP2011-27503). This study was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Consejería de Economía e Infraestructuras de la Junta de Extremadura (Spain) through the European Regional Development fund

    Estudio de los modelos de juego en voleibol de etapas de formación

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    The main objective of the study was to determine the game models used by different volleyball teams in formative stages. The study sample was comprised of the 66 teams in the Under-14 and Under-16 Spanish Championship and the 21 teams in the Under-19 male Spanish Championship. The study variables were: attack system, reception system, incorporation of the libero player and defensive system. The results showed that the more employed systems in formative stages were: 5-1 offensive system; four-player in semicircle reception, in Under-14 category, and three-player V reception, in Under-16 and Under-19 categories; incorporation of the libero, except in U-14 and U-16 in both male and female; in defense, the most habitual starting position was 3-2-1, and the most habitual final positions in zones four and two were 2-0-4, in male, and 2-1-3, in female. In addition, a very slight association between gender and final positions of defense in zones four and two in U-14 and U-16 categories was obtained. Finally, the most usual central defense final position were 1-2-3, in Under-14 and Under-16 categories, and 2-1-3, in Under-19. These results can be considered by volleyball coaches in formative stages in order to choice and analysis their own game modelEl objetivo de la investigación fue conocer los modelos de juego empleados por diferentes equipos de voleibol de etapas de formación. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 66 equipos participantes en el Campeonato de España de Selecciones Autonómicas infantil (13-14 años) y cadete (15-16 años) y por 21 equipos participantes en el Campeonato de España Juvenil Masculino (17-19 años). Las variables fueron: sistema de ataque, sistema de recepción, incorporación del líbero y sistema de defensa. Los resultados mostraron que los sistemas más empleados en etapas de formación fueron: sistema de ataque 5-1; sistema de recepción de cuatro jugadores en semicírculo, en categoría infantil y de tres jugadores en V, en categoría cadete y juvenil; incorporación del líbero, excepto en categoría infantil en ambos géneros; en defensa, la posición inicial habitual fue 3-2-1 y las posiciones finales más habituales por los laterales fueron 2-0-4, en el género masculino, y 2-1-3, en el género femenino. Además de ello, se obtuvo una asociación muy leve entre el género y las posiciones finales de defensa por los laterales en categoría infantil y cadete. Finalmente, por la zona central de la red las posiciones más comunes fueron 1-2-3, en categoría infantil y cadete, y 2-1-3 en categoría juvenil. Estos resultados pueden ser considerados por los entrenadores de equipos de etapas de formación para la elección o análisis de modelos de juego en voleibolActividad Física y Deport


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    Introducción: El cáncer de mama constituye la primera causa de morbimortalidad por cáncer en la mujer a nivel mundial. Ecuador tampoco escapa a este problema de salud donde las muertes por cáncer de mama superan a otras neoplasias en la mujer. Se distribuye por todo el país, aunque Quito es la cuidad con niveles de incidencia más altos y su mortalidad no ha decrecido en los últimos 40 años, a pesar de los avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento. Objetivo: Evaluar la mejor evidencia científica disponible acerca de la epidemiología y nuevas dianas moleculares en el cáncer de mama con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos. Métodos: Se realizó un metaanálisis con una revisión sistemática de la literatura utilizando la metodología PRISMA, sobre las nuevas dianas moleculares con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos en el Cáncer de mama mediante la búsqueda de artículos en las bases de datos WOS, Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest, Embase, Redalyc, Ovid, Medline, DynaMed y ClinicalKey durante el periodo 2017-2022. Resultados: La revisión proporcionó un total de 38.542 registros, 100 artículos examinados, 40 de texto completo evaluados para elegibilidad y 60 excluidos debido a la escasa información de datos recientes, artículos con más de 5 años de publicación y un número final de 40 artículos incluidos. Conclusión: El cáncer de mama constituye una causa relevante de morbimortalidad y discapacidad en la mujer a nivel mundial, la detección de nuevas dianas moleculares con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos abre nuevas posibilidades para el control y/o curación de esta neoplasia maligna. &nbsp; Palabras clave: Neoplasias de la Mama, Terapia Molecular Dirigida, Biomarcadores, Oncología Médica&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; ABSTRACT &nbsp; Introduction: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer morbidity and mortality in women worldwide. Ecuador also does not escape this health problem where deaths from breast cancer exceed other neoplasms in women. It is distributed throughout the country, although Quito is the city with the highest incidence levels and its mortality has not decreased in the last 40 years, despite advances in diagnosis and treatment. Objective: To evaluate the best available scientific evidence about epidemiology and new molecular targets in breast cancer for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Methods: A meta-analysis was carried out with a systematic review of the literature using the PRISMA methodology, on the new molecular targets for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in Breast Cancer by searching for articles in the WOS, Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest, Embase, Redalyc, Ovid, Medline, DynaMed and ClinicalKey databases during the period 2017-2022. Results: The review provided a total of 38,542 records, 100 articles examined, 40 full-text assessed for eligibility and 60 excluded due to poor recent data reporting, articles more than 5 years old, and a final number of 40 included articles. Conclusion: Breast cancer is a relevant cause of morbidity and mortality and disability in women worldwide, the detection of new molecular targets for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes opens new possibilities for the control and / or cure of this malignancy. &nbsp; Keywords: Breast Neoplasms, Molecular Targeted Therapy, Biomarkers, Medical Oncolog