87 research outputs found

    Implementasi RCM pada mesin diesel Deutz 20 kVA

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    The aspect that most influences the functioning of this telecommunications service is the aspect of maintaining the equipment or assets supporting the telecommunications service. For this reason, companies must periodically measure the performance of their maintenance so that telecommunications services continue to function properly. From the data, the frequency of damage to the diesel generator engine from 2017 to 2020 is very high. In the period 2017 to 2020 there were a total of 90 times the damage, and the biggest contributor to the damage was in the 20kVA Deutz diesel engine. The purpose of this research is to know how the maintenance conditions are and to know the level of effectiveness and to know the right recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the diesel generator engine. The research method used is RCM (Reliability Centered maintanance) which is a technique used to develop scheduled preventive maintenance. Research results obtained, the component whose frequency is often damaged in the Deutz generator diesel engine is the Alternator. This selection is based on the highest number of damage frequencies and the longest downtime for approximately 3 years. Calculation of the Alternator's Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) value is 25305 hours, which means that the Alternator component will experience damage again after operating for 25305 hours. While the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) value of the Alternator is 22.54 hours, which means that the average time to repair the Alternator component is 22.54 hours. From the calculation of the Reliability Value, the alternator is said to still have a good function because the average value interval is still in the range 0 1), the appropriate types of maintenance for the Alternator component are Preventive and Time Based Maintenance.Keywords: Reliability Centered Maintenance, Critical Components, Maintenance

    Analisis Pengendalian Sosial oleh Guru terhadap Sikap Antisosial Siswa-siswi di Mtsn 1 Pontianak

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    The title of this study is "Analysis of Social Control By Teacher Against Antisocial Attitudes Students In MTs Negeri 1 Pontianak. The problem in this research is how the social control by the teacher toward the antisocial attitude of the students in MTs Negeri 1 Pontianak (1) preventive (2) repressive and (3) curative. The method used is qualitative with descriptive analysis. The students studied were the students of class VII A. The informants in this study were the Head of School, Teacher Counseling Guidance, Guardians Class VII A, Integrated IPS Teachers andstudent representatives. The data collection tools use observation guides, interview guides and documents. The results of the research (1) Preventive control is before teaching the teacher to give direction to the students how they should behave according to the rules in school and always be honest, during the ceremony the principal always give advice to the students, during the activity of recitation Student Representatives advise students not to forget prayer. (2) Repressive control is done by teachers giving reprimands to students who do not perform the task, the teacher gives punishment to the cheating students, the principal punishes the students who are not orderly during the ceremony and students who are late. (3) Curative control is done by the teacher Teacher Counseling Guidance by calling students and giving awareness to students who are antisocial by providing motivation and guidance


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan penyadapan oleh penyidik dalam hukum positif di Indonesia dan bagaimana penyadapan oleh KPK dalam penyidikan tindak pidana korupsi berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2002.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Penyadapan oleh penyidik dalam hukum positif di Indonesia telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Psikotropika, Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Perdagangan Orang, Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik, Undang-Undang Pencucian Uang, Undang-Undang Intelijen Negara, dan Peraturan Kepolisian tentang Tata Cara Penyadapan Pada Pusat Pemantauan Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia. Namun belum ada kesamaan tentang tata cara dan prosedur penyadapan oleh penyidik dalam rangka penyidikan. Hanya Undang-Undang Narkotika yang sudah cukup komprehensif atau lengkap mengatur tentang prosedur dan tata cara penyadapan oleh penyidik dalam rangka penyidikan. 2. Penyadapan oleh KPK dalam penyidikan tindak pidana korupsi berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 dilakukan terhadap orang yang diduga keras telah melakukan tindak pidana korupsi atau terhadap orang-orang yang dianggap dapat membuat terang suatu tindak pidana korupsi atau terhadap mereka yang diduga terlibat dalam suatu tindak pidana korupsi.Kata kunci: Penyadapan, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Korups

    New modification of the hestenes-stiefel with strong wolfe line search

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    . The method of the nonlinear conjugate gradient is widely used in solving large-scale unconstrained optimization since been proven in solving optimization problems without using large memory storage. In this paper, we proposed a new modification of the Hestenes-Stiefel conjugate gradient parameter that fulfils the condition of sufficient descent using a strong Wolfe-Powell line search. Besides, the conjugate gradient method with the proposed conjugate gradient also guarantees low computation of iteration and CPU time by comparing with other classical conjugate gradient parameters. Numerical results have shown that the conjugate gradient method with the proposed conjugate gradient parameter performed better than the conjugate gradient method with other classical conjugate gradient parameters

    Perancangan Konstruksi Profil Pada Kapal General Cargo Dengan Menggunakan Metode Ship Comparative

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    General cargo ship is a ship that carries various kinds of cargo in the form of goods. The goods transported are usually packaged goods. The main size of the ship was obtained using the comparative regression method which was based on the data of the 2 comparison ships obtained from the Korean Register of Shipping (KRS). In this study, a general cargo ship profile construction design is planned which is designed according to the main size of the ship in accordance with the rules of the Indonesian Classification Bureau Rules. From the planning results obtained for ships with a capacity of 17000 DWT obtained ship dimensions with length over all (LOA) 153.45 m, length between prependiculars (LBP) 144.24 m, Length on load waterline (LWL) 147.85 m, width (B) ) 25.27 m, height (H) 13.5 m, draft (H) 9.52 m, speed (V) 14.75 knots. This comparison method facilitates ship design with more accurate results.Kapal general cargo adalah kapal yang mengangkut bermacam-macam muatan berupa barang. Barang yang diangkut biasanya merupakan barang yang sudah dikemas. Ukuran utama kapal didapatkan dengan menggunakan metode pembanding regresi yang didasarkan pada data 2 kapal pembanding yang di dapat dari korea register of shipping (KRS). Pada penelitian ini direncanakan desain konstruksi profil kapal general cargo yang dirancang sesuai dengan ukuran utama kapal yang sesui dengan aturan Rules Biro klasifikasi Indonesia. Dari hasil perencanaan didapat untuk kapal berkapasitas 17000 DWT didapat dimensi kapal dengan length over all (LOA) 153,45 m, length between prependiculars (LBP) 144,24 m, Length on load waterline (LWL) 147,85 m, lebar (B) 25,27 m, tinggi (H) 13,5 m, sarat (T)  9,52 m, kecepatan (V) 14,75 Knot. Metode pembanding ini memudahkan perancangan kapal dengan hasil yang lebih akurat


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    This progress report is intended for final year project under Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department which provide the introduction that consist of background study, problem statement, objectives of this project and theory are also stated within the introduction part. In order to ensure correct operation of the plant or equipment involved, it require careful control of liquid level in many processes involving the storage, movement or processing of liquids. In order to maintain a smooth operation and to provide a quality product to consumer, it‟s a vital for an operator to emphasize a mutual measurement to identifying the interface level between two media with different specific of gravity either liquid or solid in the same tank or vessel, such as oil and water or water and sand. These methods are also extensively being used in chemical industries and petrochemical plant. This paper aims to tackle the weaknesses of the current system in terms of costly and complex equipment‟s, high maintenance cost, instability and inability to control and monitor from remote location. It describes how the innovative interface level control system can be characterized as an event-based system, where every control actions are primarily deliberated compared to the events formed by instabilities from surrounding elements. This project report offers a costs-saving solution with low maintenance required, as well as producing a great performance results. This system eliminates the over-dependability of the industry on human workforce. The system will continuously measure, control and monitor two of the most important parameters, interface liquid level and total level, as the quality and ability of process are highly affected by these factors. Through refer the separating funnel method, a mixture of liquid will be shaken and then left it until becomes steady again. Liquid with heavier density around 1 or above such as water will goes to the bottom while on the other hand, the liquid with lighter density less than 1 like oil will floating above

    استىراتيجية مدرس اللغة العربية في تعليم مهارة الكلام لدى طلبة المدرسة الثانوية بمعهد الرحمة الإسلامي للبنين مالانج

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    مستخلص البحث إن التعليم يتطلب الاستىراتيجية الصحيحة في إيصال المعرفة والرسالة التي يريد المدرس نقلها للطلبة بشكل جيد بحيث يمكن تحقيق الأهداف المرجوة في التعليم، ولاسيما في تعليم مهارة الكلام للناطقين بغيرها مثل تعليم اللغة العربية لدى الطلبة الإندونيسيين. لذلك يركز هذا البحث إلى ثلاثة أهداف، وهي فيما يلي: (1) وصف استراتيجية مدرس اللغة العربية في تعليم مهارة الكلام لدى الطلبة بمعهد الرحمة الإسلامي للبنين مالانج (2) وصف السبب الأساسي لمدرس اللغة العربية في تطبيق أنواع من الأنشطة اللغوية في تعليم مهارة الكلام لدى الطلبة بمعهد الرحمة الإسلامي للبنين مالانج (3) وصف مواصفات الاستراتيجيات في تعليم مهارة الكلام لدى الطلبة للمستوى المبتدئ. هذا البحث استخدم المدخل النوعي. وأما المنهج أو الأسلوب الذي اتبعه الباحث في هذا البحث هو منهج دراسة الحالة. ومن أدوات جمع البيانات: المقابلة، والملاحظة، والوثائق. وأساليب تحليل البيانات بطريقة ميلس وحوبرمن هي جمع البيانات، وإنقاص البيانات، وعرض البيانات، واستنتاج البيانات. ونتائج هذا البحث هي (1) تعيين الهدف التعليمي بالوضوح، وصف المعوقات التعليمية المواجهة ومحاولة حلها، وصف أحوال الطلبة وتكيف المدرس بها في عملية تعليمهم، مراعاة الهدف التعليمي وحاجة الطلاب في تنظيم المادة، القيام ببعض البرامج اللغوية مساعدة في عملية تقديم المادة، تكوين البيئة اللغوية في الصف الدراسي والسكن كوسائل التعليم، القيام بالاختبار لقياس نتائج تعلم الطلبة. (2) السبب الأساسي لمدرس اللغة العربية في تطبيق أنواع من الأنشطة اللغوية في تعليم مهارة الكلام لدى الطلبة هي مراعاة أحوال الطلبة، ومراعاة بيئة التعليم. (3) مواصفات الاستراتيجيات في تعليم مهارة الكلام لدى الطلبة للمستوى المبتدئ هي المتمركز على الطالب لا على المدرس، والتركيز على الممارسة، وذات علاقة بحياة الطالب، والتدرج. ABSTRACT Education requires the right strategy in conveying the knowledge and the message that the teacher wants to convey to the students well so that the desired goals in education can be achieved, especially in teaching speaking skill to non-native speakers such as teaching Arabic language to Indonesian students. Therefore, this research focuses on three objectives, which are as follows: (1) Describe the strategy of the Arabic language teacher in teaching the speaking skill of students at Ar-Rahmah Islamic Boarding School for Boys Students Malang (2) Describe the main reason for the Arabic teacher to apply types of language activities in teaching speaking skill to students at Ar-Rahmah Islamic Boarding School for Boys Students Malang (3) Describe the specifications of strategies in teaching the speaking skill of students for the beginner level. This research uses the qualitative approach. The method or method that the researcher followed in this research is the case study method. Data collection tools include: interview, observation, and documentation. The methods of data analysis by Mills and Huberman method are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data inference. The results of this research are (1) clearly defining the educational goal, describing the educational obstacles encountered and trying to solve them, describing the students’ conditions and the teacher’s adaptation to them in the process of their education, taking into account the educational goal and the needs of students in organizing the material, carrying out some language programs to help in the process of presenting the material, forming the linguistic environment in the classroom And dormitory as a means of education, taking the test to measure student learning outcomes. (2) The main reason for the Arabic language teacher to apply types of language activities in teaching the speaking skill of students is to take into account the conditions of the students and the learning environment. (3) Specifications of strategies in teaching the speaking skill of students for the beginner level are student-centered, not teacher-centered, focus on practice, related to student life, and gradualness. ABSTRAK Pendidikan memerlukan strategi yang tepat dalam menyampaikan ilmu dan pesan yang ingin disampaikan guru kepada siswa dengan baik agar tujuan yang diinginkan dalam pendidikan dapat tercapai, terutama dalam mengajarkan keterampilan berbicara kepada non native speaker seperti mengajarkan bahasa Arab kepada para siswa Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berfokus pada tiga tujuan, yaitu sebagai berikut: (1) Mendeskripsikan strategi guru bahasa Arab dalam mengajarkan keterampilan berbicara di kalangan siswa di Pondok Pesantren Ar-Rahmah Putra Malang (2) Mendeskripsikan alasan utama guru bahasa bahasa Arab menerapkan berbagai jenis kegiatan bahasa dalam mengajarkan keterampilan berbicara bagi siswa di Pondok Pesantren Ar-Rahmah Putra Malang (3) Mendeskripsikan karakteristik strategi dalam mengajarkan keterampilan berbicara siswa untuk tingkat pemula. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun metode yang digunakan peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi kasus. Alat pengumpulan data meliputi: wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data dengan metode Mills dan Huberman adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan inferensi data. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) menetapkan tujuan pendidikan dengan jelas, pendeskripsian hambatan pembelajaran yang dihadapi dan upaya penyelesaiannya, mendeskripsikan kondisi siswa dan adaptasi guru terhadapnya dalam proses pembelajaran, memperhatikan tujuan pembelajaran dan kebutuhan siswa dalam mengorganisasikan materi, melaksanakan beberapa program bahasa untuk membantu dalam proses penyajian materi, membentuk lingkungan kebahasaan di kelas dan asrama sebagai media pembelajaran, mengadakan tes untuk mengukur hasil belajar para siswa. (2) Alasan utama guru bahasa Arab menerapkan berbagai jenis kegiatan bahasa dalam mengajarkan keterampilan berbicara siswa adalah dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi para siswa dan lingkungan belajar. (3) karakteristik strategi dalam mengajarkan keterampilan berbicara siswa untuk tingkat pemula adalah berpusat pada siswa tidak berpusat pada guru, fokus pada praktik, terkait dengan kehidupan siswa, dan bertahap

    Noise and vibration analysis in the diesel engine based on biodiesel usage

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    Utilization of biodiesel has become one of the major interests in substituting fossil fuel parallel to the implementation of green technology which emphasizes the products to be more environmental-friendly. Nevertheless, despite having various kinds of biodiesel, this does not ensure suitability since the usage could improve or aggravate the engine due to higher combustion effects that further influence the higher level of engine noise and vibration, albeit major modification on the engine is not required. Therefore, this study had been conducted by experimental analysis to investigate the relation of noise and vibration level with biodiesel as a substitution fuel in the single cylinder, direct-injection diesel engine produced from various biodiesel blends, engine speed and engine load. The Root Mean Square (RMS) velocity, Sound Intensity Mapping (SIM) together with Sound Power Level (SPL) analyses were used to indicate the effectiveness of biodiesel in the attenuation of the noise and vibration level generated by the diesel engine. D100, B5, B10 and B20 of Palm Oil Methyl Ester (POME) had been utilized to operate the engine by 1200 to 2160 RPM with the application of engine load varied from 0 to 28 Nm. The measurement of the vibration data was done using the uniaxial accelerometer, while for the noise emission data, a pair of ½ inch of microphones were used. In the vibration aspect, the usage of the B20 blend was found to be the lowest level in almost all conditions tested due to the higher cetane number and oxygen content while the B5 and B10 usage tend to increase the vibration level compared to D100. It also can be noticed that the increment of engine load significantly increases the vibration level while increasing the engine speed does not influence the vibration to be higher since an incomplete combustion occurred which led to a reduction in the rate of pressure rise, thus reducing the vibration level in higher engine speed. In the noise emission analysis, the competitiveness between B20 and D100 could be seen in the low engine speed, where the lowest noise level was obtained by B20 while in the high engine speed, the lowest was obtained by D100. On top of that, the highest location of noise source was recorded at the cylinder head, crank-link components, radiator, flywheel and dynamometer. As can be concluded, the usage of POME as a biodiesel could be owed to the lower vibration and partially reducing the noise generated by the engine. Also, the most significant parameter that could contribute to the decrement of the level was the blend ratio followed by the engine load and engine speed

    Test of Biodiesel Usage to Engine Performa on Dong Feng Diesel with Power 7 HP

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    Abstract. This study aims to see the ability of Biodiesel fuel to Engine Performance onDong Feng diesel engines with 7 kW Power. The biodiesel used was synthesized byBiodiesel using frying oil and methanol as well as limestone catalyst (CaCO3). Thereare 2 types of Biodiesel used, namely Biodiesel with synthetic catalysts (homogeneous)and Biodiesel with natural (heterogeneous) catalysts. The synthesis catalyst resulted ina 31.52% randement, while the natural catalyst produced a 78.79% randement.Theproduced biodiesel was tested on a Dong Feng diesel engine with 7 HP Power. To geta comparison of engine performance, Biodiesel fuel is used with synthetic catalysts(homogeneous), Biodiesel with natural (heterogeneous) catalysts, and Solar fuels. Theresults showed that the engine power produced from Biodiesel was lower than theengine power using Solar. Power from Biodiesel with synthetic catalysts(homogeneous) averages 33% lower than Power using Solar, while Biodiesel withnatural catalysts (heterogeneous) is 41% lower than Solar-powered Power. FuelConsumption, FC (g/ hour) on the engine using Solar is higher than FC engine usingBiodiesel. FC from Biodiesel with synthetic (homogeneous) catalyst is an average of7% lower than Solar, while Biodiesel with natural catalyst (heterogeneous) is 30%lower than Solar. This proves the use of Biodiesel fuel with heterogeneous catalysts ismore economical than Solar fuels.Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC), also shows thatSFC on a Solar fueled engine is almost equal to the SFC Biodiesel fueled engine. SFCfrom Biodiesel with synthesis catalyst (homogeneous) is 4% lower than Solar fuel,while Biodiesel with natural catalyst (heterogeneous) is 7% lower than Solar fuel

    Synthesis of mesoporous materials as adsorbent for adsorption and desorption of paraquat

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    Paraquat is a pesticide that is used to control weeds but it is very poisonous to humans and environment. Therefore, removal of paraquat from the environment is very important and in poisoning cases that involve paraquat, the sample need to be preconcentrated prior to analysis because the pesticide concentration may very low to be measured and in small sample size. In this research, several types of mesoporous materials were synthesised to adsorb and desorb paraquat namely mesoporous aluminosilicate using various saccharides templates as mesoporous directing agent which are glucose (MAS-GLU), lactose (MAS-LAC), sucrose (MAS-SUC) and without saccharide template (MAS-WOT) and being compared to mesoporous silica material, MCM-41. The formations of synthesised materials were confirmed from FTIR, XRD, SAXS, XRF and surface area analysis. The characterisation results revealed that MAS-SUC formed mesoporous aluminosilicate with ZSM-5 zeolite framework, MAS-GLU, MAS-LAC and MAS-WOT formed mesoporous aluminosilicate with amorphous structure and MCM-41 is mesoporous silica. MASSUC, MAS-WOT and MCM-41 were chosen as the representative of different type of mesoporous materials for adsorption and desorption experiment. From the adsorption result of paraquat, it showed that the maximum adsorption capacity in the order of MAS-WOT, MAS-SUC and MCM-41 with maximum adsorption capacity 37.59 mg/g, 36.76 mg/g and 4.45 mg/g respectively. The isotherm study shows all adsorbents fit Langmuir isotherm better than Freundlich isotherm. The desorption results revealed that desorption by sonication process is better than shaking process and even though MAS-WOT and MAS-SUC have good adsorption ability, but paraquat not able to desorb well from them. Only 33% of adsorbed paraquat can be desorbed from MAS-WOT and 31% from MAS-SUC. MCM-41 showed better desorption ability because almost 100% of the analyte able to be desorbed. Study showed that mesoporous aluminosilicate materials are better adsorbents as compared to MCM-41, but poor in desorption ability for paraquat