682 research outputs found

    Effect of different mowing regimes on butterflies and diurnal moths on road verges

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    In northern and central Europe road verges offer alternative habitats for declining plant and invertebrate species of semi-natural grasslands. The quality of road verges as habitats depends on several factors, of which the mowing regime is one of the easiest to modify. In this study we compared the Lepidoptera communities on road verges that underwent three different mowing regimes regarding the timing and intensity of mowing; mowing in mid-summer, mowing in late summer, and partial mowing (a narrow strip next to the road). A total of 12,174 individuals and 107 species of Lepidoptera were recorded. The mid-summer mown verges had lower species richness and abundance of butterflies and lower species richness and diversity of diurnal moths compared to the late summer and partially mown verges. By delaying the annual mowing until late summer or promoting mosaic-like mowing regimes, such as partial mowing, the quality of road verges as habitats for butterflies and diurnal moths can be improved

    Efecto de los distintos regímenes de siega de los márgenes de las carreteras sobre las polillas diurnas y las mariposas

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    In northern and central Europe road verges offer alternative habitats for declining plant and invertebrate species of semi–natural grasslands. The quality of road verges as habitats depends on several factors, of which the mowing regime is one of the easiest to modify. In this study we compared the Lepidoptera communities on road verges that underwent three different mowing regimes regarding the timing and intensity of mowing; mowing in mid–summer, mowing in late summer, and partial mowing (a narrow strip next to the road). A total of 12,174 individuals and 107 species of Lepidoptera were recorded. The mid–summer mown verges had lower species richness and abundance of butterflies and lower species richness and diversity of diurnal moths compared to the late summer and partially mown verges. By delaying the annual mowing until late summer or promoting mosaic–like mowing regimes, such as partial mowing, the quality of road verges as habitats for butterflies and diurnal moths can be improved.En Europa central y septentrional los márgenes de las carreteras constituyen hábitats alternativos para especies de invertebrados y plantas de los prados semi–naturales cuyas poblaciones se están reduciendo. La calidad de los márgenes de las carreteras como hábitats depende de diversos factores, de los cuales el régimen de siega es de los más fáciles de modificar. En este estudio se compararon las comunidades de lepidópteros de los márgenes de las carreteras que sufrieron tres regímenes distintos de siega, según el momento y la intensidad de la siega; siega a mediados del verano, siega a finales de éste, y siega parcial (una estrecha franja próxima a la carretera). Se estudiaron un total de 12.174 individuos y 107 especies de lepidópteros. Los márgenes segados a mediados de verano presentaban una menor riqueza de especies y abundancia de mariposas, y una menor riqueza de especies y diversidad de polillas diurnas, en comparación con los márgenes segados a finales de verano o segados parcialmente. Retrasando la siega anual hasta finales del verano, o promoviendo regímenes de siega en forma de mosaico, tales como la siega parcial, podría mejorarse la calidad de los márgenes de las carreteras como hábitats para las mariposas y las polillas diurnas

    Allergian ja astman kustannukset Suomessa vuonna 2011

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    Allergian ja astman yhteiskunnallisia kustannuksia ja niiden muutoksia 2000-luvulla selvitettiin tilasto- ja rekisterihakujen avulla. Suorien hoitokustannusten lisäksi arvioitiin tuottavuuskustannuksia, joiden pohjaksi tehtiin oma kyselytutkimus. Lisäksi koottiin tärkeimpiä tilastoja allergisille ja astmaa sairastaville maksetuista tuista ja korvauksista. Allergian ja astman kokonaiskustannuksiksi vuonna 2011 arvioitiin 1,3–1,6 miljardia euroa, josta suoria kustannuksia oli 319 miljoonaa (n. 20 %) ja tuottavuuskustannuksia 1,0–1,3 miljardia euroa (n. 80 %). Suorista kustannuksista yli puolet kului lääkehoitoon (180 milj. €). Terveydenhuollon avohoidon ja sairaalahoidon kustannuksia oli kolmannes (109 milj. €), ja vajaa 10 % kului kuntoutukseen sekä allergiaruokavalioiden ja matkojen kustannuksiin (30 milj. €). Astma oli allergisista sairauksista merkittävin; sen suorat kustannukset olivat 206 miljoonaa. Seuraavina olivat allerginen nuha (39,4 milj. €) ja atooppinen ihottuma (34,1 milj. €). Koulujen ja päiväkotien allergiaruokavaliot (8,8 milj. €) ja pienten lasten lehmänmaitoallergia (4,5 milj. €) muodostivat 65 % ruoka-allergian kustannuksista (20,4 milj. €). Epäsuorista tuottavuuskustannuksista vähän yli puolet aiheutui työtehon heikkenemisestä (560–750 milj. €). Toinen puoli jakautui kahtia sairauspoissaolojen (220–280 milj. €) ja työkyvyttömyyseläkkeiden (250 milj. €) kesken. Allergian ja astman vuotuiset kustannukset laskivat 9 % vuosien 2000 ja 2011 välillä, kun mukaan laskettiin hoitokustannukset, maksetut työkyvyttömyyseläkkeet ja sairauspäivärahat. Selvimmin vähentyivät maksettujen työkyvyttömyyseläkkeiden summat (−66 %) sekä kuntoutuksen (−56 %) ja vuodeosastohoidon kustannukset (−38 %). Ainoastaan lääkehoidon kustannukset (22 %) kasvoivat vuoteen 2000 verrattuna

    Energy Efficiency Improvements in Dry Drilling with Optimised Diamond-Like Carbon Coating

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    We demonstrate enhancements of performance and energy efficiency of cutting tools by deposition of diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings on machine parts. DLC was deposited on steel drill bits, using plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) with the acetylene precursor diluted with argon, to produce a surface with low friction and low wear rate. Drill bit performance in dry drilling of aluminium was quantified by analysis of power consumption and swarf flow. Optimised deposition conditions produced drill bits with greatly enhanced performance over uncoated drill bits, showing a 25% reduction in swarf clogging, a 36% reduction in power consumption and a greater than five-fold increase in lifetime. Surface analysis with scanning electron microscopy shows that DLC coated drills exhibit much lower aluminium build up on the trailing shank of the drill, enhancing the anti-adhering properties of the drill and reducing heat generation during operation, resulting in the observed improvements in efficiency. Variation of drilling efficiency with argon dilution of precursor is related to changes in the microstructure of the DLC coating

    Deciduous wood chips as bedding material: Estimation of dust yield, water absorption and microbiological comparison

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    Dust yield, water absorbing capacity and airborne microbes of laboratory animal beddings made of deciduous wood were compared. Three different bedding materials, aspen, alder and birch, two chip sizes and effects of a softening treatment were studied. Overall dust yield from Chips was relatively low. Aspen should, however, be preferred to alder, because it was less dusty. Small (1 X 2 X 1 mm) aspen Chips yielded less inhalable dust than the large chips (4 X 4 X 1 mm). Water absorbing capacity was better in small chips than in large chips and could also be increased with a softening procedure. In this study softening of small aspen chips resulted in unacceptable high dust yield. Though alder had a better water absorbing capacity, aspen seems to soak up urine well enough during a normal change cycle

    Managing the allergy and asthma epidemic in 2020s-Lessons from the Finnish experience

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    In Finland, a systematic public health programme was implemented from 2008 to 2018 to mitigate the burden of allergic disorders by revisiting the prevention strategy. Allergy health and contacts with natural environment were emphasized to promote immunological and psychological resilience instead of poorly justified avoidance. Allergy management practices were improved and low-valued recommendations for care, for example for food allergy, were revised. Patients and families were empowered to use guided self-management to proactively stop symptom exacerbations. A professional non-governmental organization implemented the nationwide education for healthcare and patient NGOs for patients, families and lay public. In healthcare, the work supporting allergic patients and families was organized towards common goals and integrated into everyday work without extra costs. Reaching the predefined goals was followed by employing the national healthcare registers and questionnaire surveys. Governmental bodies contributed with kick-off funding, which was supplemented by private funding. International collaboration, for example with the European patient organization (EFA), increased awareness of the Finnish action and predisposed it for peer review. The 10-year results are favourable, patients are less disabled, practices and attitudes in healthcare have changed, and major cost savings have been obtained. Views of the lay public and patients are slow to move, however. Local multidisciplinary allergy teams were set up to continue the activities also after the Programme. Changes in environment and lifestyle in the last 50 years are the main reasons for the allergy rise. The Finnish experience may help to manage allergic diseases, improve nature relatedness in the fast-urbanizing world, combat nature loss and reduce the disease burden.Peer reviewe

    Current State of the Science: Health Effects and Indoor Environmental Quality

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    Our understanding of the relationship between human health and the indoor environment continues to evolve. Previous research on health and indoor environments has tended to concentrate on discrete pollutant sources and exposures and on specific disease processes. Recently, efforts have been made to characterize more fully the complex interactions between the health of occupants and the interior spaces they inhabit. In this article we review recent advances in source characterization, exposure assessment, health effects associated with indoor exposures, and intervention research related to indoor environments. Advances in source characterization include a better understanding of how chemicals are transported and processed within spaces and the role that other factors such as lighting and building design may play in determining health. Efforts are under way to improve our ability to measure exposures, but this remains a challenge, particularly for biological agents. Researchers are also examining the effects of multiple exposures as well as the effects of exposures on vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly. In addition, a number of investigators are also studying the effects of modifying building design, materials, and operations on occupant health. Identification of research priorities should include input from building designers, operators, and the public health community

    Indoor Inhalation Intake Fractions of Fine Particulate Matter: Review of Influencing Factors

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    Exposure to fine particulate matter ( PM2.5) is a major contributor to the global human disease burden. The indoor environment is of particular importance when considering the health effects associated with PM2.5 exposures because people spend the majority of their time indoors and PM2.5 exposures per unit mass emitted indoors are two to three orders of magnitude larger than exposures to outdoor emissions. Variability in indoor PM2.5 intake fraction ( iFin,total), which is defined as the integrated cumulative intake of PM2.5 per unit of emission, is driven by a combination of building-specific, human-specific, and pollutant-specific factors. Due to a limited availability of data characterizing these factors, however, indoor emissions and intake of PM2.5 are not commonly considered when evaluating the environmental performance of product life cycles. With the aim of addressing this barrier, a literature review was conducted and data characterizing factors influencing iFin,total were compiled. In addition to providing data for the calculation of iFin,total in various indoor environments and for a range of geographic regions, this paper discusses remaining limitations to the incorporation of PM2.5-derived health impacts into life cycle assessments and makes recommendations regarding future research

    Monitoring microplastics in the atmosphere and cryosphere in the circumpolar North: A case for multi-compartment monitoring

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    The atmosphere and cryosphere have recently garnered considerable attention due to their role in transporting microplastics to and within the Arctic, and between freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments. While investigating either in isolation provides valuable insight on the fate of microplastics in the Arctic, monitoring both provides a more holistic view. Nonetheless, despite the recent scientific interest, fundamental knowledge on microplastic abundance, and consistent monitoring efforts, are lacking for these compartments. Here, we build upon the work of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme’s Monitoring Guidelines for Litter and Microplastic to provide a roadmap for multi-compartment monitoring of the atmosphere and cryosphere to support our understanding of the sources, pathways, and sinks of plastic pollution across the Arctic. Overall, we recommend the use of existing standard techniques for ice and atmospheric sampling and to build upon existing monitoring efforts in the Arctic to obtain a more comprehensive pan-Arctic view of microplastic pollution in these two compartments