180 research outputs found

    Mixotrophy in algae

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    Alge su genetski i fiziološki raznolika skupina s vrlo različitim prehrambenim strategijama. Povijesna podjela na autotrofe i heterotrofe ne može se primijeniti na veliki broj vrsta te je mogućnost miksotrofije kao načina ishrane dugo bila zanemarivana. Miksotrofija predstavlja kombinaciju autotrofnog (najčešće fotosintetskog) i heterotrofnog načina ishrane. Ovisno o načinu dobivanja ugljika, ali i ostalih bitnih minerala poput dušika, fosfora i željeza te vitamina, u živom je svijetu prisutan čitav spektar različitih načina ishrane koji uključuje i miksotrofiju. Tako je moguće razlikovati: 1) primarno fototrofne vrste sposobne za heterotrofan način ishrane, 2) primarno fagotrofne vrste, 3) obligatne miksotrofne vrste te mnoge slučajeve koji predstavljaju kombinaciju ta tri navedena. Miksotrofija je prisutna kod mnogobrojnih vrsta cijanobakterija, Chrysophyta, Haptophyta, Dinophyta i Chlorophyta. Neke od miksotrofnih vrsta važne su jer uzrokuju pojavu cvjetanja mora ili su zbog svoje brojnosti i/ili biomase bitan čimbenik u globalnom kruženju ugljika i ostalih elemenata. U radu su prezentirane skupine algi s različitim oblicima miksotrofije, kao i metode korištene u izučavanju ovog fenomena.Algae are genetically and physiologically heterogenous group with different nutritional strategies. Historical division on autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms can not be applied to a huge number of species, while the contribution of mixotrophy often went unrecognised. Mixotrophy entails the ability to conduct both autotrophic (mostly photosynthetic) and heterotrophic lifestyle. A wide nutritional spectrum exists considering the accumulation of carbon, but also of other important minerals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and vitamins. Specifically, organisms can be divided into: 1) primary phototrophs with additional heterotrophic ability, 2) primary phagotrophs. and 3) obligate mixotrophs demanding both light and prey, with many other cases in-between the three aforementioned. Mixotrophy exists among numerous species of cyanobacteria, Chrysophyta, Haptophyta, Dinophyta and Chlorophyta. Some of these species are important because of their role in forming toxic algal blooms, while others have a significant contribution in the global cycling of carbon and other elements. This review presents various groups of algae with different levels of mixotrophy, as well as methods used for studying this phenomenon

    Микроструктурна адаптација коштаног ткива фацијалног скелета на дистрибуцију оклузалног оптерећења код особа са пуним зубним низом и њена улога у настанку прелома фацијалног скелета

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    Occlusal forces have traditionally been explained to transfer through the facial skeleton along specific osseous trajectories known as buttresses. These regions were assumed as zones of strength due to their thick cortical bone structure, while the areas between the buttresses containing thin cortical bone were considered weak and fragile. However, recent studies revealed that both cortical and trabecular bone of the mid-facial skeleton of dentulous individuals exhibit remarkable regional variations in structure and elastic properties. These variations have been frequently suggested to result from the different involvement of cortical and trabecular bone in the transfer of occlusal forces, although there has been no study to link bone microarchitecture to the occlusal loading. Moreover, although the classical concept of buttresses has been extensively studied by mechanical methods, such as finite element (FE) analysis, there is still no direct evidence for occlusal load distribution through the cortical and trabecular bone compartments individually. Additionally, relatively less scientific attention has been paid to the investigation of bone structure along Le Fort fracture lines that have traditionally been assumed as weak areas at which the mid-facial skeleton commonly fractures after injury. Papers published so far in this field focused mainly on the epidemiology and the role of injury mechanism in the fracture development, without considering the structural basis of increased bone fragility along the Le Fort fracture lines...Према традиционалном објашњeњу, пренос оклузалног оптерећења кроз кости лица током жвакања обавља се дуж специфичних путања унутар кости званих трајекторије или „батреси“. Ови делови костију лица сматрани су јаким зонама јер их изграђује кортикална кост велике дебљине, док су делови кости смештени између трајекторија сматрани слабим и фрагилним због њихове танке кортикалне грађе. Међутим, недавним истраживањима је откривено да и кортикална и трабекуларна кост средњег масива лица код особа са пуним зубним низом показују значајне регионалне варијације у грађи и еластичним својствима. Ове се варијације често сматрају адаптацијом кортикалне и трабекуларне кости на различито оптерећење у преносу оклузалних сила током жвакања, иако повезаност микроархитектуре кости и оклузалног оптерећења до сада није испитивана код људи. Штавише, иако је класични концепт преноса оклузалног оптерећења дуж трајекторија интензивно проучаван механичким методама, као што је метод коначних елемената, још увек није испитано на који начин се оклузалне силе преносе појединачно кроз кортикалну и трабекуларну кост. Значајно мању научну пажњу је привлачило испитивање грађе костију лица дуж Le Fort линија које су традиционално сматране најчешћим местима прелома костију фацијалног скелета узрокованих механичким силама. Досадашње студије у овој области су биле фокусиране углавном на епидемиолошка истраживања и улогу механизма повреде у настанку ових прелома, док структурна основа повећане фрагилности кости дуж Le Fort линија није испитивана..

    Side asymmetry in nasal resistance correlate with nasal obstruction severity in patients with septal deformities: Computational fluid dynamics study

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    Objectives The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between side asymmetry in nasal resistance (NR) and severity of the nasal airway obstruction (NAO) in patients with different types of nasal septal deformity (NSD). Design Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study. Setting The study was conducted in a tertiary medical centre. Participants The study included 232 patients, who were referred to the CT examination of the paranasal sinuses. Exclusion criteria were sinonasal and respiratory diseases that may interfere with the nasal obstruction. The presence and the type of NSD were recorded according to the Mladina's classification. Main outcome measures The presence and severity of NAO in each patient were assessed by NOSE questionnaire. Eight computational models of the nasal cavity were created from CT scans. Models represented seven Mladina's NSD types and a straight septum of a symptomless patient. CFD calculated airflow partitioning and NR for each nasal passage. Side differences in NR were calculated by the equation increment NR = NRleft - NRright. The relationship between NOSE scores, airflow partitioning and side differences in NR was explored using Spearman's correlation analysis. Results Mladina's types of NSD showed differences in airflow partitioning and the degree of side asymmetry in NR. A significant positive correlation was detected between side differences in NR and NOSE scores (R = .762, P = .028). A significant negative correlation was found between the per cent of unilateral airflow and NR (R = -.524, P = .037). Conclusions Our results demonstrated that side asymmetry in NR could explain differences in NAO severity related to the NSD type.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Janović, N.; Cocić, A.; Stamenić, M.; Janović, A.; Đurić, M. Side Asymmetry in Nasal Resistance Correlate with Nasal Obstruction Severity in Patients with Septal Deformities: Computational Fluid Dynamics Study. Clinical Otolaryngology 2020. [https://doi.org/10.1111/coa.13563

    The Cationic Grafting of Styrene onto Poly(4-chloromethyl- styrene-co-butadiene)

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    The graft co,polymerization of styrene onto poly(4-chloromethylstyrene- co-butadiene) with diethylaluminium chloride or stannic chloride as cationic coinitiators was studied in 1,2-dichloroethane or cyclohexane solutions. The backbone polymer was prepared by polymerization of butadiene and 4-chloromethylstyrene in emulsion using K2S208 as an initiator. Copolymers containing different amounts of chlorine were obta,ined by changing the ratio of monomers in the monomer mixture. The grafting percentage and grafting efficiency generaly increased by increasing chlorine content in the backbone polymer. · Under described conditions, Et2A1Cl gave higher grafting efficiency in comparison with the results obtained when SnC14 was used as a coinitiator


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    Članak izvještava o srednjovjekovnom rukopisu pronađenom u kaptolskoj knjižnici talijanskoga gradića Urbania, nedaleko od Urbina. Rukopis se sastoji od dva nejednaka i sadržajno neovisna dijela: prvi je dio komentar na teološki nauk Petra Lombardskog (Abstractiones de Libro Sententiarum), a drugi filozofsko-psihologijski spis »O duši i njezinim moćima« (De anima et de potentiis animae). Temeljem nekih povijesnih izvora i indicija oba su teksta pripisana dominikanskomu opatu iz Zadra, stanovitomu Martinu, koji je živio krajem 13. i početkom 14. stoljeća. Prvi je dio rukopisa 2006. doživio kritičko izdanje, a drugi je tek nedavno transkribiran. Otkriveno je da se »Martinov« spis o duši sastoji isključivo od fragmenata djela nastalog čitavo stoljeće prije (oko godine 1200.), čiji je autor Ivan (John) Blund (Johannes Blundus), jedan od prvih srednjovjekovnih komentatora Aristotelovih prirodoznanstvenih spisa i posrednik u recepciji grčke i arapske psihologije na kršćanskom Zapadu. Usporedna analiza dvaju tekstova otvara zanimljiva pitanja i o recepciji Blundova djela u visokoj skolastici i o namjeni Martinove kompilacije.The author reports on a manuscript, held in the capitol library in Urbania, near Urbino in Italy, consisting of two separate texts: the first being a commentary on Peter Lombard’s Sententiae (Abstractiones de Libro Sententiarum) and the second a psychological treatise on the soul and its powers (De anima et de potentiis animae). Leaning on bibliographical notes left by two distinguished historians of the Dominican order (one by Herman D. Christianopulo from the end of the 18th century and the other by Thomas M. Kaeppeli from the second part of the 20th century) and two notes from a notary office in Split dating from the 14 century, Croatian scholar Franjo Šanjek (as far back as 1981) has attributed both texts to a Dominican friar Martin of Zadar (Martinus de Jadra). A paleographical analysis of the manuscript confirmed that it originates from the end of the 13th or the beginning of the 14th century. In the year 2006 a critical edition of the first part of the manuscript, Martin’s comments on the Sententiae, has been published. The analysis of the second (and much shorter) part of the manuscript (comprising 18 folia) revealed that its text consists of larger excerpts from John Blund’s (Johannes Blundus’) Tractatus de anima, an important piece of Aristotelian-Avicennian philosophical psychology that was most probably written between year 1200 and 1204. Parallel presentation of the two texts, the critical edition of Blund’s treatise (edited by D. A. Callus, R. W. Hunt and M. W. Dunne) and the transcribed text of the second part of the manuscript from Urbania, shows interesting similarities and dissimilarities which might prove useful both for the study of the reception of Blund’s philosophy in the 13th and 14th centuries and for the critical edition of his only preserved work (hitherto based on three known manuscripts: from Cambridge, Prague and Vatican). A plausible assumption concerning the purpose of Martin’s compilation of parts of Blund’s Treatise is that it was used for teaching (perhaps in a Dominican monastery school, either in Zadar or in Northern Italy). However, even if this assumption proves right, there remains a baffling question: Why did Martin, among an abundance of psychological works from the 13th and the beginning of the 14th centuries, of which some were written by greatest Dominican thinkers (like Albert the Great or Thomas Aquinas), picked out a more than a century old text which – as one might plausibly assume – was not even among the more popular representatives of its kind. The choice ofBlund’s Treatise appears even more peculiar knowing that its author draws extensively on natural-philosophical sources – not only Greek and Arabic, but also medieval ones (e.g. Quaestiones Salernitanae or Adelard of Bath)

    Alternating Copolymerization and Copolymers of Styrene and N-(2,4-Dibromoplienyl)maleimide

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    Free radical copolymerization of styrene (St) and AT-(2,4-dibromo- phenyllmaleimide (DBPMI) in dioxane solution gave an alternating copolymer in all proportions of feed comonomer compositions. The copolymerization reactivity ratios were found to be rx = 0.049 ± 0.0023 (St) and r2 = 0.0115 ± 0.0018 (DBPMI); Q and e values were also calculated. The molecular weights of the copolymers obtained are relatively high and the alternating copolymer had a glass transition temperature of 507 K: the thermal stability of the copolymer is higher than that of polystyrene. The equilibrium constant of charge-transfer complex of St and DBPMI was determined by \u27H-NMR spectroscopy in deuterated chloroform and gave a value of 0.12 L/mol. The initial rate of copolymerization was measured as a function of the monomer ratios, and the participation of the charge-transfer complex monomer and the free monomers was quantitatively estimated. It was established that the copolymerization of St with DBPMI proceeds predominasntly through participation of the free monomers