38 research outputs found

    Gated Graphene Electrical Transport Characterization

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    Graphene is a very interesting new material, and promises attractive applications in future nanodevices. It is a 2D carbon structure with very interesting physical behavior. Graphene is an almost transparent material that has higher carrier mobility than any other material at room temperature. Graphene can therefore be used in applications such as ultrahigh-speed transistors and transparent electrodes. In this paper, we present our preliminary experiments on the transport behavior of graphene at room temperature. We measured the resistivity of Hall-bar samples depending on gate voltage (backgated graphene). Hysteresis between the forward and backward sweep direction was observed

    Marine oomycetes of the genus halophytophthora harbor viruses related to bunyaviruses

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    We investigated the incidence of RNA viruses in a collection of Halophytophthora spp. from estuarine ecosystems in southern Portugal. The first approach to detect the presence of viruses was based on the occurrence of dsRNA, typically considered as a viral molecule in plants and fungi. Two dsRNA-banding patterns (∼7 and 9 kb) were observed in seven of 73 Halophytophthora isolates tested (9.6%). Consequently, two dsRNA-hosting isolates were chosen to perform stranded RNA sequencing for de novo virus sequence assembly. A total of eight putative novel virus species with genomic affinities to members of the order Bunyavirales were detected and their full-length RdRp gene characterized by RACE. Based on the direct partial amplification of their RdRp gene by RT-PCR multiple viral infections occur in both isolates selected. Likewise, the screening of those viruses in the whole collection of Halophytophthora isolates showed that their occurrence is limited to one single Halophytophthora species. To our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating the presence of negative (-) ssRNA viruses in marine oomycetes.Project Phytophthora Research Centre CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000453info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Detection System with Spider Web Coil-Based Wireless Charging and an Active Battery Management System

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    The article presents a detection system with spider web coil-based wireless charging. Commonly available metal detectors are sold as handheld systems, which enable only progressive, lengthy, time-consuming search. Importantly, a part of the investigated area can thus be easily missed, and the probability that a metal object will not be found increases substantially. This problem, however, is eliminable via the automatic position tracking mode embedded in the solution obtained through our research. The proposed system facilitates using the spider web coil simultaneously for wireless charging and metal detection by pulse induction. The topology of the detector can emit variable pulse lengths, thus allowing the device to detect more types of metal and to adapt itself to the permeability of the soil. The coil has an branch in a relevant part of the winding to reduce undesirable electromagnetic interference during the charging. On the transmitting side of the topology, impedance matching is included to maintain the maximum spatial gap variability. By changing the position of the receiving side, the output voltage changes; therefore, a high efficiency DC/DC converter is employed. The individual battery cells exhibit different internal resistances, requiring us to apply a new method to balance the cells voltage. The system can be utilized on self-guided vehicles or drones; advantageously, a GPS resending the coordinates to a mesh radio allows for accurate positioning. With the mesh topology, potential cooperation between the multiple systems is possible. The setup utilizes the same coil for wireless power transfer and detection

    Genetic analyses suggest separate introductions of the pine pathogen Lecanosticta acicola into Europe

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    Lecanosticta acicola is a heterothallic ascomycete that causes brown spot needle blight on native and nonnative Pinus spp. in many regions of the world. In this study we investigated the origin of European L. acicola populations and estimated the level of random mating of the pathogen in affected areas. Part of the elongation factor 1-α gene was sequenced, 11 microsatellite regions were screened, and the mating type idiomorphs were determined for 201 isolates of L. acicola collected from three continents and 17 host species. The isolates from Mexico and Guatemala were unique, highly diverse and could represent cryptic species of Lecanosticta. The isolates from East Asia formed a uniform and discrete group. Two distinct populations were identified in both North America and Europe. Approximate Bayesian computation analyses strongly suggest independent introductions of two populations from North America into Europe. Microsatellite data and mating type distributions indicated random recombination in the populations of North America and Europe. Its intercontinental introduction can most likely be explained as a consequence of the movement of infected plant material. In contrast, the spread of L. acicola within Europe appears to be primarily due to conidial dispersion and probably also ascospore dissemination.The project was supported financially by COST CZ LD12031 (DIAROD), the FPS COST Action FP1102 (DIAROD), Project indicators of trees vitality Reg. No. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0265 co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic, the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria (OeAD-GmbH, Austria) for J. Janoušek. The research was supported with funding from the Austrian Science Fund FWF and the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7 2007–2013 (KBBE 2009-3) under grant agreement 245268 ISEFOR.http://apsjournals.apsnet.org/loi/phytohj2017Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)Genetic

    Response of Alnus glutinosa to Phytophthora bark infections at ambient and elevated CO2 levels

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    Introduction: Mortality of the riparian alder population caused by Phytophthora pathogens has been studied for over 20 years throughout Europe, recently gaining more importance in the context of evident climate change. The main objective of this study was to examine the pathogenicity of species from the "Phytophthora alni complex" present in the Czech Republic (P. x alni and P. uniformis) and P. plurivora to Alnus glutinosa seedlings grown at ambient and elevated CO2 concentration. Methods: An underbark inoculation test was performed with seedlings grown from seeds collected from two Czech alder populations, one suffering from severe Phytophthora decline and the other disease-free. Results: The results showed significant differences in lesion development and seedling mortality. After a 13-week experimental period, at both CO2 levels P. x alni and P. uniformis showed high aggressiveness to A. glutinosa seedlings causing lesions of variable sizes and mortality of 33.3%, and 45.8% of plants, respectively. In contrast, P. plurivora did not cause mortality to any plant, and lesion sizes did not differ significantly from those in control plants. Physiological measurements did not reveal any significant differences between Phytophthora species except for plants inoculated with P. plurivora showing increased values in specific physiological parameters 4 weeks post-inoculation. Net photosynthesis decreased over the measurement period in all treatments with significant differences found between measurements conducted 2 and 4 weeks after the inoculation. Transpiration showed a decreasing trend in all inoculated plants with no significant differences between Phytophthora species at both CO2 levels. Chemical analyses of root samples showed high variability in sugars and phenolic compounds related to the plant's health status. Discussion: This is the first study to examine the response of alder seedlings to Phytophthora pathogens at different CO2 levels. The findings demonstrate high aggressiveness of P. x alni and P. uniformis and weaker aggressiveness of P. plurivora to alder seedlings regardless of the CO2 level.O

    The Chinese Cultural Revolution in Publications and Articles of Czechoslovak Marxist Theoreticians

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    Práce se zabývá vývojem československého pohledu na situace vznikající jako důsledek Mao Zedongovy politiky v Číně. Hlavním cílem práce práce je analyzovat články uveřejněné v Rudém právu, z těchto částí následně zkompletovat komplexní pohled na vývoj a v neposlední řadě tyto závěry porovnat s interními závěry komunistické strany a odborných monografií. Práce si neklade za cíl podrobně zkoumat výhradně jednu etapu, ale spíše podává komplexní pohled na dané téma a díky kvalitní základně dobových zdrojů otevírá svou výzkumnou činností prostor pro následné užší zaměření prací následujících.ObhájenoThe work aims for the Czechoslovak development of the view of the Mao Zedong politics. The main aims are gathering key articles from Rudé právo, putting the articles into one systematic set and eventually comparing them to unofficial Marxist conclusions and professional historical works. The work does not intend to focus closely on one specific part of the development between 1950 to 1976 but more likely to reveal the area and set a good starting position for very specific following works

    Ekologická charakteristika organozemí a možnosti využití rašelin v oblasti vybraných ložisek Třeboňské pánve a Krušných hor

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    In the introduction part the dissertation is concerned with the state of peat harvesting in The Czech Republic and ecological characteristics of representative peat bogs in the Trebon area and Krusne Hory. The part methodology is based on selection of areas of research, description of initial and final state and establishing research areas in devastate areas of Krusne Hory. An important component of methodology was definition and development of substrate for re cultivation and monitoring of influence of applied substrate on the soil and seedlings. Experimental substrates were developed and manufactured in Raselina a.s. company. These substrates were applied together with experimental seedlings of Picea abies (L.) Karsten in research locations. Data were gain continuously for formulation of results, which were evaluated in graphs and statistics. From results follow that addition of well chosen organic matter on the base of peat or compost in the area of planting hole within planting of Picea abies (L.) Karsten and following application of substrate near to the trunk, in next years, can significantly optimized nutrition in the stand and ensure higher growth in first years, which are key for successful growth. The best results from the point of optimal nutrition in period of three years were achieved in the substrate EXPM2, which was formulated by compost and peat. The best growth between 2012 and 2014 occurred in substrate EXPM 1, which was made from peat and fertilizer Silvamix R with stimulator. Finally we can state that for complete dealing with this topic, and statements with more general validity, we would need more data from longer period, which exceeded possibilities of these theses

    Displacement of Sudetenland Germans from West Bohemia

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    V práci se autor zabývá problematikou odsunu Němců po 2. světové válce v konkrétních lokalitách Západočeského kraje. Cílem jeho práce bylo shromáždit dostupné informace, zhodnotit je a porovnat průběh odsunu s dostupnými teoretickými pracemi. Analyzovány byly archivní záznamy vztažené k Internačnímu táboru Stod a rozhovor s jedním z účastníků odsunu v obci Přestavlky. Hlavní důraz byl kladen na práci s přímými zdroji informací. Takové zdroje informací jsou sice často neověřitelné, vrhají však nové světlo na lokální specifika - poměru mezi Němci a Čechy, ekonomický dopad, oběti na životech, průběh odsunu a zásahu do osobních svobod. Práce má význam především lokální, odhaluje však i možnosti návazného bádání.ObhájenoIn the work the author has dealt with the issues of Germans' displacement after the Second World War in West Bohemia region. The main aim of his work was gathering of available information, evaluating the information and comparing them with theoretical works. The author has analysed the archival files refering to Displaced Persons' Camp in Stod and the course of displacement in Přestavlky village. The main emphasis has been put on work with direct sources. These information may not be the most reliable but they can illuminate the local particularity, such as a relationship between Czechs and Germans, economic impact, number of victims, progressing of the displacement or restrictions of personal freedom. The work should be helpful expecially for local historians or local people but it suggests a further research as well