6 research outputs found

    Various aspects of bariatric surgery - a review

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    Introduction and purpose Obesity is a complex, chronic disease that has recently reached epidemic proportions. According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of this disease tripled since 1975, reaching 13% of the global population in 2016. A body mass index (BMI) > 30 kg/m² is typically the reference point for obesity in adults, and the mortality risk associated with obesity increases by 100% at BMI > 40 kg/ m² compared to individuals with normal body weight. The aim of the article is to present the benefits of bariatric surgery, encompassing not only weight loss but also a range of other advantages for obese patients undergoing the procedure. Materials and methods The literature included in the PubMed databases is searched through the words such as obesity, bariatric surgery. Description of the state of knowledge: The literature review shows the breadth of the issue. Obesity constitutes a public health crisis and a significant risk factor for many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and numerous others. Since in most cases, lifestyle optimization and low-calorie diet alone are not sufficient, pharmacological interventions as well as surgical interventions are often necessary. Bariatric surgery remains the most effective treatment option, as it has been demonstrated to not only reduce body weight but also decrease mortality from cardiovascular diseases and extend overall life expectancy. Conclusions The benefits, complications, and selection of the best surgical method for treating obesity are still under investigation. However, research demonstrates the long-term effectiveness of bariatric surgery in weight loss and the remission of comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, as well as in preventing obesity-related cancers

    Platelet-rich plasma as a new treatment method in orthopedics

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    Introduction and purposePlatelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy represents a technology designed to enhance tissue repair by locally administering one's own bioactive agents, aiming to influence physiological processes like inflammation, angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix synthesis. Recently, the use of PRP therapy has become a subject of discussion in the orthopedic field. This review comprehensively examines the mechanisms, contemporary applications, clinical evidence, safety aspects, and potential future advancements of PRP in orthopedic treatment. Research has documented the efficacy of PRP injections in achieving full regeneration and enabling a comeback to competitive sports. PRP injections could serve as a viable alternative treatment for individuals with lateral tendonitis when compared to surgery. Further research investigating the impact of PRP on the bone healing process following a fracture is warranted. Materials and methods The methodology for conducting literature search involved utilizing medical subject headings terms to explore PubMed. Search terms included: "plasma-rich therapy", "tendinopathy",  "injury" " articular cartilage ", "bone fracture " ConclusionsResearch at different evidence levels has shown that PRP is safe and has beneficial effects in above uses. Due to the autologous nature of the therapy, side effects are minimal. In the majority of cases, PRP therapy alleviates pain sensations in both short- and long-term observations, facilitating a faster return to daily functionality. However, additional randomized, controlled clinical trials are anticipated to be conducted in the future. Progressing further necessitates the standardization of methods for preparing plasma and procedures for its application

    Fremdsprachenlerner als Reflexionspartner beim Aufbau der Feedbackkultur im universitären DaF-Unterricht”

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    Wydział Neofilologii:Instytut Lingwistyki StosowanejPrzedmiotem rozprawy doktorskiej zatytułowanej „Osoby uczące się j. obcych jako partnerzy refleksji w procesie kształtowania kultury informacji zwrotnej w dydaktyce j.niemieckiego jako obcego na poziomie uniwersyteckim” jest informacja zwrotna jako jedna z możliwości doskonalenia jakości w edukacji. Niniejsza rozprawa stanowi próbę przedstawienia roli informacji zwrotnej w relacji student-nauczyciel jako niezbędnego elementu pracy nauczyciela będącego zarazem wskaźnikem jego profesjonalnej kompetencji. W rozważaniach nad wpływem informacji zwrotnej (feedback) na podniesienie jakości procesów kształcenia przedstawione zostało znaczenie informacji zwrotnej jako formy nawiązania kontaktu ze studentem na bazie dialogu oznaczającego przekazanie studentowi częściowej odpowiedzialności za swój proces nauczania. Jako warunek efektywnego przekazu informacji zwrotnej studenta dla nauczyciela podkreślona została konieczność wykształcenia postawy refleksyjnej zarówno u studentów jak i u nauczycieli, aby stali się oni refleksyjnymi praktykami. Tak rozumiane pojęcie refleksyjności wymaga przesunięcia akcentu w relacjach student-nauczyciel, co oznacza traktowanie go jako partnera w planowaniu i organizacji procesów kształcenia. W pracy przedstawione zostały zatem również warunki i możliwości kształcenia i rozwoju kompetencji autoewaluacyjnych u studentów.In the context of the dissertation on the subject of “Foreign language learners as reflection partners at the construction of a feedback culture in the university German as foreign language classes” the self-reflection ability of students in their role as reflection partners at the construction of a feedback culture in their university German as a foreign language classes was investigated. The focus of this investigation was to show their ability to self-reflect by using their biographically-shaped reflections about the learning of foreign languages and, by determining their personal theories about reflexive processes in different classes, to show their opinion about the practicability and importance of reflection in class. The visualization of personal experience of the German as foreign language students as well as the presentation of the students’ own opinions and beliefs concerning the reflection processes in class made it possible for future foreign language teachers to identify specific links, functions and implementation possibilities used in feedback processes at university educational practice. Analyzing the vast potential of students’ feedback concerning the optimization of the quality of the class in context of this dissertation has proven that systematic and long-term forms of feedback given by the learners positively influence the design of the education in class.Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation zum Thema „Fremdsprachenlerner als Reflexionspartner beim Aufbau der Feedbackkultur im universitären DaF-Unterricht” wurde die Selbstreflexionsfähigkeit der Studenten in ihrer Eigenschaft als Reflexionspartner beim Aufbau einer Feedbackkultur im universitären DaF-Unterricht untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchung besteht darin, die Fähigkeit der Studenten zur Selbstreflexion anhand ihrer biographisch geprägten Reflexionen über das Fremdsprachenlernen aufzuzeigen sowie – durch die Ermittlung ihrer subjektiven Theorien über reflexive Prozesse im Unterricht – ihre Auffassungen über den Stellenwert und Praktikabilität von Reflexion im Unterricht darzustellen. Die Vergegenwärtigung der persönlichen Erfahrungen der DaF-Studenten sowie die Darlegung der eigenen Meinungen und Überzeugungen hinsichtlich der Reflexionsprozesse im Unterricht ließ die angehenden Fremdsprachenlehrer konkrete Zusammenhänge, Ausprägungen, Funktionen und Umsetzungsmöglichleiten der Feedbackarbeit in der universitären Bildungspraxis erkennen. Die Auseinandersetzung mit den Potentialen des Lernerfeedbacks bezüglich der Verbesserung der Unterrichtsqualität im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hat eindeutig ergeben, dass systematische und langfristig angelegte Formen der Lernerrückmeldung einen positiven Einfluss auf die Gestaltung des Unterrichts nehmen können

    Seeing beyond the outcrop: Integration of ground-penetrating radar with digital outcrop models of a paleokarst system

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    Paleokarst breccias are a common feature of sedimentary rift basins. The Billefjorden Trough in the High Arctic archipelago of Svalbard is an example of such a rift. Here the Carboniferous stratigraphy exhibits intervals of paleokarst breccias formed by gypsum dissolution. In this study we integrate digital outcrop models (DOMs) with a 2D ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey to extrapolate external irregular paleokarst geometries beyond the 2D outcrops. DOMs are obtained through combining a series of overlapping photographs with structure-from-motion photogrammetry, to create mm- to dm-resolution georeferenced DOMs. GPR is typically used for surveying the shallow subsurface and relies on detecting the contrasts in electro-magnetic permittivity. We defined three geophysical facies based on their appearance in GPR. By integrating subsurface geophysical data with DOMs we were able to correlate reflection patterns in GPR with outcrop features. The chaotic nature of paleokarst breccias is seen both in outcrop and GPR. Key horizons in outcrop and the GPR profiles allow tying together observations between these methods. Furthermore, we show that this technique expands the two-dimensional outcrop surface into a three-dimensional domain, thus complementing, strengthening and extending outcrop interpretations

    Ocular manifestations in Sjögren’s syndrome – it never rains but it pours? Case report

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    Zespół Sjögrena (Sjögren’s syndrome – SS) jest przewlekłą, autoimmunologiczną chorobą układową o charakterze zapalnym. Występują w nim limfocytarne nacieki zapalne w gruczołach wydzielania zewnętrznego, co prowadzi do ich znacznej dysfunkcji i zniszczenia. Stan chorobowy najczęściej obejmuje gruczoły łzowe i ślinianki, co powoduje suchość oczu i suchość w jamie ustnej. W pracy opisano przypadek 64-letniej kobiety, która od 6 lat odczuwała dyskomfort w prawym oku. Okulista rozpoznał zaćmę początkową obu oczu, owrzodzenie rogówki oka prawego i podwinięcie powieki dolnej prawej wymagające interwencji chirurgicznej. Pomimo udanego zabiegu rzęsy zaczęły nieprawidłowo odrastać i podrażniać rogówkę. W krótkim czasie problem nieprawidłowo rosnących rzęs objął również powieki lewego oka. Rzęsy powiek obu oczu wielokrotnie usuwano mechanicznie. Na podstawie objawów, dodatniego wyniku testu Schirmera oraz obecności przeciwciał SS-A rozpoznano SS. W kolejnych latach w obu oczach pacjentki rozwinęły się keratopatia wraz z ubytkami na-błonka rogówki, zaawansowana zaćma, podwinięcie górnych powiek oraz związany z tym nieprawidłowy wzrost rzęs. Stany te wymagały intensywnego leczenia farmakologicznego oraz chirurgicznego, w tym naszycia błony owodniowej na powierzchnię oka prawego, plastyki powiek, zamknięcia punktów łzowych i operacji zaćmy. Pomimo leczenia u pacjentki występują obecnie liczne zrosty spojówkowe oraz unaczynione bielmo rogówki prawego oka. Oprócz objawów ocznych pacjentka wykazuje objawy ze strony innych narządów.Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune inflammatory disease. It is characterized by inflammatory lymphocytic infiltration of exocrine glands, leading to their significant dysfunction and destruction. Lacrimal and salivary glands are commonly affected, causing dryness of the eyes and mouth. The subject of the study is a case report of a 64-year-old woman who had been suffering from discomfort in her right eye for 6 years. Early stage cataract in both eyes, corneal ulceration of the right eye, and a right lower eyelid entropion requiring surgical intervention, were diagnosed at that time. Despite successful treatment, the eyelashes began to grow improperly again and irritated the cornea. Subsequently, the problem of trichiasis also affected the eyelid of the left eye. The eyelashes of both eyes were removed mechanically many times. Sjögren’s syndrome was diagnosed on the basis of the symptoms, a positive Schirmer test and the presence of SS-A antibodies. In the following years, the patient developed keratopathy with corneal epithelial defects, advanced stage cataract, and upper eyelid entropion with associated trichiasis in both eyes. These conditions required both intensive pharmacological and surgical treatment, including an amniotic membrane transplant onto the surface of the right eye, blepharoplasty, lacrimal puncta closure and cataract surgery. Despite the treatment, the patient currently has numerous conjunctival adhesions and vascularized corneal leucoma of the right eye. In addition to the ocular symptoms, the patient has presented other systemic signs


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    The Covid-19 pandemic occurred at a time of major revolution in the geosciences – the era of digital geology. Digital outcrop models (DOMs) acquired from consumer drones, processed using user-friendly photogrammetric software and shared with the wider audience through online platforms are a cornerstone of this digital geological revolution. Integration of DOMs with other geoscientific data, such as geological maps, satellite imagery, terrain models, geophysical data and field observations, strengthens their application in both research and education. Teaching geology with digital tools advances students' learning experience by providing access to high-quality outcrops, enhancing visualization of 3D geological structures and improving data integration. Similarly, active use of DOMs to integrate new field observations will facilitate more effective fieldwork and quantitative research. From a student's perspective, georeferenced and scaled DOMs allow for an improved appreciation of scale and of 3D architecture, which is a major threshold concept in geoscientific education. DOMs allow us to bring geoscientists to the outcrops digitally, which is particularly important in view of the Covid-19 pandemic that restricts travel and thus direct access to outcrops. At the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), located at 78° N in Longyearbyen in Arctic Norway, DOMs are actively used even in non-pandemic years, as the summer field season is short and not overlapping with the Bachelor “Arctic Geology” course package held from January to June each year. In 2017, we at UNIS developed a new course (AG222 “Integrated Geological Methods: From Outcrop To Geomodel”) to encourage the use of emerging techniques like DOMs and data integration to solve authentic geoscientific challenges. In parallel, we have established the open-access Svalbox geoscientific portal, which forms the backbone of the AG222 course activities and provides easy access to a growing number of DOMs, 360∘ imagery, subsurface data and published geoscientific data from Svalbard. Considering the rapid onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Svalbox portal and the pre-Covid work on digital techniques in AG222 allowed us to rapidly adapt and fulfil at least some of the students' learning objectives during the pandemic. In this contribution, we provide an overview of the course development and share experiences from running the AG222 course and the Svalbox platform, both before and during the Covid-19 pandemic