61 research outputs found


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    As a form of respect and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities in working, the Government issued an affirmation policy by opening the formation of persons with disabilities as the Aparatur Sipil Negara-ASN (State Civil Apparatus). In the implementation of ASN recruitment, there are several problems faced, including the formation of persons with disabilities that are not filled and requirements that have not accommodated the interests of persons with disabilities. One problem is the non-fulfillment of the formation, or the tan caused by the job analysis. This study aims to describe the process of job analysis for persons with disabilities in the recruitment and selection of ASN with a type of narrative descriptive research. Data collection was carried out through interviews with informants from the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform, the State Civil Service Agency, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Australia Indonesia Disability Research Advocacy Network and document studies by reviewing the literature on job analysis for persons with disabilities and regulations related to job analysis. The results showed that the process of analyzing job analysis of jobs in the context of planning ASN needs as stipulated in the Peraturan Menteri Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 1 Tahun 2020 concerning Job analysis and Workload Analysis does not specifically regulate for persons with disabilities. The availability of facilities and the lack of a comprehensive understanding of the issue of inclusivity in the fulfillment of the right to work for persons with disabilities are factors in the emergence of job requirements that are not accommodating to all kinds of disabilities. The provision of accessibility and decent accommodation has not been a major concern in the preparation of the ASN job analysis

    Intervention of Public Policy on Behavior Change of Street Children in Indonesia

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    Poverty has a contribution to increase the number of street children then, street children are minors who maintain their lives on the streets. Many children stay in the street to make a living every day.  Because they are the country's most important resource, children, the policy and investment decisions made today will have significant implications for the country's future. The aim of this analysis is to analyze the implementation of public policy on behaviour change of street children in Indonesia. The method used in this analysis is Narrative Policy Analysis (NPA). NPA is a research method by using a narrative approach. Policies in dealing with street children in Indonesia are still top-down, so their implementation is measured through the indicators put forward by Edward III which include: communication, resources, arrangements, and bureaucratic structures. However, the needs of street children must also be known through a collaborative approach by combining top-down and bottom-up methods. In conclusion, direct individual support from government officials, the social community, and families also play a role in changing the behavior of street children. Policies that are repressive and do not understand the condition of street children tend not to change the behavior of street children. Policies should concern the real needs of street children and find out the vital causes of why they choose to live on the streets to prevent those condition. This analysis focused only on narrative policy to overcome children’s welfare. Thus, this analysis has a limit in comparing the condition of street children in various cities of Indonesia


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    Career development in a government agency is very important for the progress and success of the organization in achieving the planned goals. The formulation of the problem is how to challenge the career development of PPUPD functional positions at the DKI Jakarta Provincial Inspectorate. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of career development at the Inspectorate of DKI Jakarta Province and the challenges in career development of PPUPD. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection was obtained through informant interviews and document studies. The results of the study concluded that the implementation of career development in PPUPD functional positions was influenced by several factors. Factors that support career development are the implementation of training for all employees and the availability of a budget. While the inhibiting factors are fair treatment in a career, concern for direct superiors, information on promotion opportunities, and interest in being promoted

    The Challenge of the New PNS Pension Scheme in Indonesia: Pay as You Go to Be Fully Funded

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    The increase in the number of civil servants retiring every year and the high life expectancy makes the pension fund increase every year. With the pay as you go scheme currently implemented, the APBN's fiscal burden is even higher. For this reason, the government plans to change the civil servant pension system to a fully funded system. The purpose of this research is to look at the challenges in implementing a fully funded scheme for civil servant pensions in Indonesia. The research method uses a postpositivist approach with primary data obtained from interviews with informants from members of the DPR RI legislature in the field of finance, experts from Commission XI DPR RI and public policy researchers. Secondary data were obtained from literature studies, documents and relevant government reports for analysis. Data processing techniques with open coding, axial coding and selecting coding with illustrative analysis assisted by NVivo12 plus software. The results of the study show that the government must reform pension fund management institutions, pay close attention to the investment climate, transition data on new schemes that need to be regulated by the ministry for the utilization of the state apparatus, the national staffing agency, the ministry of finance and local governments. In addition, this fully funded policy requires consistency over a long period of time to have an impact on the state budget and education for civil servants. In anticipating a new pension scheme, the government needs to prepare a roadmap for the weaknesses of the fully funded scheme, especially aspects of investment risk and civil servant pension insurance


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    Based on Law Number 11 of 2019 concerning the National System of Science & Technology established the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), which oversees the research process from upstream to downstream. BRIN is an integrated institution of various research institutions in Indonesia, including the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), and the Institute for Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) and a combination of other R&D institutions. This paper aims to analyze readiness transformation National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to acceleration development research and innovation national  using SWOT Analysis. This study uses descriptive quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to 32 respondents who work at BRIN. SWOT Analysis uses the IFAS (Internal Factor Strategic) matrix, which describes strength and weakness factors. The EFAS (External Factor Strategic) matrix describes the opportunities and threats. The results show that the weight of the score on the dimension of strength is 1.47, the weight of the score on the dimension of weakness is 1.28, the weight of the score on the dimension of opportunity is 1.58, and the weight of the score on the threat dimension is 1.19. The total value of the average score on the IFAS matrix is 2.75, and the total value of the average score on the EFAS matrix is 2.77   Keywords : BRIN, Innovation, Research, SWOT Analysi


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    Abstrak: Masih ada 43% dari 4.450.000 Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) di Indonesia yang memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) menghambat kinerja  Pemerintah Indonesia. Lebih lanjut lagi, 32,6 % dari total PNS di Indonesia mendekati usia pensiun. Keadaan itu mendorong Pemerintah Indonesia melaksanakan rekrutmen Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS). Studi ini membahas penyusunan perangkat seleksi di rekrutmen CPNS. Perangkat seleksi tersebut adalah Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD) dan Tes Kompetensi Bidang (TKB). Studi ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan post positivist dengan studi kasus di Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Wawancara mendalam dengan aktor sentral dalam penyusunan perangkat seleksi menjadi sumber pengumpulan data primer. Studi ini melihat perangkat seleksi melalui lima dimensi dari perangkat seleksi yang efektif yaitu reliabilitas, validitas, generalisasi, utilitas, dan legalitas. Penyusunan TKD dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan sedangkan penyusunan TKB dilakukan oleh tim khusus di LIPI. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua aspek perangkat seleksi efektif sudah terimplementasi. Aspek yang belum terimplementasi adalah tahap testing dari perangkat seleksi tersebut. Beberapa tantangan penyusunan juga terungkap dalam studi ini. Manfaat dari studi ini adalah memberikan saran berbasis riset kepada Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengembangkan perangkat seleksi yang lebih baik di masa yang akan datang. Abstract:  The fact that from among 4.450.000 civil servants in Indonesia, as many as 42% are still senior high school graduates hampers the Indonesian government from achieving organizational goals effectively. In addition, as much as 32,6% of civil servants are elderly human resources approaching retirement age. Such conditions force Indonesian government to take an option of recruiting Civil Servant Candidate. This study discusses the preparation issue of the selection tool used to screen the applicants during the recruitment process. The selection tool in question are Basic Competence Test and Field Specific Competence Test. A post positivist case study was conducted at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. In-dept interviews with central stakeholders were used as data collection method. The study looked from five dimensions of effective selection tool which are reliability, validity, generatability, utility, and legality. The formulation of Basic Competence Test was conducted by Ministry of Education and Cultures while the formulation of Field Specific Competence Test was conducted by special team in Indonesian Institute of Sciences. The study shows that from mentioned dimensions, while most aspects were implemented in the formulation, the step missing was a tryout of those selection tools. The study also shows that the formulation faced several specific challenges in each competence test. Benefit of this study is to give research-based advice for Indonesian government in next Civil Servants Candidate recruitment process

    Persepsi Pegawai Mengenai Keadilan Dalam Pemberian Tunjangan Kinerja Di Polres Metro Bekasi Kota

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    Pemberian tunjangan kinerja di organisasi Polri bertujuan untuk memotivasi aparaturnya dalam bekerja. Tunjangan kinerja sendiri merupakan imbalan yang diberikan berdasarkan usaha, jerih payah dan kontribusi pegawai yang diberikan pada organisasi yang terangkum dalam penilaian kinerja bukan berdasarkan pangkat dan golongan saja.  Selain itu tunjangan kinerja pun harus menganut prinsip keadilan dan kelayakan, oleh karena itu dalam pelaksanaanya diperlukan strategi yang tepat untuk bisa menerapkan prinsip tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode pengambilan data menggunakan mixed methode melalui survei dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa tidak ada perbedaan persepsi pegawai mengenai keadilan dalam pemberian tunjangan kinerja. Selain itu strategi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mengacu pada  kehadiran, kinerja, beban tugas, tanggung jawab serta resiko pekerjaan dari anggota yang dilakukan sehari-hari

    Public Information Disclosure: Mapping the Understanding of Multiple Actors in Corruption- Prone Indonesian Provinces

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    Recent scholarships in public administration and legal studies have agreed on the role of public information disclosure as a necessary requirement in eradicating corruption. Moreover, it is evident that accessibility of public information to the citizen helps to improve governance reform and policy making. In that situation, the citizen is involved in the participatory process and subsequently tightens public oversight to the government. Nevertheless, the literature might only be valid in relatively homogenous societies or in countries successfully achieving their development goals. This article seeks to confront this scholarship to the prevalence of a country experiencing ongoing construction of administrative law framework amidst discrepancies of development progress across regions. Three provinces in Indonesia are chosen to explain this matter by identifying relevant actors and mapping their understanding about public information disclosure against corruption. We employ qualitative research by process-tracing methods to identify causal mechanisms over multiple determining factors affecting the understanding. Data is inquired through in-depth interviews and analyses of open, accessible electronic data. Our recent work progress suggests that impediments to undertake public information disclosure against corruption come from very basic situations, including a sort of misunderstanding of predefined terminology between disclosed or classified information to the public and over-reliance on prevailing laws related to the issue without any improvements of the regulatory framework or policy instruments


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    Pemindahan Ibu Kota Negara Indonesia ke Provinsi Kalimantan Timur telah menjadi isu hangat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, yang pada tanggal 15 Februari 2022 keputusan tersebut akhirnya disahkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 tentang Ibu Kota Negara. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kebijakan pemindahan ibu kota negara, dengan studi pada instansi pemerintah Indonesia menggunakan analisis SWOT. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner kepada 60 orang responden melalui metode random sampling. Analisis SWOT dilakukan dengan matriks IFAS (Internal Factor Strategic) yang menjabarkan faktor kekuatan dan juga faktor kelemahan, serta matriks EFAS (External Factor Strategic) yang menjabarkan faktor peluang dan faktor ancaman. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa bobot skor dimensi kekuatan sebesar 1,69, bobot skor dimensi kelemahan sebesar 2,02, kemudian untuk bobot skor dimensi peluang 1,92, dan bobot skor dimensi ancaman sebesar 1,59. Nilai total skor rata-rata pada matriks IFAS adalah 3,71 dan nilai total skor rata-rata pada matriks EFAS adalah 3,51. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut terlihat bahwa faktor kelemahan dan juga faktor peluang masih lebih besar dibandingkan dengan faktor kekuatan dan fakor ancamannya

    Access to Disclosure of Disasters Information for Deaf People through Sign Language Interpreter

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    There are plenty of information or news regarding natural disasters being inaccessible for Deaf people, and this stems from lack of Sign Language Interpreters. Urgency Sign Language Interpreters have an important role in bridging communication between society and the entire Deaf population, Sign Language Interpreters can also help people with Deafness in accessing information comprehensively on the aforementioned subject (natural disasters). Mostly, Deaf people communicate through sign language in their everyday lives, although Deaf people are still experiencing exclusion in discerning the newest and developing information on the current state of world affairs. This study aimed to elaborate situations faced by Deaf people in accessing information on natural disasters around them, their needs on accessing said information, and also urgency as well as obstacles faced in providing Sign Language Interpreters. This research will use qualitative approach by means of document/literature study to gather data from various international as well as national articles in general