76 research outputs found
Learning activities are carried out at SDN Tegalgondo No.301 Malang which has implemented the Independent Curriculum in class I. The teaching and learning process in class will run effectively and be fun if there are learning media. The aim of this research is to develop Subtraction Tree Learning Media (POHRANG) which can motivate students in learning mathematics. With the development of Subtraction Tree Learning Media (POHRANG), it is hoped that students will be able to understand addition and subtraction material in Mathematics learning in class I elementary school.
This research uses the ADDIE development model which has of 5 stages, namely (1) analyze (analysis), (2) design (design), (3) development (development), (4) implementation (implementation), and (5) evaluation (evaluation). During the implementation stage of the Tree of Reduction (POHRANG) learning media. Data was taken in class I at SDN Tegalgondo No.301 Malang with a total of 20 students.
The results of this research obtained a validation conclusion which resulted in a product in the form of tree reduction learning media (POHRANG). The research has gone through various stages of validation, namely material validation getting a percentage of 86% and media validation getting a percentage of 82.5%
Penelitian action research ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus melalui kegiatan memasak. Subjek penelitian ini adalah anak kelompok A1 di TK Al-Fitroh Surabaya dengan jumlah 22 anak terdiri dari 11 anak laki-laki dan 11 anak perempuan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan motorik halus anak melalui kegiatan memasak diantaranya kemampuan anak meremas adonan pada siklus I sebesar 63,6% meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 88,3%, kemampuan anak menggulung adonan pada siklus I sebesar 63,7% meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 90,9%, dan kemampuan anak menekan/mencetak adonan pada siklus I sebesar 63,7% meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 90,9%. Dari uraian diatas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan memasak dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus pada anak kelompok A1 di TK Al-Fitroh Surabaya.
Kata Kunci: Motorik halus, Memasak.
This classroom action research aim is to improve child fine motor skills with cooking activity. Subject of this study is A1 group with 22 children in TK Al-Fitroh Surabaya, consisting of 11 boys and 11 girls. Data in this study is collected through observation and documentation from activities of children in the learning process. This data is analyzed using descriptive statistics. Result of the study showed an increased ability in fine motor skills by cooking activity such as the ability of children to squeez the dough in the first cycle reached 63,6% and increased second cycle by 88,3%. The ability of children to roll the dough in the first cycle reached 63,7%, and increased second cycle by 90,9%. And The ability of children to mold the dough in the first cycle reached 63,7%, and increased second cycle by 90,9%. According to the description above, it can be concluded that cooking activity can increase child fine motor skills for A1 group at TK Al-Fitroh Surabaya.
Keywords: Fine motor skills, Cooking
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Pembiyaan Nasabah dalam Program Relaksasi Pandemi Covid-19 di PT Bank Sumut Syariah Kantor Cabang Pembantu H.M. Joni
PT Bank Sumut utilizes the stimulus or relaxation from this regulator to help ease the burden on customers and at the same time mitigate potential credit risk. The extension of the restructuring policy is expected to help ease debtors in carrying out their obligations during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze what factors affect the quality of customer financing in the COVID-19 pandemic relaxation program at PT Bank Sumut Syariah KCP HM. Joni. The implementation of this restructuring also has an impact on the quality of financing productive assets, especially at KCP Syariah HM Joni. The Collectibility Ratio, NPF and Number of Non-Performing Customers have decreased (improved) since May 2020 both Collectibility 2 and Collectability 3,4, and 5. Several factors causing the decline in debtor collectibility of the Covid-19 Pandemic Relaxation Program are caused by several Economic Factors, Debtor Factors and Bank Internal Factors and other External Factors
Taxonomy of Crustose Lichens in The Forest of Tahura R. Soeryo, Batu, East Java
Lichen is a symbiotic organism consisting of a photobiont (green algae or cyanobacterium) and a mycobiont (fungal). A taxonomic study of the crustose lichens in the forest of TAHURA R. Soeryohad been conducted based on morphological, anatomical, and chemical characters. In this research, we used the method of descriptive exploration to identify the crustose lichens and to study the distribution of the species in the forest of TAHURA R. Soeryo. Twenty species of crustose lichens with one unidentified species and one specimen identified to the group of family are reported. They are Graphina, Graphis, Phaeographis, Pertusaria, Pachyphiale, Phlyctis, Lepraria, Lecanora, Lecania, Cyphellium, and Megalospora. This research also found the new record species of Megalospora kalbii in Java. Crustose lichens are found in the areas with high light intensity of ≥ 1000 lux, average humidity of ≤ 90%, average temperature of18-190C, and at altitudes of ±1640 dpl. Graphina ruiziana could only be found at the altitude of ± 1780 dpl. The identification key to its species and distributions of other species are presented also in the article
Education policy is important in the process of achieving national education goals. national education so that an understanding of the basic concepts of education policy is needed to produce proactive and problem-solving education policies. The purpose of writing this article is to examine the scope of education policy which consists of understanding the concept of education policy, characteristics of education policy, objectives of education policy, and functions of education policy. This writing methodology uses the literature study method. The writing of this article is done by reviewing several journals and books related to the concept of policy and education policy. The results of the study found that education policy is closely related to the field of education because the policy guides the development of the vision and mission of education to achieve academic goals through strategic implementation in the field of education. The characteristics of education policy are that it has educational objectives, fulfills legal-formal aspects, has operations, is made by the authorities, can be evaluated, and has a systematic approach. The approach to implementing education policy consists of an educational approach consisting of a structural approach, a procedural and managerial approach, a behavioral approach and a political approach
Business development is currently increasing, especially the culinary business for the fast food restaurant. This study aimed to determine the effectof creativity and innovation on customer satisfaction in Rocket Chicken Jatirokeh Brebes. The research method used was a quantitative method. The population in this study were all customers who had consumed Rocket Chicken Jatirokeh Brebes food products by sampling using simple random sampling with a total sample of 150 respondents. The data analysis method used descriptive analysis and SPSS version 25.0 program to analyze the questionnaire data. The results of the study showed that (1) Creativity has a positive and significant effect with a value of 35,3% on consumer satisfaction, (2) Innovation has a positive and significant effect with a value of 27% on customer satisfaction, (3) Creativity and Innovation simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on Consumer Satisfaction. This is evidenced by the acquisition of the Adjusted R² value of 0.422, which shows that consumer satisfaction was influenced byh creativity and innovation by 42.2%, the remaining 57.8% was influenced by otherfactors
Pengaruh Pelatihan Quiet Eye Training Terhadap Peningkatan Konsentrasi Pada Atlet Bulutangkis
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh menurunnya prestasi atlet bulutangkis di Indonesia dan beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan penurunan prestasi atlet bulutangkis. Penurunan prestasi atlet disebabkan oleh kurangnya konsentrasi yang dimiliki oleh atlet pada saat pertandingan sehingga membuat atlet tidak dapat tampil dengan maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah ada pengaruh Quiet Eye Training, sebagai salah satu metode pelatihan mental terhadap peningkatan konsentrasi pada atlet bulutangkis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen dengan pretest-posttest control group design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 12 orang atlet bulutangkis PB. Matrix Kediri yang dibagi kedalam kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Perlakuan Quiet Eye Training diberikan hanya pada kelompok ekperimen. Data diperoleh dengan melakukan pretest dan posttest pada kedua kelompok menggunakan Grid Concentration Exercise. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data Uji Wilcoxon dan Gain score. Hasil analisis Uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan ada perbedaan skor konsentrasi antara sesudah dan sebelum perlakuan pada kelompok ekperimen (Sig.=0.027, p<0.05). Selain itu, peningkatan konsentrasi atlet bulutangkis dapat dilihat dari nilai gain score pada kedua kelompok, nilai gain score pada kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelompok kontrol (16>11.67), artinya Quiet Eye Training berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan konsentrasi atlet bulutangkis. Hasil analisis tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis “ada pengaruh Quiet Eye Training terhadap peningkatan konsentrasi pada atlet bulutangkis” diterima.
Kata kunci: pelatihan Quiet Eye Training dan konsentrasi
The study was motivated by the decreased performance in Indonesia badminton athletes and some of the factors that led to the decline in achievement badminton athletes. Athletes’ performance decline due to a lack of atheletes’ consentration during the game that make them can not perform to the maximum. The study aimed to determine the effect of Quiet Eye Training, as one method of mental training, on badminton athletes’ concentration. This study used an experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects were 12 PB Matrix Kediri athletes who were divided into experimental and control groups. Quiet Eye Training treatment is given only in the experimental group. Data were obtained by performing the pretest and posttes in both groups using Grid Concentration Exercise. This study uses data analysis Wilcoxon Test and Gain Score. Wilcoxon Test analysis result showed significant difference between the concentration scores before and after treatment in the experimental group (Sig.=0.028, p<0.05). In addition, the increase in the concentration of badminton athletes can be seen from gain score in both groups, the experimental group had an higher value of gain score than control group (16>11.67), that the Quiet Eye Training can increase the concentration of badminton athletes. The result shows that the hypothesis of this study that “there is the effect of Quiet Eye Training on the increase concentration badminton athletes” can be accepted. Keywords: Quiet Eye Training and concentration
Keywords: Quiet Eye Training and concentratio
Education policy is important in the process of achieving national education goals. national education so that an understanding of the basic concepts of education policy is needed to produce proactive and problem-solving education policies. The purpose of writing this article is to examine the scope of education policy which consists of understanding the concept of education policy, characteristics of education policy, objectives of education policy, and functions of education policy. This writing methodology uses the literature study method. The writing of this article is done by reviewing several journals and books related to the concept of policy and education policy. The results of the study found that education policy is closely related to the field of education because the policy guides the development of the vision and mission of education to achieve academic goals through strategic implementation in the field of education. The characteristics of education policy are that it has educational objectives, fulfills legal-formal aspects, has operations, is made by the authorities, can be evaluated, and has a systematic approach. The approach to implementing education policy consists of an educational approach consisting of a structural approach, a procedural and managerial approach, a behavioral approach and a political approach
Pengaruh Self Talk Terhadap Kecemasan Atlet Senam Ritmik
Prestasi atlet senam ritmik yang belum menunjukkan peningkatan dikarenakan pembinaan yang lebih berfokus pada aspek teknik dan fisik daripada aspek mental. Hal ini menyebabkan atlet tidak dapat mengatasi kecemasan yang sering muncul menjelang pertandingan. Kecemasan atlet dapat diatasi dengan latihan mental, salah satu dari latihan mental adalah self talk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh self talk terhadap kecemasan atlet senam ritmik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest control group design. Sebanyak 12 atlet senam ritmik dari Persani Surabaya menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok ekperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kecemasan atlet adalah skala kecemasan Sport Anxiety Scale yang diadopsi dari Smith, Smoll, & Schutz (1990). Hasil analisis Uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan nilai Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,027 lebih kecil dari pada tingkat probabilitas sebesar 0,05 (0,027<0,05) yang berarti “Self talk memiliki pengaruh terhadap kecemasan atlet senam ritmik”. Pengaruh dari self talk ini adlah untuk menurunkan kecemasan atlet senam ritmik.
Kata Kunci: Self Talk, Kecemasan, Senam Ritmik
Achievment of rhythmic gymnastic athletes’ who have not yet demonstrated an increase because of coaching is more focused on thecnical and physical rather than mental aspect. Less attention given to mental aspect causes athletes’ anxiety which often cannot be treated appear ahead of the game. The athletes’ anxiety can be resolved by mental trainings, one of them is self talk. This research intends to test the self talk effect on anxiety of rhythmic gymnastic athletes’. This research uses experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. All 12 rhytmic gymnastic athletes’ from Persani Surabaya were recuired as participant of this research. The participant was devided into two group , there are experiment group and control group . the use instrument for measuring athletes’ anxiety is Sport Anxiety Scale which had been adopt from Smith, Smoll, & Schutz (1990). The result of Wilcoxon test analysis indicates Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) value by 0,027 smaller than probability level by 0,05 (0,027 < 0,05) that means “Self Talk effects the anxiety of rhythmic gymnastic athletes’”. The effect of self talk is to reduce the anxiety of rhythmic gymnastic athletes’
Keywords: Self Talk, Anxiety, Rhytmic Gymnastic
Internalization of Cooperation Value in Drum Band Extracurricular Activities
This study aims to define the internalization of cooperation value in drum band extracurricular activities, as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors in its process. This study uses field research (field research) using a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data processing techniques in this study include data editing, classification, and interpretation. While the subjects of this study are school principals, trainers, teachers, parents, and students. The study results show that the internalization of cooperation value has been applied to drum band extracurriculars in the form of group exercises, group exercises, and joint exercises, effective communication, openness, shared responsibility, and understanding of common goals. The supporting and inhibiting factors in this internalization process include trainers, students, parents, classrooms, fields, funds, and infrastructure. The implications of internalizing the cooperation value in the drum band extracurricular are 1) it makes it easier for teachers to convey material, 2) it makes it easier for students to memorize material, 3) students are more enthusiastic about participating in activities, 4) makes it easier for students to practice cooperation and cohesiveness, 5) the sound of the music produced is better because of their solid cooperation, 5) form an attitude of cooperation and mutual help and benefit for the future. Education practitioners need to develop a mature strategy to internalize character values in extracurricular activities and minimize obstacles to get maximum results.
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